291 lines
9.7 KiB
291 lines
9.7 KiB
// Copyright Vladimir Prus 2002-2004.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/parsers.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/detail/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp>
using namespace boost::program_options;
// We'll use po::value everywhere to workaround vc6 bug.
namespace po = boost::program_options;
#include <boost/function.hpp>
using namespace boost;
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include "minitest.hpp"
vector<string> sv(const char* array[], unsigned size)
vector<string> r;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
return r;
void test_variable_map()
options_description desc;
("foo,f", new untyped_value)
("bar,b", po::value<string>())
("biz,z", po::value<string>())
("baz", new untyped_value())
("output,o", new untyped_value(), "")
const char* cmdline3_[] = { "--foo='12'", "--bar=11", "-z3", "-ofoo" };
vector<string> cmdline3 = sv(cmdline3_,
sizeof(cmdline3_)/sizeof(const char*));
parsed_options a3 = command_line_parser(cmdline3).options(desc).run();
variables_map vm;
store(a3, vm);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.size() == 4);
BOOST_CHECK(vm["foo"].as<string>() == "'12'");
BOOST_CHECK(vm["bar"].as<string>() == "11");
BOOST_CHECK(vm.count("biz") == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(vm["biz"].as<string>() == "3");
BOOST_CHECK(vm["output"].as<string>() == "foo");
int i;
("zee", bool_switch(), "")
("zak", po::value<int>(&i), "")
("opt", bool_switch(), "");
const char* cmdline4_[] = { "--zee", "--zak=13" };
vector<string> cmdline4 = sv(cmdline4_,
sizeof(cmdline4_)/sizeof(const char*));
parsed_options a4 = command_line_parser(cmdline4).options(desc).run();
variables_map vm2;
store(a4, vm2);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm2.size() == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(vm2["zee"].as<bool>() == true);
BOOST_CHECK(vm2["zak"].as<int>() == 13);
BOOST_CHECK(vm2["opt"].as<bool>() == false);
BOOST_CHECK(i == 13);
options_description desc2;
("vee", po::value<string>()->default_value("42"))
("voo", po::value<string>())
("iii", po::value<int>()->default_value(123))
const char* cmdline5_[] = { "--voo=1" };
vector<string> cmdline5 = sv(cmdline5_,
sizeof(cmdline5_)/sizeof(const char*));
parsed_options a5 = command_line_parser(cmdline5).options(desc2).run();
variables_map vm3;
store(a5, vm3);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm3.size() == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(vm3["vee"].as<string>() == "42");
BOOST_CHECK(vm3["voo"].as<string>() == "1");
BOOST_CHECK(vm3["iii"].as<int>() == 123);
options_description desc3;
("imp", po::value<int>()->implicit_value(100))
("iim", po::value<int>()->implicit_value(200)->default_value(201))
("mmp,m", po::value<int>()->implicit_value(123)->default_value(124))
("foo", po::value<int>())
/* The -m option is implicit. It does not have value in inside the token,
and we should not grab the next token. */
const char* cmdline6_[] = { "--imp=1", "-m", "--foo=1" };
vector<string> cmdline6 = sv(cmdline6_,
sizeof(cmdline6_)/sizeof(const char*));
parsed_options a6 = command_line_parser(cmdline6).options(desc3).run();
variables_map vm4;
store(a6, vm4);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm4.size() == 4);
BOOST_CHECK(vm4["imp"].as<int>() == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(vm4["iim"].as<int>() == 201);
BOOST_CHECK(vm4["mmp"].as<int>() == 123);
int stored_value;
void notifier(const vector<int>& v)
stored_value = v.front();
void test_semantic_values()
options_description desc;
("foo", new untyped_value())
("bar", po::value<int>())
("biz", po::value< vector<string> >())
("baz", po::value< vector<string> >()->multitoken())
("int", po::value< vector<int> >()->notifier(¬ifier))
parsed_options parsed(&desc);
vector<option>& options = parsed.options;
vector<string> v;
options.push_back(option("foo", vector<string>(1, "1")));
options.push_back(option("biz", vector<string>(1, "a")));
options.push_back(option("baz", v));
options.push_back(option("bar", vector<string>(1, "1")));
options.push_back(option("biz", vector<string>(1, "b x")));
options.push_back(option("baz", v));
variables_map vm;
store(parsed, vm);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("biz") == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("baz") == 1);
const vector<string> av = vm["biz"].as< vector<string> >();
const vector<string> av2 = vm["baz"].as< vector<string> >();
string exp1[] = { "a", "b x" };
BOOST_CHECK(av == vector<string>(exp1, exp1 + 2));
string exp2[] = { "q", "q", "w" };
BOOST_CHECK(av2 == vector<string>(exp2, exp2 + 3));
options.push_back(option("int", vector<string>(1, "13")));
variables_map vm2;
store(parsed, vm2);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm2.count("int") == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(vm2["int"].as< vector<int> >() == vector<int>(1, 13));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stored_value, 13);
vector<option> saved_options = options;
options.push_back(option("bar", vector<string>(1, "2")));
variables_map vm3;
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(store(parsed, vm3), multiple_occurrences);
options = saved_options;
// Now try passing two int in one 'argv' element.
