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<font size="7">Filesystem Relative<br>
Draft Proposal</font>
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<p><a href="#Introduction">
<a href="#Acknowledgement">Acknowledgement</a><br>
<a href="#Preliminary-implementation">Preliminary implementation</a><br>
<a href="#Requirements">Requirements</a><br>
<a href="#Issues">Issues</a><br>
<a href="#Design-decisions">
Design decisions</a><br>
<a href="#Provide-separate-relative">Provide separate lexical and
operational <code>relative</code> functions</a><br>
<a href="#Provide-separate-proximate">Provide
separate lexical and operational <code>proximate</code> functions</a><br>
<a href="#Add-lexical-functions">Add lexical functions as <code>path</code> member functions</a><br>
<a href="#Provide-normal">Provide a non-member function
<code>lexically_normal</code> returning a
normal form path</a><br>
<a href="#Provide-weakly">Provide a <code>weakly_canonical</code> operational function</a><br>
<a href="#just-work">Resolve issues in ways that "just work" for users</a><br>
<a href="#mismatch">Specify <code>lexical relative</code> in terms
of <code>std::mismatch</code></a><br>
<a href="#Specify-op-rel-weakly">Specify operational <code>relative</code> in terms of <code>
<a href="#Specify-op-rel-lex-rel">Specify operational <code>relative</code> in terms of
<a href="#Proposed-wording">Proposed wording</a><br>
<a href="#Define-normal-form">Define <i>normal form</i></a><br>
<a href="#New-class-path-member-functions">New class path member functions</a><br>
<a href="#Synopsis-path">Synopsis</a><br>
<a href="#Specification-path">Specification</a><br>
<a href="#operational-functions">New operational functions</a><br>
<a href="#Synopsis-ops">Synopsis</a><br>
<a href="#Specification-ops">Specification</a></p>
<a name="Introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
<p>There have been requests for a Filesystem library relative function for at
least ten years.</p>
The requested functionality seems simple - given two paths with a common
prefix, return the non-common suffix portion of one of the paths such that
it is relative to the other path.</p>
In terms of the Filesystem library,</p>
<pre>path p("/a/b/c");
path base("/a/b");
path rel = relative(p, base); // the requested function
cout << rel << endl; // outputs "c"
assert(absolute(rel, base) == p);</pre>
<p>If that was all there was to it, the Filesystem library would have had a
<code>relative</code> function years ago.</p>
<p>Blocking issues: Clashing requirements, symlinks, directory placeholders (<i>dot</i>,
<i>dot-dot</i>), user-expectations, corner cases.</p>
<h3><a name="Acknowledgement">Acknowledgement</a></h3>
<p>A paper by Jamie Allsop, <i>Additions to Filesystem supporting Relative Paths</i>,
is what broke my mental logjam. Much of what follows is based directly on
Jamie's analysis and proposal. The <code>weakly_canonical</code> function and
aspects of the semantic specifications are my contributions. Mistakes, of
course, are mine.</p>
<h3><a name="Preliminary-implementation">Preliminary implementation</a></h3>
<p>A preliminary implementation is available in the
<a href="https://github.com/boostorg/filesystem/tree/feature/relative2">
feature/relative2</a> branch of the Boost Filesystem Git repository. See
<a href="https://github.com/boostorg/filesystem/tree/feature/relative2">
<h2><a name="Requirements">Requirements</a></h2>
<b><a name="Requirement-1">Requirement 1</a>:</b> Some uses require symlinks be followed; i.e. the path must be resolved in
the actual file system.<p><b><a name="Requirement-2">Requirement 2</a>: </b>Some uses require symlinks not be followed; i.e. the path must not be
resolved in the actual file system.</p>
<b><a name="Requirement-3">Requirement 3</a>: </b>Some uses require removing redundant current directory (<i>dot</i>)
or parent directory (<i>dot-dot</i>) placeholders.<p><b>
<a name="Requirement-4">Requirement 4</a>: </b>Some uses do not require removing redundant current directory (<i>dot</i>)
