/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include "ScopedSignalHandler.h" #include "TemporaryFile.h" #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> TEST(unistd, sysconf_SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK) { ASSERT_GT(sysconf(_SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK), 0); } static void* get_brk() { return sbrk(0); } static void* page_align(uintptr_t addr) { uintptr_t mask = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) - 1; return reinterpret_cast<void*>((addr + mask) & ~mask); } TEST(unistd, brk) { void* initial_break = get_brk(); // The kernel aligns the break to a page. void* new_break = reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(initial_break) + 1); ASSERT_EQ(0, brk(new_break)); ASSERT_GE(get_brk(), new_break); new_break = page_align(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(initial_break) + sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE)); ASSERT_EQ(0, brk(new_break)); ASSERT_EQ(get_brk(), new_break); } TEST(unistd, brk_ENOMEM) { ASSERT_EQ(-1, brk(reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1))); ASSERT_EQ(ENOMEM, errno); } #if defined(__GLIBC__) #define SBRK_MIN INTPTR_MIN #define SBRK_MAX INTPTR_MAX #else #define SBRK_MIN PTRDIFF_MIN #define SBRK_MAX PTRDIFF_MAX #endif TEST(unistd, sbrk_ENOMEM) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) && !defined(__LP64__) // There is no way to guarantee that all overflow conditions can be tested // without manipulating the underlying values of the current break. extern void* __bionic_brk; class ScopedBrk { public: ScopedBrk() : saved_brk_(__bionic_brk) {} virtual ~ScopedBrk() { __bionic_brk = saved_brk_; } private: void* saved_brk_; }; ScopedBrk scope_brk; // Set the current break to a point that will cause an overflow. __bionic_brk = reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(PTRDIFF_MAX) + 2); // Can't increase by so much that we'd overflow. ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1), sbrk(PTRDIFF_MAX)); ASSERT_EQ(ENOMEM, errno); // Set the current break to a point that will cause an overflow. __bionic_brk = reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(PTRDIFF_MAX)); ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1), sbrk(PTRDIFF_MIN)); ASSERT_EQ(ENOMEM, errno); __bionic_brk = reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(PTRDIFF_MAX) - 1); ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1), sbrk(PTRDIFF_MIN + 1)); ASSERT_EQ(ENOMEM, errno); #else class ScopedBrk { public: ScopedBrk() : saved_brk_(get_brk()) {} virtual ~ScopedBrk() { brk(saved_brk_); } private: void* saved_brk_; }; ScopedBrk scope_brk; uintptr_t cur_brk = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(get_brk()); if (cur_brk < static_cast<uintptr_t>(-(SBRK_MIN+1))) { // Do the overflow test for a max negative increment. ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1), sbrk(SBRK_MIN)); #if defined(__BIONIC__) // GLIBC does not set errno in overflow case. ASSERT_EQ(ENOMEM, errno); #endif } uintptr_t overflow_brk = static_cast<uintptr_t>(SBRK_MAX) + 2; if (cur_brk < overflow_brk) { // Try and move the value to PTRDIFF_MAX + 2. cur_brk = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sbrk(overflow_brk)); } if (cur_brk >= overflow_brk) { ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1), sbrk(SBRK_MAX)); #if defined(__BIONIC__) // GLIBC does not set errno in overflow case. ASSERT_EQ(ENOMEM, errno); #endif } #endif } TEST(unistd, truncate) { TemporaryFile tf; ASSERT_EQ(0, close(tf.fd)); ASSERT_EQ(0, truncate(tf.filename, 123)); struct stat sb; ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(tf.filename, &sb)); ASSERT_EQ(123, sb.st_size); } TEST(unistd, truncate64) { TemporaryFile tf; ASSERT_EQ(0, close(tf.fd)); ASSERT_EQ(0, truncate64(tf.filename, 123)); struct stat sb; ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(tf.filename, &sb)); ASSERT_EQ(123, sb.st_size); } TEST(unistd, ftruncate) { TemporaryFile