Key extraction classes are used by
key-based indices to
obtain the indexing keys from the elements of a multi_index_container
A CopyConstructible
and CopyAssignable
class KeyFromValue
is said to be a key extractor from a
type Type
is defined,k1(ca)
is defined and returns a value convertible
to const KeyFromValue::result_type&
is a copy of k1
, k1(ca)
is the
same value as k2(ca)
, k2
of type const KeyFromValue
and ca
of type const Type&
Additionally, KeyFromValue
is a read/write key extractor
if the following extra conditions are met:
is defined and returns a value convertible
to KeyFromValue::result_type&
,const_cast<const KeyFromValue::result_type&>(k1(a))
is the same value as
k1(const_cast<const Type&>(a))
of type const KeyFromValue
of type Type&
Boost.MultiIndex provides six general-purpose key extractors:
The key extractors provided by Boost.MultiIndex are templatized according
to the type Type
and serve to extract keys not only from objects
of type Type
, but also from reference wrappers provided by
Boost.Ref and from chained pointers
to Type
(or to reference wrappers of Type
): a chained pointer
is any type P
such that, for an object p
of type
const P
yields an object of type Type&
, OR*p
yields a chained pointer to Type
#include <boost/multi_index/identity.hpp> #include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp> #include <boost/multi_index/mem_fun.hpp> #include <boost/multi_index/global_fun.hpp> #include <boost/multi_index/composite_key.hpp>
This header includes all the key extractors provided by Boost.MultiIndex.
synopsisnamespace boost{ namespace multi_index{ template<typename T> struct identity; } // namespace boost::multi_index } // namespace boost
is a Key Extractor
that acts as a do-nothing identity functor.
template<typename Type> struct identity { typedef Type result_type; // only provided if const ChainedPtr& is not convertible to const Type& template<typename ChainedPtr> Type& operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const; const Type& operator()(const Type& x)const; Type& operator()(Type& x)const; // only provided if Type is non-const // only provided if Type is non-const const Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<const Type>& x)const; // only provided if Type is const Type& operator()( const reference_wrapper<typename remove_const<Type>::type>& x)const; Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<Type>& x)const; };
is a model of:
Key Extractor
from Type
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<const Type>
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<Type>
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer to
const Type
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to Type
memberstemplate<typename ChainedPtr> Type& operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const;
is a chained pointer type toType
Returns: a reference to the object chained-pointed to byx
const Type& operator()(const Type& x)const;
Returns: x
Type& operator()(Type& x)const;
Returns: x
const Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<const Type>& x)const;
Returns: x.get()
Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<typename remove_const<Type>::type>& x)const;
Returns: x.get()
Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<Type>& x)const;
Returns: x.get()
synopsisnamespace boost{ namespace multi_index{ template<class Class,typename Type,Type Class::*PtrToMember> struct member; template<class Class,typename Type,std::size_t OffsetOfMember> struct member_offset; // deprecated #define BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(Class,Type,MemberName) implementation defined } // namespace boost::multi_index } // namespace boost
is a Key Extractor
aimed at accessing a given member of a class.
template<class Class,typename Type,Type Class::*PtrToMember> struct member { typedef Type result_type; // only provided if const ChainedPtr& is not convertible to const Class& template<typename ChainedPtr> Type& operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const; const Type& operator()(const Class& x)const; Type& operator()(Class& x)const; // only provided if Type is non-const const Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<const Class>& x)const; Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<Class>& x)const; };
The PtrToMember
template argument specifies the particular
Type Class::*
pointer to the member to be extracted.
is a model of:
Key Extractor
from Class
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<const Class>
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<Class>
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to const Class
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to Class
memberstemplate<typename ChainedPtr> Type& operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const;
is a chained pointer type toType
Returns: a reference to the object chained-pointed to byx
const Type& operator()(const Class& x)const;
Returns: x.*PtrToMember
Type& operator()(Class& x)const;
Returns: x.*PtrToMember
const Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<const Class>& x)const;
Returns: x.get().*PtrToMember
Type& operator()(const reference_wrapper<Class>& x)const;
Returns: x.get().*PtrToMember
was designed to overcome limitations of some legacy
compilers and its use is currently deprecated. Refer to a
former version
of Boost.MultiIndex for further information.