or parent directory (<i>dot-dot</i>) placeholders since the path is known to
already in normal form.</p>
<h2><a name="Issues">Issues</a></h2>
<p><b><a name="Issue-1">Issue 1</a>:</b> What happens if <code>p</code>
and <code>base</code> are themselves relative?</p>
<b><a name="Issue-2">Issue 2</a>:</b> What happens if there is no common prefix? Is this an error, the whole of
<code>p</code> is relative to <code>base</code>, or something else?<p><b>
<a name="Issue-3">Issue 3</a>:</b> What happens if <code>p</code>, <code>base</code>, or both are empty?</p>
<b><a name="Issue-4">Issue 4</a>:</b> What happens if <code>p</code> and <code>base</code> are the same?<p>
<b><a name="Issue-5">Issue 5</a>:</b> How is the "common prefix" determined?</p>
<b><a name="Issue-6">Issue 6</a>:</b> What happens if portions of <code>p</code> or <code>base</code> exist but
the entire path does not exist and yet symlinks need to be followed?<p><b>
<a name="Issue-7">Issue 7</a>:</b> What happens when a symlink in the existing portion of a path is affected
by a directory (<i>dot-dot</i>) placeholder in a later non-existent portion of
the path?</p>
<p><b><a name="Issue-8">Issue 8</a>:</b> Overly complex semantics (and thus
specifications) in preliminary designs made reasoning about uses difficult.</p>
<p><b><a name="Issue-9">Issue 9</a>: </b>Some uses never have redundant current directory (<i>dot</i>)
or parent directory (<i>dot-dot</i>) placeholders, so a removal operation
would be an unnecessary expense although otherwise harmless.</p>
<a name="Design-decisions">Design decisions</a></h2>
<a name="Provide-separate-relative">Provide separate</a> lexical and
operational <code>relative</code> functions</h4>
<p align="left">
Resolves the conflict between <a href="#Requirement-1">requirement 1</a>
and <a href="#Requirement-2">requirement 2</a> and ensures both
requirements are met.</p>
A purely lexical function is needed by users working with directory
hierarchies that do not actually exist.</p>
An operational function that queries the current file system for existence
and follows symlinks is needed by users working with actual existing
directory hierarchies.</p>
<a name="Provide-separate-proximate">Provide separate</a> lexical and operational
<code>proximate</code> functions</h4>
Although not the only possibility, a likely fallback when the relative
functions cannot find a relative path is to return the path being made relative. As
a convenience, the <code>proximate</code> functions do just that.</p>
<a name="Add-lexical-functions">Add lexical functions as
<code>path</code> member functions</a></h4>
<p dir="ltr">
The Filesystem library is unusual in that it has several functions with
both lexical (i.e. cheap) and operational (i.e. expensive due to file
system access) forms with differing semantics. It is important that users
choose the form that meets their application's specific needs. The library
has always made the distinction via the convention of lexical functions
being members of class <code>path</code>, while operational functions are
non-member functions. The lexical functions proposed here also use the
name prefix <code>lexically_</code> to drive home the distinction.</p>
For the contrary argument, see Sutter and Alexandrescu, <i>C++ Coding Standards</i>, 44:
"Prefer writing nonmember nonfriend functions", and Meyers, <i>Effective C++ Third Edition</i>, 23:
"Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions."</p>
<a name="Provide-normal">Provide</a><b> </b>a non-member function <code>
<a href="#normal">lexically_normal</a></code> returning a
<a href="#normal-form">normal form</a> path</h4>
Enables resolution of <a href="#Requirement-3">requirement 3</a> and
<a href="#Requirement-4">requirement 4</a> in a way consistent with
<a href="#Issue-9">issue 9</a>. Is a contributor to the resolution of
<a href="#Issue-8">issue 8</a>.</p>
"Normalization" is the process of removing redundant current directory (<i>dot</i>)
, parent
directory (<i>dot-dot</i>), and directory separator elements.</p>
Normalization is a byproduct the current <code>canonical</code> function.
