Wrong %ebp after skipping a frame for which the instruction pointer is not in a known module.


git-svn-id: http://google-breakpad.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1076 4c0a9323-5329-0410-9bdc-e9ce6186880e
This commit is contained in:
ivan.penkov@gmail.com 2012-11-02 21:43:58 +00:00
parent 6b91f41a7c
commit 66a21aad61
2 changed files with 267 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -386,31 +386,41 @@ StackFrameX86* StackwalkerX86::GetCallerByWindowsFrameInfo(
// When trying to recover the previous value of the frame pointer (%ebp),
// start looking at the lowest possible address in the saved-register
// area, and look at the entire saved register area, increased by the
// size of |offset| to account for additional data that may be on the
// stack. The scan is performed from the highest possible address to
// the lowest, because we expect that the function's prolog would have
// saved %ebp early.
u_int32_t ebp = dictionary["$ebp"];
u_int32_t value; // throwaway variable to check pointer validity
if (recover_ebp && !memory_->GetMemoryAtAddress(ebp, &value)) {
int fp_search_bytes = last_frame_info->saved_register_size + offset;
u_int32_t location_end = last_frame->context.esp +
if (recover_ebp) {
// When trying to recover the previous value of the frame pointer (%ebp),
// start looking at the lowest possible address in the saved-register
// area, and look at the entire saved register area, increased by the
// size of |offset| to account for additional data that may be on the
// stack. The scan is performed from the highest possible address to
// the lowest, because the expectation is that the function's prolog
// would have saved %ebp early.
u_int32_t ebp = dictionary["$ebp"];
for (u_int32_t location = location_end + fp_search_bytes;
location >= location_end;
location -= 4) {
if (!memory_->GetMemoryAtAddress(location, &ebp))
// When a scan for return address is used, it is possible to skip one or
// more frames (when return address is not in a known module). One
// indication for skipped frames is when the value of %ebp is lower than
// the location of the return address on the stack
bool has_skipped_frames =
(trust != StackFrame::FRAME_TRUST_CFI && ebp <= raSearchStart + offset);
if (memory_->GetMemoryAtAddress(ebp, &value)) {
// The candidate value is a pointer to the same memory region
// (the stack). Prefer it as a recovered %ebp result.
dictionary["$ebp"] = ebp;
u_int32_t value; // throwaway variable to check pointer validity
if (has_skipped_frames || !memory_->GetMemoryAtAddress(ebp, &value)) {
int fp_search_bytes = last_frame_info->saved_register_size + offset;
u_int32_t location_end = last_frame->context.esp +
for (u_int32_t location = location_end + fp_search_bytes;
location >= location_end;
location -= 4) {
if (!memory_->GetMemoryAtAddress(location, &ebp))
if (memory_->GetMemoryAtAddress(ebp, &value)) {
// The candidate value is a pointer to the same memory region
// (the stack). Prefer it as a recovered %ebp result.
dictionary["$ebp"] = ebp;

