#!/usr/bin/python import monkDebug as debug import sys import monkTools import codeHL import re ## ## @brief Transcode balise : ## [code language=cpp] ## int main(void) { ## return 0; ## } ## [/code] ## @param[in] value String to transform. ## @return Transformed string. ## def transcode(value): #value = re.sub(r'\[code(( |\t|\n|\r)+style=(.*))?\](.*?)\[/code\]', value = re.sub(r'\[code(( |\t|\n|\r)+style=(.*?))?\](.*?)\[/code\]', replace_code, #r'
\4', value, flags=re.DOTALL) # TODO : remove the basic indentation of the element (to have a better display in the text tutorial ... return value def replace_code(match): if match.group() == "": return "" #debug.info("plop: " + str(match.groups())) value = codeHL.transcode(match.groups()[2], match.groups()[3]) return '
' + value + ''