122 lines
3.7 KiB
122 lines
3.7 KiB
import os
import lutinDebug as debug
import lutinEnv as environement
def NeedReBuild(dst, src, dependFile, file_cmd="", cmdLine=""):
debug.verbose("Resuest check of dependency of :")
debug.verbose(" dst='" + dst + "'")
debug.verbose(" str='" + src + "'")
debug.verbose(" dept='" + dependFile + "'")
debug.verbose(" cmd='" + file_cmd + "'")
# if force mode selected ==> just force rebuild ...
if environement.GetForceMode():
debug.verbose(" ==> must rebuild (force mode)")
return True
# check if the destination existed:
if False==os.path.exists(dst):
debug.verbose(" ==> must rebuild (dst does not exist)")
return True
# chek the basic date if the 2 files
if os.path.getmtime(src) > os.path.getmtime(dst):
debug.verbose(" ==> must rebuild (source time greater)")
return True
if False==os.path.exists(dependFile):
debug.verbose(" ==> must rebuild (no depending file)")
return True
if ""!=file_cmd:
if False==os.path.exists(file_cmd):
debug.verbose(" ==> must rebuild (no commandLine file)")
return True
# check if the 2 cmdline are similar :
file2 = open(file_cmd, "r")
firstAndUniqueLine = file2.read()
if firstAndUniqueLine != cmdLine:
debug.verbose(" ==> must rebuild (cmdLines are not identical)")
debug.verbose(" ==> '" + cmdLine + "'")
debug.verbose(" ==> '" + firstAndUniqueLine + "'")
return True
# the cmdfile is correct ...
debug.verbose(" start parsing dependency file : '" + dependFile + "'")
file = open(dependFile, "r")
for curLine in file.readlines():
# normal file : end with : ": \\n"
curLine = curLine[:len(curLine)-1]
# removing last \ ...
if curLine[len(curLine)-1:] == '\\' :
curLine = curLine[:len(curLine)-1]
# remove white space :
#debug.verbose(" Line (read) : '" + curLine + "'");
curLine = curLine.strip()
#debug.verbose(" Line (strip) : '" + curLine + "'");
if curLine[len(curLine)-1:] == ':':
debug.verbose(" Line (no check (already done) : '" + curLine + "'");
elif len(curLine) == 0 \
or curLine == '\\':
debug.verbose(" Line (Not parsed) : '" + curLine + "'");
testFile = curLine
debug.verbose(" Line (might check) : '" + testFile + "'");
# really check files:
if testFile!="":
debug.verbose(" ==> test");
if False==os.path.exists(testFile):
debug.verbose(" ==> must rebuild (a dependency file does not exist)")
return True
if os.path.getmtime(testFile) > os.path.getmtime(dst):
debug.verbose(" ==> must rebuild (a dependency file time is newer)")
return True
# close the current file :
debug.verbose(" ==> Not rebuild (all dependency is OK)")
return False
def NeedRePackage(dst, srcList, mustHaveSrc):
debug.verbose("Resuest check of dependency of :")
debug.verbose(" dst='" + dst + "'")
debug.verbose(" src()=")
for src in srcList:
debug.verbose(" '" + src + "'")
if mustHaveSrc==False and len(srcList)==0:
return False
# if force mode selected ==> just force rebuild ...
if environement.GetForceMode():
debug.verbose(" ==> must re-package (force mode)")
return True
# check if the destination existed:
if False==os.path.exists(dst):
debug.verbose(" ==> must re-package (dst does not exist)")
return True
# chek the basic date if the 2 files
if len(srcList)==0:
debug.verbose(" ==> must re-package (no source ???)")
return True
for src in srcList:
if os.path.getmtime(src) > os.path.getmtime(dst):
debug.verbose(" ==> must re-package (source time greater) : '" + src + "'")
return True
debug.verbose(" ==> Not re-package (all dependency is OK)")
return False