This macro was designed as a portability mechanism for legacy compilers where member
could not be supported.
As such it is no longer needed in modern environments, though some users might still prefer it
to plain member
because it provides a slightly more concise syntax.
synopsisnamespace boost{ namespace multi_index{ template<class Class,typename Type,Type (Class::*PtrToMemberFunction)()const> struct const_mem_fun; template<class Class,typename Type,Type (Class::*PtrToMemberFunction)()> struct mem_fun; template< class Class,typename Type, typename PtrToMemberFunctionType,PtrToMemberFunctionType PtrToMemberFunction > struct const_mem_fun_explicit; // deprecated template< class Class,typename Type, typename PtrToMemberFunctionType,PtrToMemberFunctionType PtrToMemberFunction > struct mem_fun_explicit; // deprecated #define BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_CONST_MEM_FUN(Class,Type,MemberFunName) \ implementation defined #define BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEM_FUN(Class,Type,MemberFunName) \ implementation defined } // namespace boost::multi_index } // namespace boost
is a Key Extractor
returning as key the result of invoking a given constant member function of a class.
template<class Class,typename Type,Type (Class::*PtrToMemberFunction)()const> struct const_mem_fun { typedef typename remove_reference<Type>::type result_type; // only provided if const ChainedPtr& is not convertible to const Class& template<typename ChainedPtr> Type operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const; Type operator()(const Class& x)const; Type operator()(const reference_wrapper<const Class>& x)const; Type operator()(const reference_wrapper<Class>& x)const; };
The PtrToMemberFunction
template argument specifies the particular
Type (Class::*PtrToMemberFunction)()const
pointer to the constant
member function used in the extraction.
is a model of:
Key Extractor
from Class
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<const Class>
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<Class>
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to const Class
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to Class
memberstemplate<typename ChainedPtr> Type operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const;
is a chained pointer type toType
, wherey
is the object chained-pointed to byx
Type operator()(const Class& x)const;
Returns: (x.*PtrToMemberFunction)()
Type operator()(const reference_wrapper<const Class>& x)const;
Returns: (x.get().*PtrToMemberFunction)()
Type operator()(const reference_wrapper<Class>& x)const;
Returns: (x.get().*PtrToMemberFunction)()
is a Key Extractor
returning as key the result of invoking a given member function of a class.
template<class Class,typename Type,Type (Class::*PtrToMemberFunction)()> struct mem_fun { typedef typename remove_reference<Type>::type result_type; // only provided if ChainedPtr& is not convertible to Class& template<typename ChainedPtr> Type operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const; Type operator()(Class& x)const; Type operator()(const reference_wrapper<Class>& x)const; };
The PtrToMemberFunction
template argument specifies the particular
Type (Class::*PtrToMemberFunction)()
pointer to the member
function used in the extraction.
is a model of:
Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<Class>
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to Class
memberstemplate<typename ChainedPtr> Type operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const;
is a chained pointer type toType
, wherey
is the object chained-pointed to byx
Type operator()(Class& x)const;
Returns: (x.*PtrToMemberFunction)()
Type operator()(const reference_wrapper<Class>& x)const;
Returns: (x.get().*PtrToMemberFunction)()
and mem_fun_explicit
These extractors were provided as a workaround for MSVC++ 6.0 and are now deprecated. Refer to a former version of Boost.MultiIndex for further information.
