This is C++ binding for 0MQ The contribution policy is at: Build steps: 1) Build libzmq via cmake. This does an out of source build and installs the build files download and unzip the lib, cd to directory mkdir build cd build cmake .. sudo make -j4 install 2) Build cppzmq via cmake. This does an out of source build and installs the build files download and unzip the lib, cd to directory mkdir build cd build cmake .. sudo make -j4 install Using this: A cmake find package scripts is provided for you to easily include this library. Add these lines in your CMakeLists.txt to include the headers and library files of cpp zmq (which will also include libzmq for you). #find cppzmq wrapper, installed by make of cppzmq find_package(cppzmq) if(cppzmq_FOUND) include_directories(${cppzmq_INCLUDE_DIR}) target_link_libraries(*Your Project Name* ${cppzmq_LIBRARY}) endif()