#!/usr/bin/python # # Author: Jashua R. Cloutier (contact via sourceforge username:senexcanis) # # Copyright (C) 2010, Jashua R. Cloutier # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # * Neither the name of Jashua R. Cloutier nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # The CppHeaderParser.py script is written in Python 2.4 and released to # the open source community for continuous improvements under the BSD # 2.0 new license, which can be found at: # # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # """Parse C++ header files and generate a data structure representing the class """ import ply.lex as lex import os import sys import re import inspect def lineno(): """Returns the current line number in our program.""" return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno __version__ = "1.9" version = "1.9" tokens = [ 'NUMBER', 'NAME', 'OPEN_PAREN', 'CLOSE_PAREN', 'OPEN_BRACE', 'CLOSE_BRACE', 'COLON', 'SEMI_COLON', 'COMMA', 'COMMENT_SINGLELINE', 'COMMENT_MULTILINE', 'PRECOMP_MACRO', 'PRECOMP_MACRO_CONT', 'ASTERISK', 'AMPERSTAND', 'EQUALS', 'MINUS', 'PLUS', 'DIVIDE', 'CHAR_LITERAL', 'STRING_LITERAL', 'OPERATOR_DIVIDE_OVERLOAD', 'NEW_LINE', ] t_ignore = " \t\r[].|!?%@" t_NUMBER = r'[0-9][0-9XxA-Fa-f]*' t_NAME = r'[<>A-Za-z_~][A-Za-z0-9_]*' t_OPERATOR_DIVIDE_OVERLOAD = r'/=' t_OPEN_PAREN = r'\(' t_CLOSE_PAREN = r'\)' t_OPEN_BRACE = r'{' t_CLOSE_BRACE = r'}' t_SEMI_COLON = r';' t_COLON = r':' t_COMMA = r',' t_PRECOMP_MACRO = r'\#.*' t_PRECOMP_MACRO_CONT = r'.*\\\n' def t_COMMENT_SINGLELINE(t): r'\/\/.*\n' global doxygenCommentCache if t.value.startswith("///") or t.value.startswith("//!"): if doxygenCommentCache: doxygenCommentCache += "\n" if t.value.endswith("\n"): doxygenCommentCache += t.value[:-1] else: doxygenCommentCache += t.value t_ASTERISK = r'\*' t_MINUS = r'\-' t_PLUS = r'\+' t_DIVIDE = r'/[^/]' t_AMPERSTAND = r'&' t_EQUALS = r'=' t_CHAR_LITERAL = "'.'" #found at http://wordaligned.org/articles/string-literals-and-regular-expressions #TODO: This does not work with the string "bla \" bla" t_STRING_LITERAL = r'"([^"\\]|\\.)*"' #Found at http://ostermiller.org/findcomment.html def t_COMMENT_MULTILINE(t): r'/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+/' global doxygenCommentCache if t.value.startswith("/**") or t.value.startswith("/*!"): #not sure why, but get double new lines v = t.value.replace("\n\n", "\n") #strip prefixing whitespace v = re.sub("\n[\s]+\*", "\n*", v) doxygenCommentCache += v def t_NEWLINE(t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) def t_error(v): print "Lex error: ", v lex.lex() debug = 0 supportedAccessSpecifier = [ 'public', 'protected', 'private' ] doxygenCommentCache = "" def is_namespace(nameStack): """Determines if a namespace is being specified""" if len(nameStack) == 0: return False if nameStack[0] == "namespace": return True return False def is_enum_namestack(nameStack): """Determines if a namestack is an enum namestack""" if len(nameStack) == 0: return False if nameStack[0] == "enum": return True if len(nameStack) > 1 and nameStack[0] == "typedef" and nameStack[1] == "enum": return True return False class CppParseError(Exception): pass class CppClass(dict): """Takes a name stack and turns it into a class Contains the following Keys: self['name'] - Name of the class self['doxygen'] - Doxygen comments associated with the class if they exist self['inherits'] - List of Classes that this one inherits where the values are of the form {"access": Anything in supportedAccessSpecifier "class": Name of the class self['methods'] - Dictionary where keys are from supportedAccessSpecifier and values are a lists of CppMethod's self['properties'] - Dictionary where keys are from