Portability macros for usage of const_mem_fun
and mem_fun
Although no longer needed in modern compilers, some users might still decide to
resort to them as they provide a slightly more concise syntax.
synopsisnamespace boost{ namespace multi_index{ template<class Value,typename Type,Type (*PtrToFunction)(Value)> struct global_fun; } // namespace boost::multi_index } // namespace boost
is a Key Extractor
based on a given global or static member function accepting the base type as argument
and returning the associated key.
template<class Value,typename Type,Type (*PtrToFunction)(Value)> struct global_fun { typedef typename remove_reference<Type>::type result_type; // Only provided under the following circumstances: // - If Value is a reference to a constant type, only provided // when const ChainedPtr& is not convertible to Value; // - if Value is a reference to a non-const type, only provided // when ChainedPtr& is not convertible to Value; // - else, only provided when const ChainedPtr& is not // convertible to const Value&. Type operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const; // only provided if Value is a reference type Type operator()(Value x)const; // only provided if Value is not a reference type Type operator()(const Value& x)const; // only provided if Value is not a reference type Type operator()(const reference_wrapper<const Value>& x)const; // only provided if Value is a reference type Type operator()( const reference_wrapper< remove_reference<Value>::type>& x)const; // only provided if Value is not a reference type or is // a reference to a constant type Type operator()( const reference_wrapper< typename remove_const< typename remove_reference<Value>::type>::type>& x)const; };
specifies the particular function used to extract
the key of type Type
from some BaseType
supports the following function signatures:
Type f(BaseType)
is BaseType
),Type f(const BaseType&)
is const BaseType&
),Type f(BaseType&)
is BaseType&
is a model of:
Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<BaseType>
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to BaseType
is BaseType
const BaseType&
is also a model of:
Key Extractor
from BaseType
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<const BaseType>
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to const BaseType
memberstemplate<typename ChainedPtr> Type operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const;
is a chained pointer type toValue
, wherey
is the object chained-pointed to byx
Type operator()(Value x)const;
Returns: PtrToFunction(x)
Type operator()(const Value& x)const;
Returns: PtrToFunction(x)
Type operator()(const reference_wrapper<const Value>& x)const;
Returns: PtrToFunction(x.get())
Type operator()(
const reference_wrapper<remove_reference<Value>::type>& x)const;
Returns: PtrToFunction(x.get())
Type operator()(
const reference_wrapper<
typename remove_const<
typename remove_reference<Value>::type>::type>& x)const;
Returns: PtrToFunction(x.get())
synopsisnamespace boost{ namespace multi_index{ template<typename Value,typename KeyFromValue0,...,typename KeyFromValuen> struct composite_key; template<typename CompositeKey> struct composite_key_result; // comparison operators for composite_key_result: // OP is any of ==,<,!=,>,>=,<= template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2> bool operator OP( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2>& y); template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator OP( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const std::tuple<Values...>& y); template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator OP( const std::tuple<Values...>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y); template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> bool operator OP( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y); template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey> bool operator OP( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y); // equality functors: template<typename Pred0,...,typename Predn> struct composite_key_equal_to; template<typename CompositeKeyResult> struct composite_key_result_equal_to; // deprecated // comparison functors: template<typename Compare0,...,typename Comparen> struct composite_key_compare; template<typename CompositeKeyResult> struct composite_key_result_less; // deprecated template<typename CompositeKeyResult> struct composite_key_result_greater; // deprecated // hash functors: template<typename Hash0,...,typename Hashn> struct composite_key_hash; template<typename CompositeKeyResult> struct composite_key_result_hash; // deprecated } // namespace boost::multi_index } // namespace boost // specializations of external functors for composite_key_result: namespace std{ template<typename CompositeKey> struct equal_to<boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> >; template<typename CompositeKey> struct less<boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> >; template<typename CompositeKey> struct greater<boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> >; } // namespace std namespace boost{ template<typename CompositeKey> struct hash<boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> >; } // namespace boost
is a Key Extractor
returning the combined value of several key extractors whose type is specified
at compile time. The returned object is of type
template<typename Value,typename KeyFromValue0,...,typename KeyFromValuen> struct composite_key { typedef boost::tuple<KeyFromValue0,...,KeyFromValuen> key_extractor_tuple; typedef Value value_type; typedef composite_key_result<composite_key> result_type; composite_key( const KeyFromValue0& k0=KeyFromValue0(), ... const KeyFromValuen& kn=KeyFromValuen()); composite_key(const key_extractor_tuple& x); const key_extractor_tuple& key_extractors()const; key_extractor_tuple& key_extractors() // only provided if const ChainedPtr& is not convertible to const value_type& template<typename ChainedPtr> result_type operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const; result_type operator()(const value_type& x)const; result_type operator()(const reference_wrapper<const value_type>& x)const; result_type operator()(const reference_wrapper<value_type>& x)const; };
, ... , KeyFromValuen
are the types of
the key extractors combined into the composite key. Each of these types
must be a Key Extractor
. At least a key extractor must be provided. The maximum
number of key extractors of a composite_key
instantiation is
implementation defined. composite_key
internally stores an
object of every constituent key extractor type.
