diff --git a/zmq_addon.hpp b/zmq_addon.hpp index b080fd7..df61395 100644 --- a/zmq_addon.hpp +++ b/zmq_addon.hpp @@ -45,60 +45,72 @@ private: std::deque m_parts; public: + // Default constructor multipart_t() {} + // Construct from socket receive multipart_t(socket_t& socket) { recv(socket); } + // Construct from memory block multipart_t(const void *src, size_t size) { addmem(src, size); } + // Construct from string multipart_t(const std::string& string) { addstr(string); } + // Construct from message part multipart_t(message_t&& message) { add(std::move(message)); } + // Move constructor multipart_t(multipart_t&& other) { - std::swap(m_parts, other.m_parts); + m_parts = std::move(other.m_parts); } + // Move assignment operator multipart_t& operator=(multipart_t&& other) { - std::swap(m_parts, other.m_parts); + m_parts = std::move(other.m_parts); return *this; } + // Destructor virtual ~multipart_t() { clear(); } + // Delete all parts void clear() { m_parts.clear(); } + // Get number of parts size_t size() const { return m_parts.size(); } + // Check if number of parts is zero bool empty() const { return m_parts.empty(); } + // Receive multipart message from socket bool recv(socket_t& socket, int flags = 0) { clear(); @@ -114,6 +126,7 @@ public: return true; } + // Send multipart message to socket bool send(socket_t& socket, int flags = 0) { flags &= ~(ZMQ_SNDMORE); @@ -129,104 +142,115 @@ public: return true; } + // Concatenate other multipart to front void prepend(multipart_t&& other) { while (!other.empty()) push(other.remove()); } + // Concatenate other multipart to back void append(multipart_t&& other) { while (!other.empty()) add(other.pop()); } + // Push memory block to front void pushmem(const void *src, size_t size) { m_parts.push_front(message_t(src, size)); } + // Push memory block to back void addmem(const void *src, size_t size) { m_parts.push_back(message_t(src, size)); } + // Push string to front void pushstr(const std::string& string) { m_parts.push_front(message_t(string.data(), string.size())); } + // Push string to back void addstr(const std::string& string) { m_parts.push_back(message_t(string.data(), string.size())); } + // Push type (fixed-size) to front template void pushtyp(const T& type) { + static_assert(!std::is_same::value, "Use pushstr() instead of pushtyp()"); m_parts.push_front(message_t(&type, sizeof(type))); } + // Push type (fixed-size) to back template void addtyp(const T& type) { + static_assert(!std::is_same::value, "Use addstr() instead of addtyp()"); m_parts.push_back(message_t(&type, sizeof(type))); } + // Push message part to front void push(message_t&& message) { m_parts.push_front(std::move(message)); } + // Push message part to back void add(message_t&& message) { m_parts.push_back(std::move(message)); } + // Pop string from front std::string popstr() { - if (m_parts.empty()) - return ""; std::string string(m_parts.front().data(), m_parts.front().size()); m_parts.pop_front(); return string; } + // Pop type (fixed-size) from front template T poptyp() { - if (m_parts.empty()) - return T(); + static_assert(!std::is_same::value, "Use popstr() instead of poptyp()"); + if (sizeof(T) != m_parts.front().size()) + throw std::exception("Invalid type, size does not match the message size"); T type = *m_parts.front().data(); m_parts.pop_front(); return type; } + // Pop message part from front message_t pop() { - if (m_parts.empty()) - return message_t(0); message_t message = std::move(m_parts.front()); m_parts.pop_front(); return message; } + // Pop message part from back message_t remove() { - if (m_parts.empty()) - return message_t(0); message_t message = std::move(m_parts.back()); m_parts.pop_back(); return message; } + // Get pointer to a specific message part const message_t* peek(size_t index) const { - if (index >= size()) - return nullptr; return &m_parts[index]; } + // Create multipart from type (fixed-size) template static multipart_t create(const T& type) { @@ -235,6 +259,7 @@ public: return multipart; } + // Copy multipart multipart_t clone() const { multipart_t multipart; @@ -243,6 +268,7 @@ public: return multipart; } + // Dump content to string std::string str() const { std::stringstream ss; @@ -278,6 +304,7 @@ public: return ss.str(); } + // Check if equal to other multipart bool equal(const multipart_t* other) const { if (size() != other->size()) @@ -288,6 +315,7 @@ public: return true; } + // Self test static int test() { bool ok = true;