But for the path returned by the
proposed <code><a href="#weakly_canonical">weakly_canonical</a></code> function,
only any leading canonic portion is in canonical form. So any trailing
portion of the returned path has not been normalized.</p>
Jamie Allsop has proposed adding a separate normalization function returning a
path, and I agree with him.</p>
Boost.filesystem has a deprecated non-const normalization function that
modifies the path, but I agree with Jamie that a function returning a path
is a better solution.</p>
<a name="Provide-weakly">Provide</a><b> </b>a <code><a href="#weakly_canonical">weakly_canonical</a></code> operational function</h4>
Resolves <a href="#Issue-6">issue 6</a>, <a href="#Issue-7">issue 7</a>,
<a href="#Issue-9">issue 9</a>, and is a contributor to the resolution of
<a href="#Issue-8">issue 8</a>.</p>
The operational function
<code>weakly_canonical(p)</code> returns a path composed of <code>
canonical(x)/y</code>, where <code>x</code> is a path composed of the
longest leading sequence of elements in <code>p</code> that exist, and
<code>y</code> is a path composed of the remaining trailing non-existent elements of
<code>p</code> if any. "<code>weakly</code>" refers to weakened existence
requirements compared to the existing canonical function.</p>
<li>Having <code>weakly_canonical</code> as a separate function, and then
specifying the processing of operational <code>relative</code> arguments in
terms of calls to <code>weakly_canonical</code> makes it much easier to
specify the operational <code>relative</code> function and reason about it.
The difficulty of reasoning about operational <code>relative</code>
semantics before the invention of <code>weakly_canonical</code> was what led to its
initial development.</li>
<li>Having <code>weakly_canonical</code> as a separate function also allows
use in other contexts.</li>
<li>Specifying the return be in <a href="#normal-form">normal form</a> is an
engineering trade-off to resolve <a href="#Issue-7">issue 7</a> in a way that
just works for most use cases.</li>
<li>Specifying normative encouragement to not perform unneeded normalization
is a reasonable resolution for <a href="#Issue-9">issue 9</a>.</li>
Resolve issues in ways that "<a name="just-work">just work</a>" for users</h4>
Resolves issues <a href="#Issue-1">1</a>, <a href="#Issue-2">2</a>,
<a href="#Issue-3">3</a>, <a href="#Issue-4">4</a>, <a href="#Issue-7">6</a>,
and <a href="#Issue-7">7</a>. Is a contributor to the resolution of
<a href="#Issue-8">issue 8</a>.</p>
The "just works" approach was suggested by Jamie Allsop. It is implemented
by specifying a reasonable return value for all of the "What happens
if..." corner case issues, rather that treating them as hard errors
requiring an exception or error code.</p>
Specify <a href="#lex-proximate"><code>lexically relative</code></a> in terms
of <code>std::<a name="mismatch">mismatch</a></code></h4>
Resolves <a href="#Issue-5">issue 5</a>. Is a contributor to the
resolution of <a href="#Issue-8">issue 8</a>.</p>
<a name="Specify-op-rel-weakly">Specify</a> <a href="#op-proximate">operational <code>relative</code></a> in terms of <code>
<a href="#weakly_canonical">weakly_canonical</a></code></h4>
Is a contributor to the resolution of <a href="#Issue-8">issue 8</a>.</p>
<li>Covers a wide range of uses cases since a single function works for
existing, non-existing, and partially existing paths.</li>
<li>Works correctly for partially existing paths that contain symlinks.</li>
<a name="Specify-op-rel-lex-rel">Specify</a> <a href="#op-proximate">operational <code>relative</code></a> in terms of
<a href="#lex-proximate"><code>lexically
Is a contributor to the resolution of <a href="#Issue-5">issue 5</a> and
<a href="#Issue-8">issue 8</a>.</p>
If would be confusing to users and difficult to specify correctly if the
two functions had differing semantics:</p>