is a model
Key Extractor
from Value
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<const Value>
,Key Extractor
from reference_wrapper<Value>
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to const Value
,Key Extractor
from any chained pointer
to Value
const KeyFromValue0& k0=KeyFromValue0(),
const KeyFromValuen& kn=KeyFromValuen());
Effects: Constructs a composite_key
that stores
copies of the key extractor objects supplied.
composite_key(const key_extractor_tuple& x);
Effects: Constructs acomposite_key
that stores copies of the key extractor objects supplied inx
const key_extractor_tuple& key_extractors()const;
Returns: a constant reference to a tuple holding the
key extractors internally stored by the composite_key
key_extractor_tuple& key_extractors();
Returns: a reference to a tuple holding the
key extractors internally stored by the composite_key
template<typename ChainedPtr>
result_type operator()(const ChainedPtr& x)const;
is a chained pointer type toresult_type
Returns: aresult_type
object dependent on*this
, wherey
is the object chained-pointed to byx
result_type operator()(const value_type& x)const;
Returns: aresult_type
object dependent on*this
result_type operator()(const reference_wrapper<const value_type>& x)const;
Returns: aresult_type
object dependent on*this
result_type operator()(const reference_wrapper<value_type>& x)const;
Returns: aresult_type
object dependent on*this
This is an opaque type returned by composite_key
instantiations as their extracted key.
template<typename CompositeKey> struct composite_key_result { no public interface available }; // comparison: // OP is any of ==,<,!=,>,>=,<= template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2> bool operator OP( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2>& y); template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator OP( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const std::tuple<Values...>& y); template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator OP( const std::tuple<Values...>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y); template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> bool operator OP( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y); template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey> bool operator OP( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y);
is the composite_key
instantiation to
which the composite_key_result
type is associated. Objects of type
returned by a composite key must be always treated
as temporary, i.e. they should not be stored or copied.
is not guaranteed to be
or CopyAssignable
Every object of type composite_key_result<CompositeKey>
internally associated to the CompositeKey
from which it is returned
and the object of type CompositeKey::value_type
to which the
composite key was applied.
