72 lines
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72 lines
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// (C) Copyright Andy Tompkins 2007. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
// distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears
// in all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Purpose to test serializing uuids with narrow archives
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_serialize.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/xml_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/xml_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
template <class OArchiveType, class IArchiveType, class OStringStreamType, class IStringStreamType>
void test_archive()
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::uuids;
OStringStreamType o_stream;
uuid u1 = {{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}};
uuid u2;
// save
OArchiveType oa(o_stream);
//cout << "stream:" << o_stream.str() << "\n\n";
// load
IStringStreamType i_stream(o_stream.str());
IArchiveType ia(i_stream);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(u1, u2);
int main( int /* argc */, char* /* argv */[] )
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::archive;
test_archive<text_oarchive, text_iarchive, ostringstream, istringstream>();
test_archive<xml_oarchive, xml_iarchive, ostringstream, istringstream>();
test_archive<binary_oarchive, binary_iarchive, ostringstream, istringstream>();
return boost::report_errors();