Bug: http://b/20139821 Change-Id: I1c1ed1b97a75936407e996698b98b94a7175ac30 (cherry picked from commit 6cda0742895e46aa4ad0e4e8d5637d166f9f46f2)
66 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File
66 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File
import glob
import os
import re
import string
import subprocess
import sys
toolchain = os.environ['ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN']
arch = re.sub(r'.*/linux-x86/([^/]+)/.*', r'\1', toolchain)
sys.stderr.write('Checking symbols for arch "%s"...\n' % arch)
def GetSymbols(library, functions_or_variables):
api = '9'
if library == 'libm' and arch == 'arm':
api = '3'
path = '%s/development/ndk/platforms/android-%s/arch-%s/symbols/%s.so.%s.txt' % (os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'], api, arch, library, functions_or_variables)
symbols = set()
for line in open(path, 'r'):
#sys.stdout.write('%d %s in %s for %s\n' % (len(symbols), functions_or_variables, library, arch))
return symbols
def CheckSymbols(library, functions_or_variables):
expected_symbols = GetSymbols(library, functions_or_variables)
so_file = '%s/system/lib/%s.so' % (os.environ['ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT'], library)
# Example readelf output:
# 264: 0001623c 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 8 cabsf
# 266: 00016244 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 8 dremf
# 267: 00019018 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 __fe_dfl_env
# 268: 00000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND __aeabi_dcmplt
r = re.compile(r' +\d+: [0-9a-f]+ +\d+ (FUNC|OBJECT) +\S+ +\S+ +\d+ (\S+)')
actual_symbols = set()
for line in subprocess.check_output(['readelf', '--dyn-syms', so_file]).split('\n'):
m = r.match(line)
if m:
symbol = string.split(m.group(2), '@')[0]
if m.group(1) == 'FUNC' and functions_or_variables == 'functions':
elif m.group(1) == 'OBJECT' and functions_or_variables == 'variables':
#print 'ignoring: ' % line
missing = expected_symbols - actual_symbols
if len(missing) > 0:
sys.stderr.write('%d missing %s in %s for %s:\n' % (len(missing), functions_or_variables, library, arch))
for miss in sorted(missing):
sys.stderr.write(' %s\n' % miss)
return len(missing) == 0
CheckSymbols("libc", "functions")
CheckSymbols("libc", "variables")
CheckSymbols("libm", "functions")
CheckSymbols("libm", "variables")