309 lines
11 KiB
309 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright 2012 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost
// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_unsigned.hpp>
#include <boost/multiprecision/number.hpp>
namespace detail{
template <class T>
inline typename boost::disable_if_c<boost::is_unsigned<T>::value || boost::multiprecision::is_unsigned_number<T>::value, T>::type
abs(const T& a)
return a < 0 ? -a : a;
template <class T>
inline typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::is_unsigned<T>::value || boost::multiprecision::is_unsigned_number<T>::value, T>::type
abs(const T& a)
return a;
template <class T>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::multiprecision::number_category<T>::value == boost::multiprecision::number_kind_integer, T>::type relative_error(T a, T b)
return a > b ? a - b : b - a;
template <class T>
typename boost::disable_if_c<(boost::multiprecision::number_category<T>::value == boost::multiprecision::number_kind_integer) || boost::multiprecision::is_interval_number<T>::value, T>::type relative_error(T a, T b)
using std::abs;
using ::detail::abs;
T min_val = (std::numeric_limits<T>::min)();
T max_val = (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)();
if((a != 0) && (b != 0))
if(a == b)
return 0;
// TODO: use isfinite:
if(abs(b) >= max_val)
if(abs(a) >= max_val)
return 0; // one infinity is as good as another!
// If the result is denormalised, treat all denorms as equivalent:
if((a < min_val) && (a > 0))
a = min_val;
else if((a > -min_val) && (a < 0))
a = -min_val;
if((b < min_val) && (b > 0))
b = min_val;
else if((b > -min_val) && (b < 0))
b = -min_val;
return (std::max)(abs(T((a-b)/a)), abs(T((a-b)/b))) / std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
// Handle special case where one or both are zero:
if(min_val == 0)
return abs(T(a-b));
if(abs(a) < min_val)
a = min_val;
if(abs(b) < min_val)
b = min_val;
return (std::max)(abs(T((a-b)/a)), abs(T((a-b)/b))) / std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
template <class T, class U>
typename boost::mpl::if_c<boost::is_convertible<T, U>::value, U, T>::type
relative_error(T a, U b)
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c<boost::is_convertible<T, U>::value, U, T>::type cast_type;
return relative_error<cast_type>(static_cast<cast_type>(a), static_cast<cast_type>(b));
template <class T>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::multiprecision::is_interval_number<T>::value, T>::type relative_error(T a, T b)
typename boost::multiprecision::component_type<T>::type am = median(a);
typename boost::multiprecision::component_type<T>::type bm = median(b);
return relative_error<typename boost::multiprecision::component_type<T>::type>(am, bm);
template <class T>
inline T epsilon_of(const T&)
return std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer ? static_cast<T>(1) : std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
template <class T>
inline int digits_of(const T&)
return std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized ? std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10 + 3 : std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits10 + 3;
inline std::ostream& report_where(const char* file, int line, const char* function)
BOOST_LIGHTWEIGHT_TEST_OSTREAM << "In function: "<< function << std::endl;
BOOST_LIGHTWEIGHT_TEST_OSTREAM << file << ":" << line;
inline void report_severity(int severity)
if(severity == error_on_fail)
else if(severity == abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_MP_REPORT_SEVERITY(severity) report_severity(severity)
template <class E>
void report_unexpected_exception(const E& e, int severity, const char* file, int line, const char* function)
report_where(file, line, function) << " Unexpected exception of type " << typeid(e).name() << std::endl;
BOOST_LIGHTWEIGHT_TEST_OSTREAM << "Errot message was: " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch(const std::exception& e) \
{ report_unexpected_exception(e, severity, __FILE__, __LINE__, BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION); }\
{ std::cout << "Exception of unknown type was thrown" << std::endl; report_severity(severity); }
#define BOOST_MP_TRY try
#define BOOST_MP_TRY
#define BOOST_CHECK_IMP(x, severity)\
BOOST_MP_TRY{ if(x){}else{\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Failed predicate: " << BOOST_STRINGIZE(x) << std::endl;\
#define BOOST_CHECK(x) BOOST_CHECK_IMP(x, error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN(x) BOOST_CHECK_IMP(x, warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE(x) BOOST_CHECK_IMP(x, abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CLOSE_IMP(x, y, tol, severity)\
BOOST_MP_TRY{ if(relative_error(x, y) > tol){\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Failed check for closeness: \n" \
<< std::setprecision(digits_of(x)) << std::scientific\
<< "Value of LHS was: " << x << "\n"\
