1471 lines
126 KiB
1471 lines
126 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco@gmail.com)
// Copyright (c) 2020 Krystian Stasiowski (sdkrystian@gmail.com)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/json
#include <boost/json/detail/config.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <type_traits>
struct parse_vectors
struct item
char result;
string_view name;
string_view text;
using iterator = item const*;
iterator begin() const noexcept
return first_;
iterator end() const noexcept
return last_;
size() const noexcept
return last_ - first_;
inline parse_vectors() noexcept;
template<std::size_t N>
lit(char const (&s)[N])
return {s, N - 1};
iterator first_;
iterator last_;
parse_vectors() noexcept
static item const list[] = {
{ 'i', "number_double_huge_neg_exp", lit("[123.456e-789]") },
{ 'i', "number_huge_exp", lit("[0.4e006699999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"
"99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999969999999006]") },
{ 'i', "number_neg_int_huge_exp", lit("[-1e+9999]") },
{ 'i', "number_pos_double_huge_exp", lit("[1.5e+9999]") },
{ 'i', "number_real_neg_overflow", lit("[-123123e100000]") },
{ 'i', "number_real_pos_overflow", lit("[123123e100000]") },
{ 'i', "number_real_underflow", lit("[123e-10000000]") },
{ 'i', "number_too_big_neg_int", lit("[-123123123123123123123123123123]") },
{ 'i', "number_too_big_pos_int", lit("[100000000000000000000]") },
{ 'i', "number_very_big_negative_int", lit("[-237462374673276894279832749832423479823246327846]") },
{ 'i', "object_key_lone_2nd_surrogate", lit("{\"\\uDFAA\":0}") },
{ 'i', "string_1st_surrogate_but_2nd_missing", lit("[\"\\uDADA\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_1st_valid_surrogate_2nd_invalid", lit("[\"\\uD888\\u1234\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_incomplete_surrogates_escape_valid", lit("[\"\\uD800\\uD800\\n\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_incomplete_surrogate_and_escape_valid", lit("[\"\\uD800\\n\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_incomplete_surrogate_pair", lit("[\"\\uDd1ea\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_invalid_lonely_surrogate", lit("[\"\\ud800\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_invalid_surrogate", lit("[\"\\ud800abc\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_invalid_utf-8", lit("[\"\xFF""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_inverted_surrogates_U+1D11E", lit("[\"\\uDd1e\\uD834\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_iso_latin_1", lit("[\"\xE9""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_lone_second_surrogate", lit("[\"\\uDFAA\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_lone_utf8_continuation_byte", lit("[\"\x81""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_not_in_unicode_range", lit("[\"\xF4""\xBF""\xBF""\xBF""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_overlong_sequence_2_bytes", lit("[\"\xC0""\xAF""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_overlong_sequence_6_bytes", lit("[\"\xFC""\x83""\xBF""\xBF""\xBF""\xBF""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_overlong_sequence_6_bytes_null", lit("[\"\xFC""\x80""\x80""\x80""\x80""\x80""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_truncated-utf-8", lit("[\"\xE0""\xFF""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_UTF-16LE_with_BOM", lit("\xFF""\xFE""[\x00""\"\x00""\xE9""\x00""\"\x00""]\x00""") },
{ 'i', "string_UTF-8_invalid_sequence", lit("[\"\xE6""\x97""\xA5""\xD1""\x88""\xFA""\"]") },
{ 'i', "string_utf16BE_no_BOM", lit("\x00""[\x00""\"\x00""\xE9""\x00""\"\x00""]") },
