/**************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** *** *** This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header *** of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to *** call into the kernel available to libc. It contains only constants, *** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus, *** contains no copyrightable information. *** *** To edit the content of this header, modify the corresponding *** source file (e.g. under external/kernel-headers/original/) then *** run bionic/libc/kernel/tools/update_all.py *** *** Any manual change here will be lost the next time this script will *** be run. You've been warned! *** **************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _UAPI__UINPUT_H_ #define _UAPI__UINPUT_H_ #include #include /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define UINPUT_VERSION 4 struct uinput_ff_upload { __u32 request_id; __s32 retval; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ struct ff_effect effect; struct ff_effect old; }; struct uinput_ff_erase { /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ __u32 request_id; __s32 retval; __u32 effect_id; }; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE 'U' #define UI_DEV_CREATE _IO(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 1) #define UI_DEV_DESTROY _IO(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 2) #define UI_SET_EVBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 100, int) /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define UI_SET_KEYBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 101, int) #define UI_SET_RELBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 102, int) #define UI_SET_ABSBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 103, int) #define UI_SET_MSCBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 104, int) /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define UI_SET_LEDBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 105, int) #define UI_SET_SNDBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 106, int) #define UI_SET_FFBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 107, int) #define UI_SET_PHYS _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 108, char *) /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define UI_SET_SWBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 109, int) #define UI_SET_PROPBIT _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 110, int) #define UI_BEGIN_FF_UPLOAD _IOWR(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 200, struct uinput_ff_upload) #define UI_END_FF_UPLOAD _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 201, struct uinput_ff_upload) /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define UI_BEGIN_FF_ERASE _IOWR(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 202, struct uinput_ff_erase) #define UI_END_FF_ERASE _IOW(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 203, struct uinput_ff_erase) #define UI_GET_SYSNAME(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 300, len) #define UI_GET_VERSION _IOR(UINPUT_IOCTL_BASE, 301, unsigned int) /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define EV_UINPUT 0x0101 #define UI_FF_UPLOAD 1 #define UI_FF_ERASE 2 #define UINPUT_MAX_NAME_SIZE 80 /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ struct uinput_user_dev { char name[UINPUT_MAX_NAME_SIZE]; struct input_id id; __u32 ff_effects_max; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ __s32 absmax[ABS_CNT]; __s32 absmin[ABS_CNT]; __s32 absfuzz[ABS_CNT]; __s32 absflat[ABS_CNT]; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; #endif