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Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (C) 2006 Dan Marsden
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section Support]
A couple of classes and metafunctions provide basic support for Fusion.
[section is_sequence]
[heading Description]
Metafunction that evaluates to `mpl::true_` if a certain type `T` is a
conforming Fusion __sequence__, `mpl::false_` otherwise. This may be
specialized to accommodate clients which provide Fusion conforming sequences.
[heading Synopsis]
namespace traits
template <typename T>
struct is_sequence
typedef __unspecified__ type;
[heading Parameters]
[[Parameter] [Requirement] [Description]]
[[`T`] [Any type] [The type to query.]]
[heading Expression Semantics]
typedef traits::is_sequence<T>::type c;
[*Return type]: An __mpl_boolean_constant__.
[*Semantics]: Metafunction that evaluates to `mpl::true_` if a certain type
`T` is a conforming Fusion sequence, `mpl::false_` otherwise.
[heading Header]
#include <boost/fusion/support/is_sequence.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/is_sequence.hpp>
[heading Example]
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_NOT(( traits::is_sequence< std::vector<int> > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_NOT(( is_sequence< int > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( traits::is_sequence<__list__<> > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( traits::is_sequence<__list__<int> > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( traits::is_sequence<__vector__<> > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( traits::is_sequence<__vector__<int> > ));
[section is_view]
[heading Description]
Metafunction that evaluates to `mpl::true_` if a certain type `T` is a
conforming Fusion __view__, `mpl::false_` otherwise. A view is a
specialized sequence that does not actually contain data. Views hold
sequences which may be other views. In general, views are held by other
views by value, while non-views are held by other views by reference. `is_view`
may be specialized to accommodate clients providing Fusion conforming views.
[heading Synopsis]
namespace traits
template <typename T>
struct is_view
typedef __unspecified__ type;
[heading Parameters]
[[Parameter] [Requirement] [Description]]
[[`T`] [Any type] [The type to query.]]
[heading Expression Semantics]
typedef traits::is_view<T>::type c;
[*Return type]: An __mpl_boolean_constant__.
[*Semantics]: Metafunction that evaluates to `mpl::true_` if a certain type
`T` is a conforming Fusion view, `mpl::false_` otherwise.
[heading Header]
#include <boost/fusion/support/is_view.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/is_view.hpp>
[heading Example]
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_NOT(( traits::is_view<std::vector<int> > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_NOT(( traits::is_view<int> ));
using boost::mpl::_
using boost::is_pointer;
typedef __vector__<int*, char, long*, bool, double> vector_type;
typedef __filter_view__<vector_type, is_pointer<_> > filter_view_type;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( traits::is_view<filter_view_type> ));
[section tag_of]
[heading Description]
All conforming Fusion sequences and iterators have an associated tag type. The
purpose of the tag is to enable __tag_dispatching__ from __intrinsic__
functions to implementations appropriate for the type.
This metafunction may be specialized to accommodate clients providing Fusion
conforming sequences.
[heading Synopsis]
namespace traits
template<typename Sequence>
struct tag_of
typedef __unspecified__ type;
[heading Parameters]
[[Parameter] [Requirement] [Description]]
[[`T`] [Any type] [The type to query.]]
[heading Expression Semantics]
typedef traits::tag_of<T>::type tag;
[*Return type]: Any type.
[*Semantics]: Returns the tag type associated with `T`.
[heading Header]
#include <boost/fusion/support/tag_of.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/tag_of.hpp>
[heading Example]
typedef traits::tag_of<__list__<> >::type tag1;
typedef traits::tag_of<__list__<int> >::type tag2;
typedef traits::tag_of<__vector__<> >::type tag3;
typedef traits::tag_of<__vector__<int> >::type tag4;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((boost::is_same<tag1, tag2>));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((boost::is_same<tag3, tag4>));
[section category_of]
[heading Description]
A metafunction that establishes the conceptual classification of a particular
__sequence__ or __iterator__ (see __iterator_concepts__ and
[heading Synopsis]
namespace traits
template <typename T>
struct category_of
typedef __unspecified__ type;
[heading Parameters]
[[Parameter] [Requirement] [Description]]
[[`T`] [Any type] [The type to query.]]