supportedAccessSpecifier and values are lists of CppVariable's self['enums'] - Dictionary where keys are from supportedAccessSpecifier and values are lists of CppEnum's An example of how this could look is as follows: #self = { 'name': "" 'inherits':[] 'methods': { 'public':[], 'protected':[], 'private':[] }, 'properties': { 'public':[], 'protected':[], 'private':[] }, 'enums': { 'public':[], 'protected':[], 'private':[] } } """ def __init__(self, nameStack): if (debug): print "Class: ", nameStack if (len(nameStack) < 2): print "Error detecting class" return global doxygenCommentCache if len(doxygenCommentCache): self["doxygen"] = doxygenCommentCache doxygenCommentCache = "" self["name"] = nameStack[1] inheritList = [] if ":" in nameStack: nameStack = nameStack[nameStack.index(":") + 1:] while len(nameStack): tmpStack = [] tmpInheritClass = {"access":"private"} if "," in nameStack: tmpStack = nameStack[:nameStack.index(",")] nameStack = nameStack[nameStack.index(",") + 1:] else: tmpStack = nameStack nameStack = [] if len(tmpStack) == 0: break; elif len(tmpStack) == 1: tmpInheritClass["class"] = tmpStack[0] elif len(tmpStack) == 2: tmpInheritClass["access"] = tmpStack[0] tmpInheritClass["class"] = tmpStack[1] else: print "Warning: Cant figure out class inheriting %s\n"%(" ".join(tmpStack)) continue inheritList.append(tmpInheritClass) methodAccessSpecificList = {} propertyAccessSpecificList = {} enumAccessSpecificList = {} for accessSpecifier in supportedAccessSpecifier: methodAccessSpecificList[accessSpecifier] = [] propertyAccessSpecificList[accessSpecifier] = [] enumAccessSpecificList[accessSpecifier] = [] self['inherits'] = inheritList self['methods'] = methodAccessSpecificList self['properties'] = propertyAccessSpecificList self['enums'] = enumAccessSpecificList self['namespace'] = "" def __repr__(self): """Convert class to a string""" namespace_prefix = "" if self["namespace"]: namespace_prefix = self["namespace"] + "::" rtn = "class %s\n"%(namespace_prefix + self["name"]) try: print self["doxygen"], except: pass if "inherits" in self.keys(): rtn += "Inherits: " for inheritClass in self["inherits"]: rtn += "%s %s, "%(inheritClass["access"], inheritClass["class"]) rtn += "\n" rtn += "{\n" for accessSpecifier in supportedAccessSpecifier: rtn += "%s\n"%(accessSpecifier) #Enums if (len(self["enums"][accessSpecifier])): rtn += " // Enums\n" for enum in self["enums"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += " %s\n"%(repr(enum)) #Properties if (len(self["properties"][accessSpecifier])): rtn += " // Properties\n" for property in self["properties"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += " %s\n"%(repr(property)) #Methods if (len(self["methods"][accessSpecifier])): rtn += " // Method\n" for method in self["methods"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += " %s\n"%(repr(method)) rtn += "}\n" return rtn class CppMethod(dict): """Takes a name stack and turns it into a method Contains the following Keys: self['rtnType'] - Return type of the method (ex. "int") self['name'] - Name of the method (ex. "getSize") self['doxygen'] - Doxygen comments associated with the method if they exist self['parameters'] - List of CppVariables """ def __init__(self, nameStack, curClass): if (debug): print "Method: ", nameStack global doxygenCommentCache if len(doxygenCommentCache): self["doxygen"] = doxygenCommentCache doxygenCommentCache = "" if "operator" in nameStack: self["rtnType"] = " ".join(nameStack[:nameStack.index('operator')]) self["name"] = "".join(nameStack[nameStack.index('operator'):nameStack.index('(')]) else: self["rtnType"] = " ".join(nameStack[:nameStack.index('(') - 1]) self["name"] = " ".join(nameStack[nameStack.index('(') - 