473 lines
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473 lines
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// Copyright Christopher Kormanyos 2020 - 2021.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// This example exercises Boost.Multiprecision in concurrent
// multi-threaded environments. To do so a loop involving
// non-trivial calculations of numerous function values
// has been set up within both concurrent as well as
// sequential running environments. In particular,
// this example uses an AGM method to do a "from the ground up"
// calculation of logarithms. The logarithm functions values
// are compared with the values from Boost.Multiprecision's
// specific log functions for the relevant backends.
// The log GM here is not optimized or intended for
// high-performance work, but can be taken as an
// interesting example of an AGM iteration if helpful.
// This example has been initially motivated in part
// by discussions in:
// https://github.com/boostorg/multiprecision/pull/211
// We find the following performance data here:
// https://github.com/boostorg/multiprecision/pull/213
// cpp_dec_float:
// result_is_ok_concurrent: true, calculation_time_concurrent: 18.1s
// result_is_ok_sequential: true, calculation_time_sequential: 48.5s
// cpp_bin_float:
// result_is_ok_concurrent: true, calculation_time_concurrent: 18.7s
// result_is_ok_sequential: true, calculation_time_sequential: 50.4s
// gmp_float:
// result_is_ok_concurrent: true, calculation_time_concurrent: 3.3s
// result_is_ok_sequential: true, calculation_time_sequential: 12.4s
// mpfr_float:
// result_is_ok_concurrent: true, calculation_time_concurrent: 0.6s
// result_is_ok_sequential: true, calculation_time_sequential: 1.9s
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/prime.hpp>
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp>
using big_float_type = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float<501>,
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp>
using big_float_type = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_bin_float<501>,
#include <boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp>
using big_float_type = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::gmp_float<501>,
#include <boost/multiprecision/mpfr.hpp>
using big_float_type = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float_backend<501>,
namespace boost { namespace multiprecision { namespace exercise_threading {
namespace detail {
namespace my_concurrency {
template<typename index_type,
typename callable_function_type>
void parallel_for(index_type start,
index_type end,
callable_function_type parallel_function)
// Estimate the number of threads available.
static const unsigned int number_of_threads_hint =
static const unsigned int number_of_threads_total =
((number_of_threads_hint == 0U) ? 4U : number_of_threads_hint);
// Use only 3/4 of the available cores.
static const unsigned int number_of_threads = number_of_threads_total - (number_of_threads_total / 8U);
std::cout << "Executing with " << number_of_threads << " threads" << std::endl;
// Set the size of a slice for the range functions.
index_type n = index_type(end - start) + index_type(1);
index_type slice =
static_cast<index_type>(std::round(n / static_cast<float>(number_of_threads)));
slice = (std::max)(slice, index_type(1));
// Inner loop.
auto launch_range =
[¶llel_function](index_type index_lo, index_type index_hi)
for(index_type i = index_lo; i < index_hi; ++i)
// Create the thread pool and launch the jobs.
std::vector<std::thread> pool;
index_type i1 = start;
index_type i2 = (std::min)(index_type(start + slice), end);
for(index_type i = 0U; ((index_type(i + index_type(1U)) < number_of_threads) && (i1 < end)); ++i)
pool.emplace_back(launch_range, i1, i2);
i1 = i2;
i2 = (std::min)(index_type(i2 + slice), end);
if(i1 < end)
pool.emplace_back(launch_range, i1, end);
// Wait for the jobs to finish.
for(std::thread& thread_in_pool : pool)
} // namespace my_concurrency
template<typename FloatingPointType,
typename UnsignedIntegralType>
FloatingPointType pown(const FloatingPointType& b, const UnsignedIntegralType& p)
// Calculate (b ^ p).
