#include #include #if (__cplusplus >= 201703L) static_assert(std::is_nothrow_swappable::value, "context_t should be nothrow swappable"); #endif TEST_CASE("context construct default and destroy", "[context]") { zmq::context_t context; } TEST_CASE("context create, close and destroy", "[context]") { zmq::context_t context; context.close(); CHECK(NULL == (void *) context); } TEST_CASE("context shutdown", "[context]") { zmq::context_t context; context.shutdown(); CHECK(NULL != (void *) context); context.close(); CHECK(NULL == (void *) context); } TEST_CASE("context shutdown again", "[context]") { zmq::context_t context; context.shutdown(); context.shutdown(); CHECK(NULL != (void *) context); context.close(); CHECK(NULL == (void *) context); } #ifdef ZMQ_CPP11 TEST_CASE("context swap", "[context]") { zmq::context_t context1; zmq::context_t context2; using std::swap; swap(context1, context2); } TEST_CASE("context - use socket after shutdown", "[context]") { zmq::context_t context; zmq::socket_t sock(context, zmq::socket_type::rep); context.shutdown(); try { sock.connect("inproc://test"); zmq::message_t msg; (void)sock.recv(msg, zmq::recv_flags::dontwait); REQUIRE(false); } catch (const zmq::error_t& e) { REQUIRE(e.num() == ETERM); } } TEST_CASE("context set/get options", "[context]") { zmq::context_t context; #if defined(ZMQ_BLOCKY) && defined(ZMQ_IO_THREADS) context.set(zmq::ctxopt::blocky, false); context.set(zmq::ctxopt::io_threads, 5); CHECK(context.get(zmq::ctxopt::io_threads) == 5); #endif CHECK_THROWS_AS( context.set(static_cast(-42), 5), const zmq::error_t &); CHECK_THROWS_AS( context.get(static_cast(-42)), const zmq::error_t &); } #endif