{ 'i', "string_utf16LE_no_BOM", lit("[\x00""\"\x00""\xE9""\x00""\"\x00""]\x00""") },
{ 'i', "string_UTF8_surrogate_U+D800", lit("[\"\xED""\xA0""\x80""\"]") },
{ 'i', "structure_500_nested_arrays", lit("[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[["
"]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]") },
{ 'i', "structure_UTF-8_BOM_empty_object", lit("\xEF""\xBB""\xBF""{}") },
{ 'n', "array_1_true_without_comma", lit("[1 true]") },
{ 'n', "array_a_invalid_utf8", lit("[a\xE5""]") },
{ 'n', "array_colon_instead_of_comma", lit("[\"\": 1]") },
{ 'n', "array_comma_after_close", lit("[\"\"],") },
{ 'n', "array_comma_and_number", lit("[,1]") },
{ 'n', "array_double_comma", lit("[1,,2]") },
{ 'n', "array_double_extra_comma", lit("[\"x\",,]") },
{ 'n', "array_extra_close", lit("[\"x\"]]") },
{ 'n', "array_incomplete", lit("[\"x\"") },
{ 'n', "array_incomplete_invalid_value", lit("[x") },
{ 'n', "array_inner_array_no_comma", lit("[3[4]]") },
{ 'n', "array_invalid_utf8", lit("[\xFF""]") },
{ 'n', "array_items_separated_by_semicolon", lit("[1:2]") },
{ 'n', "array_just_comma", lit("[,]") },
{ 'n', "array_just_minus", lit("[-]") },
{ 'n', "array_misclosed", lit("[}") },
{ 'n', "array_missing_value", lit("[ , \"\"]") },
{ 'n', "array_newlines_unclosed", lit("[\"a\",\x0A""4\x0A"",1,") },
{ 'n', "array_number_and_several_commas", lit("[1,,]") },
{ 'n', "array_spaces_vertical_tab_formfeed", lit("[\"\x0B""a\"\\f]") },
{ 'n', "array_star_inside", lit("[*]") },
{ 'n', "array_unclosed", lit("[\"\"") },
{ 'n', "array_unclosed_trailing_comma", lit("[1,") },
{ 'n', "array_unclosed_with_new_lines", lit("[1,\x0A""1\x0A"",1") },
{ 'n', "array_unclosed_with_object_inside", lit("[{}") },
{ 'n', "fail01", lit("[\"mismatch\"}") },
{ 'n', "fail02", lit("[\"Unclosed array\"") },
{ 'n', "fail03", lit("{unquoted_key: \"keys must be quoted\"}") },
{ 'n', "fail05", lit("[\"double extra comma\",,]") },
{ 'n', "fail06", lit("[ , \"<-- missing value\"]") },
{ 'n', "fail07", lit("[\"Comma after the close\"],") },
{ 'n', "fail08", lit("[\"Extra close\"]]") },
{ 'n', "fail10", lit("{\"Extra value after close\": true} \"misplaced quoted value\"") },
{ 'n', "fail11", lit("{\"Illegal expression\": 1 + 2}") },
{ 'n', "fail12", lit("{\"Illegal invocation\": alert()}") },
{ 'n', "fail13", lit("{\"Numbers cannot have leading zeroes\": 013}") },
{ 'n', "fail14", lit("{\"Numbers cannot be hex\": 0x14}") },
{ 'n', "fail15", lit("[\"Illegal backslash escape: \\x15\"]") },
{ 'n', "fail16", lit("[\\naked]") },
{ 'n', "fail17", lit("[\"Illegal backslash escape: \\017\"]") },
{ 'n', "fail19", lit("{\"Missing colon\" null}") },
{ 'n', "fail20", lit("{\"Double colon\":: null}") },
{ 'n', "fail21", lit("{\"Comma instead of colon\", null}") },
{ 'n', "fail22", lit("[\"Colon instead of comma\": false]") },
{ 'n', "fail23", lit("[\"Bad value\", truth]") },
{ 'n', "fail24", lit("['single quote']") },
{ 'n', "fail25", lit("[\" tab character in string \"]") },
{ 'n', "fail26", lit("[\"tab\\ character\\ in\\ string\\ \"]") },
{ 'n', "fail27", lit("[\"line\x0A""break\"]") },
{ 'n', "fail28", lit("[\"line\\\x0A""break\"]") },
{ 'n', "fail29", lit("[0e]") },
{ 'n', "fail30", lit("[0e+]") },
{ 'n', "fail31", lit("[0e+-1]") },
{ 'n', "fail32", lit("{\"Comma instead if closing brace\": true,") },
{ 'n', "incomplete_false", lit("[fals]") },
{ 'n', "incomplete_null", lit("[nul]") },
{ 'n', "incomplete_true", lit("[tru]") },
{ 'n', "multidigit_number_then_00", lit("123\x00""") },
{ 'n', "number_++", lit("[++1234]") },
{ 'n', "number_+1", lit("[+1]") },
{ 'n', "number_+Inf", lit("[+Inf]") },
{ 'n', "number_-01", lit("[-01]") },
{ 'n', "number_-1.0.", lit("[-1.0.]") },
