Erase elements in LinkedList::remove_if

(cherry picked from commit 4bea498544bb1377f610520d7f58856382a6e5fc)

Change-Id: I1ffe248bc2b7572f38fbd987e9c6db5ecbd4559d
This commit is contained in:
Dmitriy Ivanov 2014-08-29 14:01:48 -07:00
parent cfad7ae934
commit 4d01d08c29
3 changed files with 121 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -88,24 +88,50 @@ class LinkedList {
template<typename F>
void for_each(F&& action) {
for (LinkedListEntry<T>* e = head_; e != nullptr; e = e->next) {
if (e->element != nullptr) {
template<typename F>
void remove_if(F&& predicate) {
for (LinkedListEntry<T>* e = head_; e != nullptr; e = e->next) {
if (e->element != nullptr && predicate(e->element)) {
e->element = nullptr;
void remove_if(F predicate) {
for (LinkedListEntry<T>* e = head_, *p = nullptr; e != nullptr;) {
if (predicate(e->element)) {
LinkedListEntry<T>* next = e->next;
if (p == nullptr) {
head_ = next;
} else {
p->next = next;
e = next;
} else {
p = e;
e = e->next;
bool contains(const T* el) {
size_t size() const {
size_t sz = 0;
for (LinkedListEntry<T>* e = head_; e != nullptr; e = e->next) {
if (e->element != nullptr && e->element == el) {
return sz;
size_t copy_to_array(T* array[], size_t array_length) const {
size_t sz = 0;
for (LinkedListEntry<T>* e = head_; sz < array_length && e != nullptr; e = e->next) {
array[sz++] = e->element;
return sz;
bool contains(const T* el) const {
for (LinkedListEntry<T>* e = head_; e != nullptr; e = e->next) {
if (e->element == el) {
return true;

View File

@ -627,6 +627,8 @@ done:
return nullptr;
// Another soinfo list allocator to use in dlsym. We don't reuse
// SoinfoListAllocator because it is write-protected most of the time.
static LinkerAllocator<LinkedListEntry<soinfo>> g_soinfo_list_allocator_rw;
@ -879,10 +881,17 @@ static void soinfo_unload(soinfo* si) {
if (si->has_min_version(0)) {
si->get_children().for_each([&] (soinfo* child) {
TRACE("%s needs to unload %s", si->name, child->name);
// It is not safe to do si->get_children().for_each, because
// during soinfo_free the child will concurrently modify the si->children
// list, therefore we create a copy and use it to unload children.
size_t children_count = si->get_children().size();
soinfo* children[children_count];
si->get_children().copy_to_array(children, children_count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < children_count; ++i) {
TRACE("%s needs to unload %s", si->name, children[i]->name);
} else {
for (ElfW(Dyn)* d = si->dynamic; d->d_tag != DT_NULL; ++d) {
if (d->d_tag == DT_NEEDED) {
@ -1636,7 +1645,7 @@ void soinfo::remove_all_links() {
parents.for_each([&] (soinfo* parent) {
parent->children.for_each([&] (const soinfo* child) {
parent->children.remove_if([&] (const soinfo* child) {
return child == this;

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@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ TEST(linked_list, simple) {
ASSERT_EQ("dba", test_list_to_string(list));
alloc_called = free_called = false;
@ -103,15 +103,82 @@ TEST(linked_list, push_pop) {
ASSERT_EQ("ab", test_list_to_string(list));
ASSERT_EQ("abc", test_list_to_string(list));
ASSERT_EQ("a", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_STREQ("a", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_EQ("bc", test_list_to_string(list));
ASSERT_EQ("b", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_STREQ("b", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_EQ("c", test_list_to_string(list));
ASSERT_EQ("c", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_STREQ("c", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_EQ("", test_list_to_string(list));
ASSERT_TRUE(list.pop_front() == nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ("r", test_list_to_string(list));
ASSERT_EQ("r", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_STREQ("r", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_TRUE(list.pop_front() == nullptr);
TEST(linked_list, remove_if_then_pop) {
test_list_t list;
list.remove_if([](const char* c) {
return *c == 'b' || *c == 'c';
ASSERT_EQ("ad", test_list_to_string(list));
ASSERT_STREQ("a", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_EQ("d", test_list_to_string(list));
ASSERT_STREQ("d", list.pop_front());
ASSERT_TRUE(list.pop_front() == nullptr);
TEST(linked_list, copy_to_array) {
test_list_t list;
const size_t max_size = 128;
const char* buf[max_size];
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(0U, list.size());
ASSERT_EQ(0U, list.copy_to_array(buf, max_size));
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, buf[0]);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(4U, list.size());
ASSERT_EQ(2U, list.copy_to_array(buf, 2));
ASSERT_EQ('a', *buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('b', *buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, buf[2]);
ASSERT_EQ(4U, list.copy_to_array(buf, max_size));
ASSERT_EQ('a', *buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('b', *buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ('c', *buf[2]);
ASSERT_EQ('d', *buf[3]);
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, buf[4]);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
list.remove_if([](const char* c) {
return *c != 'c';
ASSERT_EQ(1U, list.size());
ASSERT_EQ(1U, list.copy_to_array(buf, max_size));
ASSERT_EQ('c', *buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, buf[1]);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
list.remove_if([](const char* c) {
return *c == 'c';
ASSERT_EQ(0U, list.size());
ASSERT_EQ(0U, list.copy_to_array(buf, max_size));
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, buf[0]);