<li>When either or both paths are empty.</li>
<li>When all elements of the two paths match exactly.</li>
<li>Because different matching algorithms were used.</li>
<li>Because although the same matching algorithm was used, it was applied in different ways.</li>
These problems are avoided by specifying operational <code>relative</code>
in terms of lexical <code>relative</code> after preparatory
calls to operational functions.</p>
<h2><a name="Proposed-wording">Proposed wording</a></h2>
<p><span style="background-color: #DBDBDB"><i>"Overview:" sections below are
non-normative experiments attempting to make the normative reference
specifications easier to grasp.</i></span></p>
<h3><a name="Define-normal-form">Define <i>normal form</i></a></h3>
<p>A path is in <b><i><a name="normal-form">normal form</a></i></b> if it has no
redundant current directory (<i>dot</i>) or parent directory (<i>dot-dot</i>)
elements. The normal form for an empty path is an empty path. The normal form
for a path ending in a <i>directory-separator</i> that is not the root directory
is the same path with a current directory (<i>dot</i>) element appended.</p>
<p><span style="background-color: #DBDBDB"><i>The last sentence above is not
necessary for POSIX-like or Windows-like operating systems, but supports systems
like OpenVMS that use different syntax for directory and regular-file names.</i></span></p>
<h3><a name="New-class-path-member-functions">New class path member functions</a></h3>
<h4><a name="Synopsis-path">Synopsis</a></h4>
<pre>path lexically_normal() const;
path lexically_relative(const path& base) const;
path lexically_proximate(const path& base) const;</pre>
<h4><a name="Specification-path">Specification</a></h4>
<pre>path <a name="lex-normal">lexically_normal</a>() const;</pre>
<p><i>Overview:</i> Returns <code>*this</code> with redundant current directory
(<i>dot</i>), parent directory (<i>dot-dot</i>), and <i>directory-separator</i> elements removed.</p>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>*this</code> in <a href="#normal-form">normal form</a>.</p>
<p><i>Remarks:</i> Uses <code>operator/=</code> to compose the returned path.</p>
<p><code>assert(path("foo/./bar/..").lexically_normal() == "foo");<br>
assert(path("foo/.///bar/../").lexically_normal() == "foo/.");</code></p>
<p>The above assertions will succeed.<i> </i>On Windows, the
returned path's <i>directory-separator</i> characters will be backslashes rather than slashes, but that
does not affect <code>path</code> equality.<i> —end example</i>]</p>
<pre>path <a name="lex-relative">lexically_relative</a>(const path& base) const;</pre>
<p><i>Overview:</i> Returns <code>*this</code> made relative to <code>base</code>.
Treats empty or identical paths as corner cases, not errors. Does not resolve
symlinks. Does not first normalize <code>*this</code> or <code>base</code>.</p>
<p><i>Remarks:</i> Uses <code>std::mismatch(begin(), end(), base.begin(), base.end())</code>, to determine the first mismatched element of
<code>*this</code> and <code>base</code>. Uses <code>operator==</code> to
determine if elements match. </p>
<p><i>Returns:</i> </p>
<code>path()</code> if the first mismatched element of <code>*this</code> is equal to <code>
begin()</code> or the first mismatched element
of <code>base</code> is equal to <code>base.begin()</code>, or<br>
<code>path(".")</code> if the first mismatched element of <code>
*this</code> is equal to <code>
end()</code> and the first mismatched element
of <code>base</code> is equal to <code>base.end()</code>, or<br>
<li>An object of class <code>path</code> composed via application of <code>
operator/= path("..")</code> for each element in the half-open
range [first
mismatched element of <code>base</code>, <code>base.end()</code>), and then
application of <code>operator/=</code> for each element in the half-open
[first mismatched element of <code>*this</code>, <code>end()</code>).