1:nameStack.index('(')]) if len(self["rtnType"]) == 0 or self["name"] == curClass: self["rtnType"] = "void" paramsStack = nameStack[nameStack.index('(') + 1: ] #Remove things from the stack till we hit the last paren, this helps handle abstract and normal methods while (paramsStack[-1] != ")"): paramsStack.pop() paramsStack.pop() params = [] #See if there is a doxygen comment for the variable doxyVarDesc = {} #TODO: Put this into a class if self.has_key("doxygen"): doxyLines = self["doxygen"].split("\n") lastParamDesc = "" for doxyLine in doxyLines: if " @param " in doxyLine or " \param " in doxyLine: try: #Strip out the param doxyLine = doxyLine[doxyLine.find("param ") + 6:] (var, desc) = doxyLine.split(" ", 1) doxyVarDesc[var] = desc.strip() lastParamDesc = var except: pass elif " @return " in doxyLine or " \return " in doxyLine: lastParamDesc = "" # not handled for now elif lastParamDesc: try: doxyLine = doxyLine.strip() if " " not in doxyLine: lastParamDesc = "" continue doxyLine = doxyLine[doxyLine.find(" ") + 1:] doxyVarDesc[lastParamDesc] += " " + doxyLine except: pass #Create the variable now while (len(paramsStack)): if (',' in paramsStack): params.append(CppVariable(paramsStack[0:paramsStack.index(',')], doxyVarDesc=doxyVarDesc)) paramsStack = paramsStack[paramsStack.index(',') + 1:] else: param = CppVariable(paramsStack, doxyVarDesc=doxyVarDesc) if len(param.keys()): params.append(param) break self["parameters"] = params class CppVariable(dict): """Takes a name stack and turns it into a method Contains the following Keys: self['type'] - Type for the variable (ex. "const string &") self['name'] - Name of the variable (ex. "numItems") self['namespace'] - Namespace containing the enum self['desc'] - Description of the variable if part of a method (optional) self['doxygen'] - Doxygen comments associated with the method if they exist self['defaltValue'] - Default value of the variable, this key will only exist if there is a default value """ def __init__(self, nameStack, **kwargs): if (debug): print "Variable: ", nameStack if (len(nameStack) < 2): return global doxygenCommentCache if len(doxygenCommentCache): self["doxygen"] = doxygenCommentCache doxygenCommentCache = "" if ("=" in nameStack): self["type"] = " ".join(nameStack[:nameStack.index("=") - 1]) self["name"] = nameStack[nameStack.index("=") - 1] self["defaltValue"] = " ".join(nameStack[nameStack.index("=") + 1:]) else: self["type"] = " ".join(nameStack[:-1]) self["name"] = nameStack[-1] self["type"] = self["type"].replace(" :",":") self["type"] = self["type"].replace(": ",":") self["type"] = self["type"].replace(" <","<") self["type"] = self["type"].replace(" >",">") #Optional doxygen description try: self["desc"] = kwargs["doxyVarDesc"][self["name"]] except: pass class CppEnum(dict): """Takes a name stack and turns it into an Enum Contains the following Keys: self['name'] - Name of the enum (ex. "ItemState") self['namespace'] - Namespace containing the enum self['values'] - List of values where the values are a dictionary of the form {"name": name of the key (ex. "PARSING_HEADER"), "value": Specified value of the enum, this key will only exist if a value for a given enum value was defined } """ def __init__(self, nameStack): if len(nameStack) < 4 or "{" not in nameStack or "}" not in nameStack: #Not enough stuff for an enum return global doxygenCommentCache if len(doxygenCommentCache): self["doxygen"] = doxygenCommentCache doxygenCommentCache = "" valueList = [] #Figure out what values it has valueStack = nameStack[nameStack.index('{') + 1: nameStack.index('}')] while len(valueStack): tmpStack = [] if "," in valueStack: tmpStack = valueStack[:valueStack.index(",")] valueStack = valueStack[valueStack.index(",") + 