Much of the per-architecture duplication can be removed, so let's do so before we add the 64-bit architectures. Change-Id: Ieb796503c8e5353ea38c3bab768bb9a690c9a767
156 lines
4.2 KiB
156 lines
4.2 KiB
# common python utility routines for the Bionic tool scripts
import sys, os, commands, string
all_arches = [ "arm", "mips", "x86" ]
# basic debugging trace support
# call D_setlevel to set the verbosity level
# and D(), D2(), D3(), D4() to add traces
verbose = 0
def D(msg):
global verbose
if verbose > 0:
print msg
def D2(msg):
global verbose
if verbose >= 2:
print msg
def D3(msg):
global verbose
if verbose >= 3:
print msg
def D4(msg):
global verbose
if verbose >= 4:
print msg
def D_setlevel(level):
global verbose
verbose = level
# parser for the SYSCALLS.TXT file
class SysCallsTxtParser:
def __init__(self):
self.syscalls = []
self.lineno = 0
def E(self, msg):
print "%d: %s" % (self.lineno, msg)
def parse_line(self, line):
""" parse a syscall spec line.
line processing, format is
return type func_name[:syscall_name[:socketcall_id]] ( [paramlist] ) architecture_list
pos_lparen = line.find('(')
E = self.E
if pos_lparen < 0:
E("missing left parenthesis in '%s'" % line)
pos_rparen = line.rfind(')')
if pos_rparen < 0 or pos_rparen <= pos_lparen:
E("missing or misplaced right parenthesis in '%s'" % line)
return_type = line[:pos_lparen].strip().split()
if len(return_type) < 2:
E("missing return type in '%s'" % line)
syscall_func = return_type[-1]
return_type = string.join(return_type[:-1],' ')
socketcall_id = -1
pos_colon = syscall_func.find(':')
if pos_colon < 0:
syscall_name = syscall_func
if pos_colon == 0 or pos_colon+1 >= len(syscall_func):
E("misplaced colon in '%s'" % line)
# now find if there is a socketcall_id for a dispatch-type syscall
# after the optional 2nd colon
pos_colon2 = syscall_func.find(':', pos_colon + 1)
if pos_colon2 < 0:
syscall_name = syscall_func[pos_colon+1:]
syscall_func = syscall_func[:pos_colon]
if pos_colon2+1 >= len(syscall_func):
E("misplaced colon2 in '%s'" % line)
syscall_name = syscall_func[(pos_colon+1):pos_colon2]
socketcall_id = int(syscall_func[pos_colon2+1:])
syscall_func = syscall_func[:pos_colon]
if pos_rparen > pos_lparen+1:
syscall_params = line[pos_lparen+1:pos_rparen].split(',')
params = string.join(syscall_params,',')
syscall_params = []
params = "void"
t = {
"name" : syscall_name,
"func" : syscall_func,
"params" : syscall_params,
"decl" : "%-15s %s (%s);" % (return_type, syscall_func, params),
"socketcall_id" : socketcall_id
# Parse the architecture list.
arch_list = line[pos_rparen+1:].strip()
if arch_list == "custom":
elif arch_list == "all":
for arch in all_arches:
t[arch] = True
for arch in string.split(arch_list, ','):
if arch in all_arches:
t[arch] = True
E("invalid syscall architecture list in '%s'" % line)
global verbose
if verbose >= 2:
print t
def parse_file(self, file_path):
D2("parse_file: %s" % file_path)
fp = open(file_path)
for line in fp.xreadlines():
self.lineno += 1
line = line.strip()
if not line: continue
if line[0] == '#': continue
class StringOutput:
def __init__(self):
self.line = ""
def write(self,msg):
self.line += msg
D2("write '%s'" % msg)
def get(self):
return self.line