[heading Expression Semantics]
typedef traits::category_of<T>::type category;
[*Return type]:
The return type is derived from one of:
namespace boost { namespace fusion
struct incrementable_traversal_tag {};
struct single_pass_traversal_tag
: incrementable_traversal_tag {};
struct forward_traversal_tag
: single_pass_traversal_tag {};
struct bidirectional_traversal_tag
: forward_traversal_tag {};
struct random_access_traversal_tag
: bidirectional_traversal_tag {};
And optionally from:
namespace boost { namespace fusion
struct associative_tag {};
struct unbounded_tag {};
[*Semantics]: Establishes the conceptual classification of a particular
__sequence__ or __iterator__.
[heading Header]
#include <boost/fusion/support/category_of.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/category_of.hpp>
[heading Example]
using boost::is_base_of;
typedef traits::category_of<__list__<> >::type list_category;
typedef traits::category_of<__vector__<> >::type vector_category;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_base_of<forward_traversal_tag, list_category> ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_base_of<random_access_traversal_tag, vector_category> ));
[section deduce]
[heading Description]
Metafunction to apply __element_conversion__ to the full argument type.
It removes references to `const`, references to array types are kept, even
if the array is `const`. Reference wrappers are removed (see
__note_ref_wrappers__)[footnote Since C++11, the standard reference wrappers
are also removed.].
[heading Header]
#include <boost/fusion/support/deduce.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/deduce.hpp>
[heading Synopsis]
namespace traits
template <typename T>
struct deduce
typedef __unspecified__ type;
[heading Example]
template <typename T>
struct holder
typename traits::deduce<T const &>::type element;
holder(T const & a)
: element(a)
{ }
template <typename T>
holder<T> make_holder(T const & a)
return holder<T>(a);
[heading See also]
* __deduce_sequence__
[section deduce_sequence]
[heading Description]
Applies __element_conversion__ to each element in a __forward_sequence__.
The resulting type is a __random_access_sequence__ that provides a converting
constructor accepting the original type as its argument.
[heading Header]
#include <boost/fusion/support/deduce_sequence.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/deduce_sequence.hpp>
[heading Synopsis]
namespace traits
template <class Sequence>
struct deduce_sequence
typedef __unspecified__ type;
[heading Example]
template <class Seq>
struct holder
typename traits::deduce_sequence<Seq>::type element;
holder(Seq const & a)
: element(a)
{ }
template <typename T0, typename T1>
holder< __vector__<T0 const &, T1 const &> >
make_holder(T0 const & a0, T1 const & a1)
typedef __vector__<T0 const &, T1 const &> arg_vec_t;
return holder<arg_vec_t>( arg_vec_t(a0,a1) );
[heading See also]
* __deduce__
[section pair]
[heading Description]
Fusion `pair` type is a half runtime pair. A half runtime pair is similar
to a __std_pair__, but, unlike __std_pair__, the first type does not have data.
It is used as elements in __map__\ s, for example.
[heading Synopsis]
template <typename First, typename Second>
struct pair;
namespace result_of
template <typename Pair>
struct first;
template <typename Pair>
struct second;
template <typename First, typename Second>
struct make_pair;
template <typename First, typename Second>
typename result_of::make_pair<First,Second>::type
make_pair(Second const &);
[heading Template parameters]
[[Parameter] [Description]]
[[First] [The first type. This is purely a type. No data is held.]]
[[Second] [The second type. This contains data.]]
[variablelist Notation
[[`P`] [Fusion pair type]]
[[`p`, `p2`] [Fusion pairs]]
[[`F`, `S`] [Arbitrary types]]
[[`s`] [Value of type `S`]]
[[`o`] [Output stream]]
[[`i`] [Input stream]]
[heading Expression Semantics]
[[Expression] [Semantics]]
[[`P::first_type`] [The type of the first template parameter, `F`, equivalent to
`result_of::first<P>::type`. ]]
[[`P::second_type`] [The type of the second template parameter, `S`, equivalent to
`result_of::second<P>::type`. ]]
[[`P()`] [Default construction.]]
[[`P(s)`] [Construct a pair given value for the second type, `s`.]]
[[`P(p2)`] [Copy constructs a pair from another pair, `p2`.]]
[[`p.second`] [Get the data from `p1`.]]
[[`p = p2`] [Assigns a pair, `p1`, from another pair, `p2`.]]
[[make_pair<F>(s)] [Make a pair given the first type, `F`, and a value for
the second type, `s`. The second type assumes the type of `s`]]
[[`o << p`] [Output `p` to output stream, `o`.]]
[[`i >> p`] [Input `p` from input stream, `i`.]]
[[`p == p2`] [Tests two pairs for equality.]]
[[`p != p2`] [Tests two pairs for inequality.]]
[heading Header]
#include <boost/fusion/support/pair.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/pair.hpp>
[heading Example]
pair<int, char> p('X');
std::cout << p << std::endl;
std::cout << make_pair<int>('X') << std::endl;
assert((p == make_pair<int>('X')));