// This should not work.
options.push_back(option("int", vector<string>(1, "2 3")));
variables_map vm4;
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(store(parsed, vm4), validation_error);
void test_priority()
options_description desc;
// Value of this option will be specified in two sources,
// and only first one should be used.
("first", po::value< vector<int > >())
// Value of this option will have default value in the first source,
// and explicit assignment in the second, so the second should be used.
("second", po::value< vector<int > >()->default_value(vector<int>(1, 1), ""))
("aux", po::value< vector<int > >())
// This will have values in both sources, and values should be combined
("include", po::value< vector<int> >()->composing())
const char* cmdline1_[] = { "--first=1", "--aux=10", "--first=3", "--include=1" };
vector<string> cmdline1 = sv(cmdline1_,
sizeof(cmdline1_)/sizeof(const char*));
parsed_options p1 = command_line_parser(cmdline1).options(desc).run();
const char* cmdline2_[] = { "--first=12", "--second=7", "--include=7" };
vector<string> cmdline2 = sv(cmdline2_,
sizeof(cmdline2_)/sizeof(const char*));
parsed_options p2 = command_line_parser(cmdline2).options(desc).run();
variables_map vm;
store(p1, vm);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("first") == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm["first"].as< vector<int> >().size() == 2);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["first"].as< vector<int> >()[0], 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["first"].as< vector<int> >()[1], 3);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("second") == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm["second"].as< vector<int> >().size() == 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["second"].as< vector<int> >()[0], 1);
store(p2, vm);
// Value should not change.
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("first") == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm["first"].as< vector<int> >().size() == 2);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["first"].as< vector<int> >()[0], 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["first"].as< vector<int> >()[1], 3);
// Value should change to 7
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("second") == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm["second"].as< vector<int> >().size() == 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["second"].as< vector<int> >()[0], 7);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("include") == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm["include"].as< vector<int> >().size() == 2);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["include"].as< vector<int> >()[0], 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["include"].as< vector<int> >()[1], 7);
void test_multiple_assignments_with_different_option_description()
// Test that if we store option twice into the same variable_map,
// and some of the options stored the first time are not present
// in the options descrription provided the second time, we don't crash.
options_description desc1("");
("help,h", "")
("includes", po::value< vector<string> >()->composing(), "");
options_description desc2("");
("output,o", "");
vector<string> input1;
parsed_options p1 = command_line_parser(input1).options(desc1).run();
vector<string> input2;
parsed_options p2 = command_line_parser(input2).options(desc2).run();
vector<string> input3;
parsed_options p3 = command_line_parser(input3).options(desc1).run();
variables_map vm;
store(p1, vm);
store(p2, vm);
store(p3, vm);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("help") == 1);
BOOST_REQUIRE(vm.count("includes") == 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["includes"].as< vector<string> >()[0], "a");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vm["includes"].as< vector<string> >()[1], "b");
int main(int, char* [])
return 0;