using local_floating_point_type = FloatingPointType;
using local_unsigned_integral_type = UnsignedIntegralType;
local_floating_point_type result;
if (p == local_unsigned_integral_type(0U)) { result = local_floating_point_type(1U); }
else if(p == local_unsigned_integral_type(1U)) { result = b; }
else if(p == local_unsigned_integral_type(2U)) { result = b; result *= b; }
result = local_floating_point_type(1U);
local_floating_point_type y(b);
for(local_unsigned_integral_type p_local(p); p_local != local_unsigned_integral_type(0U); p_local >>= 1U)
if((static_cast<unsigned>(p_local) & 1U) != 0U)
result *= y;
y *= y;
return result;
const std::vector<std::uint32_t>& primes()
static std::vector<std::uint32_t> my_primes;
// Get exactly 10,000 primes.
for(std::size_t i = 0U; i < my_primes.size(); ++i)
my_primes[i] = boost::math::prime((unsigned int) i);
return my_primes;
} // namespace detail
template<typename FloatingPointType>
FloatingPointType log(const FloatingPointType& x)
// Use an AGM method to compute the logarithm of x.
// For values less than 1 invert the argument and
// remember (in this case) to negate the result below.
const bool b_negate = (x < 1);
const FloatingPointType xx = ((b_negate == false) ? x : 1 / x);
// Set a0 = 1
// Set b0 = 4 / (x * 2^m) = 1 / (x * 2^(m - 2))
FloatingPointType ak(1U);
const float n_times_factor = static_cast<float>(static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::digits10) * 1.67F);
const float lgx_over_lg2 = std::log(static_cast<float>(xx)) / std::log(2.0F);
std::int32_t m = static_cast<std::int32_t>(n_times_factor - lgx_over_lg2);
// Ensure that the resulting power is non-negative.
// Also enforce that m >= 8.
m = (std::max)(m, static_cast<std::int32_t>(8));
FloatingPointType bk = detail::pown(FloatingPointType(2), static_cast<std::uint32_t>(m));
bk *= xx;
bk = 4 / bk;
FloatingPointType ak_tmp(0U);
using std::sqrt;
// Determine the requested precision of the upcoming iteration in units of digits10.
const FloatingPointType target_tolerance = sqrt(std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::epsilon()) / 100;
for(std::int32_t k = static_cast<std::int32_t>(0); k < static_cast<std::int32_t>(64); ++k)
using std::fabs;
// Check for the number of significant digits to be
// at least half of the requested digits. If at least
// half of the requested digits have been achieved,
// then break after the upcoming iteration.
const bool break_after_this_iteration = ( (k > static_cast<std::int32_t>(4))
&& (fabs(1 - fabs(ak / bk)) < target_tolerance));
ak_tmp = ak;
ak += bk;
ak /= 2;
bk *= ak_tmp;
bk = sqrt(bk);
// We are now finished with the AGM iteration for log(x).
// Compute log(x) = {pi / [2 * AGM(1, 4 / 2^m)]} - (m * ln2)
// Note at this time that (ak = bk) = AGM(...)
// Retrieve the value of pi, divide by (2 * a) and subtract (m * ln2).
const FloatingPointType result =
boost::math::constants::pi<FloatingPointType>() / (ak * 2)
- (boost::math::constants::ln_two<FloatingPointType>() * m);
return ((b_negate == true) ? -result : result);
} } } // namespace boost::multiprecision::exercise_threading
template<typename FloatingPointType>
bool log_agm_concurrent(float& calculation_time)
const std::size_t count = boost::multiprecision::exercise_threading::detail::primes().size();
std::vector<FloatingPointType> log_results(count);
std::vector<FloatingPointType> log_control(count);
std::atomic_flag log_agm_lock = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
std::size_t concurrent_log_agm_count = 0U;
const std::clock_t start = std::clock();
[&log_results, &log_control, &concurrent_log_agm_count, &log_agm_lock](std::size_t i)
while(log_agm_lock.test_and_set()) { ; }
const FloatingPointType dx = (FloatingPointType(1U) / (boost::multiprecision::exercise_threading::detail::primes()[i]));
const FloatingPointType x = boost::math::constants::catalan<FloatingPointType>() + dx;
const FloatingPointType lr = boost::multiprecision::exercise_threading::log(x);
const FloatingPointType lc = boost::multiprecision::log(x);
while(log_agm_lock.test_and_set()) { ; }
log_results[i] = lr;
log_control[i] = lc;
if((concurrent_log_agm_count % 100U) == 0U)
std::cout << "log agm concurrent at index "
<< concurrent_log_agm_count
<< " of "
<< log_results.size()
<< ". Total processed so far: "
<< std::fixed
<< std::setprecision(1)
<< (100.0F * float(concurrent_log_agm_count)) / float(log_results.size())
<< "%."
