Primarily so that the new x86_64 alias functionality is now available for all architectures. Change-Id: I9fde59093a1d08de98923f121a6e3d05ec5801d2
476 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
476 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
# This tool is used to generate the assembler system call stubs,
# the header files listing all available system calls, and the
# makefiles used to build all the stubs.
import sys, os.path, glob, re, commands, filecmp, shutil
from bionic_utils import *
bionic_libc_root = os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"] + "/bionic/libc/"
# temp directory where we store all intermediate files
bionic_temp = "/tmp/bionic_gensyscalls/"
DRY_RUN = False
def make_dir(path):
path = os.path.abspath(path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
parent = os.path.dirname(path)
if parent:
def create_file(relpath):
dir = os.path.dirname(bionic_temp + relpath)
return open(bionic_temp + relpath, "w")
syscall_stub_header = """/* autogenerated by gensyscalls.py */
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <machine/asm.h>
function_alias = """
.globl _C_LABEL(%(alias)s)
.equ _C_LABEL(%(alias)s), _C_LABEL(%(func)s)
# ARM assembler templates for each syscall stub
arm_eabi_call_default = syscall_stub_header + """\
mov ip, r7
ldr r7, =%(__NR_name)s
swi #0
mov r7, ip
cmn r0, #(MAX_ERRNO + 1)
bxls lr
neg r0, r0
b __set_errno
arm_eabi_call_long = syscall_stub_header + """\
mov ip, sp
.save {r4, r5, r6, r7}
stmfd sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7}
ldmfd ip, {r4, r5, r6}
ldr r7, =%(__NR_name)s
swi #0
ldmfd sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7}
cmn r0, #(MAX_ERRNO + 1)
bxls lr
neg r0, r0
b __set_errno
# MIPS assembler templates for each syscall stub
mips_call = """/* autogenerated by gensyscalls.py */
#include <asm/unistd.h>
.globl %(func)s
.align 4
.ent %(func)s
.set noreorder
.cpload $t9
li $v0, %(__NR_name)s
bnez $a3, 1f
move $a0, $v0
j $ra
la $t9,__set_errno
j $t9
.set reorder
.end %(func)s
# x86 assembler templates for each syscall stub
x86_registers = [ "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx", "%esi", "%edi", "%ebp" ]
x86_call = """\
movl $%(__NR_name)s, %%eax
int $0x80
cmpl $-MAX_ERRNO, %%eax
jb 1f
negl %%eax
pushl %%eax
call __set_errno
addl $4, %%esp
orl $-1, %%eax
x86_return = """\
# x86_64 assembler templates for each syscall stub
x86_64_call = """\
movl $%(__NR_name)s, %%eax
cmpq $-MAX_ERRNO, %%rax
jb 1f
negl %%eax
movl %%eax, %%edi
call __set_errno
orq $-1, %%rax
def param_uses_64bits(param):
"""Returns True iff a syscall parameter description corresponds
to a 64-bit type."""
param = param.strip()
# First, check that the param type begins with one of the known
# 64-bit types.
if not ( \
param.startswith("int64_t") or param.startswith("uint64_t") or \
param.startswith("loff_t") or param.startswith("off64_t") or \
param.startswith("long long") or param.startswith("unsigned long long") or
param.startswith("signed long long") ):
return False
# Second, check that there is no pointer type here
if param.find("*") >= 0:
return False
# Ok
return True
def count_arm_param_registers(params):
"""This function is used to count the number of register used
to pass parameters when invoking an ARM system call.
