139 lines
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139 lines
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// (C) Copyright 2009 Andrew Sutton
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/concept/assert.hpp>
template < typename T > T const& as_const(T& x) { return x; }
template < typename T > void ignore(T const&) {}
template < typename Graph > void test_graph_bundle(Graph& g, boost::mpl::true_)
using namespace boost;
std::cout << "...test_graph_bundle\n";
GraphBundle& b1 = g[graph_bundle];
GraphBundle& b2 = get_property(g);
GraphBundle const& cb1 = ::as_const(g)[graph_bundle];
GraphBundle const& cb2 = get_property(g);
template < typename Graph > void test_graph_bundle(Graph& g, boost::mpl::false_)
/** @name Test Vertex Bundle
* Exercise the vertex bundle. Note that this is expected to be of type
* VertexBundle.
template < typename Graph, typename VertexSet >
void test_vertex_bundle(Graph& g, VertexSet const& verts, boost::mpl::true_)
using namespace boost;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((GraphConcept< Graph >));
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
(PropertyGraphConcept< Graph, Vertex, vertex_bundle_t >));
// Test bundling via the graph object on the lollipop vertex.
Vertex v = verts[5];
VertexBundle& b = g[v];
b.value = 10;
BOOST_ASSERT(g[v].value == 10);
// Test bundling via the property map.
typedef typename property_map< Graph, int VertexBundle::* >::type BundleMap;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ReadWritePropertyMapConcept< BundleMap, Vertex >));
BundleMap map = get(&VertexBundle::value, g);
put(map, v, 5);
BOOST_ASSERT(get(map, v) == 5);
typedef typename property_map< Graph, int VertexBundle::* >::const_type
(ReadablePropertyMapConcept< ConstBundleMap, Vertex >));
ConstBundleMap cmap = get(&VertexBundle::value, (Graph const&)g);
BOOST_ASSERT(get(cmap, v) == 5);
template < typename Graph, typename VertexSet >
void test_vertex_bundle(Graph&, VertexSet const&, boost::mpl::false_)
/** @name Test Edge Bundle
* Exercise the edge bundle. Note that this is expected to be of type
* EdgeBundle.
template < typename Graph, typename VertexSet >
void test_edge_bundle(Graph& g, VertexSet const& verts, boost::mpl::true_)
using namespace boost;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((GraphConcept< Graph >));
typedef typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor Edge;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((PropertyGraphConcept< Graph, Edge, edge_bundle_t >));
std::cout << "...test_edge_bundle\n";
// Test bundling via the graph object on the lollipop edge.
Edge e = boost::edge(verts[5], verts[3], g).first;
EdgeBundle& b = g[e];
b.value = 10;
BOOST_ASSERT(g[e].value == 10);
// Test bundling via the property map.
typedef typename boost::property_map< Graph, int EdgeBundle::* >::type
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ReadWritePropertyMapConcept< BundleMap, Edge >));
BundleMap map = get(&EdgeBundle::value, g);
put(map, e, 5);
BOOST_ASSERT(get(map, e) == 5);
typedef typename boost::property_map< Graph, int EdgeBundle::* >::const_type
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ReadablePropertyMapConcept< BundleMap, Edge >));
ConstBundleMap cmap = get(&EdgeBundle::value, (Graph const&)g);
BOOST_ASSERT(get(cmap, e) == 5);
template < typename Graph, typename VertexSet >
void test_edge_bundle(Graph&, VertexSet const&, boost::mpl::false_)
* Test the properties of a graph. Basically, we expect these to be one of
* bundled or not. This test could also be expanded to test non-bundled
* properties. This just bootstraps the tests.
template < typename Graph, typename VertexSet >
void test_properties(Graph& g, VertexSet const& verts)
using namespace boost;
typename has_bundled_graph_property< Graph >::type graph_bundled;
typename has_bundled_vertex_property< Graph >::type vertex_bundled;
typename has_bundled_edge_property< Graph >::type edge_bundled;
test_graph_bundle(g, graph_bundled);
test_vertex_bundle(g, verts, vertex_bundled);
test_edge_bundle(g, verts, edge_bundled);