Dimitry Ivanov 7331fe18d7 linker: implement shared namespaces
Shared namespaces clone the list of loaded native
libraries from the caller namespace. This allows
classloaders for bundled apps to share already loaded
libraries with default namespace.

Bug: http://b/22548808
Bug: http://b/26165097
Change-Id: I8949d45937fdb38e1f586ff0679003adac0d9dad
(cherry picked from commit e78deef364d952dd1141a2f3067a12060aaf11e6)
2015-12-19 23:38:27 -08:00

273 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "linker.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <android/api-level.h>
#include <bionic/pthread_internal.h>
#include "private/bionic_tls.h"
#include "private/ScopedPthreadMutexLocker.h"
#include "private/ThreadLocalBuffer.h"
/* This file hijacks the symbols stubbed out in */
static pthread_mutex_t g_dl_mutex = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP;
static const char* __bionic_set_dlerror(char* new_value) {
char** dlerror_slot = &reinterpret_cast<char**>(__get_tls())[TLS_SLOT_DLERROR];
const char* old_value = *dlerror_slot;
*dlerror_slot = new_value;
return old_value;
static void __bionic_format_dlerror(const char* msg, const char* detail) {
char* buffer = __get_thread()->dlerror_buffer;
strlcpy(buffer, msg, __BIONIC_DLERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (detail != nullptr) {
strlcat(buffer, ": ", __BIONIC_DLERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
strlcat(buffer, detail, __BIONIC_DLERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
const char* dlerror() {
const char* old_value = __bionic_set_dlerror(nullptr);
return old_value;
void android_get_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size) {
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
do_android_get_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(buffer, buffer_size);
void android_update_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(const char* ld_library_path) {
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
static void* dlopen_ext(const char* filename, int flags,
const android_dlextinfo* extinfo, void* caller_addr) {
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
soinfo* result = do_dlopen(filename, flags, extinfo, caller_addr);
if (result == nullptr) {
__bionic_format_dlerror("dlopen failed", linker_get_error_buffer());
return nullptr;
return result;
void* android_dlopen_ext(const char* filename, int flags, const android_dlextinfo* extinfo) {
void* caller_addr = __builtin_return_address(0);
return dlopen_ext(filename, flags, extinfo, caller_addr);
void* dlopen(const char* filename, int flags) {
void* caller_addr = __builtin_return_address(0);
return dlopen_ext(filename, flags, nullptr, caller_addr);
extern android_namespace_t* g_anonymous_namespace;
void* dlsym_impl(void* handle, const char* symbol, const char* version, void* caller_addr) {
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
void* result;
if (!do_dlsym(handle, symbol, version, caller_addr, &result)) {
__bionic_format_dlerror(linker_get_error_buffer(), nullptr);
return nullptr;
return result;
void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* symbol) {
void* caller_addr = __builtin_return_address(0);
return dlsym_impl(handle, symbol, nullptr, caller_addr);
void* dlvsym(void* handle, const char* symbol, const char* version) {
void* caller_addr = __builtin_return_address(0);
return dlsym_impl(handle, symbol, version, caller_addr);
int dladdr(const void* addr, Dl_info* info) {
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
return do_dladdr(addr, info);
int dlclose(void* handle) {
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
// dlclose has no defined errors.
return 0;
int dl_iterate_phdr(int (*cb)(dl_phdr_info* info, size_t size, void* data), void* data) {
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
return do_dl_iterate_phdr(cb, data);
void android_set_application_target_sdk_version(uint32_t target) {
// lock to avoid modification in the middle of dlopen.