This is because the ARM EABI mandates that 64-bit quantities
must be passed in an even+odd register pair. So, for example,
something like:
foo(int fd, off64_t pos)
would actually need 4 registers:
r0 -> int
r1 -> unused
r2-r3 -> pos
count = 0
for param in params:
if param_uses_64bits(param):
if (count & 1) != 0:
count += 1
count += 2
count += 1
return count
def count_generic_param_registers(params):
count = 0
for param in params:
if param_uses_64bits(param):
count += 2
count += 1
return count
def count_generic_param_registers64(params):
count = 0
for param in params:
count += 1
return count
# This lets us support regular system calls like __NR_write and also weird
# ones like __ARM_NR_cacheflush, where the NR doesn't come at the start.
def make__NR_name(name):
if name.startswith("__"):
return name
return "__NR_%s" % (name)
def add_aliases(stub, syscall):
aliases = syscall["aliases"]
for alias in aliases:
stub += function_alias % { "func" : syscall["func"], "alias" : alias }
return stub
def arm_eabi_genstub(syscall):
num_regs = count_arm_param_registers(syscall["params"])
if num_regs > 4:
return arm_eabi_call_long % syscall
return arm_eabi_call_default % syscall
def mips_genstub(syscall):
return mips_call % syscall
def x86_genstub(syscall):
result = syscall_stub_header % syscall
stack_bias = 4
numparams = count_generic_param_registers(syscall["params"])
for r in range(numparams):
result += " pushl " + x86_registers[r] + "\n"
stack_bias += 4
for r in range(numparams):
result += " mov %d(%%esp), %s" % (stack_bias+r*4, x86_registers[r]) + "\n"
result += x86_call % syscall
for r in range(numparams):
result += " popl " + x86_registers[numparams-r-1] + "\n"
result += x86_return % syscall
return result
def x86_genstub_socketcall(syscall):
# %ebx <--- Argument 1 - The call id of the needed vectored
# syscall (socket, bind, recv, etc)
# %ecx <--- Argument 2 - Pointer to the rest of the arguments
# from the original function called (socket())
result = syscall_stub_header % syscall
stack_bias = 4
# save the regs we need
result += " pushl %ebx" + "\n"
stack_bias += 4
result += " pushl %ecx" + "\n"
stack_bias += 4
# set the call id (%ebx)
result += " mov $%d, %%ebx" % syscall["socketcall_id"] + "\n"
# set the pointer to the rest of the args into %ecx
result += " mov %esp, %ecx" + "\n"
result += " addl $%d, %%ecx" % (stack_bias) + "\n"
# now do the syscall code itself
result += x86_call % syscall
# now restore the saved regs
result += " popl %ecx" + "\n"
result += " popl %ebx" + "\n"
# epilog
result += x86_return % syscall
return result
def x86_64_genstub(syscall):
result = syscall_stub_header % syscall
num_regs = count_generic_param_registers64(syscall["params"])
if (num_regs > 3):
# rcx is used as 4th argument. Kernel wants it at r10.
result += " movq %rcx, %r10\n"
result += x86_64_call % syscall
return result
class State:
def __init__(self):
self.old_stubs = []
self.new_stubs = []
self.other_files = []
self.syscalls = []
def process_file(self, input):
parser = SysCallsTxtParser()
self.syscalls = parser.syscalls
parser = None
for syscall in self.syscalls:
syscall["__NR_name"] = make__NR_name(syscall["name"])
if syscall.has_key("arm"):
syscall["asm-arm"] = add_aliases(arm_eabi_genstub(syscall), syscall)
if syscall.has_key("x86"):
if syscall["socketcall_id"] >= 0:
syscall["asm-x86"] = add_aliases(x86_genstub_socketcall(syscall), syscall)
syscall["asm-x86"] = add_aliases(x86_genstub(syscall), syscall)
elif syscall["socketcall_id"] >= 0:
E("socketcall_id for dispatch syscalls is only supported for x86 in '%s'" % t)
if syscall.has_key("mips"):
syscall["asm-mips"] = add_aliases(mips_genstub(syscall), syscall)
if syscall.has_key("x86_64"):
syscall["asm-x86_64"] = add_aliases(x86_64_genstub(syscall), syscall)
# Scan a Linux kernel asm/unistd.h file containing __NR_* constants
# and write out equivalent SYS_* constants for glibc source compatibility.
def scan_linux_unistd_h(self, fp, path):
pattern = re.compile(r'^#define __NR_([a-z]\S+) .*')
syscalls = set() # MIPS defines everything three times; work around that.
