Gabi Davar 7ebc7596d4 * import patches to use dllimport/export instead of def file
* added version info
* add a modern DLL makefile
2014-06-04 15:28:59 +03:00

79 lines
2.5 KiB

# Makefile for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008+
# usage: nmake -f makefile.msc
# Gabi Davar (
# Fixed up by JRS for bzip2-0.9.5d release.
#CFLAGS= -Qopenmp -Qmkl:parallel -nologo -MP -MD -Qvc9 -fp:precise -arch:SSSE3 -QaxAVX -O3 -D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D WIN32 -D _UNICODE -D UNICODE -D __INTEL_COMPILER=1300
RFLAGS= /nologo /d _UNICODE /d UNICODE /l"0x0409" /d ARCH=\"$(ARCH)\" /d MSVCVER=\"$(MSVCVER)\"
#INTEL_LIBS := mkl_intel_c_dll.lib mkl_intel_thread_dll.lib mkl_core_dll.lib libiomp5md.lib
OBJS= blocksort.obj \
huffman.obj \
crctable.obj \
randtable.obj \
compress.obj \
decompress.obj \
DLLNAME = libbz2-vc$(MSVCVER)-mt-$(ARCH).dll
IMPLIB = libbz2.lib
all: libbz2-static.lib $(DLLNAME) bzip2.exe bzip2recover.exe test
bzip2.exe: libbz2-static.lib
$(CC) $(EXECFLAGS) /Fe$@ bzip2.c $**
$(CC) $(EXECFLAGS) /Fe$@ bzip2recover.c
libbz2-static.lib: $(OBJS)
lib -nologo -out:$@ $(OBJS)
$(DLLNAME): $(OBJS) libbz2.res
link -NOLOGO -NXCOMPAT -IMPLIB:libbz2.lib -RELEASE -DLL $** $(INTEL_LIBS) -OUT:$@ -MANIFEST -MANIFESTFILE:"$@.intermediate.manifest" /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'"
mt.exe /nologo /verbose /outputresource:"$@;#2" /manifest $@.intermediate.manifest
test: bzip2.exe
type words1
bzip2 -1 < sample1.ref > sample1.rb2
bzip2 -2 < sample2.ref > sample2.rb2
bzip2 -3 < sample3.ref > sample3.rb2
bzip2 -d < sample1.bz2 > sample1.tst
bzip2 -d < sample2.bz2 > sample2.tst
bzip2 -ds < sample3.bz2 > sample3.tst
@echo All six of the fc's should find no differences.
@echo If fc finds an error on sample3.bz2, this could be
@echo because WinZip's 'TAR file smart CR/LF conversion'
@echo is too clever for its own good. Disable this option.
@echo The correct size for sample3.ref is 120,244. If it
@echo is 150,251, WinZip has messed it up.
fc sample1.bz2 sample1.rb2
fc sample2.bz2 sample2.rb2
fc sample3.bz2 sample3.rb2
fc sample1.tst sample1.ref
fc sample2.tst sample2.ref
fc sample3.tst sample3.ref
del *.obj
del *.dll
del *.lib
del *.exe
del sample1.rb2
del sample2.rb2
del sample3.rb2
del sample1.tst
del sample2.tst
del sample3.tst