#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import re import os import copy # DL sources: # ... # cd libname # mkdir build # cd build # make VERBOSE=1 > ../../build.txt # ./cmakeToLutin.py build.txt bzip2 build_output_file = sys.argv[1] global_lib_name = sys.argv[2] def create_directory_of_file(file): path = os.path.dirname(file) try: os.stat(path) except: os.makedirs(path) def file_write_data(path, data): #create_directory_of_file(path) file = open(path, "w") file.write(data) file.close() return True list_of_library_generated = [] def genrate_version(version): file_write_data("version.txt", version); list_of_flags_default = { "c":[], "cpp":[], "S":[] } def genrate_lutin_file(lib_name, list_of_files, list_of_flags): tmp_base = "lib" + global_lib_name + "_" if len(lib_name) > len(tmp_base)\ and lib_name[:len(tmp_base)] == tmp_base: lib_name = lib_name[len(tmp_base):] list_of_library_generated.append(lib_name.replace("_","-")) # remove all unneeded element flags: #-I list_of_include = copy.deepcopy(list_of_flags_default) # -D list_of_define = copy.deepcopy(list_of_flags_default) # other list_of_other = [] # dependency: list_of_dependency = [] #print("list of flags: ") for type in ["c", "cpp", "S"]: for elem in list_of_flags[type]: if elem in ["-m64", "-O3", "-O2", "-O1", "-O0", "-fPIC"]: continue if elem == "-pthread": list_of_dependency.append("pthread") continue if elem in ["-fabi-version=0", '-I"/usr/include"']: # just remove it .. continue if elem[:2] == "-D": #print("DEFINE: " + elem) list_of_define[type].append(elem) continue if elem[:2] == "-I": if elem == '-I"."' \ or elem == '-I.': continue if elem[:9] in '-I"bin.v2': continue if elem[:4] in '-I"/': if "/usr/include/python3.6" == elem[3:-1]: list_of_include[type].append(elem[3:-1]+"m") # TODO: depend on python lib else: list_of_include[type].append(elem[3:-1]) continue # TODO : Do it better : print("INCLUDE: " + elem ) if os.path.isdir(global_lib_name + "/" + global_lib_name + "/" +elem[3:-1]): list_of_include[type].append(global_lib_name + "/" + global_lib_name + "/" +elem[3:-1]) else: list_of_include[type].append(global_lib_name + "/" +elem[3:-1]) continue if elem[:2] in '-l': list_of_dependency.append(elem[2:]) continue #print("???: " + elem) list_of_other.append(elem) out = "" out += "#!/usr/bin/python\n" out += "import lutin.debug as debug\n" out += "import lutin.tools as tools\n" out += "import os\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_type():\n" out += " return \"LIBRARY\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_desc():\n" out += " return \"" + global_lib_name + ":" + lib_name.replace("_","-") + " library\"\n" out += "\n" out += "#def get_licence():\n" out += "# return \"UNKNOW\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_compagny_type():\n" out += " return \"org\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_compagny_name():\n" out += " return \"" + global_lib_name + "\"\n" out += "\n" out += "#def get_maintainer():\n" out += "# return \"UNKNOW\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_version():\n" out += " return \"version.txt\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def configure(target, my_module):\n" if len(list_of_files) != 0: out += " my_module.add_src_file([\n" for item in list_of_files: out += " '" + global_lib_name + "/" + item +"',\n" out += " ])\n" out += " \n" for type in ["c", "cpp", "S"]: if len(list_of_define[type]) != 0: if type == "cpp": out += " my_module.add_flag('c++', [\n" elif type == "S": out += " my_module.add_flag('s', [\n" else: out += " my_module.add_flag('" + type + "', [\n" for item in list_of_define[type]: out += " '" + item +"',\n" out += " ])\n" out += " \n" out += " \n" if len(list_of_other) != 0: out += " my_module.add_flag('c', [\n" for item in list_of_other: out += " '" + item +"',\n" out += " ])\n" out += " \n" out += " \n" for type in ["c", "cpp", "S"]: if len(list_of_include[type]) != 0: out += " my_module.add_path([\n" for item in list_of_include[type]: out += " '" + item +"',\n" if type == "cpp": out += " ], type='c++')\n" elif type == "S": out += " ], type='s')\n" else: out += " ], type='" + type + "')\n" out += " \n" out += " my_module.compile_version('c++', 2011)\n" out += " my_module.add_depend([\n" out += " 'z',\n" out += " 'm',\n" #out += " 'cxx',\n" #out += " '" + global_lib_name + "-include',\n" for item in list_of_dependency: out += " '" + item +"',\n" out += " ])\n" out += " return True\n" out += "\n" out += "\n" file_write_data("lutin_" + lib_name.replace("_","-") + ".py", out); def generate_global_include_module(): out = "" out += "#!