Given an x
of type composite_key_result<CompositeKey>
we use the following notation:
is the CompositeKey
object associated to
is the object of type CompositeKey::value_type
associated to x
,ki(x) = ck(x).key_extractors().get<i>()
that is, is the i
-th key extractor of ck(x)
,xi = ki(x)(v(x))
, that is, the
key extracted from v(x)
by the i
-th key extractor,length(x)
is the number of key extractors of ck(x)
is an std::tuple
or boost::tuple
of values, we define:
is the number of elements of y
.template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2>
bool operator==(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values>
bool operator==(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const std::tuple<Values...>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values>
bool operator==(
const std::tuple<Values...>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen>
bool operator==(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y);
template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey>
bool operator==(
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y);
. The expressionxi==yi
is valid for alli
if and only ifComplexity: No more key extraction operations and comparisons are performed than those necessary for the evaluation of the expression above, starting atxi==yi
for alli
. The evaluation is short-circuited as soon as the result is determined to befalse
template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2>
bool operator<(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values>
bool operator<(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const std::tuple<Values...>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values>
bool operator<(
const std::tuple<Values...>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen>
bool operator<(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y);
template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey>
bool operator<(
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y);
Requires: The expressionsxi<yi
are valid for alli
if and only if there exists somej
in the range[0,min(length(x),length(y)))
such thatComplexity: No more key extraction operations and comparisons are performed than those necessary for the evaluation of the expression above, starting at!(xi<yi) && !(yi<xi)
for alli
. The evaluation is short-circuited as soon as the result is determined to befalse
template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2>
bool operator OP(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values>
bool operator OP(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const std::tuple<Values...>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values>
bool operator OP(
const std::tuple<Values...>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y);
template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen>
bool operator OP(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y);
template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey>
bool operator OP(
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y);
is any of !=
, >
, <=
Requires: The expressions given below are valid (for the particularOP
if and only if!(x==y)
y< x
!(x< y)
!(y< x)
tests for equality between
instantiations and between
these and tuples of values, using an internally stored
collection of elementary equality predicates.
template<typename Pred0,...,typename Predn> struct composite_key_equal_to { typedef boost::tuple<Pred0,...,Predn> key_eq_tuple; composite_key_equal_to( const Pred0& p0=Pred0(), ... const Predn& pn=Predn()); composite_key_equal_to(const key_eq_tuple& x); const key_eq_tuple& key_eqs()const; key_eq_tuple& key_eqs(); template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2> bool operator()( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1> & x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2> & y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const std::tuple<Values...>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const std::tuple<Values...>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> bool operator()( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y)const; template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey> bool operator()( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; };
, ... , Predn
are the types of the equality
binary predicates stored by composite_key_equal_to
. Each of these predicates
must be CopyConstructible
and CopyAssignable
. At least an
equality predicate must be provided. The maximum number of equality predicates of
a composite_key_equal_to
instantiation is implementation defined.
and CopyAssignable
It is also DefaultConstructible
if each Predi
is DefaultConstructible
in its turn.
Note that formally it is not required that the Predi
behave as equality predicates in any definite way. However, the
semantics of composite_key_equal_to
is well defined if this
is the case, as explained in the section on the
semantics of composite_key_result
In what follows we use the same notation
introduced for composite_key_result
const Pred0& p0=Pred0(),
const Predn& pn=Predn());
Effects: Constructs a composite_key_equal_to
that stores
copies of the equality predicates supplied.
composite_key_equal_to(const key_eq_tuple& x);
Effects: Constructs acomposite_key_equal_to
that stores copies of the equality predicate objects supplied inx
const key_eq_tuple& key_eqs()const;
Returns: a constant reference to a tuple holding the
equality predicate objects internally stored by the
key_eq_tuple& key_eqs();
Returns: a reference to a tuple holding the
equality predicate objects internally stored by the
template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2>
bool operator()(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1> & x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2> & y)const;
template<typename CompositeKey,typename Values...>
bool operator()(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const std::tuple<Values...>& y)const;
template<typename CompositeKey,typename Values...>
bool operator()(
const std::tuple<Values...>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const;
template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen>
bool operator()(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y)const;
template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey>
bool operator()(
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const;
. The expressionskey_eqs().get<i>()(xi,yi)
are valid for alli
if and onlyComplexity: No more key extraction operations and comparisons are performed than those necessary for the evaluation of the expression above, starting atkey_eqs().get<i>()(xi,yi)
for alli
. The evaluation is short-circuited as soon as the result is determined to befalse
Deprecated. Use std::equal_to<CompositeKeyResult>
for composite_key
, with CompositeKeyResult
an instantiation of composite_key_result
behaves as a particularization of
where all the comparison predicates supplied
are instantiations of std::equal_to
namespace std{ template<typename CompositeKey> struct equal_to<boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> > { typedef boost::multi_index::composite_key_result< CompositeKey> first_argument_type; typedef first_argument_type second_argument_type; typedef bool result_type; template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey1> & x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey2> & y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const std::tuple<Values...>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const std::tuple<Values...>& x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y)const; template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey> bool operator()( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; }; } // namespace std
must be an instantiation of
for some type
then equivalent to
, taking
Predi = std::equal_to<KeyFromValuei::result_type>
for alli = 0,...,n
In addition to the requirements on Predi
imposed by
, each of these types must be
. std::equal_to<CompositeKeyResult>
is DefaultConstructible
, CopyConstructible
compares composite_key_result
instantiations between them and with tuples of values using an internally stored
collection of elementary comparison predicates.
