2021-10-05 21:37:46 +02:00

694 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright Leo Goodstadt 2012
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at
#include <boost/program_options/parsers.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/cmdline.hpp>
using namespace boost::program_options;
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
#include "minitest.hpp"
// like BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL but with more descriptive error message
#define CHECK_EQUAL(description, a, b) if (a != b) {std::cerr << "\n\nError:\n<<" << \
description << ">>\n Expected text=\"" << b << "\"\n Actual text =\"" << a << "\"\n\n"; assert(a == b);}
// Uncomment for Debugging, removes asserts so we can see more failures!
//#define BOOST_ERROR(description) std::cerr << description; std::cerr << "\n";
// Uncomment to print out the complete set of diagnostic messages for the different test cases
#define CHECK_EQUAL(description, a, b) if (a != b) {std::cerr << "\n\nError: " << \
description << "\n Expecting\n" << b << "\n Found\n" << a << "\n\n"; } \
else {std::cout << description<< "\t" << b << "\n";}
// test exception for each specified command line style, e.g. short dash or config file
template<typename EXCEPTION>
void test_each_exception_message(const string& test_description, const vector<const char*>& argv, options_description& desc, int style, string exception_msg, istream& is = cin)
if (exception_msg.length() == 0)
variables_map vm;
unsigned argc = argv.size();
try {
if (style == -1)
store(parse_config_file(is, desc), vm);
store(parse_command_line(argv.size(), &argv[0], desc, style), vm);
catch (EXCEPTION& e)
//cerr << "Correct:\n\t" << e.what() << "\n";
CHECK_EQUAL(test_description, e.what(), exception_msg);
catch (std::exception& e)
// concatenate argv without boost::algorithm::join
string argv_txt;
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < argc - 1; ++ii)
argv_txt += argv[ii] + string(" ");
if (argc)
argv_txt += argv[argc - 1];
BOOST_ERROR("\n<<" + test_description +
string(">>\n Unexpected exception type!\n Actual text =\"") + e.what() +
"\"\n argv =\"" + argv_txt +
"\"\n Expected text=\"" + exception_msg + "\"\n");
BOOST_ERROR(test_description + ": No exception thrown. ");
// test exception messages for all command line styles (unix/long/short/slash/config file)
// try each command line style in turn
const int unix_style = command_line_style::unix_style;
const int short_dash = command_line_style::allow_dash_for_short | command_line_style::allow_short | command_line_style::short_allow_adjacent | command_line_style::allow_sticky;
const int short_slash = command_line_style::allow_slash_for_short | command_line_style::allow_short | command_line_style::short_allow_adjacent;
const int long_dash = command_line_style::allow_long | command_line_style::long_allow_adjacent | command_line_style::allow_guessing;
template<typename EXCEPTION>
void test_exception_message(const vector<vector<const char*> >& argv,
options_description& desc,
const string& error_description,
const char* expected_message_template[5])
string expected_message;
// unix
expected_message = expected_message_template[0];
test_each_exception_message<EXCEPTION>(error_description + " -- unix",
argv[0], desc, unix_style, expected_message);
// long dash only
expected_message = expected_message_template[1];
test_each_exception_message<EXCEPTION>(error_description + " -- long_dash",
argv[1], desc, long_dash, expected_message);
// short dash only
expected_message = expected_message_template[2];
test_each_exception_message<EXCEPTION>(error_description + " -- short_dash",
argv[2], desc, short_dash, expected_message);
// short slash only
expected_message = expected_message_template[3];
test_each_exception_message<EXCEPTION>(error_description + " -- short_slash",
argv[3], desc, short_slash, expected_message);
// config file only
expected_message = expected_message_template[4];
if (expected_message.length())
istringstream istrm(argv[4][0]);
test_each_exception_message<EXCEPTION>(error_description + " -- config_file",
argv[4], desc, -1, expected_message, istrm);
#define VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(vec, c_array) \
vec.push_back(vector<const char*>(c_array, c_array + sizeof(c_array) / sizeof(char*)));
// invalid_option_value
void test_invalid_option_value_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("int-option,d", value< int >(), "An option taking an integer")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = { "program", "-d", "A_STRING"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = { "program", "--int", "A_STRING"}; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = { "program", "-d", "A_STRING"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = { "program", "/d", "A_STRING"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { "int-option=A_STRING"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"the argument ('A_STRING') for option '--int-option' is invalid",
