var NAVTREE = [ [ "Boost.Hana", "index.html", [ [ "User Manual", "index.html", [ [ "Description", "index.html#tutorial-description", null ], [ "Prerequisites and installation", "index.html#tutorial-installation", [ [ "Note for CMake users", "index.html#tutorial-installation-cmake", null ], [ "Compiler requirements", "index.html#tutorial-installation-requirements", null ] ] ], [ "Support", "index.html#tutorial-support", null ], [ "Introduction", "index.html#tutorial-introduction", [ [ "C++ computational quadrants", "index.html#tutorial-introduction-quadrants", null ], [ "What is this library about?", "index.html#tutorial-quadrants-about", null ] ] ], [ "Quick start", "index.html#tutorial-quickstart", [ [ "A real world example", "index.html#tutorial-quickstart-any", null ] ] ], [ "Cheatsheet", "index.html#tutorial-cheatsheet", null ], [ "Assertions", "index.html#tutorial-assert", null ], [ "Compile-time numbers", "index.html#tutorial-integral", [ [ "Compile-time arithmetic", "index.html#tutorial-integral-arithmetic", null ], [ "Example: Euclidean distance", "index.html#tutorial-integral-distance", null ], [ "Compile-time branching", "index.html#tutorial-integral-branching", null ], [ "Why stop here?", "index.html#tutorial-integral-more", null ] ] ], [ "Type computations", "index.html#tutorial-type", [ [ "Types as objects", "index.html#tutorial-type-objects", null ], [ "Benefits of this representation", "index.html#tutorial-type-benefits", null ], [ "Working with this representation", "index.html#tutorial-type-working", null ], [ "The generic lifting process", "index.html#tutorial-type-lifting", null ] ] ], [ "Introspection", "index.html#tutorial-introspection", [ [ "Checking expression validity", "index.html#tutorial-introspection-is_valid", [ [ "Non-static members", "index.html#tutorial-introspection-is_valid-non_static", null ], [ "Static members", "index.html#tutorial-introspection-is_valid-static", null ], [ "Nested type names", "index.html#tutorial-introspection-is_valid-typename", null ], [ "Nested templates", "index.html#tutorial-introspection-is_valid-template", null ] ] ], [ "Taking control of SFINAE", "index.html#tutorial-introspection-sfinae", null ], [ "Introspecting user-defined types", "index.html#tutorial-introspection-adapting", null ], [ "Example: generating JSON", "index.html#tutorial-introspection-json", null ] ] ], [ "Generalities on containers", "index.html#tutorial-containers", [ [ "Container creation", "index.html#tutorial-containers-creating", null ], [ "Container types", "index.html#tutorial-containers-types", [ [ "Overloading on container types", "index.html#tutorial-containers-types-overloading", null ] ] ], [ "Container elements", "index.html#tutorial-containers-elements", null ] ] ], [ "Generalities on algorithms", "index.html#tutorial-algorithms", [ [ "By-value semantics", "index.html#tutorial-algorithms-value", null ], [ "(Non-)Laziness", "index.html#tutorial-algorithms-laziness", null ], [ "What is generated?", "index.html#tutorial-algorithms-codegen", null ], [ "Side effects and purity", "index.html#tutorial-algorithms-effects", null ], [ "Cross-phase algorithms", "index.html#tutorial-algorithms-cross_phase", null ] ] ], [ "Performance considerations", "index.html#tutorial-performance", [ [ "Compile-time performance", "index.html#tutorial-performance-compile", null ], [ "Runtime performance", "index.html#tutorial-performance-runtime", null ] ] ], [ "Integration with external libraries", "index.html#tutorial-ext", null ], [ "Hana's core", "index.html#tutorial-core", [ [ "Tags", "index.html#tutorial-core-tags", null ], [ "Tag dispatching", "index.html#tutorial-core-tag_dispatching", null ], [ "Emulation of C++ concepts", "index.html#tutorial-core-concepts", null ] ] ], [ "Header organization", "index.html#tutorial-header_organization", null ], [ "Conclusion", "index.html#tutorial-conclusion", [ [ "Fair warning: functional programming ahead", "index.html#tutorial-conclusion-warning", null ], [ "Related material", "index.html#tutorial-conclusion-related_material", null ], [ "Projects using Hana", "index.html#tutorial-conclusion-projects_using_hana", null ] ] ], [ "Using the reference", "index.html#tutorial-reference", [ [ "Function signatures", "index.html#tutorial-reference-signatures", null ] ] ], [ "Acknowledgements", "index.html#tutorial-acknowledgements", null ], [ "Glossary", "index.html#tutorial-glossary", null ], [ "Rationales/FAQ", "index.html#tutorial-rationales", [ [ "Why restrict usage of external dependencies?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-dependencies", null ], [ "Why no iterators?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-iterators", null ], [ "Why leave some container's representation implementation-defined?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-container_representation", null ], [ "Why Hana?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-why_Hana", null ], [ "Why define our own tuple?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-tuple", null ], [ "How are names chosen?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-naming", null ], [ "How is the parameter order decided?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-parameters", null ], [ "Why tag dispatching?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-tag_dispatching", null ], [ "Why not provide zip_longest?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-zip_longest", null ], [ "Why aren't concepts constexpr functions?", "index.html#tutorial-rationales-concepts", null ] ] ], [ "Appendix I: Advanced constexpr", "index.html#tutorial-appendix-constexpr", [ [ "Constexpr stripping", "index.html#tutorial-appendix-constexpr-stripping", null ], [ "Constexpr preservation", "index.html#tutorial-tutorial-appendix-constexpr-preservation", null ], [ "Side effects", "index.html#tutorial-appendix-constexpr-effects", null ] ] ], [ "Appendix II: A minimal MPL", "index.html#tutorial-appendix-MPL", null ] ] ], [ "Reference documentation", "modules.html", "modules" ], [ "Alphabetical index", "functions.html", null ], [ "Headers", "files.html", "files" ], [ "Todo List", "todo.html", null ], [ "Deprecated List", "deprecated.html", null ], [ "Bug List", "bug.html", null ] ] ] ]; var NAVTREEINDEX = [ "accessors_8hpp.html", "fwd_2count_8hpp.html", "group__group-Comonad.html#ga307479a91a21b7ab06a2bc746b003dcc", "group__group-functional.html#ga6acc765a35c4dc85f0deab4785831a3d", "structboost_1_1hana_1_1integral__constant.html#a81c86537a0d36b8788cba2188314febc" ]; var SYNCONMSG = 'click to disable panel synchronisation'; var SYNCOFFMSG = 'click to enable panel synchronisation';