extra_text["msvc-dist-beta-R-quantile"]="[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]";
extra_text["msvc-dist-nbinom-R-quantile"]="[footnote The R library appears to use a linear-search strategy, that can perform very badly in a small number of pathological cases, but may or may not be more efficient in \"typical\" cases]";
extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-beta-R-quantile"]="[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]";
extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-nbinom-R-quantile"]="[footnote The R library appears to use a linear-search strategy, that can perform very badly in a small number of pathological cases, but may or may not be more efficient in \"typical\" cases]";
extra_text["msvc-dist-hypergeometric-cdf"]="[footnote This result is somewhat misleading: for small values of the parameters there is virtually no difference between the two libraries, but for large values the Boost implementation is /much/ slower, albeit with much improved precision.]";
extra_text["msvc-dist-nt-R-quantile"]="[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]";
extra_text["msvc-dist-nchisq-R-quantile"]="[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]";
extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-hypergeometric-cdf"]="[footnote This result is somewhat misleading: for small values of the parameters there is virtually no difference between the two libraries, but for large values the Boost implementation is /much/ slower, albeit with much improved precision.]";
extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-nt-R-quantile"]="[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]";
extra_text["gcc-4_3_2-dist-nchisq-R-quantile"]="[footnote There are a small number of our test cases where the R library fails to converge on a result: these tend to dominate the performance result.]";