"the argument ('A_STRING') for option '--int-option' is invalid",
"the argument ('A_STRING') for option '-d' is invalid",
"the argument ('A_STRING') for option '/d' is invalid",
"the argument ('A_STRING') for option 'int-option' is invalid",
test_exception_message<invalid_option_value>(argv, desc, "invalid_option_value",
// missing_value
void test_missing_value_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("cfgfile,e", value<string>(), "the config file")
("output,o", value<string>(), "the output file")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = { "program", "-e", "-e", "output.txt"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = { "program", "--cfgfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = { "program", "-e", "-e", "output.txt"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = { "program", "/e", "/e", "output.txt"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { ""} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"the required argument for option '--cfgfile' is missing",
"the required argument for option '--cfgfile' is missing",
"the required argument for option '-e' is missing",
"", // Ignore probable bug in cmdline::finish_option
//"the required argument for option '/e' is missing",
test_exception_message<invalid_command_line_syntax>(argv, desc,
// ambiguous_option
void test_ambiguous_option_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("cfgfile1,c", value<string>(), "the config file")
("cfgfile2,o", value<string>(), "the config file")
("good,g", "good option")
("output,c", value<string>(), "the output file")
("output", value<string>(), "the output file")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = {"program", "-ggc", "file", "-o", "anotherfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = {"program", "--cfgfile", "file", "--cfgfile", "anotherfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = {"program", "-ggc", "file", "-o", "anotherfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = {"program", "/c", "file", "/o", "anotherfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { "output=output.txt\n"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"option '-c' is ambiguous and matches '--cfgfile1', and '--output'",
"option '--cfgfile' is ambiguous and matches '--cfgfile1', and '--cfgfile2'",
"option '-c' is ambiguous",
"option '/c' is ambiguous",
"option 'output' is ambiguous and matches different versions of 'output'",
test_exception_message<ambiguous_option>(argv, desc, "ambiguous_option",
// multiple_occurrences
void test_multiple_occurrences_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("cfgfile,c", value<string>(), "the configfile")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = {"program", "-c", "file", "-c", "anotherfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = {"program", "--cfgfi", "file", "--cfgfi", "anotherfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = {"program", "-c", "file", "-c", "anotherfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = {"program", "/c", "file", "/c", "anotherfile"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { "cfgfile=output.txt\ncfgfile=output.txt\n"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"option '--cfgfile' cannot be specified more than once",
"option '--cfgfile' cannot be specified more than once",
"option '-c' cannot be specified more than once",
"option '/c' cannot be specified more than once",
"option 'cfgfile' cannot be specified more than once",
test_exception_message<multiple_occurrences>(argv, desc, "multiple_occurrences",
// unknown_option
void test_unknown_option_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("good,g", "good option")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = {"program", "-ggc", "file"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = {"program", "--cfgfile", "file"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = {"program", "-ggc", "file"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = {"program", "/c", "file"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { "cfgfile=output.txt\n"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"unrecognised option '-ggc'",
"unrecognised option '--cfgfile'",
"unrecognised option '-ggc'",
"unrecognised option '/c'",
"unrecognised option 'cfgfile'",
test_exception_message<unknown_option>(argv, desc, "unknown_option", expected_msg);
// validation_error::invalid_bool_value