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
uint32_t android_get_application_target_sdk_version() {
return get_application_target_sdk_version();
bool android_init_namespaces(const char* public_ns_sonames,
const char* anon_ns_library_path) {
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
bool success = init_namespaces(public_ns_sonames, anon_ns_library_path);
if (!success) {
__bionic_format_dlerror("android_init_namespaces failed", linker_get_error_buffer());
return success;
android_namespace_t* android_create_namespace(const char* name, const char* ld_library_path,
const char* default_library_path, uint64_t type,
const char* permitted_when_isolated_path) {
void* caller_addr = __builtin_return_address(0);
ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
android_namespace_t* result = create_namespace(caller_addr, name, ld_library_path,
default_library_path, type,
if (result == nullptr) {
__bionic_format_dlerror("android_create_namespace failed", linker_get_error_buffer());
return result;
// name_offset: starting index of the name in libdl_info.strtab
#define ELF32_SYM_INITIALIZER(name_offset, value, shndx) \
{ name_offset, \
reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Addr>(value), \
/* st_size */ 0, \
(shndx == 0) ? 0 : (STB_GLOBAL << 4), \
/* st_other */ 0, \
shndx, \
#define ELF64_SYM_INITIALIZER(name_offset, value, shndx) \
{ name_offset, \
(shndx == 0) ? 0 : (STB_GLOBAL << 4), \
/* st_other */ 0, \
shndx, \
reinterpret_cast<Elf64_Addr>(value), \
/* st_size */ 0, \
static const char ANDROID_LIBDL_STRTAB[] =
// 0000000 00011111 111112 22222222 2333333 3333444444444455555555556666666 6667777777777888888888899999 99999
// 0123456 78901234 567890 12345678 9012345 6789012345678901234567890123456 7890123456789012345678901234 56789
// 00000000001 1111111112222222222 3333333333444444444455555555556666666666777 777777788888888889999999999
// 01234567890 1234567890123456789 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 345678901234567890123456789
// 0000000000111111 111122222222223333333333 4444444444555555555566666 6666677
// 0123456789012345 678901234567890123456789 0123456789012345678901234 5678901
#if defined(__arm__)
// 272
static ElfW(Sym) g_libdl_symtab[] = {
// Total length of libdl_info.strtab, including trailing 0.
// This is actually the STH_UNDEF entry. Technically, it's
// supposed to have st_name == 0, but instead, it points to an index
// in the strtab with a \0 to make iterating through the symtab easier.
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)( 0, &dlopen, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)( 7, &dlclose, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)( 15, &dlsym, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)( 21, &dlerror, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)( 29, &dladdr, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)( 36, &android_update_LD_LIBRARY_PATH, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)( 95, &dl_iterate_phdr, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)(111, &android_dlopen_ext, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)(130, &android_set_application_target_sdk_version, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)(173, &android_get_application_target_sdk_version, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)(216, &android_init_namespaces, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)(240, &android_create_namespace, 1),
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)(265, &dlvsym, 1),
#if defined(__arm__)
ELFW(SYM_INITIALIZER)(272, &dl_unwind_find_exidx, 1),
// Fake out a hash table with a single bucket.
// A search of the hash table will look through g_libdl_symtab starting with index 1, then
// use g_libdl_chains to find the next index to look at. g_libdl_chains should be set up to
// walk through every element in g_libdl_symtab, and then end with 0 (sentinel value).
// That is, g_libdl_chains should look like { 0, 2, 3, ... N, 0 } where N is the number
// of actual symbols, or nelems(g_libdl_symtab)-1 (since the first element of g_libdl_symtab is not
// a real symbol). (See soinfo_elf_lookup().)
// Note that adding any new symbols here requires stubbing them out in libdl.
static unsigned g_libdl_buckets[1] = { 1 };
#if defined(__arm__)
static unsigned g_libdl_chains[] = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0 };
static unsigned g_libdl_chains[] = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 0 };
static uint8_t __libdl_info_buf[sizeof(soinfo)] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
static soinfo* __libdl_info = nullptr;
extern android_namespace_t g_default_namespace;
// This is used by the dynamic linker. Every process gets these symbols for free.
soinfo* get_libdl_info() {
if (__libdl_info == nullptr) {
__libdl_info = new (__libdl_info_buf) soinfo(&g_default_namespace, "", nullptr, 0, RTLD_GLOBAL);
__libdl_info->flags_ |= FLAG_LINKED;
__libdl_info->strtab_ = ANDROID_LIBDL_STRTAB;
__libdl_info->symtab_ = g_libdl_symtab;
__libdl_info->nbucket_ = sizeof(g_libdl_buckets)/sizeof(unsigned);
__libdl_info->nchain_ = sizeof(g_libdl_chains)/sizeof(unsigned);
__libdl_info->bucket_ = g_libdl_buckets;
__libdl_info->chain_ = g_libdl_chains;
__libdl_info->ref_count_ = 1;
__libdl_info->strtab_size_ = sizeof(ANDROID_LIBDL_STRTAB);
__libdl_info->local_group_root_ = __libdl_info;
__libdl_info->soname_ = "";
__libdl_info->target_sdk_version_ = __ANDROID_API__;
#if defined(__work_around_b_24465209__)
strlcpy(__libdl_info->old_name_, __libdl_info->soname_, sizeof(__libdl_info->old_name_));
return __libdl_info;