{ 'n', "number_-2.", lit("[-2.]") },
{ 'n', "number_-NaN", lit("[-NaN]") },
{ 'n', "number_.-1", lit("[.-1]") },
{ 'n', "number_.2e-3", lit("[.2e-3]") },
{ 'n', "number_0.1.2", lit("[0.1.2]") },
{ 'n', "number_0.3e+", lit("[0.3e+]") },
{ 'n', "number_0.3e", lit("[0.3e]") },
{ 'n', "number_0.e1", lit("[0.e1]") },
{ 'n', "number_0e+", lit("[0e+]") },
{ 'n', "number_0e", lit("[0e]") },
{ 'n', "number_0_capital_E+", lit("[0E+]") },
{ 'n', "number_0_capital_E", lit("[0E]") },
{ 'n', "number_1.0e+", lit("[1.0e+]") },
{ 'n', "number_1.0e-", lit("[1.0e-]") },
{ 'n', "number_1.0e", lit("[1.0e]") },
{ 'n', "number_1eE2", lit("[1eE2]") },
{ 'n', "number_1_000", lit("[1 000.0]") },
{ 'n', "number_2.e+3", lit("[2.e+3]") },
{ 'n', "number_2.e-3", lit("[2.e-3]") },
{ 'n', "number_2.e3", lit("[2.e3]") },
{ 'n', "number_9.e+", lit("[9.e+]") },
{ 'n', "number_expression", lit("[1+2]") },
{ 'n', "number_hex_1_digit", lit("[0x1]") },
{ 'n', "number_hex_2_digits", lit("[0x42]") },
{ 'n', "number_Inf", lit("[Inf]") },
{ 'n', "number_infinity", lit("[Infinity]") },
{ 'n', "number_invalid+-", lit("[0e+-1]") },
{ 'n', "number_invalid-negative-real", lit("[-123.123foo]") },
{ 'n', "number_invalid-utf-8-in-bigger-int", lit("[123\xE5""]") },
{ 'n', "number_invalid-utf-8-in-exponent", lit("[1e1\xE5""]") },
{ 'n', "number_invalid-utf-8-in-int", lit("[0\xE5""]\x0A""") },
{ 'n', "number_minus_infinity", lit("[-Infinity]") },
{ 'n', "number_minus_sign_with_trailing_garbage", lit("[-foo]") },
{ 'n', "number_minus_space_1", lit("[- 1]") },
{ 'n', "number_NaN", lit("[NaN]") },
{ 'n', "number_neg_int_starting_with_zero", lit("[-012]") },
{ 'n', "number_neg_real_without_int_part", lit("[-.123]") },
{ 'n', "number_neg_with_garbage_at_end", lit("[-1x]") },
{ 'n', "number_real_garbage_after_e", lit("[1ea]") },
{ 'n', "number_real_without_fractional_part", lit("[1.]") },
{ 'n', "number_real_with_invalid_utf8_after_e", lit("[1e\xE5""]") },
{ 'n', "number_starting_with_dot", lit("[.123]") },
{ 'n', "number_U+FF11_fullwidth_digit_one", lit("[\xEF""\xBC""\x91""]") },
{ 'n', "number_with_alpha", lit("[1.2a-3]") },
{ 'n', "number_with_alpha_char", lit("[1.8011670033376514H-308]") },
{ 'n', "number_with_leading_zero", lit("[012]") },
{ 'n', "object_bad_value", lit("[\"x\", truth]") },
{ 'n', "object_bracket_key", lit("{[: \"x\"}\x0A""") },
{ 'n', "object_comma_instead_of_colon", lit("{\"x\", null}") },
{ 'n', "object_comma_after_colon", lit("{\"x\":, \"y\":1}") },
{ 'n', "object_double_colon", lit("{\"x\"::\"b\"}") },
{ 'n', "object_emoji", lit("{\xF0""\x9F""\x87""\xA8""\xF0""\x9F""\x87""\xAD""}") },
{ 'n', "object_garbage_at_end", lit("{\"a\":\"a\" 123}") },
{ 'n', "object_just_comma", lit("{,}") },
{ 'n', "object_key_with_single_quotes", lit("{key: 'value'}") },
{ 'n', "object_missing_colon", lit("{\"a\" b}") },
{ 'n', "object_missing_key", lit("{:\"b\"}") },
{ 'n', "object_missing_semicolon", lit("{\"a\" \"b\"}") },
{ 'n', "object_missing_value", lit("{\"a\":") },
{ 'n', "object_no-colon", lit("{\"a\"") },
{ 'n', "object_non_string_key", lit("{1:1}") },
{ 'n', "object_non_string_key_but_huge_number_instead", lit("{9999E9999:1}") },
{ 'n', "object_repeated_null_null", lit("{null:null,null:null}") },
{ 'n', "object_several_trailing_commas", lit("{\"id\":0,,,,,}") },
{ 'n', "object_single_quote", lit("{'a':0}") },
{ 'n', "object_trailing_comment_open", lit("{\"a\":\"b\"}/**//") },
{ 'n', "object_trailing_comment_slash_open_incomplete", lit("{\"a\":\"b\"}/") },
{ 'n', "object_two_commas_in_a_row", lit("{\"a\":\"b\",,\"c\":\"d\"}") },
{ 'n', "object_unquoted_key", lit("{a: \"b\"}") },
{ 'n', "object_unterminated-value", lit("{\"a\":\"a") },