void test_invalid_bool_value_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("bool_option,b", value< bool>(), "bool_option")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = {"program", "-b", "file"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = {"program", "--bool_optio", "file"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = {"program", "-b", "file"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = {"program", "/b", "file"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { "bool_option=output.txt\n"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"the argument ('file') for option '--bool_option' is invalid. Valid choices are 'on|off', 'yes|no', '1|0' and 'true|false'",
"the argument ('file') for option '--bool_option' is invalid. Valid choices are 'on|off', 'yes|no', '1|0' and 'true|false'",
"the argument ('file') for option '-b' is invalid. Valid choices are 'on|off', 'yes|no', '1|0' and 'true|false'",
"the argument ('file') for option '/b' is invalid. Valid choices are 'on|off', 'yes|no', '1|0' and 'true|false'",
"the argument ('output.txt') for option 'bool_option' is invalid. Valid choices are 'on|off', 'yes|no', '1|0' and 'true|false'",
// validation_error::multiple_values_not_allowed
// Strange exception: sole purpose seems to be catching multitoken() associated with a scalar
// validation_error::multiple_values_not_allowed seems thus to be a programmer error
void test_multiple_values_not_allowed_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("cfgfile,c", value<string>()->multitoken(), "the config file")
("good,g", "good option")
("output,o", value<string>(), "the output file")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = { "program", "-c", "file", "c", "-o", "fritz", "hugo" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = { "program", "--cfgfil", "file", "c", "--outpu", "fritz", "hugo" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = { "program", "-c", "file", "c", "-o", "fritz", "hugo"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = { "program", "/c", "file", "c", "/o", "fritz", "hugo"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { "" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"option '--cfgfile' only takes a single argument",
"option '--cfgfile' only takes a single argument",
"option '-c' only takes a single argument",
"option '/c' only takes a single argument",
// validation_error::at_least_one_value_required
// Strange exception: sole purpose seems to be catching zero_tokens() associated with a scalar
// validation_error::multiple_values_not_allowed seems thus to be a programmer error
void test_at_least_one_value_required_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("cfgfile,c", value<int>()->zero_tokens(), "the config file")
("other,o", value<string>(), "other")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = { "program", "-c" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = { "program", "--cfg", "--o", "name" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = { "program", "-c" , "-o" , "name" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = { "program", "/c" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { "" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"option '--cfgfile' requires at least one argument",
"option '--cfgfile' requires at least one argument",
"option '-c' requires at least one argument",
"option '/c' requires at least one argument",
// required_option
void test_required_option_exception_msg()
options_description desc;
("cfgfile,c", value<string>()->required(), "the config file")
("good,g", "good option")
("output,o", value<string>()->required(), "the output file")
vector<vector<const char*> > argv;
const char* argv0[] = { "program", "-g" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv0);
const char* argv1[] = { "program", "--g" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv1);
const char* argv2[] = { "program", "-g"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv2);
const char* argv3[] = { "program", "/g"} ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv3);
const char* argv4[] = { "" } ; VEC_STR_PUSH_BACK(argv, argv4);
const char* expected_msg[5] = {
"the option '--cfgfile' is required but missing",
"the option '--cfgfile' is required but missing",
"the option '-c' is required but missing",
"the option '/c' is required but missing",
"the option 'cfgfile' is required but missing",
* Check if this is the expected exception with the right message is being thrown inside
* func
template <typename EXCEPTION, typename FUNC>
void test_exception(const string& test_name, const string& exception_txt, FUNC func)
try {
options_description desc;
variables_map vm;
func(desc, vm);
catch (EXCEPTION& e)
CHECK_EQUAL(test_name, e.what(), exception_txt);
catch (std::exception& e)
BOOST_ERROR(string(test_name + ":\nUnexpected exception. ") + e.what() +
"\nExpected text:\n" + exception_txt + "\n\n");
BOOST_ERROR(test_name + ": No exception thrown. ");
// check_reading_file
void check_reading_file(options_description& desc, variables_map& vm)
("output,o", value<string>(), "the output file");
const char* file_name = "no_such_file";