tf; ASSERT_EQ(0, ftruncate(tf.fd, 123)); ASSERT_EQ(0, close(tf.fd)); struct stat sb; ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(tf.filename, &sb)); ASSERT_EQ(123, sb.st_size); } TEST(unistd, ftruncate64) { TemporaryFile tf; ASSERT_EQ(0, ftruncate64(tf.fd, 123)); ASSERT_EQ(0, close(tf.fd)); struct stat sb; ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(tf.filename, &sb)); ASSERT_EQ(123, sb.st_size); } static bool g_pause_test_flag = false; static void PauseTestSignalHandler(int) { g_pause_test_flag = true; } TEST(unistd, pause) { ScopedSignalHandler handler(SIGALRM, PauseTestSignalHandler); alarm(1); ASSERT_FALSE(g_pause_test_flag); ASSERT_EQ(-1, pause()); ASSERT_TRUE(g_pause_test_flag); } TEST(unistd, read) { int fd = open("/proc/version", O_RDONLY); ASSERT_TRUE(fd != -1); char buf[5]; ASSERT_EQ(5, read(fd, buf, 5)); ASSERT_EQ(buf[0], 'L'); ASSERT_EQ(buf[1], 'i'); ASSERT_EQ(buf[2], 'n'); ASSERT_EQ(buf[3], 'u'); ASSERT_EQ(buf[4], 'x'); close(fd); } TEST(unistd, read_EBADF) { // read returns ssize_t which is 64-bits on LP64, so it's worth explicitly checking that // our syscall stubs correctly return a 64-bit -1. char buf[1]; ASSERT_EQ(-1, read(-1, buf, sizeof(buf))); ASSERT_EQ(EBADF, errno); } TEST(unistd, syscall_long) { // Check that syscall(3) correctly returns long results. // https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=73952 // We assume that the break is > 4GiB, but this is potentially flaky. uintptr_t p = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sbrk(0)); ASSERT_EQ(p, static_cast<uintptr_t>(syscall(__NR_brk, 0))); } TEST(unistd, alarm) { ASSERT_EQ(0U, alarm(0)); } TEST(unistd, _exit) { int pid = fork(); ASSERT_NE(-1, pid) << strerror(errno); if (pid == 0) { _exit(99); } int status; ASSERT_EQ(pid, waitpid(pid, &status, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(status)); ASSERT_EQ(99, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } TEST(unistd, getenv_unsetenv) { ASSERT_EQ(0, setenv("test-variable", "hello", 1)); ASSERT_STREQ("hello", getenv("test-variable")); ASSERT_EQ(0, unsetenv("test-variable")); ASSERT_TRUE(getenv("test-variable") == NULL); } TEST(unistd, unsetenv_EINVAL) { EXPECT_EQ(-1, unsetenv(NULL)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); EXPECT_EQ(-1, unsetenv("")); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); EXPECT_EQ(-1, unsetenv("a=b")); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); } TEST(unistd, setenv_EINVAL) { EXPECT_EQ(-1, setenv(NULL, "value", 0)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); EXPECT_EQ(-1, setenv(NULL, "value", 1)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); EXPECT_EQ(-1, setenv("", "value", 0)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); EXPECT_EQ(-1, setenv("", "value", 1)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); EXPECT_EQ(-1, setenv("a=b", "value", 0)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); EXPECT_EQ(-1, setenv("a=b", "value", 1)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); } TEST(unistd, setenv) { ASSERT_EQ(0, unsetenv("test-variable")); char a[] = "a"; char b[] = "b"; char c[] = "c"; // New value. EXPECT_EQ(0, setenv("test-variable", a, 0)); EXPECT_STREQ(a, getenv("test-variable")); // Existing value, no overwrite. EXPECT_EQ(0, setenv("test-variable", b, 0)); EXPECT_STREQ(a, getenv("test-variable")); // Existing value, overwrite. EXPECT_EQ(0, setenv("test-variable", c, 1)); EXPECT_STREQ(c, getenv("test-variable")); // But the arrays backing the values are unchanged. EXPECT_EQ('a', a[0]); EXPECT_EQ('b', b[0]); EXPECT_EQ('c', c[0]); ASSERT_EQ(0, unsetenv("test-variable")); } TEST(unistd, putenv) { ASSERT_EQ(0, unsetenv("a")); char* s1 = strdup("a=b"); ASSERT_EQ(0, putenv(s1)); ASSERT_STREQ("b", getenv("a")); s1[2] = 'c'; ASSERT_STREQ("c", getenv("a")); char* s2 = strdup("a=b"); ASSERT_EQ(0, putenv(s2)); ASSERT_STREQ("b", getenv("a")); ASSERT_EQ('c', s1[2]); ASSERT_EQ(0, unsetenv("a")); free(s1); free(s2); } TEST(unistd, clearenv) { extern