/usr/bin/python\n" out += "import lutin.debug as debug\n" out += "import lutin.tools as tools\n" out += "import os\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_type():\n" out += " return \"LIBRARY\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_desc():\n" out += " return \"" + global_lib_name + " include library\"\n" out += "\n" out += "#def get_licence():\n" out += "# return \"UNKNOW\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_compagny_type():\n" out += " return \"org\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_compagny_name():\n" out += " return \"" + global_lib_name + "\"\n" out += "\n" out += "#def get_maintainer():\n" out += "# return \"UNKNOW\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_version():\n" out += " return \"version.txt\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def configure(target, my_module):\n" out += " my_module.compile_version('c++', 2011)\n" out += " my_module.add_header_file(\n" out += " '" + global_lib_name + "/" + global_lib_name + "/*',\n" out += " recursive=True,\n" out += " destination_path='" + global_lib_name + "')\n" out += " return True\n" out += "\n" out += "\n" file_write_data("lutin_" + global_lib_name + "-include.py", out); def generate_global_module(list_of_module): out = "" out += "#!/usr/bin/python\n" out += "import lutin.debug as debug\n" out += "import lutin.tools as tools\n" out += "import os\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_type():\n" out += " return \"LIBRARY\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_desc():\n" out += " return \"" + global_lib_name + " include library\"\n" out += "\n" out += "#def get_licence():\n" out += "# return \"UNKNOW\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_compagny_type():\n" out += " return \"org\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_compagny_name():\n" out += " return \"" + global_lib_name + "\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def get_version():\n" out += " return \"version.txt\"\n" out += "\n" out += "def configure(target, my_module):\n" out += " my_module.compile_version('c++', 2011)\n" out += " my_module.add_depend([\n" out += " '" + global_lib_name + "-include',\n" for item in list_of_module: out += " '" + item +"',\n" out += " ])\n" out += "\n" out += "\n" file_write_data("lutin_" + global_lib_name + ".py", out); with open(build_output_file) as commit: lines = commit.readlines() if len(lines) == 0: print("Empty build ....") sys.exit(1) list_of_file = [] list_of_flags = copy.deepcopy(list_of_flags_default) # first line for line in lines: #print("line : " + line[-6:-2]) """ if len(line) > 6 \ and line[-6:-2] == ".cpp": print("element : " + line) """ m = re.search('^/usr/bin/(cc|clang|gcc|g\+\+|clang\+\+)(.*) -c (.*)' + global_lib_name + '/((.*)\.(cpp|c|cxx|S|s))$', line) if m != None: print("element : " + str(len(m.groups()))) for elem in m.groups(): print(" " + elem) if len(m.groups()) == 6: #print("element : " + line) ## print(" value : " + m.groups()[1]) type_of_file = m.groups()[3].split(".")[-1] """ for flag in m.groups()[3].split(" "): if flag in ["", "-x", "c", "assembler-with-cpp"]: continue if "assembler-with-cpp" == flag: print("element : " + line) if flag not in list_of_flags[type_of_file]: #print(" " + flag) list_of_flags[type_of_file].append(flag) """ list_of_file.append(m.groups()[3]) continue #continue m = re.search('^/usr/bin/ar(.*)lib(.*)\.a(.*)$', line) if m != None: print("element : " + str(len(m.groups()))) for elem in m.groups(): print(" " + elem) if len(m.groups()) == 3: genrate_lutin_file(m.groups()[1], list_of_file, list_of_flags) list_of_file = [] list_of_flags = copy.deepcopy(list_of_flags_default) continue """ m = re.search('^(.*)/usr/bin/ar"(.*)"((.*)/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]*)\.a)"(.*)$', line) if m != None: ## we do not use AR element ==> in boost just a double compilation ... if len(m.groups()) == 6: #print("element : " + line) ## print(" to: " + m.groups()[4] + " (.a)") # Remove it only keep the .so list_of_file = [] list_of_flags = copy.deepcopy(list_of_flags_default) continue # ln -f -s 'libboost_wave.so.1.66.0' 'stage/lib/libboost_wave.so' """ """ #m = re.search('(.*/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*?)\.so)', line) m = re.search('^(.*)"(g\+\+|gcc|clang)"(.*)$', line) if m != None: #print("element : " + str(len(m.groups()))) for elem in m.groups(): #print(" " + elem) list_elem = elem.split('" "') list_elem[-1] = list_elem[-1].split('"')[0] for val in list_elem: if val[-2:] == ".o": continue lib_name = val.split('/')[-1].split(".so")[0] if lib_name[:3] == "lib": lib_name = lib_name[3:].replace("_","-") #print(" " + lib_name) list_of_flags["cpp"].append('-l' + lib_name) """ """ m = re.search('^(.*)\'((.*)/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]*)\.so)\'$', line) if m != None: " "" print("element : " + str(len(m.groups()))) for elem in m.groups(): print(" " + elem) "" " if len(m.groups()) == 4: #print("element : " + line) #print(" to: " + m.groups()[3] + " (.so)") #if "libboost_container" == m.groups()[3]: # exit(0) genrate_lutin_file(m.groups()[3], list_of_file, list_of_flags) ##for item in list_of_file: ## print(" " + item) list_of_file = [] list_of_flags = copy.deepcopy(list_of_flags_default) continue """ """ #create version file genrate_version("1.66.0") # generate a global inclue generate_global_include_module() # generate a global library generate_global_module(list_of_library_generated) """