This changes the scripts so that if some kernel files exists in external/kernel-headers/modified, that they will be preferred over the same files found in original. This is to support the case where the kernel headers cannot be taken without some small modifications. Included with this change, is a general cleanup of the python scripts. This also modifies the generate uapi headers script to indicate if the source of the modified headers has changed. Change-Id: Id13523b244ced52a2ecd9f1399c43996dd8296fa
123 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
123 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, cpp, kernel, glob, os, re, getopt, clean_header, subprocess
from defaults import *
from utils import *
def usage():
print """\
usage: %(progname)s [kernel-original-path] [kernel-modified-path]
this program is used to update all the auto-generated clean headers
used by the Bionic C library. it assumes the following:
- a set of source kernel headers is located in
'external/kernel-headers/original', relative to the current
android tree
- a set of manually modified kernel header files located in
'external/kernel-headers/modified', relative to the current
android tree
- the clean headers will be placed in 'bionic/libc/kernel/arch-<arch>/asm',
'bionic/libc/kernel/common', etc..
""" % { "progname" : os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) }
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '')
# unrecognized option
sys.stderr.write("error: unrecognized option\n")
if len(optlist) > 0 or len(args) > 2:
modified_dir = get_kernel_headers_modified_dir()
if len(args) == 1 or len(args) == 2:
original_dir = args[0]
if not os.path.isdir(original_dir):
panic("Not a directory: %s\n" % original_dir)
if len(args) == 2:
modified_dir = args[1]
if not os.path.isdir(modified_dir):
panic("Not a directory: %s\n" % modified_dir)
original_dir = get_kernel_headers_original_dir()
if not os.path.isdir(original_dir):
panic("Missing directory, please specify one through command-line: %s\n" % original_dir)
if not os.path.isdir(modified_dir):
modified_dir = None
# Find all source files in 'original'.
sources = dict()
original_dir = os.path.normpath(original_dir)
original_dir_len = len(original_dir) + 1
for root, _, files in os.walk(original_dir):
for file in files:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if ext == ".h":
rel_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, file))
rel_path = rel_path[original_dir_len:]
# Check to see if there is a modified header to use instead.
if modified_dir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(modified_dir, rel_path)):
sources[rel_path] = False
sources[rel_path] = True
b = BatchFileUpdater()
kernel_dir = get_kernel_dir()
for arch in kernel_archs:
b.readDir(os.path.join(kernel_dir, "arch-%s" % arch))
b.readDir(os.path.join(kernel_dir, "common"))
oldlen = 120
android_root_len = len(get_android_root()) + 1
for rel_path in sorted(sources):
if sources[rel_path]:
src_dir = original_dir
src_str = "<original>/"
src_dir = modified_dir
src_str = "<modified>/"
dst_path, newdata = clean_header.cleanupFile(kernel_dir, src_dir, rel_path)
if not dst_path:
dst_path = os.path.join(kernel_dir, dst_path)
r = b.editFile(dst_path, newdata)
if r == 0:
state = "unchanged"
elif r == 1:
state = "edited"
state = "added"
# dst_path is guaranteed to include android root.
rel_dst_path = dst_path[android_root_len:]
str = "cleaning: %-*s -> %-*s (%s)" % (35, src_str + rel_path, 35, rel_dst_path, state)
if sys.stdout.isatty():
print "%-*s" % (oldlen, str),
if (r == 0):
print "\r",
print "\n",
oldlen = 0
print str
oldlen = len(str)
print "%-*s" % (oldlen, "Done!")