char** environ; // Guarantee that environ is not initially empty... ASSERT_EQ(0, setenv("test-variable", "a", 1)); // Stash a copy. std::vector<char*> old_environ; for (size_t i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; ++i) { old_environ.push_back(strdup(environ[i])); } ASSERT_EQ(0, clearenv()); EXPECT_TRUE(environ == NULL || environ[0] == NULL); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, getenv("test-variable")); EXPECT_EQ(0, setenv("test-variable", "post-clear", 1)); EXPECT_STREQ("post-clear", getenv("test-variable")); // Put the old environment back. for (size_t i = 0; i < old_environ.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(0, putenv(old_environ[i])); } // Check it wasn't overwritten. EXPECT_STREQ("a", getenv("test-variable")); EXPECT_EQ(0, unsetenv("test-variable")); } static void TestFsyncFunction(int (*fn)(int)) { int fd; // Can't sync an invalid fd. errno = 0; EXPECT_EQ(-1, fn(-1)); EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, errno); // It doesn't matter whether you've opened a file for write or not. TemporaryFile tf; ASSERT_NE(-1, tf.fd); EXPECT_EQ(0, fn(tf.fd)); ASSERT_NE(-1, fd = open(tf.filename, O_RDONLY)); EXPECT_EQ(0, fn(fd)); close(fd); ASSERT_NE(-1, fd = open(tf.filename, O_RDWR)); EXPECT_EQ(0, fn(fd)); close(fd); // The fd can even be a directory. ASSERT_NE(-1, fd = open("/", O_RDONLY)); EXPECT_EQ(0, fn(fd)); close(fd); // But some file systems may choose to be fussy... errno = 0; ASSERT_NE(-1, fd = open("/proc/version", O_RDONLY)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, fn(fd)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); close(fd); } TEST(unistd, fdatasync) { TestFsyncFunction(fdatasync); } TEST(unistd, fsync) { TestFsyncFunction(fsync); } static void AssertGetPidCorrect() { // The loop is just to make manual testing/debugging with strace easier. pid_t getpid_syscall_result = syscall(__NR_getpid); for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(getpid_syscall_result, getpid()); } } TEST(unistd, getpid_caching_and_fork) { pid_t parent_pid = getpid(); ASSERT_EQ(syscall(__NR_getpid), parent_pid); pid_t fork_result = fork(); ASSERT_NE(fork_result, -1); if (fork_result == 0) { // We're the child. AssertGetPidCorrect(); ASSERT_EQ(parent_pid, getppid()); _exit(123); } else { // We're the parent. ASSERT_EQ(parent_pid, getpid()); int status; ASSERT_EQ(fork_result, waitpid(fork_result, &status, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(status)); ASSERT_EQ(123, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } } static int GetPidCachingCloneStartRoutine(void*) { AssertGetPidCorrect(); return 123; } TEST(unistd, getpid_caching_and_clone) { pid_t parent_pid = getpid(); ASSERT_EQ(syscall(__NR_getpid), parent_pid); void* child_stack[1024]; int clone_result = clone(GetPidCachingCloneStartRoutine, &child_stack[1024], CLONE_NEWNS | SIGCHLD, NULL); if (clone_result == -1 && errno == EPERM && getuid() != 0) { GTEST_LOG_(INFO) << "This test only works if you have permission to CLONE_NEWNS; try running as root.\n"; return; } ASSERT_NE(clone_result, -1); ASSERT_EQ(parent_pid, getpid()); int status; ASSERT_EQ(clone_result, waitpid(clone_result, &status, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(status)); ASSERT_EQ(123, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } static void* GetPidCachingPthreadStartRoutine(void*) { AssertGetPidCorrect(); return NULL; } TEST(unistd, getpid_caching_and_pthread_create) { pid_t parent_pid = getpid(); pthread_t t; ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_create(&t, NULL, GetPidCachingPthreadStartRoutine, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(parent_pid, getpid()); void* result; ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_join(t, &result)); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, result); } TEST(unistd_DeathTest, abort) { ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe"; ASSERT_EXIT(abort(), testing::KilledBySignal(SIGABRT), ""); }