238 lines
7.9 KiB
238 lines
7.9 KiB
## @file config.mk
## @author Edouard DUPIN
## @date 17-08-2012
## @project EWOL
## Configuration management.
# Tools (absolute path)
CONF := KCONFIG_NOTIMESTAMP=1 $(call fullpath,$(BUILD_SYSTEM)/conf)
QCONF := KCONFIG_NOTIMESTAMP=1 $(call fullpath,$(BUILD_SYSTEM)/qconf)
## Begin conf/qconf by copying configuration file to a temp .config file.
## $1 : configuration file.
__begin-conf = \
__tmpconfdir=$$(mktemp --directory); \
__tmpconf=$${__tmpconfdir}/.config; \
if [ -f $1 ]; then \
cp -pf $1 $${__tmpconf}; \
## End conf/qconf by copying temp .config file to configuration file.
## $1 : configuration file.
__end-conf = \
if [ -f $${__tmpconf} ]; then \
mv -f $${__tmpconf} $1; \
fi; \
rm -rf $${__tmpconfdir};
## Exceute qconf/conf.
## $1 : Config.in file.
## $2 : options.
__exec-conf = (cd $$(dirname $${__tmpconf}) && $(CONF) $2 $1);
__exec-qconf = (cd $$(dirname $${__tmpconf}) && $(QCONF) $2 $1);
#__get_module-config = $(CONFIG_ORIG_DIR)/$1.config
## Get the list of path to Config.in files of a module.
## $1 : module name.
## Remark : should be called only after the module database have been built.
__get_module-config-in-files = \
$(eval __path := $(__modules.$1.PATH)) \
$(eval __files := $(__modules.$1.CONFIG_FILES)) \
$(addprefix $(__path)/,$(__files))
## Begin the update/check operation by creating a temp diff file.
__begin-diff = \
__tmpdiff=$$(mktemp); \
## End the update/check operation.
## $1 : 1 to exit, 0 or empty to continue.
__end-diff = \
if [ "$$(stat -c %s $${__tmpdiff})" != "0" ]; then \
echo "Configuration diff can be found in $${__tmpdiff}"; \
if [ "$1" == "1" ]; then exit 1; fi; \
else \
rm -f $${__tmpdiff}; \
## Generate Config configuration for all librairies.
## $1 : destination file.
define __generate-config
rm -f $1; \
mkdir -p $(dir $1); \
touch $1; \
echo "menu Modules" >> $1; \
$(foreach __mod,$(__modules), \
$(eval __build := BUILD_$(call get-define,$(__mod))) \
echo "config $(__build)" >> $1; \
echo " bool 'Build $(__mod)'" >> $1; \
echo " default y" >> $1; \
echo " help" >> $1; \
echo " Build $(__mod)" >> $1; \
) \
echo "endmenu" >> $1; \
$(foreach __mod,$(__modules), \
$(eval __build := BUILD_$(call get-define,$(__mod))) \
$(eval __files := $(call __get_module-config-in-files,$(__mod))) \
if [ "$(__files)" != "" ]; then \
echo "if $(__build)" >> $1; \
echo " menu $(__mod)" >> $1; \
$(foreach __f,$(__files), \
echo " source $(call fullpath,$(__f))" >> $1; \
) \
echo " endmenu" >> $1; \
echo "endif" >> $1; \
fi; \
## Update a configuration automatically.
## $1 Config.in input file.
## $2 current config file.
## $3 update config file (can be the same as $2).
define __update-config-internal
$(call __begin-conf,$2,) \
(yes "" | $(call __exec-conf,$1,-o)) > /dev/null; \
$(call __end-conf,$3)
## Update a configuration automatically.
## $1 Config.in input file.
## $2 current config file.
define __update-config
__tmpcheck=$$(mktemp); \
$(call __update-config-internal,$1,$2,$${__tmpcheck}) \
if ! cmp -s $2 $${__tmpcheck}; then \
cp -pf $${__tmpcheck} $2; \
echo "Configuration file $2 has been updated"; \
fi; \
rm -f $${__tmpcheck};
## Check a configuration.
## $1 Config.in input file.
## $2 current config file.
define __check-config
__tmpcheck=$$(mktemp); \
if [ ! -f $2 ]; then \
echo "Configuration file $2 does not exist" | tee $${__tmpdiff}; \
else \
$(call __update-config-internal,$1,$2,$${__tmpcheck}) \
if ! cmp -s $2 $${__tmpcheck}; then \
echo "Configuration file $2 is not up to date"; \
diff -u $2 $${__tmpcheck} >> $${__tmpdiff}; \
fi; \
fi; \
rm -f $${__tmpcheck};
## Generate autoconf.h file from config file.
## $1 : input config file.
## $2 : output autoconf.h file.
## Remove CONFIG_ prefix.
## Remove CONFIG_ in commented lines.
## Put lines begining with '#' between '/*' '*/'.
## Replace 'key=value' by '#define key value'.
## Replace leading ' y' by ' 1'.
## Remove leading and trailing quotes from string.
## Replace '\"' by '"'.
define generate-autoconf-file
echo "Generating $(call path-from-top,$2) from $(call path-from-top,$1)"; \
mkdir -p $(dir $2); \
sed \
-e 's/^CONFIG_//' \
-e 's/^\# CONFIG_/\# /' \
-e 's/^\#\(.*\)/\/*\1 *\//' \
-e 's/\(.*\)=\(.*\)/\#define \1 \2/' \
-e 's/ y$$/ 1/' \
-e 's/\\\"/\"/g' \
$1 > $2;
## Rules.
# File where global configuration is stored
CONFIG_GLOBAL_FOLDER := $(shell pwd)/config
# Display the global configuration
.PHONY: config
@( \
__tmpconfigin=$$(mktemp); \
$(eval __config := $(CONFIG_GLOBAL_FILE)) \
$(call __generate-config,$${__tmpconfigin}) \
$(call __begin-conf,$(__config)) \
$(call __exec-qconf,$${__tmpconfigin}) \
$(call __end-conf,$(__config)) \
rm -f $${__tmpconfigin}; \
# Update the global configuration by selecting new option at their default value
.PHONY: config-update
@( \
__tmpconfigin=$$(mktemp); \
$(eval __config := $(CONFIG_GLOBAL_FILE)) \
$(call __generate-config,$${__tmpconfigin}) \
$(call __update-config,$${__tmpconfigin},$(__config)) \
rm -f $${__tmpconfigin}; \
# Check the global configuration
.PHONY: config-check
@( \
__tmpconfigin=$$(mktemp); \
$(eval __config := $(CONFIG_GLOBAL_FILE)) \
$(call __generate-config,$${__tmpconfigin}) \
$(call __check-config,$${__tmpconfigin},$(__config)) \
rm -f $${__tmpconfigin}; \
@echo "Global configuration is up to date";
# create basic folder :
$(shell mkdir -p $(CONFIG_GLOBAL_FOLDER))
# check if config exist :
# TODO ...
#automatic generation of the config file when not existed (default case):
#$(CONFIG_GLOBAL_FILE): config-update
# echo "generating basic confing .. please restart"
@#$(e rror "need to generate config : make ... config")