1:] else: tmpStack = valueStack valueStack = [] if len(tmpStack) == 1: valueList.append({"name": tmpStack[0]}) elif len(tmpStack) >= 3 and tmpStack[1] == "=": valueList.append({"name": tmpStack[0], "value": " ".join(tmpStack[2:])}) elif len(tmpStack) == 2 and tmpStack[1] == "=": if (debug): print "Missed value for %s"%tmpStack[0] valueList.append({"name": tmpStack[0]}) if len(valueList): self["values"] = valueList else: #An enum without any values is useless, dont bother existing return #Figure out if it has a name preBraceStack = nameStack[:nameStack.index("{")] postBraceStack = nameStack[nameStack.index("}") + 1:] if (len(preBraceStack) == 2 and "typedef" not in nameStack): self["name"] = preBraceStack[1] elif len(postBraceStack) and "typedef" in nameStack: self["name"] = " ".join(postBraceStack) #See if there are instances of this if "typedef" not in nameStack and len(postBraceStack): self["instances"] = [] for var in postBraceStack: if "," in var: continue self["instances"].append(var) self["namespace"] = "" class CppHeader: """Parsed C++ class header Variables produced: self.classes - Dictionary of classes found in a given header file where the key is the name of the class """ def __init__(self, headerFileName, argType = "file"): if (argType == "file"): self.headerFileName = os.path.expandvars(headerFileName) self.mainClass = os.path.split(self.headerFileName)[1][:-2] headerFileStr = "" # if headerFileName[-2:] != ".h": # raise Exception("file must be a header file and end with .h") elif argType == "string": self.headerFileName = "" self.mainClass = "???" headerFileStr = headerFileName else: raise Exception("Arg type must be either file or string") self.curClass = "" self.classes = {} self.enums = [] self.nameStack = [] self.nameSpaces = [] self.curAccessSpecifier = 'private' if (len(self.headerFileName)): headerFileStr = "\n".join(open(self.headerFileName).readlines()) self.braceDepth = 0 lex.input(headerFileStr) curLine = 0 curChar = 0 try: while True: tok = lex.token() # Example: LexToken(COLON,';',1,373) # where (tok.name, tok.value, ?, ?) if not tok: break curLine = tok.lineno curChar = tok.lexpos if (tok.type == 'OPEN_BRACE'): if len(self.nameStack) and is_namespace(self.nameStack): self.nameSpaces.append(self.nameStack[1]) if len(self.nameStack) and not is_enum_namestack(self.nameStack): self.evaluate_stack() else: self.nameStack.append(tok.value) self.braceDepth += 1 elif (tok.type == 'CLOSE_BRACE'): if self.braceDepth == 0: continue if (self.braceDepth == len(self.nameSpaces)): tmp = self.nameSpaces.pop() if len(self.nameStack) and is_enum_namestack(self.nameStack): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif self.braceDepth < 10: self.evaluate_stack() else: self.nameStack = [] self.braceDepth -= 1 if (self.braceDepth == 0): self.curClass = "" if (tok.type == 'OPEN_PAREN'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'CLOSE_PAREN'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'EQUALS'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'COMMA'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'NUMBER'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'MINUS'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'PLUS'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'STRING_LITERAL'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'NAME' or tok.type == 'AMPERSTAND' or tok.type == 'ASTERISK'): if (tok.value == 'class'): self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.value in supportedAccessSpecifier and self.braceDepth == len(self.nameSpaces) + 1): self.curAccessSpecifier = tok.value else: self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'COLON'): #Dont want colon to be first in stack if len(self.nameStack) == 0: continue self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif (tok.type == 'SEMI_COLON'): if (self.braceDepth < 10): self.evaluate_stack() except: raise CppParseError("Not able to parse %s on line %d evaluating \"%s\"\nError around: %s" % (self.headerFileName, tok.lineno, tok.value, " ".join(self.nameStack))) def evaluate_stack(self): """Evaluates the current name stack""" global doxygenCommentCache if (debug): print "Evaluating stack %s at..."