<< "Value of RHS was: " << y << "\n"\
<< std::setprecision(5) << std::fixed\
<< "Relative error was: " << relative_error(x, y) << "eps\n"\
<< "Tolerance was: " << tol << "eps" << std::endl;\
#define BOOST_EQUAL_IMP(x, y, severity)\
BOOST_MP_TRY{ if(!((x) == (y))){\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Failed check for equality: \n" \
<< std::setprecision(digits_of(x)) << std::scientific\
<< "Value of LHS was: " << (x) << "\n"\
<< "Value of RHS was: " << (y) << "\n"\
<< std::setprecision(3) << std::endl;\
#define BOOST_NE_IMP(x, y, severity)\
BOOST_MP_TRY{ if(!(x != y)){\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Failed check for non-equality: \n" \
<< std::setprecision(digits_of(x)) << std::scientific\
<< "Value of LHS was: " << x << "\n"\
<< "Value of RHS was: " << y << "\n"\
<< std::setprecision(3) << std::endl;\
#define BOOST_LT_IMP(x, y, severity)\
BOOST_MP_TRY{ if(!(x < y)){\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Failed check for less than: \n" \
<< std::setprecision(digits_of(x)) << std::scientific\
<< "Value of LHS was: " << x << "\n"\
<< "Value of RHS was: " << y << "\n"\
<< std::setprecision(3) << std::endl;\
#define BOOST_GT_IMP(x, y, severity)\
BOOST_MP_TRY{ if(!(x > y)){\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Failed check for greater than: \n" \
<< std::setprecision(digits_of(x)) << std::scientific\
<< "Value of LHS was: " << x << "\n"\
<< "Value of RHS was: " << y << "\n"\
<< std::setprecision(3) << std::endl;\
#define BOOST_LE_IMP(x, y, severity)\
BOOST_MP_TRY{ if(!(x <= y)){\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Failed check for less-than-equal-to: \n" \
<< std::setprecision(digits_of(x)) << std::scientific\
<< "Value of LHS was: " << x << "\n"\
<< "Value of RHS was: " << y << "\n"\
<< std::setprecision(3) << std::endl;\
#define BOOST_GE_IMP(x, y, severity)\
BOOST_MP_TRY{ if(!(x >= y)){\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Failed check for greater-than-equal-to \n" \
<< std::setprecision(digits_of(x)) << std::scientific\
<< "Value of LHS was: " << x << "\n"\
<< "Value of RHS was: " << y << "\n"\
<< std::setprecision(3) << std::endl;\
#define BOOST_MT_CHECK_THROW_IMP(x, E, severity)\
BOOST_MP_REPORT_WHERE << " Expected exception not thrown in expression " << BOOST_STRINGIZE(x) << std::endl;\
catch(const E&){}\
#define BOOST_MT_CHECK_THROW_IMP(x, E, severity)
#define BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(x, y, tol) BOOST_CLOSE_IMP(x, y, ((tol / (100 * epsilon_of(x)))), error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_CLOSE(x, y, tol) BOOST_CLOSE_IMP(x, y, (tol / (100 * epsilon_of(x))), warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(x, y, tol) BOOST_CLOSE_IMP(x, y, (tol / (100 * epsilon_of(x))), abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(x, y, tol) BOOST_CLOSE_IMP(x, y, ((tol / (epsilon_of(x)))), error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_CLOSE_FRACTION(x, y, tol) BOOST_CLOSE_IMP(x, y, (tol / (epsilon_of(x))), warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE_FRACTION(x, y, tol) BOOST_CLOSE_IMP(x, y, (tol / (epsilon_of(x))), abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(x, y) BOOST_EQUAL_IMP(x, y, error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_EQUAL(x, y) BOOST_EQUAL_IMP(x, y, warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(x, y) BOOST_EQUAL_IMP(x, y, abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CHECK_NE(x, y) BOOST_NE_IMP(x, y, error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_NE(x, y) BOOST_NE_IMP(x, y, warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(x, y) BOOST_NE_IMP(x, y, abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CHECK_LT(x, y) BOOST_LT_IMP(x, y, error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_LT(x, y) BOOST_LT_IMP(x, y, warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_LT(x, y) BOOST_LT_IMP(x, y, abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CHECK_GT(x, y) BOOST_GT_IMP(x, y, error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_GT(x, y) BOOST_GT_IMP(x, y, warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_GT(x, y) BOOST_GT_IMP(x, y, abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CHECK_LE(x, y) BOOST_LE_IMP(x, y, error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_LE(x, y) BOOST_LE_IMP(x, y, warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_LE(x, y) BOOST_LE_IMP(x, y, abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CHECK_GE(x, y) BOOST_GE_IMP(x, y, error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_GE(x, y) BOOST_GE_IMP(x, y, warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_GE(x, y) BOOST_GE_IMP(x, y, abort_on_fail)
#define BOOST_CHECK_THROW(x, E) BOOST_MT_CHECK_THROW_IMP(x, E, error_on_fail)
#define BOOST_WARN_THROW(x, E) BOOST_MT_CHECK_THROW_IMP(x, E, warn_on_fail)
#define BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(x, E) BOOST_MT_CHECK_THROW_IMP(x, E, abort_on_fail)