for line in open(path):
m = re.search(pattern, line)
if m:
for syscall in sorted(syscalls):
fp.write("#define SYS_%s %s\n" % (syscall, make__NR_name(syscall)))
def gen_glibc_syscalls_h(self):
# TODO: generate a separate file for each architecture, like glibc's bits/syscall.h.
glibc_syscalls_h_path = "include/sys/glibc-syscalls.h"
D("generating " + glibc_syscalls_h_path)
glibc_fp = create_file(glibc_syscalls_h_path)
glibc_fp.write("/* Auto-generated by gensyscalls.py; do not edit. */\n")
glibc_fp.write("#ifndef _BIONIC_GLIBC_SYSCALLS_H_\n")
glibc_fp.write("#define _BIONIC_GLIBC_SYSCALLS_H_\n")
glibc_fp.write("#if defined(__arm__)\n")
self.scan_linux_unistd_h(glibc_fp, bionic_libc_root + "/kernel/arch-arm/asm/unistd.h")
glibc_fp.write("#elif defined(__mips__)\n")
self.scan_linux_unistd_h(glibc_fp, bionic_libc_root + "/kernel/arch-mips/asm/unistd.h")
glibc_fp.write("#elif defined(__i386__)\n")
self.scan_linux_unistd_h(glibc_fp, bionic_libc_root + "/kernel/arch-x86/asm/unistd_32.h")
glibc_fp.write("#elif defined(__x86_64__)\n")
self.scan_linux_unistd_h(glibc_fp, bionic_libc_root + "/kernel/arch-x86/asm/unistd_64.h")
glibc_fp.write("#endif /* _BIONIC_GLIBC_SYSCALLS_H_ */\n")
# Write the contents of syscalls.mk.
def gen_arch_syscalls_mk(self, arch):
path = "arch-%s/syscalls.mk" % arch
D("generating " + path)
fp = create_file(path)
fp.write("# Auto-generated by gensyscalls.py. Do not edit.\n")
fp.write("syscall_src :=\n")
for syscall in self.syscalls:
if syscall.has_key("asm-%s" % arch):
fp.write("syscall_src += arch-%s/syscalls/%s.S\n" % (arch, syscall["func"]))
# Write each syscall stub.
def gen_syscall_stubs(self):
for syscall in self.syscalls:
for arch in all_arches:
if syscall.has_key("asm-%s" % arch):
filename = "arch-%s/syscalls/%s.S" % (arch, syscall["func"])
D2(">>> generating " + filename)
fp = create_file(filename)
fp.write(syscall["asm-%s" % arch])
def regenerate(self):
D("scanning for existing architecture-specific stub files...")
bionic_libc_root_len = len(bionic_libc_root)
for arch in all_arches:
arch_path = bionic_libc_root + "arch-" + arch
D("scanning " + arch_path)
files = glob.glob(arch_path + "/syscalls/*.S")
for f in files:
D("found %d stub files" % len(self.old_stubs))
if not os.path.exists(bionic_temp):
D("creating %s..." % bionic_temp)
D("re-generating stubs and support files...")
for arch in all_arches:
D("comparing files...")
adds = []
edits = []
for stub in self.new_stubs + self.other_files:
if not os.path.exists(bionic_libc_root + stub):
# new file, git add it
D("new file: " + stub)
adds.append(bionic_libc_root + stub)
shutil.copyfile(bionic_temp + stub, bionic_libc_root + stub)
elif not filecmp.cmp(bionic_temp + stub, bionic_libc_root + stub):
D("changed file: " + stub)
deletes = []
for stub in self.old_stubs:
if not stub in self.new_stubs:
D("deleted file: " + stub)
deletes.append(bionic_libc_root + stub)
if not DRY_RUN:
if adds:
commands.getoutput("git add " + " ".join(adds))
if deletes:
commands.getoutput("git rm " + " ".join(deletes))
if edits:
for file in edits:
shutil.copyfile(bionic_temp + file, bionic_libc_root + file)
commands.getoutput("git add " + " ".join((bionic_libc_root + file) for file in edits))
commands.getoutput("git add %s%s" % (bionic_libc_root,"SYSCALLS.TXT"))
if (not adds) and (not deletes) and (not edits):
D("no changes detected!")
D("ready to go!!")
state = State()