{ 'n', "object_with_single_string", lit("{ \"foo\" : \"bar\", \"a\" }") },
{ 'n', "object_with_trailing_garbage", lit("{\"a\":\"b\"}#") },
{ 'n', "single_space", lit(" ") },
{ 'n', "string_1_surrogate_then_escape", lit("[\"\\uD800\\\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u", lit("[\"\\uD800\\u\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u1", lit("[\"\\uD800\\u1\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u1x", lit("[\"\\uD800\\u1x\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_accentuated_char_no_quotes", lit("[\xC3""\xA9""]") },
{ 'n', "string_backslash_00", lit("[\"\\\x00""\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_escaped_backslash_bad", lit("[\"\\\\\\\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_escaped_ctrl_char_tab", lit("[\"\\ \"]") },
{ 'n', "string_escaped_emoji", lit("[\"\\\xF0""\x9F""\x8C""\x80""\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_escape_x", lit("[\"\\x00\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_incomplete_escape", lit("[\"\\\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_incomplete_escaped_character", lit("[\"\\u00A\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_incomplete_surrogate", lit("[\"\\uD834\\uDd\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_incomplete_surrogate_escape_invalid", lit("[\"\\uD800\\uD800\\x\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_invalid-utf-8-in-escape", lit("[\"\\u\xE5""\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_invalid_backslash_esc", lit("[\"\\a\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_invalid_unicode_escape", lit("[\"\\uqqqq\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_invalid_utf8_after_escape", lit("[\"\\\xE5""\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_leading_uescaped_thinspace", lit("[\\u0020\"asd\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_no_quotes_with_bad_escape", lit("[\\n]") },
{ 'n', "string_single_doublequote", lit("\"") },
{ 'n', "string_single_quote", lit("['single quote']") },
{ 'n', "string_single_string_no_double_quotes", lit("abc") },
{ 'n', "string_start_escape_unclosed", lit("[\"\\") },
{ 'n', "string_unescaped_crtl_char", lit("[\"a\x00""a\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_unescaped_newline", lit("[\"new\x0A""line\"]") },
{ 'n', "string_unescaped_tab", lit("[\" \"]") },
{ 'n', "string_unicode_CapitalU", lit("\"\\UA66D\"") },
{ 'n', "string_with_trailing_garbage", lit("\"\"x") },
{ 'n', "structure_100000_opening_arrays", lit("[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[["
"[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[") },
{ 'n', "structure_angle_bracket_.", lit("<.>") },
{ 'n', "structure_angle_bracket_null", lit("[<null>]") },
{ 'n', "structure_array_trailing_garbage", lit("[1]x") },
{ 'n', "structure_array_with_extra_array_close", lit("[1]]") },
{ 'n', "structure_array_with_unclosed_string", lit("[\"asd]") },
{ 'n', "structure_ascii-unicode-identifier", lit("a\xC3""\xA5""") },
{ 'n', "structure_capitalized_True", lit("[True]") },
{ 'n', "structure_close_unopened_array", lit("1]") },
{ 'n', "structure_comma_instead_of_closing_brace", lit("{\"x\": true,") },
{ 'n', "structure_double_array", lit("[][]") },
{ 'n', "structure_end_array", lit("]") },
{ 'n', "structure_incomplete_UTF8_BOM", lit("\xEF""\xBB""{}") },
{ 'n', "structure_lone-invalid-utf-8", lit("\xE5""") },
{ 'n', "structure_lone-open-bracket", lit("[") },
{ 'n', "structure_no_data", lit("") },
{ 'n', "structure_null-byte-outside-string", lit("[\x00""]") },
{ 'n', "structure_number_with_trailing_garbage", lit("2@") },
{ 'n', "structure_object_followed_by_closing_object", lit("{}}") },