%self.nameStack if (len(self.curClass)): if (debug): print "%s (%s) "%(self.curClass, self.curAccessSpecifier), if (len(self.nameStack) == 0): if (debug): print "line ",lineno() if (debug): print "(Empty Stack)" return elif (self.nameStack[0] == "namespace"): #Taken care of outside of here pass elif (self.nameStack[0] == "class"): if (debug): print "line ",lineno() self.evaluate_class_stack() elif (self.nameStack[0] == "struct"): if (debug): print "line ",lineno() self.curAccessSpecifier = "public" self.evaluate_class_stack() elif (len(self.curClass) == 0): if (debug): print "line ",lineno() if is_enum_namestack(self.nameStack): self.evaluate_enum_stack() self.nameStack = [] doxygenCommentCache = "" return elif (self.braceDepth < 1): if (debug): print "line ",lineno() #Ignore global stuff for now if (debug): print "Global stuff: ", self.nameStack self.nameStack = [] doxygenCommentCache = "" return elif (self.braceDepth > len(self.nameSpaces) + 1): if (debug): print "line ",lineno() self.nameStack = [] doxygenCommentCache = "" return elif is_enum_namestack(self.nameStack): if (debug): print "line ",lineno() #elif self.nameStack[0] == "enum": self.evaluate_enum_stack() elif ('(' in self.nameStack): if (debug): print "line ",lineno() self.evaluate_method_stack() else: if (debug): print "line ",lineno() self.evaluate_property_stack() self.nameStack = [] doxygenCommentCache = "" def evaluate_class_stack(self): """Create a Class out of the name stack (but not its parts)""" #dont support sub classes today if self.braceDepth != len(self.nameSpaces): return newClass = CppClass(self.nameStack) if len(newClass.keys()): self.curClass = newClass["name"] self.classes[self.curClass] = newClass else: self.curClass = "" newClass["namespace"] = self.cur_namespace() def evaluate_method_stack(self): """Create a method out of the name stack""" newMethod = CppMethod(self.nameStack, self.curClass) if len(newMethod.keys()): self.classes[self.curClass]["methods"][self.curAccessSpecifier].append(newMethod) def evaluate_property_stack(self): """Create a Property out of the name stack""" newVar = CppVariable(self.nameStack) if len(newVar.keys()): self.classes[self.curClass]["properties"][self.curAccessSpecifier].append(newVar) def evaluate_enum_stack(self): """Create an Enum out of the name stack""" newEnum = CppEnum(self.nameStack) if len(newEnum.keys()): if len(self.curClass): newEnum["namespace"] = self.cur_namespace() self.classes[self.curClass]["enums"][self.curAccessSpecifier].append(newEnum) else: newEnum["namespace"] = self.cur_namespace() # print "Adding global enum" self.enums.append(newEnum) #This enum has instances, turn them into properties if newEnum.has_key("instances"): instanceType = "enum" if newEnum.has_key("name"): instanceType = newEnum["name"] for instance in newEnum["instances"]: self.nameStack = [instanceType, instance] self.evaluate_property_stack() del newEnum["instances"] def cur_namespace(self, add_double_colon = False): rtn = "" i = 0 while i < len(self.nameSpaces): rtn += self.nameSpaces[i] if add_double_colon or i < len(self.nameSpaces) - 1: rtn += "::" i+=1 return rtn def __repr__(self): rtn = "" for className in self.classes.keys(): rtn += repr(self.classes[className]) return rtn