View File

@ -1064,6 +1064,240 @@ TEST_F(GetCallerFrame, WindowsFPOSystemCall) {
// Scan the stack for a better return address and potentially skip frames
// when the calculated return address is not in a known module.
// Note, that the span of this scan is somewhat arbitrarily limited to 30
// search words (pointers):
// const int kRASearchWords = 30;
// This means that frames can be skipped only when their size is relatively
// small: smaller than kRASearchWords * sizeof(InstructionType)
TEST_F(GetCallerFrame, ReturnAddressIsNotInKnownModule) {
MockCodeModule msvcrt_dll(0x77be0000, 0x58000, "msvcrt.dll", "version1");
SetModuleSymbols(&msvcrt_dll, // msvcrt.dll
"PUBLIC 38180 0 wcsstr\n"
"STACK WIN 4 38180 61 10 0 8 0 0 0 1 $T0 $ebp = $eip $T0 "
"4 + ^ = $ebp $T0 ^ = $esp $T0 8 + = $L $T0 .cbSavedRegs "
"- = $P $T0 4 + .cbParams + =\n");
MockCodeModule kernel32_dll(0x7c800000, 0x103000, "kernel32.dll", "version1");
SetModuleSymbols(&kernel32_dll, // kernel32.dll
"PUBLIC efda 8 FindNextFileW\n"
"STACK WIN 4 efda 1bb c 0 8 8 3c 0 1 $T0 $ebp = $eip $T0 "
"4 + ^ = $ebp $T0 ^ = $esp $T0 8 + = $L $T0 .cbSavedRegs "
"- = $P $T0 4 + .cbParams + =\n");
MockCodeModule chrome_dll(0x1c30000, 0x28C8000, "chrome.dll", "version1");
SetModuleSymbols(&chrome_dll, // chrome.dll
"FUNC e3cff 4af 0 file_util::FileEnumerator::Next()\n"
"e3cff 1a 711 2505\n"
"STACK WIN 4 e3cff 4af 20 0 4 c 94 0 1 $T1 .raSearch = "
"$T0 $T1 4 - 8 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp "
"$T1 4 + = $20 $T0 152 - ^ = $23 $T0 156 - ^ = $24 "
"$T0 160 - ^ =\n");
// Create some modules with some stock debugging information.
MockCodeModules local_modules;
Label frame0_esp;
Label frame0_ebp;
Label frame1_ebp;
Label frame2_ebp;
Label frame3_ebp;
stack_section.start() = 0x0932f2d0;
.D32(frame1_ebp) // Child EBP
.D32(0x001767a0) // return address of frame 0
// Not in known module
.D32(frame2_ebp) // Child EBP
.D32(0x7c80f10f) // return address of frame 1
// inside kernel32!FindNextFileW
.D32(frame3_ebp) // Child EBP
.D32(0x01d13f91) // return address of frame 2
// inside chrome_dll!file_util::FileEnumerator::Next
.D32(0) // saved %ebp (stack end)
.D32(0); // saved %eip (stack end)
raw_context.eip = 0x77c181cd; // inside msvcrt!wcsstr
raw_context.esp = frame0_esp.Value();
raw_context.ebp = frame0_ebp.Value();
// sanity
ASSERT_TRUE(raw_context.esp == stack_section.start().Value());
ASSERT_TRUE(raw_context.ebp == stack_section.start().Value() + 8);
StackFrameSymbolizer frame_symbolizer(&supplier, &resolver);
StackwalkerX86 walker(&system_info, &raw_context, &stack_region,
&local_modules, &frame_symbolizer);
frames = call_stack.frames();
ASSERT_EQ(3U, frames->size());
{ // To avoid reusing locals by mistake
StackFrameX86 *frame0 = static_cast<StackFrameX86 *>(frames->at(0));
EXPECT_EQ(StackFrame::FRAME_TRUST_CONTEXT, frame0->trust);
ASSERT_EQ(StackFrameX86::CONTEXT_VALID_ALL, frame0->context_validity);
EXPECT_EQ(0x77c181cdU, frame0->instruction);
EXPECT_EQ(0x77c181cdU, frame0->context.eip);
EXPECT_EQ(frame0_esp.Value(), frame0->context.esp);
EXPECT_EQ(frame0_ebp.Value(), frame0->context.ebp);
EXPECT_EQ(&msvcrt_dll, frame0->module);
EXPECT_EQ("wcsstr", frame0->function_name);
ASSERT_TRUE(frame0->windows_frame_info != NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(WindowsFrameInfo::VALID_ALL, frame0->windows_frame_info->valid);
EXPECT_EQ("$T0 $ebp = $eip $T0 "
"4 + ^ = $ebp $T0 ^ = $esp $T0 8 + = $L $T0 .cbSavedRegs "
"- = $P $T0 4 + .cbParams + =",
// It has program string, so allocates_base_pointer is not expected
{ // To avoid reusing locals by mistake
StackFrameX86 *frame1 = static_cast<StackFrameX86 *>(frames->at(1));
EXPECT_EQ(StackFrame::FRAME_TRUST_CFI_SCAN, frame1->trust);
EXPECT_EQ(0x7c80f10fU, frame1->instruction + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(0x7c80f10fU, frame1->context.eip);
// frame 1 was skipped, so intead of frame1_ebp compare with frame2_ebp.
EXPECT_EQ(frame2_ebp.Value(), frame1->context.ebp);
EXPECT_EQ(&kernel32_dll, frame1->module);
EXPECT_EQ("FindNextFileW", frame1->function_name);
ASSERT_TRUE(frame1->windows_frame_info != NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(WindowsFrameInfo::VALID_ALL, frame1->windows_frame_info->valid);
EXPECT_EQ("$T0 $ebp = $eip $T0 "
"4 + ^ = $ebp $T0 ^ = $esp $T0 8 + = $L $T0 .cbSavedRegs "
"- = $P $T0 4 + .cbParams + =",
{ // To avoid reusing locals by mistake
StackFrameX86 *frame2 = static_cast<StackFrameX86 *>(frames->at(2));
EXPECT_EQ(StackFrame::FRAME_TRUST_CFI, frame2->trust);
EXPECT_EQ(0x01d13f91U, frame2->instruction + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(0x01d13f91U, frame2->context.eip);
// frame 1 was skipped, so intead of frame2_ebp compare with frame3_ebp.
EXPECT_EQ(frame3_ebp.Value(), frame2->context.ebp);
EXPECT_EQ(&chrome_dll, frame2->module);
EXPECT_EQ("file_util::FileEnumerator::Next()", frame2->function_name);
ASSERT_TRUE(frame2->windows_frame_info != NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(WindowsFrameInfo::VALID_ALL, frame2->windows_frame_info->valid);
EXPECT_EQ("$T1 .raSearch = "
"$T0 $T1 4 - 8 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp "
"$T1 4 + = $20 $T0 152 - ^ = $23 $T0 156 - ^ = $24 "
"$T0 160 - ^ =",
struct CFIFixture: public StackwalkerX86Fixture {
CFIFixture() {
// Provide a bunch of STACK CFI records; individual tests walk to the