template<typename Compare0,...,typename Comparen> struct composite_key_compare { typedef boost::tuple<Compare0,...,Comparen> key_comp_tuple; composite_key_compare( const Compare0& c0=Compare0(), ... const Comparen& cn=Comparen()); composite_key_compare(const key_comp_tuple& x); const key_comp_tuple& key_comps()const; key_comp_tuple& key_comps(); template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2> bool operator()( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1> & x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2> & y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const std::tuple<Values...>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const std::tuple<Values...>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> bool operator()( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y)const; template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey> bool operator()( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x, const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value> bool operator()( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,const Value& y)const; template<typename Value,typename CompositeKey> bool operator()( const Value& x,const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; };
, ... , Comparen
are the types of the comparison
binary predicates stored by composite_key_compare
. Each of these predicates must be
and CopyAssignable
. At least a
comparison predicate must be provided. The maximum number of comparison predicates of
a composite_key_compare
instantiation is implementation defined.
and CopyAssignable
It is also
if each Comparei
is DefaultConstructible
in its turn.
Note that formally it is not required that the Comparei
behave as comparison predicates in any definite way. However, the
semantics of composite_key_compare
is well defined if this
is the case, as explained in the section on the
semantics of composite_key_result
In what follows we use the same notation
introduced for composite_key_result
const Compare0& c0=Compare0(),
const Comparen& cn=Comparen());
Effects: Constructs a composite_key_compare
that stores
copies of the comparison predicates supplied.
composite_key_compare(const key_comp_tuple& x);
Effects: Constructs acomposite_key_compare
that stores copies of the comparison predicate objects supplied inx
const key_comp_tuple& key_comps()const;
Returns: a constant reference to a tuple holding the
comparison predicate objects internally stored by the
key_comp_tuple& key_comps();
Returns: a reference to a tuple holding the
comparison predicate objects internally stored by the
template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2>
bool operator()(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey1> & x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey2> & y)const;
template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values>
bool operator()(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const std::tuple<Values...>& y)const;
template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values>
bool operator()(
const std::tuple<Values...>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const;
template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen>
bool operator()(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y)const;
template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey>
bool operator()(
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x,
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const;
Requires: The expressionskey_comps().get<i>()(xi,yi)
are valid for alli
if and only if there exists somej
in the range[0,min(length(x),length(y)))
such thatComplexity: No more key extraction operations and comparisons are performed than those necessary for the evaluation of the expression above, starting at!key_comps().get<i>()(xi,yi) && !key_comps().get<i>()(yi,xi)
for alli
. The evaluation is short-circuited as soon as the result is determined to befalse
template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value>
bool operator()(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x,const Value& y)const;
Effects:return operator()(x,boost::make_tuple(boost::cref(y)));
template<typename Value,typename CompositeKey>
bool operator()(
const Value& x,const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const;
Effects:return operator()(boost::make_tuple(boost::cref(x)),y);
Deprecated. Use std::less<CompositeKeyResult>
Deprecated. Use std::greater<CompositeKeyResult>
, with CompositeKeyResult
an instantiation of composite_key_result
, behaves as a particularization of
