/**************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** *** *** This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header *** of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to *** call into the kernel available to libc. It contains only constants, *** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus, *** contains no copyrightable information. *** *** To edit the content of this header, modify the corresponding *** source file (e.g. under external/kernel-headers/original/) then *** run bionic/libc/kernel/tools/update_all.py *** *** Any manual change here will be lost the next time this script will *** be run. You've been warned! *** **************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef DRM_FOURCC_H #define DRM_FOURCC_H #include #define fourcc_code(a,b,c,d) ((__u32) (a) | ((__u32) (b) << 8) | ((__u32) (c) << 16) | ((__u32) (d) << 24)) /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_BIG_ENDIAN (1 << 31) #define DRM_FORMAT_C8 fourcc_code('C', '8', ' ', ' ') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGB332 fourcc_code('R', 'G', 'B', '8') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGR233 fourcc_code('B', 'G', 'R', '8') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB4444 fourcc_code('X', 'R', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR4444 fourcc_code('X', 'B', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX4444 fourcc_code('R', 'X', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX4444 fourcc_code('B', 'X', '1', '2') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB4444 fourcc_code('A', 'R', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR4444 fourcc_code('A', 'B', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGBA4444 fourcc_code('R', 'A', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGRA4444 fourcc_code('B', 'A', '1', '2') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB1555 fourcc_code('X', 'R', '1', '5') #define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR1555 fourcc_code('X', 'B', '1', '5') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX5551 fourcc_code('R', 'X', '1', '5') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX5551 fourcc_code('B', 'X', '1', '5') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB1555 fourcc_code('A', 'R', '1', '5') #define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR1555 fourcc_code('A', 'B', '1', '5') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGBA5551 fourcc_code('R', 'A', '1', '5') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGRA5551 fourcc_code('B', 'A', '1', '5') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_RGB565 fourcc_code('R', 'G', '1', '6') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGR565 fourcc_code('B', 'G', '1', '6') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGB888 fourcc_code('R', 'G', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGR888 fourcc_code('B', 'G', '2', '4') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 fourcc_code('X', 'R', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888 fourcc_code('X', 'B', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX8888 fourcc_code('R', 'X', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX8888 fourcc_code('B', 'X', '2', '4') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888 fourcc_code('A', 'R', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR8888 fourcc_code('A', 'B', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGBA8888 fourcc_code('R', 'A', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGRA8888 fourcc_code('B', 'A', '2', '4') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB2101010 fourcc_code('X', 'R', '3', '0') #define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR2101010 fourcc_code('X', 'B', '3', '0') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX1010102 fourcc_code('R', 'X', '3', '0') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102 fourcc_code('B', 'X', '3', '0') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB2101010 fourcc_code('A', 'R', '3', '0') #define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR2101010 fourcc_code('A', 'B', '3', '0') #define DRM_FORMAT_RGBA1010102 fourcc_code('R', 'A', '3', '0') #define DRM_FORMAT_BGRA1010102 fourcc_code('B', 'A', '3', '0') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_YUYV fourcc_code('Y', 'U', 'Y', 'V') #define DRM_FORMAT_YVYU fourcc_code('Y', 'V', 'Y', 'U') #define DRM_FORMAT_UYVY fourcc_code('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y') #define DRM_FORMAT_VYUY fourcc_code('V', 'Y', 'U', 'Y') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_AYUV fourcc_code('A', 'Y', 'U', 'V') #define DRM_FORMAT_NV12 fourcc_code('N', 'V', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_NV21 fourcc_code('N', 'V', '2', '1') #define DRM_FORMAT_NV16 fourcc_code('N', 'V', '1', '6') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_NV61 fourcc_code('N', 'V', '6', '1') #define DRM_FORMAT_NV24 fourcc_code('N', 'V', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_NV42 fourcc_code('N', 'V', '4', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_NV12MT fourcc_code('T', 'M', '1', '2') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_YUV410 fourcc_code('Y', 'U', 'V', '9') #define DRM_FORMAT_YVU410 fourcc_code('Y', 'V', 'U', '9') #define DRM_FORMAT_YUV411 fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '1') #define DRM_FORMAT_YVU411 fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '1') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_YUV420 fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_YVU420 fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '2') #define DRM_FORMAT_YUV422 fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '6') #define DRM_FORMAT_YVU422 fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '6') /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define DRM_FORMAT_YUV444 fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '2', '4') #define DRM_FORMAT_YVU444 fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '2', '4') #endif