/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> // Below are the header files we want to test. #include <grp.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sys/cdefs.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> enum uid_type_t { TYPE_SYSTEM, TYPE_APP }; #if defined(__BIONIC__) static void check_passwd(const passwd* pwd, const char* username, uid_t uid, uid_type_t uid_type) { ASSERT_TRUE(pwd != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(username, pwd->pw_name); ASSERT_EQ(uid, pwd->pw_uid); ASSERT_EQ(uid, pwd->pw_gid); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, pwd->pw_passwd); #ifdef __LP64__ ASSERT_EQ(NULL, pwd->pw_gecos); #endif if (uid_type == TYPE_SYSTEM) { ASSERT_STREQ("/", pwd->pw_dir); } else { ASSERT_STREQ("/data", pwd->pw_dir); } ASSERT_STREQ("/system/bin/sh", pwd->pw_shell); } static void check_getpwuid(const char* username, uid_t uid, uid_type_t uid_type) { errno = 0; passwd* pwd = getpwuid(uid); ASSERT_EQ(0, errno); SCOPED_TRACE("getpwuid"); check_passwd(pwd, username, uid, uid_type); } static void check_getpwnam(const char* username, uid_t uid, uid_type_t uid_type) { errno = 0; passwd* pwd = getpwnam(username); ASSERT_EQ(0, errno); SCOPED_TRACE("getpwnam"); check_passwd(pwd, username, uid, uid_type); } static void check_getpwuid_r(const char* username, uid_t uid, uid_type_t uid_type) { passwd pwd_storage; char buf[512]; int result; errno = 0; passwd* pwd = NULL; result = getpwuid_r(uid, &pwd_storage, buf, sizeof(buf), &pwd); ASSERT_EQ(0, result); ASSERT_EQ(0, errno); SCOPED_TRACE("getpwuid_r"); check_passwd(pwd, username, uid, uid_type); } static void check_getpwnam_r(const char* username, uid_t uid, uid_type_t uid_type) { passwd pwd_storage; char buf[512]; int result; errno = 0; passwd* pwd = NULL; result = getpwnam_r(username, &pwd_storage, buf, sizeof(buf), &pwd); ASSERT_EQ(0, result); ASSERT_EQ(0, errno); SCOPED_TRACE("getpwnam_r"); check_passwd(pwd, username, uid, uid_type); } static void check_get_passwd(const char* username, uid_t uid, uid_type_t uid_type) { check_getpwuid(username, uid, uid_type); check_getpwnam(username, uid, uid_type); check_getpwuid_r(username, uid, uid_type); check_getpwnam_r(username, uid, uid_type); } #else // !defined(__BIONIC__) static void check_get_passwd(const char* /* username */, uid_t /* uid */, uid_type_t /* uid_type */) { GTEST_LOG_(INFO) << "This test is about uid/username translation for Android, which does nothing on libc other than bionic.\n"; } #endif TEST(getpwnam, system_id_root) { check_get_passwd("root", 0, TYPE_SYSTEM); } TEST(getpwnam, system_id_system) { check_get_passwd("system", 1000, TYPE_SYSTEM); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_radio) { check_get_passwd("radio", 1001, TYPE_SYSTEM); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_nobody) { check_get_passwd("nobody", 9999, TYPE_SYSTEM); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u0_a0) { check_get_passwd("u0_a0", 10000, TYPE_APP); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u0_a1234) { check_get_passwd("u0_a1234", 11234, TYPE_APP); } // Test the difference between uid and shared gid. TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u0_a49999) { check_get_passwd("u0_a49999", 59999, TYPE_APP); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u0_i1) { check_get_passwd("u0_i1", 99001, TYPE_APP); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u1_root) { check_get_passwd("u1_root", 100000, TYPE_SYSTEM); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u1_radio) { check_get_passwd("u1_radio", 101001, TYPE_SYSTEM); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u1_a0) { check_get_passwd("u1_a0", 110000, TYPE_APP); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u1_a40000) { check_get_passwd("u1_a40000", 150000, TYPE_APP); } TEST(getpwnam, app_id_u1_i0) { check_get_passwd("u1_i0", 199000, TYPE_APP); } #if defined(__BIONIC__) static void check_group(const group* grp, const char* group_name, gid_t gid) { ASSERT_TRUE(grp != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(group_name, grp->gr_name); ASSERT_EQ(gid, grp->gr_gid); ASSERT_TRUE(grp->gr_mem != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(group_name, grp->gr_mem[0]); ASSERT_TRUE(grp->gr_mem[1] == NULL); } static void check_getgrgid(const char* group_name, gid_t gid) { errno = 0; group* grp = getgrgid(gid); ASSERT_EQ(0, errno); SCOPED_TRACE("getgrgid"); check_group(grp, group_name, gid); } static void check_getgrnam(const char* group_name, gid_t gid) { errno = 0; group* grp = getgrnam(group_name); ASSERT_EQ(0, errno); SCOPED_TRACE("getgrnam"); check_group(grp, group_name, gid); } static void check_get_group(const char* group_name, gid_t gid) { check_getgrgid(group_name, gid); check_getgrnam(group_name, gid); } #else // !defined(__BIONIC__) static void check_get_group(const char* /* group_name */, gid_t /* gid */) { GTEST_LOG_(INFO) << "This test is about gid/group_name translation for Android, which does nothing on libc other than bionic.\n"; } #endif TEST(getgrnam, system_id_root) { check_get_group("root", 0); } TEST(getgrnam, system_id_system) { check_get_group("system", 1000); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_radio) { check_get_group("radio", 1001); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_nobody) { check_get_group("nobody", 9999); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u0_a0) { check_get_group("u0_a0", 10000); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u0_a1234) { check_get_group("u0_a1234", 11234); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u0_a9999) { check_get_group("u0_a9999", 19999); } // Test the difference between uid and shared gid. TEST(getgrnam, app_id_all_a9999) { check_get_group("all_a9999", 59999); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u0_i1) { check_get_group("u0_i1", 99001); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u1_root) { check_get_group("u1_root", 100000); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u1_radio) { check_get_group("u1_radio", 101001); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u1_a0) { check_get_group("u1_a0", 110000); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u1_a40000) { check_get_group("u1_a40000", 150000); } TEST(getgrnam, app_id_u1_i0) { check_get_group("u1_i0", 199000); }