290 lines
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290 lines
8.8 KiB
// test_actions.cpp
// Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include <numeric>
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <boost/xpressive/xpressive_static.hpp>
#include <boost/xpressive/regex_actions.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
namespace xp = boost::xpressive;
// test1
// simple action which builds a string
void test1()
using namespace boost::xpressive;
std::string result;
std::string str("foo bar baz foo bar baz");
sregex rx = (+_w)[ xp::ref(result) += _ ] >> *(' ' >> (+_w)[ xp::ref(result) += ',' + _ ]);
if(!regex_match(str, rx))
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result, "foo,bar,baz,foo,bar,baz");
// test2
// test backtracking over actions
void test2()
using namespace boost::xpressive;
std::string result;
std::string str("foo bar baz foo bar baz");
sregex rx = (+_w)[ xp::ref(result) += _ ] >> *(' ' >> (+_w)[ xp::ref(result) += ',' + _ ]) >> repeat<4>(_);
if(!regex_match(str, rx))
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result, "foo,bar,baz,foo,bar");
// test3
// cast string to int, push back into list, use alternate ->* syntax
void test3()
using namespace boost::xpressive;
std::list<int> result;
std::string str("1 23 456 7890");
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 103500
sregex rx = (+_d)[ xp::ref(result)->*push_back( as<int>(_) ) ]
>> *(' ' >> (+_d)[ xp::ref(result)->*push_back( as<int>(_) ) ]);
sregex rx = (+_d)[ push_back(xp::ref(result), as<int>(_) ) ]
>> *(' ' >> (+_d)[ push_back(xp::ref(result), as<int>(_) ) ]);
if(!regex_match(str, rx))
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(result.size(), 4u);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*result.begin(), 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*++result.begin(), 23);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*++++result.begin(), 456);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*++++++result.begin(), 7890);
// test4
// build a map of strings to integers
void test4()
using namespace boost::xpressive;
std::map<std::string, int> result;
std::string str("aaa=>1 bbb=>23 ccc=>456");
sregex pair = ( (s1= +_w) >> "=>" >> (s2= +_d) )[ xp::ref(result)[s1] = as<int>(s2) ];
sregex rx = pair >> *(+_s >> pair);
if(!regex_match(str, rx))
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(result.size(), 3u);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["aaa"], 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["bbb"], 23);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["ccc"], 456);
// test4_aux
// build a map of strings to integers, with a late-bound action argument.
void test4_aux()
using namespace boost::xpressive;
placeholder< std::map<std::string, int> > const _map = {{}};
sregex pair = ( (s1= +_w) >> "=>" >> (s2= +_d) )[ _map[s1] = as<int>(s2) ];
sregex rx = pair >> *(+_s >> pair);
std::string str("aaa=>1 bbb=>23 ccc=>456");
smatch what;
std::map<std::string, int> result;
what.let(_map = result); // bind the argument!
BOOST_REQUIRE(regex_match(str, what, rx));
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(result.size(), 3u);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["aaa"], 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["bbb"], 23);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["ccc"], 456);
// Try the same test with regex_iterator
sregex_iterator it(str.begin(), str.end(), pair, let(_map=result)), end;
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(3, std::distance(it, end));
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(result.size(), 3u);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["aaa"], 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["bbb"], 23);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["ccc"], 456);
// Try the same test with regex_token_iterator
sregex_token_iterator it2(str.begin(), str.end(), pair, (s1,s2), let(_map=result)), end2;
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(6, std::distance(it2, end2));
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(result.size(), 3u);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["aaa"], 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["bbb"], 23);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result["ccc"], 456);
// test5
// calculator that calculates. This is just silly, but hey.
void test5()
using namespace boost::xpressive;
// test for "local" variables.
local<int> left, right;
// test for reference<> to an existing variable
std::stack<int> stack_;
reference<std::stack<int> > stack(stack_);
std::string str("4+5*(3-1)");
sregex group, factor, term, expression;
group = '(' >> by_ref(expression) >> ')';
factor = (+_d)[ push(stack, as<int>(_)) ] | group;
term = factor >> *(
('*' >> factor)
[ right = top(stack)
, pop(stack)
, left = top(stack)
, pop(stack)
, push(stack, left * right)
| ('/' >> factor)
[ right = top(stack)
, pop(stack)
, left = top(stack)
, pop(stack)
, push(stack, left / right)
expression = term >> *(
('+' >> term)
[ right = top(stack)
, pop(stack)
, left = top(stack)
, pop(stack)
, push(stack, left + right)
| ('-' >> term)
[ right = top(stack)
, pop(stack)
, left = top(stack)
, pop(stack)
, push(stack, left - right)
if(!regex_match(str, expression))
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(stack_.size(), 1u);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stack_.top(), 14);
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(stack.get().size(), 1u);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stack.get().top(), 14);
// test6
// Test as<>() with wide strings. Bug #4496.
void test6()
using namespace boost::xpressive;
std::wstring version(L"0.9.500");
local<int> maj1(0), min1(0), build1(0);
wsregex re1 = (+_d)[maj1 = as<int>(_)] >> L"." >>
(+_d)[min1 = as<int>(_)] >> L"." >>
(+_d)[build1 = as<int>(_)];
BOOST_REQUIRE(regex_match(version, re1));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(maj1.get(), 0);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(min1.get(), 9);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(build1.get(), 500);
// test7
// Test regex_replace with an xpressive lambda
void test7()
namespace xp = boost::xpressive;
using namespace xp;
std::map<std::string, std::string> env;
env["XXX"] = "!!!";
env["YYY"] = "???";
std::string text("This is a %XXX% string %YYY% and stuff.");
sregex var = '%' >> (s1 = +_w) >> '%';
text = regex_replace(text, var, xp::ref(env)[s1]);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(text, "This is a !!! string ??? and stuff.");
using namespace boost::unit_test;
// init_unit_test_suite
test_suite* init_unit_test_suite( int argc, char* argv[] )
test_suite *test = BOOST_TEST_SUITE("test_actions");
return test;