#!/usr/bin/python import monkDebug as debug import monkNode as Node import monkModule as module ## ## @brief transform template descrption in one element. ## @param[in] list of elements. ex : 'public', 'ewol::classee', '<', 'plop', '<', 'uint8_t', ',', 'int32_t', '>', '>' ## @return a simplify list. ex : 'public', 'ewol::classee>' ## def concatenate_template(list): # TODO ... return list class Class(Node.Node): def __init__(self, stack=[], file="", lineNumber=0, documentation=[]): # check input : if len(stack) < 2: debug.error("Can not parse class : " + str(stack)) return #check if it is a template class: if stack[0] == "template": debug.debug("find a template class: " + str(stack)) #remove template properties ==> not manage for now ... stack = stack[stack.index("class"):] # TODO : add the template properties back ... if len(stack) < 2: debug.error("Can not parse class 2 : " + str(stack)) return Node.Node.__init__(self, 'class', stack[1], file, lineNumber, documentation) self.subList = [] self.access = "private" # heritage list : self.inherit = [] if len(stack) == 2: # just a simple class... return if len(stack) == 3: debug.error("error in parsing class : " + str(stack)) return if stack[2] != ':': debug.error("error in parsing class : " + str(stack) + " missing ':' at the 3rd position ...") list = concatenate_template(stack[3:]) debug.verbose("inherit : " + str(list)) access = "private" for element in list: if element in ['private', 'protected', 'public']: access = element elif element == ',': pass else: self.inherit.append({'access' : access, 'class' : element}) debug.verbose("class : " + self.to_str()) def to_str(self) : ret = "class " + self.name if len(self.inherit) != 0 : ret += " : " isFirst = True for element in self.inherit: if isFirst == False: ret += ", " isFirst = False ret += element['access'] + " " + element['class'] ret += " { ... };" return ret def get_parents(self): if len(self.inherit) == 0: return [] # note this ony get the first parent ... parent = module.get_element_with_name(self.inherit[0]['class']) cparent = [] if parent != None: #debug.info(" plop : " + self.name + " " + str(parent) + " " + parent.get_name()) cparent = parent.get_parents() pass #heritage = parent. cparent.append(self.inherit[0]) return cparent def get_whith_specific_parrent(self, parrentName): ret = [] for parrent in self.inherit: if parrentName == self.inherit[0]['class']: ret.append(self.get_displayable_name()) # set for all sub elements ... if self.subList != None: for element in self.subList: tmpRet = element['node'].get_whith_specific_parrent(parrentName) if len(tmpRet) != 0: for tmp in tmpRet: ret.append(tmp) return ret