where all the comparison predicates supplied are
instantiations of std::less
namespace std{ template<typename CompositeKey> struct less<boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> > { typedef boost::multi_index::composite_key_result< CompositeKey> first_argument_type; typedef first_argument_type second_argument_type; typedef bool result_type; template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey1> & x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey2> & y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const std::tuple<Values...>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const std::tuple<Values...>& x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y)const; template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey> bool operator()( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const Value& y)const; template<typename Value,typename CompositeKey> bool operator()( const Value& x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; }; } // namespace std
must be an instantiation of
for some type
then equivalent to
, taking
Comparei = std::less<KeyFromValuei::result_type>
for alli = 0,...,n
In addition to the requirements on Comparei
imposed by
, each of these types must be
. std::less<CompositeKeyResult>
is CopyConstructible
, CopyConstructible
and CopyAssignable
, with CompositeKeyResult
an instantiation of composite_key_result
, behaves as a particularization of
where all the comparison predicates supplied
are instantiations of std::greater
namespace std{ template<typename CompositeKey> struct greater<boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> > { typedef boost::multi_index::composite_key_result< CompositeKey> first_argument_type; typedef first_argument_type second_argument_type; typedef bool result_type; template<typename CompositeKey1,typename CompositeKey2> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey1> & x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey2> & y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const std::tuple<Values...>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename... Values> bool operator()( const std::tuple<Values...>& x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& y)const; template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen,typename CompositeKey> bool operator()( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; template<typename CompositeKey,typename Value> bool operator()( const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x, const Value& y)const; template<typename Value,typename CompositeKey> bool operator()( const Value& x, const boost::multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& y)const; }; } // namespace std
must be an instantiation of
for some type
then equivalent to
, taking
Comparei = std::greater<KeyFromValuei::result_type>
for alli = 0,...,n
In addition to the requirements on Comparei
imposed by
, each of these types must be
. std::greater<CompositeKeyResult>
is CopyConstructible
, CopyConstructible
and CopyAssignable
produces hash values for composite_key_result
instantiations based on a collection of elementary hash functors.
template<typename Hash0,...,typename Hashn> struct composite_key_hash { typedef boost::tuple<Hash0,...,Hashn> key_hasher_tuple; composite_key_hash( const Hash0& h0=Hash0(), ... const Hashn& hn=Hashn()); composite_key_hash(const key_hasher_tuple& x); const key_hasher_tuple& key_hash_functions()const; key_hasher_tuple& key_hash_functions(); template<typename CompositeKey> std::size_t operator()( const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x)const; template<typename... Values> std::size_t operator()( const std::tuple<Values...>& x)const; template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> std::size_t operator()( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x)const; };
, ... , Hashn
are the types of the hash unary function objects
stored by composite_key_hash
. Each of these objects
must be CopyConstructible
and CopyAssignable
and return a value of type std::size_t
in the range
[0, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
At least a hash functor must be provided. The maximum number of hash functors of
a composite_key_hash
instantiation is implementation defined.
and CopyAssignable
It is also DefaultConstructible
if each Hashi
is DefaultConstructible
in its turn.
In what follows we use the same notation
introduced for composite_key_result
const Hash0& h0=Hash0(),
const Hashn& hn=Hashn());
Effects: Constructs a composite_key_hash
that stores
copies of the hash functors supplied.
