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/ Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Niebler
/ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
/ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
[section Concepts]
[h2 CharT requirements]
If type `BidiIterT` is used as a template argument to _basic_regex_, then `CharT` is
`iterator_traits<BidiIterT>::value_type`. Type `CharT` must have a trivial default
constructor, copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor. In addition
the following requirements must be met for objects; `c` of type `CharT`, `c1` and `c2` of
type `CharT const`, and `i` of type `int`:
[table CharT Requirements
[[*Return type]]
[[*Assertion / Note / Pre- / Post-condition]]
[`CharT c`]
[Default constructor (must be trivial).]
[`CharT c(c1)`]
[Copy constructor (must be trivial).]
[`c1 = c2`]
[Assignment operator (must be trivial).]
[`c1 == c2`]
[`true` if `c1` has the same value as `c2`.]
[`c1 != c2`]
[`true` if `c1` and `c2` are not equal.]
[`c1 < c2`]
[`true` if the value of `c1` is less than `c2`.]
[`c1 > c2`]
[`true` if the value of `c1` is greater than `c2`.]
[`c1 <= c2`]
[`true` if `c1` is less than or equal to `c2`.]
[`c1 >= c2`]
[`true` if `c1` is greater than or equal to `c2`.]
[`intmax_t i = c1`]
`CharT` must be convertible to an integral type.
[`CharT c(i);`]
[`CharT` must be constructable from an integral type.]
[h2 Traits Requirements]
In the following table `X` denotes a traits class defining types and functions
for the character container type `CharT`; `u` is an object of type `X`; `v` is an
object of type `const X`; `p` is a value of type `const CharT*`; `I1` and `I2` are
`Input Iterators`; `c` is a value of type `const CharT`; `s` is an object of type
`X::string_type`; `cs` is an object of type `const X::string_type`; `b` is a value of
type `bool`; `i` is a value of type `int`; `F1` and `F2` are values of type `const CharT*`;
`loc` is an object of type `X::locale_type`; and `ch` is an object of `const char`.
[table Traits Requirements
[*Return type]
[*Assertion / Note\n
Pre / Post condition]
The character container type used in the implementation of class template _basic_regex_.
`std::basic_string<CharT>` or `std::vector<CharT>`
['Implementation defined]
A copy constructible type that represents the locale used by the traits class.
['Implementation defined]
A bitmask type representing a particular character classification. Multiple
values of this type can be bitwise-or'ed together to obtain a new valid value.
`unsigned char`
Yields a value between `0` and `UCHAR_MAX` inclusive.
Widens the specified `char` and returns the resulting `CharT`.
`v.in_range(r1, r2, c)`
For any characters `r1` and `r2`, returns `true` if `r1 <= c && c <= r2`.
Requires that `r1 <= r2`.
`v.in_range_nocase(r1, r2, c)`
For characters `r1` and `r2`, returns `true` if there is some character
`d` for which `v.translate_nocase(d) == v.translate_nocase(c)` and
`r1 <= d && d <= r2`. Requires that `r1 <= r2`.
Returns a character such that for any character `d` that is to be considered
equivalent to `c` then `v.translate(c) == v.translate(d)`.
For all characters `C` that are to be considered
equivalent to `c` when comparisons are to be performed without regard to case,
then `v.translate_nocase(c) == v.translate_nocase(C)`.
`v.transform(F1, F2)`
Returns a sort key for the character sequence designated by the iterator range
`[F1, F2)` such that if the character sequence `[G1, G2)` sorts before the
character sequence `[H1, H2)` then `v.transform(G1, G2) < v.transform(H1, H2)`.
`v.transform_primary(F1, F2)`
Returns a sort key for the character sequence designated by the iterator range
`[F1, F2)` such that if the character sequence `[G1, G2)` sorts before the
character sequence `[H1, H2)` when character case is not considered then
`v.transform_primary(G1, G2) < v.transform_primary(H1, H2)`.
`v.lookup_classname(F1, F2)`
Converts the character sequence designated by the iterator range `[F1,F2)` into a
bitmask type that can subsequently be passed to `isctype`. Values returned from
`lookup_classname` can be safely bitwise or'ed together. Returns `0` if the
character sequence is not the name of a character class recognized by `X`. The
value returned shall be independent of the case of the characters in the
`v.lookup_collatename(F1, F2)`
Returns a sequence of characters that represents the collating element
consisting of the character sequence designated by the iterator range `[F1, F2)`.
Returns an empty string if the character sequence is not a valid collating
`v.isctype(c, v.lookup_classname(F1, F2))`
Returns `true` if character `c` is a member of the character class designated by
the iterator range `[F1, F2)`, `false` otherwise.
`v.value(c, i)`
Returns the value represented by the digit `c` in base `i` if the character `c` is a
valid digit in base `i`; otherwise returns `-1`.\n
\[Note: the value of `i` will only be `8`, `10`, or `16`. -end note\]
Imbues `u` with the locale `loc`, returns the previous
locale used by `u`.
Returns the current locale used by `v`.
[h2 Acknowledgements]
This section is adapted from the equivalent page in the _regexpp_ documentation and from the
_proposal_ to add regular expressions to the Standard Library.