{ 'n', "structure_object_unclosed_no_value", lit("{\"\":") },
{ 'n', "structure_object_with_trailing_garbage", lit("{\"a\": true} \"x\"") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_array_apostrophe", lit("['") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_array_comma", lit("[,") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_array_object", lit("[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\""
"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[{\"\":[") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_array_open_object", lit("[{") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_array_open_string", lit("[\"a") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_array_string", lit("[\"a\"") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_object", lit("{") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_object_close_array", lit("{]") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_object_comma", lit("{,") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_object_open_array", lit("{[") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_object_open_string", lit("{\"a") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_object_string_with_apostrophes", lit("{'a'") },
{ 'n', "structure_open_open", lit("[\"\\{[\"\\{[\"\\{[\"\\{") },
{ 'n', "structure_single_eacute", lit("\xE9""") },
{ 'n', "structure_single_star", lit("*") },
{ 'n', "structure_trailing_#", lit("{\"a\":\"b\"}#{}") },
{ 'n', "structure_U+2060_word_joined", lit("[\xE2""\x81""\xA0""]") },
{ 'n', "structure_uescaped_LF_before_string", lit("[\\u000A\"\"]") },
{ 'n', "structure_unclosed_array", lit("[1") },
{ 'n', "structure_unclosed_array_partial_null", lit("[ false, nul") },
{ 'n', "structure_unclosed_array_unfinished_false", lit("[ true, fals") },
{ 'n', "structure_unclosed_array_unfinished_true", lit("[ false, tru") },
{ 'n', "structure_unclosed_object", lit("{\"asd\":\"asd\"") },
{ 'n', "structure_unicode-identifier", lit("\xC3""\xA5""") },
{ 'n', "structure_UTF8_BOM_no_data", lit("\xEF""\xBB""\xBF""") },
{ 'n', "structure_whitespace_formfeed", lit("[\x0C""]") },
{ 'n', "structure_whitespace_U+2060_word_joiner", lit("[\xE2""\x81""\xA0""]") },
{ 'y', "array_arraysWithSpaces", lit("[[] ]") },
{ 'y', "array_empty-string", lit("[\"\"]") },
{ 'y', "array_empty", lit("[]") },
{ 'y', "array_ending_with_newline", lit("[\"a\"]") },
{ 'y', "array_false", lit("[false]") },
{ 'y', "array_heterogeneous", lit("[null, 1, \"1\", {}]") },
{ 'y', "array_null", lit("[null]") },
{ 'y', "array_with_1_and_newline", lit("[1\x0A""]") },
{ 'y', "array_with_leading_space", lit(" [1]") },
{ 'y', "array_with_several_null", lit("[1,null,null,null,2]") },
{ 'y', "array_with_trailing_space", lit("[2] ") },
{ 'y', "number", lit("[123e65]") },
{ 'y', "number_0e+1", lit("[0e+1]") },
{ 'y', "number_0e1", lit("[0e1]") },
{ 'y', "number_after_space", lit("[ 4]") },
{ 'y', "number_double_close_to_zero", lit("[-0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"01]\x0A""") },
{ 'y', "number_int_with_exp", lit("[20e1]") },
{ 'y', "number_minus_zero", lit("[-0]") },
{ 'y', "number_negative_int", lit("[-123]") },
{ 'y', "number_negative_one", lit("[-1]") },
{ 'y', "number_negative_zero", lit("[-0]") },
{ 'y', "number_real_capital_e", lit("[1E22]") },
{ 'y', "number_real_capital_e_neg_exp", lit("[1E-2]") },
{ 'y', "number_real_capital_e_pos_exp", lit("[1E+2]") },
{ 'y', "number_real_exponent", lit("[123e45]") },
{ 'y', "number_real_fraction_exponent", lit("[123.456e78]") },
{ 'y', "number_real_neg_exp", lit("[1e-2]") },
{ 'y', "number_real_pos_exponent", lit("[1e+2]") },
{ 'y', "number_simple_int", lit("[123]") },