composite_key_hash(const key_hasher_tuple& x);
Effects: Constructs acomposite_key_hash
that stores copies of the hash functors supplied inx
const key_hasher_tuple& key_hash_functions()const;
Returns: a constant reference to a tuple holding the
hash functors internally stored by the
key_hasher_tuple& key_hash_functions();
Returns: a reference to a tuple holding the
hash functors internally stored by the
template<typename CompositeKey>
bool operator()(
const composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x)const;
template<typename... Values>
bool operator()(
const std::tuple<Values...>& x)const;
template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen>
bool operator()(
const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x)const;
. The expressionkey_hash_functions().get<i>()(xi)
is valid for alli
Returns: A value in the range[0, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
that solely depends on the numerical tuple(key_hash_functions().get<0>()(x0)
, ... ,key_hash_functions().get<N>()(xN)
), withN=length(x)-1
Deprecated. Use boost::hash<CompositeKeyResult>
for composite_key
, with CompositeKeyResult
an instantiation of composite_key_result
, behaves as a particularization of
where all the hash functors supplied
are instantiations of
namespace boost{ template<typename CompositeKey> struct hash<multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> > { typedef multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey> argument_type; typedef std::size_t result_type; template<typename CompositeKey> std::size_t operator()( const multi_index::composite_key_result<CompositeKey>& x)const; template<typename... Values> std::size_t operator()( const std::tuple<Values...>& x)const; template<typename Value0,...,typename Valuen> std::size_t operator()( const boost::tuple<Value0,...,Valuen>& x)const; }; } // namespace boost
must be an instantiation of
for some type
then equivalent to
, taking
Hashi = boost::hash<KeyFromValuei::result_type>
for alli = 0,...,n
In addition to the requirements on Hashi
imposed by
, each of these types must be
. boost::hash<CompositeKeyResult>
, CopyConstructible
and CopyAssignable
The design of equality, comparison and hash operations for
objects is based on the following rationale:
a composite_key_result
is regarded as a "virtual" tuple, each
of its elements being the result of the corresponding elementary
key extractor. Accordingly, any given operation resolves to a
combination of the corresponding elementwise operations.
This mapping preserves the fundamental properties of the elementary operations
involved; for instance, it defines a true equivalence relation if the
basic predicates induce equivalence relations themselves.
We can state these facts in a formal way as follows.
Consider an instantiation of composite_key_equal_to
with types Pred0
, ... , Predn
such that each
induces an equivalence relation on a certain type Ti
and let CompositeKey
be a type of the form
with j <= n
, such that
Then,KeyFromValuei::result_type = Ti
, for alli = 0,...,j
induces an equivalence relation
on elements of type composite_key_result<CompositeKey>
such two objects are equivalent if all its elementary key extractor values
are also equivalent. Additionally, given an instantiation
, the following types are
Compatible Keys
, composite_key_equal_to
with respect to composite_key_result<CompositeKey>
provided that eachtuple<Q0,...,Qj>
composite_key_result<composite_key<K0,...,Kj> >
, withKi::result_type = Qi
for alli = 0,...,j
is either Ti
or a
Compatible Key
of (Hashi
, Predi
As for comparison, consider an instantiation of composite_key_compare
with types Compare0
, ... , Comparen
such that each
induces a strict weak ordering
on the type Ti
. Then, for a
type defined in the same manner as above,
induces a strict weak ordering on elements of type
, and the order induced
is lexicographical. Also, the following types are
Compatible Keys
with respect to
provided thattuple<Q0,...,Qk>
,k <= n
composite_key_result<composite_key<K0,...,Kk> >
, withKi::result_type = Qi
for alli = 0,...,k
i = 0,...,min(j,k)-1
, Qi
is either Ti
or not coarser than Ti
is a
Compatible Key
of Comparei
and there are no two distinct elements of
equivalent to one single element of Qi
(with m = min(j,k)
) is either Tm
or a
Compatible Key
of Comparem
Analogous properties hold for the equality and comparison operators
of composite_key_result
. Note, however,
that equality is only defined for objects of the same length, whilst
comparison takes the minimum length of the operands considered.
Therefore, the equivalence classes induced by x==y
subsets of those associated to !(x<y)&&!(y<x)
Revised November 24th 2015
© Copyright 2003-2015 Joaquín M López Muñoz. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)