<< "\r";
calculation_time = static_cast<float>(std::clock() - start) / static_cast<float>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Checking results concurrent: ";
bool result_is_ok = true;
const FloatingPointType tol = std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::epsilon() * 1000000U;
for(std::size_t i = 0U; i < log_results.size(); ++i)
using std::fabs;
const FloatingPointType close_fraction = fabs(1 - (log_results[i] / log_control[i]));
result_is_ok &= (close_fraction < tol);
std::cout << std::boolalpha << result_is_ok << std::endl;
return result_is_ok;
template<typename FloatingPointType>
bool log_agm_sequential(float& calculation_time)
const std::size_t count = boost::multiprecision::exercise_threading::detail::primes().size();
std::vector<FloatingPointType> log_results(count);
std::vector<FloatingPointType> log_control(count);
const std::clock_t start = std::clock();
for(std::size_t i = 0U; i < log_results.size(); ++i)
const std::size_t sequential_log_agm_count = i + 1U;
const FloatingPointType dx = (FloatingPointType(1U) / (boost::multiprecision::exercise_threading::detail::primes()[i]));
const FloatingPointType x = boost::math::constants::catalan<FloatingPointType>() + dx;
log_results[i] = boost::multiprecision::exercise_threading::log(x);
log_control[i] = boost::multiprecision::log(x);
if((sequential_log_agm_count % 100U) == 0U)
std::cout << "log agm sequential at index "
<< sequential_log_agm_count
<< " of "
<< log_results.size()
<< ". Total processed so far: "
<< std::fixed
<< std::setprecision(1)
<< (100.0F * float(sequential_log_agm_count)) / float(log_results.size())
<< "%."
<< "\r";
calculation_time = static_cast<float>(std::clock() - start) / static_cast<float>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Checking results sequential: ";
bool result_is_ok = true;
const FloatingPointType tol = std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::epsilon() * 1000000U;
for(std::size_t i = 0U; i < log_results.size(); ++i)
using std::fabs;
const FloatingPointType close_fraction = fabs(1 - (log_results[i] / log_control[i]));
result_is_ok &= (close_fraction < tol);
std::cout << std::boolalpha << result_is_ok << std::endl;
return result_is_ok;
int main()
std::cout << "Calculating "
<< boost::multiprecision::exercise_threading::detail::primes().size()
<< " primes"
<< std::endl;
float calculation_time_concurrent;
const bool result_is_ok_concurrent = log_agm_concurrent<big_float_type>(calculation_time_concurrent);
float calculation_time_sequential;
const bool result_is_ok_sequential = log_agm_sequential<big_float_type>(calculation_time_sequential);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "result_is_ok_concurrent: "
<< std::boolalpha
<< result_is_ok_concurrent
<< ", calculation_time_concurrent: "
<< std::fixed
<< std::setprecision(1)
<< calculation_time_concurrent
<< "s"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "result_is_ok_sequential: "
<< std::boolalpha
<< result_is_ok_sequential
<< ", calculation_time_sequential: "
<< std::fixed
<< std::setprecision(1)
<< calculation_time_sequential
<< "s"
<< std::endl;