{ 'y', "number_simple_real", lit("[123.456789]") },
{ 'y', "object", lit("{\"asd\":\"sdf\", \"dfg\":\"fgh\"}") },
{ 'y', "object_basic", lit("{\"asd\":\"sdf\"}") },
{ 'y', "object_duplicated_key", lit("{\"a\":\"b\",\"a\":\"c\"}") },
{ 'y', "object_duplicated_key_and_value", lit("{\"a\":\"b\",\"a\":\"b\"}") },
{ 'y', "object_empty", lit("{}") },
{ 'y', "object_empty_key", lit("{\"\":0}") },
{ 'y', "object_escaped_null_in_key", lit("{\"foo\\u0000bar\": 42}") },
{ 'y', "object_extreme_numbers", lit("{ \"min\": -1.0e+28, \"max\": 1.0e+28 }") },
{ 'y', "object_long_strings", lit("{\"x\":[{\"id\": \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\"}], \"id\": \"xxxxx"
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\"}") },
{ 'y', "object_simple", lit("{\"a\":[]}") },
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{ 'y', "object_with_newlines", lit("{\x0A""\"a\": \"b\"\x0A""}") },
{ 'y', "pass01", lit("[\x0A"" \"JSON Test Pattern pass1\",\x0A"" {\"object with 1 member\":[\"ar"
"ray with 1 element\"]},\x0A"" {},\x0A"" [],\x0A"" -42,\x0A"" true,\x0A"""
" false,\x0A"" null,\x0A"" {\x0A"" \"integer\": 1234567890,\x0A"" "
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"\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\",\x0A"" \"slash\": \"/ & \\/\",\x0A"" \"alpha\": \""
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"\x0A"" \"special\": \"`1~!@#$%^&*()_+-={':[,]}|;.</>?\",\x0A"" \"he"
"x\": \"\\u0123\\u4567\\u89AB\\uCDEF\\uabcd\\uef4A\",\x0A"" \"true\": true,"
"\x0A"" \"false\": false,\x0A"" \"null\": null,\x0A"" \"array"
"\":[ ],\x0A"" \"object\":{ },\x0A"" \"address\": \"50 St. James S"
"treet\",\x0A"" \"url\": \"http://www.JSON.org/\",\x0A"" \"comment\""
": \"// /* <!-- --\",\x0A"" \"# -- --> */\": \" \",\x0A"" \" s p a c"
" e d \" :[1,2 , 3\x0A""\x0A"",\x0A""\x0A""4 , 5 , 6 ,7 "
" ],\"compact\":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],\x0A"" \"jsontext\": \"{\\\"object wi"
"th 1 member\\\":[\\\"array with 1 element\\\"]}\",\x0A"" \"quotes\": \""
"4; \\u0022 %22 0x22 034 "\",\x0A"" \"\\/\\\\\\\"\\uCAFE\\uBABE\\uAB98"
"\\uFCDE\\ubcda\\uef4A\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t`1~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:',./<>?\"\x0A"": \"A "
"key can be any string\"\x0A"" },\x0A"" 0.5 ,98.6\x0A"",\x0A""99.44\x0A"",\x0A"""
"d\"]") },
{ 'y', "pass02", lit("[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[\"Not too deep\"]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]") },
{ 'y', "pass03", lit("{\x0A"" \"JSON Test Pattern pass3\": {\x0A"" \"The outermost value\": "
"\"must be an object or array.\",\x0A"" \"In this test\": \"It is an object"
".\"\x0A"" }\x0A""}\x0A""") },
{ 'y', "string_1_2_3_bytes_UTF-8_sequences", lit("[\"\\u0060\\u012a\\u12AB\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_accepted_surrogate_pair", lit("[\"\\uD801\\udc37\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_accepted_surrogate_pairs", lit("[\"\\ud83d\\ude39\\ud83d\\udc8d\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_allowed_escapes", lit("[\"\\\"\\\\\\/\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_backslash_and_u_escaped_zero", lit("[\"\\\\u0000\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_backslash_doublequotes", lit("[\"\\\"\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_comments", lit("[\"a/*b*/c/*d//e\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_double_escape_a", lit("[\"\\\\a\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_double_escape_n", lit("[\"\\\\n\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_escaped_control_character", lit("[\"\\u0012\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_escaped_noncharacter", lit("[\"\\uFFFF\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_in_array", lit("[\"asd\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_in_array_with_leading_space", lit("[ \"asd\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_last_surrogates_1_and_2", lit("[\"\\uDBFF\\uDFFF\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_nbsp_uescaped", lit("[\"new\\u00A0line\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_nonCharacterInUTF-8_U+10FFFF", lit("[\"\xF4""\x8F""\xBF""\xBF""\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_nonCharacterInUTF-8_U+FFFF", lit("[\"\xEF""\xBF""\xBF""\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_null_escape", lit("[\"\\u0000\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_one-byte-utf-8", lit("[\"\\u002c\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_pi", lit("[\"\xCF""\x80""\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_reservedCharacterInUTF-8_U+1BFFF", lit("[\"\xF0""\x9B""\xBF""\xBF""\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_simple_ascii", lit("[\"asd \"]") },
{ 'y', "string_space", lit("\" \"") },
{ 'y', "string_surrogates_U+1D11E_MUSICAL_SYMBOL_G_CLEF", lit("[\"\\uD834\\uDd1e\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_three-byte-utf-8", lit("[\"\\u0821\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_two-byte-utf-8", lit("[\"\\u0123\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_u+2028_line_sep", lit("[\"\xE2""\x80""\xA8""\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_u+2029_par_sep", lit("[\"\xE2""\x80""\xA9""\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_uEscape", lit("[\"\\u0061\\u30af\\u30EA\\u30b9\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_uescaped_newline", lit("[\"new\\u000Aline\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unescaped_char_delete", lit("[\"\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unicode", lit("[\"\\uA66D\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unicodeEscapedBackslash", lit("[\"\\u005C\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unicode_2", lit("[\"\xE2""\x8D""\x82""\xE3""\x88""\xB4""\xE2""\x8D""\x82""\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unicode_escaped_double_quote", lit("[\"\\u0022\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unicode_U+10FFFE_nonchar", lit("[\"\\uDBFF\\uDFFE\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unicode_U+1FFFE_nonchar", lit("[\"\\uD83F\\uDFFE\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unicode_U+200B_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE", lit("[\"\\u200B\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_unicode_U+2064_invisible_plus", lit("[\"\\u2064\"]") },
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{ 'y', "string_unicode_U+FFFE_nonchar", lit("[\"\\uFFFE\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_utf8", lit("[\"\xE2""\x82""\xAC""\xF0""\x9D""\x84""\x9E""\"]") },
{ 'y', "string_with_del_character", lit("[\"aa\"]") },
{ 'y', "structure_lonely_false", lit("false") },
{ 'y', "structure_lonely_int", lit("42") },
{ 'y', "structure_lonely_negative_real", lit("-0.1") },
{ 'y', "structure_lonely_null", lit("null") },
{ 'y', "structure_lonely_string", lit("\"asd\"") },
{ 'y', "structure_lonely_true", lit("true") },
{ 'y', "structure_string_empty", lit("\"\"") },
{ 'y', "structure_trailing_newline", lit("[\"a\"]\x0A""") },
{ 'y', "structure_true_in_array", lit("[true]") },
{ 'y', "structure_whitespace_array", lit(" [] ") },
{ ' ', "", "" }
first_ = &list[0];
last_ = &list[std::extent<
decltype(list)>::value - 1];