store(parse_config_file<char>(file_name, desc, true), vm);
// config_file_wildcard
void config_file_wildcard(options_description& desc, variables_map& vm)
("outpu*", value<string>(), "the output file1")
("outp*", value<string>(), "the output file2")
istringstream is("output1=whichone\noutput2=whichone\n");
store(parse_config_file(is, desc), vm);
// invalid_syntax::unrecognized_line
void unrecognized_line(options_description& desc, variables_map& vm)
istringstream is("funny wierd line\n");
store(parse_config_file(is, desc), vm);
// abbreviated_options_in_config_file
void abbreviated_options_in_config_file(options_description& desc, variables_map& vm)
desc.add_options()(",o", value<string>(), "the output file");
istringstream is("o=output.txt\n");
store(parse_config_file(is, desc), vm);
// too_many_positional_options
void too_many_positional_options(options_description& desc, variables_map& vm)
const char* argv[] = {"program", "1", "2", "3"};
positional_options_description positional_args;
positional_args.add("two_positional_arguments", 2);
store(command_line_parser(4, argv).options(desc).positional(positional_args).run(), vm);
// invalid_command_line_style
void test_invalid_command_line_style_exception_msg()
string test_name = "invalid_command_line_style";
using namespace command_line_style;
options_description desc;
desc.add_options()("output,o", value<string>(), "the output file");
vector<int> invalid_styles;
invalid_styles.push_back(allow_short | short_allow_adjacent);
invalid_styles.push_back(allow_short | allow_dash_for_short);
vector<string> invalid_diagnostics;
invalid_diagnostics.push_back("boost::program_options misconfiguration: choose one "
"or other of 'command_line_style::allow_slash_for_short' "
"(slashes) or 'command_line_style::allow_dash_for_short' "
"(dashes) for short options.");
invalid_diagnostics.push_back("boost::program_options misconfiguration: choose one "
"or other of 'command_line_style::short_allow_next' "
"(whitespace separated arguments) or "
"'command_line_style::short_allow_adjacent' ('=' "
"separated arguments) for short options.");
invalid_diagnostics.push_back("boost::program_options misconfiguration: choose one "
"or other of 'command_line_style::long_allow_next' "
"(whitespace separated arguments) or "
"'command_line_style::long_allow_adjacent' ('=' "
"separated arguments) for long options.");
const char* argv[] = {"program"};
variables_map vm;
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii)
bool exception_thrown = false;
store(parse_command_line(1, argv, desc, invalid_styles[ii]), vm);
catch (invalid_command_line_style& e)
string error_msg("arguments are not allowed for unabbreviated option names");
CHECK_EQUAL(test_name, e.what(), invalid_diagnostics[ii]);
exception_thrown = true;
catch (std::exception& e)
BOOST_ERROR(string(test_name + ":\nUnexpected exception. ") + e.what() +
"\nExpected text:\n" + invalid_diagnostics[ii] + "\n");
exception_thrown = true;
if (!exception_thrown)
BOOST_ERROR(test_name << ": No exception thrown. ");
void test_empty_value_inner(options_description &opts, variables_map& vm) {
positional_options_description popts;
opts.add_options()("foo", value<uint32_t>()->value_name("<time>")->required());
popts.add("foo", 1);
vector<string> tokens(1, "");
parsed_options parsed = command_line_parser(tokens)
.style(command_line_style::default_style & ~command_line_style::allow_guessing)
store(parsed, vm);
void test_empty_value() {
// Test that passing empty token for an option that requires integer does not result
// in out-of-range error in error reporting code.
"the argument for option '--foo' is invalid",
int main(int /*ac*/, char** /*av*/)
string test_name;
string expected_message;
// check_reading_file
test_name = "check_reading_file";
expected_message = "can not read options configuration file 'no_such_file'";
test_exception<reading_file>(test_name, expected_message, check_reading_file);
// config_file_wildcard
test_name = "config_file_wildcard";
expected_message = "options 'outpu*' and 'outp*' will both match the same arguments from the configuration file";
test_exception<error>(test_name, expected_message, config_file_wildcard);
// unrecognized_line
test_name = "unrecognized_line";
expected_message = "the options configuration file contains an invalid line 'funny wierd line'";
test_exception<invalid_syntax>(test_name, expected_message, unrecognized_line);
// abbreviated_options_in_config_file
test_name = "abbreviated_options_in_config_file";
expected_message = "abbreviated option names are not permitted in options configuration files";
test_exception<error>(test_name, expected_message, abbreviated_options_in_config_file);
test_name = "too_many_positional_options";
expected_message = "too many positional options have been specified on the command line";
test_name, expected_message, too_many_positional_options);
return 0;