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<!-- Copyright (c) Jeremy Siek 2000
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
<Title>Boost Graph Library: Cuthill-Mckee Ordering</Title>
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<TR><TH ALIGN="LEFT"><B>Graphs:</B></TH>
<TD ALIGN="LEFT">undirected</TD>
<TR><TH ALIGN="LEFT"><B>Properties:</B></TH>
<TD ALIGN="LEFT">color, degree</TD>
<TR><TH ALIGN="LEFT"><B>Complexity:</B></TH>
<TD ALIGN="LEFT">time: <i>O(m log(m)|V|)</i> where <i>m = max { degree(v) | v in V }</i> </TD>
template &lt;class IncidenceGraph, class OutputIterator,
class ColorMap, class DegreeMap&gt;
cuthill_mckee_ordering(const IncidenceGraph&amp; g,
typename graph_traits&lt;IncidenceGraph&gt;::vertex_descriptor s,
OutputIterator inverse_permutation,
ColorMap color, DegreeMap degree)
template &lt;class VertexListGraph, class OutputIterator&gt;
cuthill_mckee_ordering(const VertexListGraph&amp; g, OutputIterator inverse_permutation);
template &lt;class VertexListGraph, class OutputIterator, class VertexIndexMap&gt;
cuthill_mckee_ordering(const VertexListGraph&amp; g, OutputIterator inverse_permutation,
VertexIndexMap index_map);
template &lt;class VertexListGraph, class OutputIterator,
class ColorMap, class DegreeMap&gt;
cuthill_mckee_ordering(const VertexListGraph&amp; g, OutputIterator inverse_permutation,
ColorMap color, DegreeMap degree)
template &lt;class IncidenceGraph, class OutputIterator,
class ColorMap, class DegreeMap&gt;
cuthill_mckee_ordering(const IncidenceGraph&amp; g,
std::deque&lt; typename
graph_traits&lt;IncidenceGraph&gt;::vertex_descriptor &gt; vertex_queue,
OutputIterator inverse_permutation,
ColorMap color, DegreeMap degree)
The goal of the Cuthill-Mckee (and reverse Cuthill-Mckee) ordering
HREF="bibliography.html#george81:__sparse_pos_def">14</A>, <A
HREF="bibliography.html#cuthill69:reducing_bandwith">43</A>, <a
href="bibliography.html#liu75:anal_cm_rcm">44</a>, <a
href="bibliography.html#george71:fem">45</a> ] is to reduce the <a
href="./bandwidth.html">bandwidth</a> of a graph by reordering the
indices assigned to each vertex. The Cuthill-Mckee ordering algorithm
works by a local minimization of the i-th bandwidths. The vertices are
basically assigned a breadth-first search order, except that at each
step, the adjacent vertices are placed in the queue in order of
increasing degree.
Version 1 of the algorithm lets the user choose the ``starting
vertex'', version 2 finds a good starting vertex using the
pseudo-peripheral pair heuristic (among each component), while version 3
contains the starting nodes for each vertex in the deque. The choice of the
``starting vertex'' can have a significant effect on the quality of the
ordering. For versions 2 and 3, <tt>find_starting_vertex</tt> will be called
for each component in the graph, increasing run time significantly.
The output of the algorithm are the vertices in the new ordering.
Depending on what kind of output iterator you use, you can get either
the Cuthill-Mckee ordering or the reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering. For
example, if you store the output into a vector using the vector's
reverse iterator, then you get the reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering.
std::vector&lt;vertex_descriptor&gt; inv_perm(num_vertices(G));
cuthill_mckee_ordering(G, inv_perm.rbegin(), ...);
Either way, storing the output into a vector gives you the
permutation from the new ordering to the old ordering.
inv_perm[new_index[u]] == u
Often times, it is the opposite permutation that you want, the
permutation from the old index to the new index. This can easily be
computed in the following way.
for (size_type i = 0; i != inv_perm.size(); ++i)
perm[old_index[inv_perm[i]]] = i;
For version 1:
<li> <tt>IncidenceGraph&amp; g</tt> &nbsp;(IN) <br>
An undirected graph. The graph's type must be a model of <a
<b>Python</b>: The parameter is named <tt>graph</tt>.
<li> <tt>vertex_descriptor s</tt> &nbsp(IN) <br>
The starting vertex.<br>
<b>Python</b>: Unsupported parameter.
<li> <tt>OutputIterator inverse_permutation</tt> &nbsp(OUT) <br>
The new vertex ordering. The vertices are written to the <a
iterator</a> in their new order.<br>
<b>Python</b>: This parameter is unused in Python. The new vertex
ordering is returned as a Python <tt>list</tt>.
<li> <tt>ColorMap color_map</tt> &nbsp(WORK) <br>
Used internally to keep track of the progress of the algorithm
(to avoid visiting the same vertex twice).<br>
<b>Python</b>: Unsupported parameter.
<li> <tt>DegreeMap degree_map</tt> &nbsp(IN) <br>
This must map vertices to their degree.<br>
<b>Python</b>: Unsupported parameter.
For version 2:
<li> <tt>VertexListGraph&amp; g</tt> &nbsp;(IN) <br>
An undirected graph. The graph's type must be a model of <a
href="./VertexListGraph.html">VertexListGraph</a> and <a href="./IncidenceGraph.html">IncidenceGraph</a>.<br>
<b>Python</b>: The parameter is named <tt>graph</tt>.
<li> <tt><a href="">
OutputIterator</a> inverse_permutation</tt> &nbsp(OUT) <br>
The new vertex ordering. The vertices are written to the
output iterator in their new order.<br>
<b>Python</b>: This parameter is unused in Python. The new vertex
ordering is returned as a Python <tt>list</tt>.
<li> <tt>ColorMap color_map</tt> &nbsp(WORK) <br>
Used internally to keep track of the progress of the algorithm
(to avoid visiting the same vertex twice).<br>
<b>Python</b>: Unsupported parameter.
<li> <tt>DegreeMap degree_map</tt> &nbsp(IN) <br>
This must map vertices to their degree.<br>
<b>Python</b>: Unsupported parameter.
For version 3:
<li> <tt>IncidenceGraph&amp; g</tt> &nbsp;(IN) <br>
An undirected graph. The graph's type must be a model of <a
<b>Python</b>: The parameter is named <tt>graph</tt>.
<li> <tt> std::deque&lt; typename graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::vertex_descriptor &gt; vertex_queue </tt> &nbsp(IN) <br>
The deque containing the starting vertices for each component.<br>
<b>Python</b>: Unsupported parameter.
<li> <tt>OutputIterator inverse_permutation</tt> &nbsp(OUT) <br>
The new vertex ordering. The vertices are written to the <a
iterator</a> in their new order.<br>
<b>Python</b>: This parameter is unused in Python. The new vertex
ordering is returned as a Python <tt>list</tt>.
<li> <tt>ColorMap color_map</tt> &nbsp(WORK) <br>
Used internally to keep track of the progress of the algorithm
(to avoid visiting the same vertex twice).<br>
<b>Python</b>: Unsupported parameter.
<li> <tt>DegreeMap degree_map</tt> &nbsp(IN) <br>
This must map vertices to their degree.<br>
<b>Python</b>: Unsupported parameter.
See <a
<h3>See Also</h3>
<a href="./bandwidth.html">bandwidth</tt></a>,
and <tt>degree_property_map</tt> in <tt>boost/graph/properties.hpp</tt>.
<TR valign=top>
<TD nowrap>Copyright &copy; 2000-2001</TD><TD>
<A HREF="">Jeremy Siek</A>, Indiana University (<A HREF=""></A>)