<p><code>assert(path("/a/d").lexically_relative("/a/b/c") == "../../d");<br>
assert(path("/a/b/c").lexically_relative("/a/d") == "../b/c");<br>
assert(path("a/b/c").lexically_relative("a") == "b/c");<br>
assert(path("a/b/c").lexically_relative("a/b/c/x/y") == "../..");<br>
assert(path("a/b/c").lexically_relative("a/b/c") == ".");<br>
assert(path("a/b").lexically_relative("c/d") == "");</code></p>
<p>The above assertions will succeed.<i> </i>On Windows, the
returned path's <i>directory-separator</i>s will be backslashes rather than
forward slashes, but that
does not affect <code>path</code> equality.<i> —end example</i>]</p>
<p>[<i>Note:</i> If symlink following semantics are desired, use the operational function <code>
<a href="#op-proximate">relative</a></code> <i>—end note</i>]</p>
<p>[<i>Note:</i> If <a href="#normal">normalization</a> is needed to ensure
consistent matching of elements, apply <code><a href="#normal">lexically_normal()</a></code>
to <code>*this</code>, <code>base</code>, or both. <i>—end note</i>]</p>
<pre>path <a name="lex-proximate">lexically_proximate</a>(const path& base) const;</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> If the value of <code>lexically_relative(base)</code> is
not an empty path, return it. Otherwise return <code>*this</code>.</p>
<p>[<i>Note:</i> If symlink following semantics are desired, use the operational function
<code><a href="#op-proximate">proximate</a></code> <i>—end note</i>]</p>
<p>[<i>Note:</i> If <a href="#normal">normalization</a> is needed to ensure
consistent matching of elements, apply <code><a href="#normal">lexically_normal()</a></code>
to <code>*this</code>, <code>base</code>, or both. <i>—end note</i>]</p>
<h3>New <a name="operational-functions">operational functions</a></h3>
<h4><a name="Synopsis-ops">Synopsis</a></h4>
<pre>path weakly_canonical(const path& p);
path weakly_canonical(const path& p, system::error_code& ec);
path relative(const path& p, system::error_code& ec);
path relative(const path& p, const path& base=current_path());
path relative(const path& p, const path& base, system::error_code& ec);
path proximate(const path& p, system::error_code& ec);
path proximate(const path& p, const path& base=current_path());
path proximate(const path& p, const path& base, system::error_code& ec);
<h4><a name="Specification-ops">Specification</a></h4>
<pre>path <a name="weakly_canonical">weakly_canonical</a>(const path& p);
path weakly_canonical(const path& p, system::error_code& ec);</pre>
<i>Overview:</i> Returns <code>p</code> with symlinks resolved and the result
<i>Returns: </i>
A path composed of the result of calling the <code>canonical</code> function on
a path composed of the leading elements of <code>p</code> that exist, if any,
followed by the elements of <code>p</code> that do not exist, if any.</p>
<p><i>Postcondition:</i> The returned path is in <a href="#normal">normal form</a>.</p>
<p><i>Remarks:</i> Uses <code>operator/=</code> to compose the returned path.
Uses the <code>status</code> function to determine existence.</p>
<p><i>Remarks:</i> Implementations are encouraged to avoid unnecessary
normalization such as when <code>canonical</code> has already been called on the
entirety of <code>p</code>.</p>
<p><i>Throws:</i> As specified in Error reporting.</p>
<pre>path <a name="op-relative">relative</a>(const path& p, system::error_code& ec);</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>relative(p, current_path(), ec)</code>.</p>
<p><i>Throws:</i> As specified in Error reporting.</p>
<pre>path relative(const path& p, const path& base=current_path());
path relative(const path& p, const path& base, system::error_code& ec);</pre>
<p><i>Overview:</i> Returns <code>p</code> made relative to <code>
base</code>. Treats empty or identical paths as corner cases, not errors.
Resolves symlinks and normalizes both <code>p</code> and <code>base</code>
before other processing.</p>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code><a href="#weakly_canonical">weakly_canonical</a>(p).l<a href="#lex-proximate">exically_relative</a>(<a href="#weakly_canonical">weakly_canonical</a>(base))</code>. The second form returns <code>path()</code> if an error occurs.</p>
<p><i>Throws:</i> As specified in Error reporting.</p>
<pre>path <a name="op-proximate">proximate</a>(const path& p, system::error_code& ec);</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code>proximate(p, current_path(), ec)</code>.</p>
<p><i>Throws:</i> As specified in Error reporting.</p>
<pre>path proximate(const path& p, const path& base=current_path());
path proximate(const path& p, const path& base, system::error_code& ec);</pre>
<p><i>Returns:</i> <code><a href="#weakly_canonical">weakly_canonical</a>(p).l<a href="#lex-proximate">exically_proximate</a>(<a href="#weakly_canonical">weakly_canonical</a>(base))</code>. The second form returns <code>path()</code> if an error occurs.</p>
<p><i>Throws:</i> As specified in Error reporting.</p>
<p>© Copyright Beman Dawes 2015</p>
<p>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. See
<a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a></p>
<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B %Y" startspan -->25 October 2015<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="32445" --></p>
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