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<font size="7">Filesystem
Version 3<br>
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<h1>Boost Filesystem Version 3</h1>
<p>Version 3 is a major revision of the Boost Filesystem library. Important
changes include:</p>
<li>A single class <code>path</code> handles all aspects of
internationalization, replacing the previous template and its <code>path</code>
and <code>wpath</code> instantiations. Character types <code>char</code>,
<code>wchar_t</code>, <code>char16_t</code>, and <code>char32_t</code> are
supported. This is a major simplification of the path abstraction,
particularly for functions that take path arguments.<br>
<li>New <code>class path</code> members include:<br>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#path-has_stem">has_stem</a>()</code></li>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#path-has_extension">has_extension</a>()</code></li>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#path-is_absolute">is_absolute</a>()</code>. This renames <code>is_complete()</code>, which
is now deprecated.</li>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#path-is_relative">is_relative</a>()</code></li>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#path-make_preferred">make_preferred</a>()<br>
<li>New or improved operations functions include:<br>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#absolute">absolute</a>()</code>. This replaces the operations function <code>
complete()</code>, which is now deprecated. Semantics are now provided for a
Windows corner case where the <code>base</code> argument was not an absolute
path. Previously this resulted in an exception being thrown.</li>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#create_symlink">create_symlink</a>()</code> now supported on both POSIX and Windows.</li>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#read_symlink">read_symlink</a>()</code> function added. Supported on both POSIX and
Windows. Used to read the contents of a symlink itself.</li>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#resize_file">resize_file</a>()</code> function added. Supported on both POSIX and
Windows. Used to shrink or grow a regular file.</li>
<li><code><a href="reference.html#unique_path">unique_path</a>()</code> function added. Supported on both POSIX and
Windows. Used to generate a secure temporary pathname.<br>
<li>Support for error reporting via <code>error_code</code> is now uniform
throughout the operations functions.<br>
<li>Documentation has been reworked, including re-writes of major portions.<br>
<li>A new <a href="tutorial.html">Tutorial</a> provides a hopefully much
gentler and more complete introduction for new users. Current users might want
to review the <a href="tutorial.html">three sections related to class path</a>.</li>
<h2>Deprecated names and other features</h2>
<p>See the <a href="deprecated.html">Deprecated Features page</a> for transition
aids that allow much existing code to compile without change using Version 3.</p>
<h2>Breaking changes</h2>
<p>To ease the transition, Versions 2 and 3 will both be included in the next
several Boost releases. Version 2 will be the default version for one release
cycle, and then Version 3 will become the default version.</p>
<h3>Class <code>path</code></h3>
<li>Class template <code>basic_path</code> and its specializations are
replaced by a single <code>class path</code>. Thus any code, such as
overloaded functions, that depends on <code>path</code> and <code>wpath</code>
being two distinct types will fail to compile and must be restructured.
Restructuring may be as simple as removing one of the overloads, but also
might require more complex redesign.<br>
<li>Certain functions now return <code>path</code> objects rather than <code>
string or wstring</code> objects:<ul>
<p>Not all uses will fail; if the function is being called in a context that
accepts a <code>path</code>, all is well. If the result is being used in a
context requiring a <code>std::string</code> or <code>std::wstring</code>,
then <code>.string()</code> or <code>.wstring()</code> respectively must be
appended to the function call.<br>
<li> <code>path::iterator::value_type</code> and <code>
path::const_iterator::value_type</code> is <code>path</code> rather than <code>
<h3>Compiler support</h3>
<li>Compilers and standard libraries that do not fully support wide characters
and wide character strings (<code>std::wstring</code>) are no longer
<li>Cygwin versions prior to 1.7 are no longer supported because they lack
wide string support. Cygwin now compiles only for the Windows API and path
<li>MinGW versions not supporting wide strings are no longer supported.<br>
<li>Microsoft VC++ 7.1 and earlier are no longer supported.</li>
<p>© Copyright Beman Dawes, 2009</p>
<p>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. See
<a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a></p>
<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B %Y" startspan -->29 December 2014<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="39176" --></p>
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