#!/usr/bin/python ## ## @author Edouard DUPIN ## ## @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved ## ## @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file) ## import sys import lutinDebug as debug class ArgElement: def __init__(self, option, value=""): self.m_option = option; self.m_arg = value; def get_option_nName(self): return self.m_option def get_arg(self): return self.m_arg def display(self): if len(self.m_arg)==0: debug.info("option : " + self.m_option) elif len(self.m_option)==0: debug.info("element : " + self.m_arg) else: debug.info("option : " + self.m_option + ":" + self.m_arg) class ArgDefine: def __init__(self, smallOption="", # like v for -v bigOption="", # like verbose for --verbose list=[], # ["val", "description"] desc="", haveParam=False): self.m_optionSmall = smallOption; self.m_optionBig = bigOption; self.m_list = list; if len(self.m_list)!=0: self.m_haveParam = True else: if True==haveParam: self.m_haveParam = True else: self.m_haveParam = False self.m_description = desc; def get_option_small(self): return self.m_optionSmall def get_option_big(self): return self.m_optionBig def need_parameters(self): return self.m_haveParam def get_porperties(self): return "" def check_availlable(self, argument): if len(self.m_list)==0: return True for element,desc in self.m_list: if element == argument: return True return False def display(self): if self.m_optionSmall != "" and self.m_optionBig != "": print(" -" + self.m_optionSmall + " / --" + self.m_optionBig) elif self.m_optionSmall != "": print(" -" + self.m_optionSmall) elif self.m_optionBig != "": print(" --" + self.m_optionBig) else: print(" ???? ==> internal error ...") if self.m_description != "": print(" " + self.m_description) if len(self.m_list)!=0: hasDescriptiveElement=False for val,desc in self.m_list: if desc!="": hasDescriptiveElement=True break; if hasDescriptiveElement==True: for val,desc in self.m_list: print(" " + val + " : " + desc) else: tmpElementPrint = "" for val,desc in self.m_list: if len(tmpElementPrint)!=0: tmpElementPrint += " / " tmpElementPrint += val print(" { " + tmpElementPrint + " }") def parse(self, argList, currentID): return currentID; class ArgSection: def __init__(self, sectionName="", desc=""): self.m_section = sectionName; self.m_description = desc; def get_option_small(self): return "" def get_option_big(self): return "" def get_porperties(self): return " [" + self.m_section + "]" def display(self): print(" [" + self.m_section + "] : " + self.m_description) def parse(self, argList, currentID): return currentID; class LutinArg: def __init__(self): self.m_listProperties = [] def add(self, argument): self.m_listProperties.append(argument) #ArgDefine(smallOption, bigOption, haveParameter, parameterList, description)); def add_section(self, sectionName, sectionDesc): self.m_listProperties.append(ArgSection(sectionName, sectionDesc)) def parse(self): listArgument = [] # composed of list element NotparseNextElement=False for iii in range(1, len(sys.argv)): # special case of parameter in some elements if NotparseNextElement==True: NotparseNextElement = False continue debug.verbose("parse [" + str(iii) + "]=" + sys.argv[iii]) argument = sys.argv[iii] optionList = argument.split("=") debug.verbose(str(optionList)) if type(optionList) == type(str()): option = optionList else: option = optionList[0] optionParam = argument[len(option)+1:] debug.verbose(option) argumentFound=False; if option[:2]=="--": # big argument for prop in self.m_listProperties: if prop.get_option_big()=="": continue if prop.get_option_big() == option[2:]: # find it debug.verbose("find argument 2 : " + option[2:]) if prop.need_parameters()==True: internalSub = option[2+len(prop.get_option_big()):] if len(internalSub)!=0: if len(optionParam)!=0: # wrong argument ... debug.warning("maybe wrong argument for : '" + prop.get_option_big() + "' cmdLine='" + argument + "'") prop.display() continue optionParam = internalSub if len(optionParam)==0: #Get the next parameters if len(sys.argv) > iii+1: optionParam = sys.argv[iii+1] NotparseNextElement=True else : # missing arguments debug.warning("parsing argument error : '" + prop.get_option_big() + "' Missing : subParameters ... cmdLine='" + argument + "'") prop.display() exit(-1) if prop.check_availlable(optionParam)==False: debug.warning("argument error : '" + prop.get_option_big() + "' SubParameters not availlable ... cmdLine='" + argument + "' option='" + optionParam + "'") prop.display() exit(-1) listArgument.append(ArgElement(prop.get_option_big(),optionParam)) argumentFound = True else: if len(optionParam)!=0: debug.warning("parsing argument error : '" + prop.get_option_big() + "' need no subParameters : '" + optionParam + "' cmdLine='" + argument + "'") prop.display() listArgument.append(ArgElement(prop.get_option_big())) argumentFound = True break; if False==argumentFound: debug.error("UNKNOW argument : '" + argument + "'") elif option[:1]=="-": # small argument for prop in self.m_listProperties: if prop.get_option_small()=="": continue if prop.get_option_small() == option[1:1+len(prop.get_option_small())]: # find it debug.verbose("find argument 1 : " + option[1:1+len(prop.get_option_small())]) if prop.need_parameters()==True: internalSub = option[1+len(prop.get_option_small()):] if len(internalSub)!=0: if len(optionParam)!=0: # wrong argument ... debug.warning("maybe wrong argument for : '" + prop.get_option_big() + "' cmdLine='" + argument + "'") prop.display() continue optionParam = internalSub if len(optionParam)==0: #Get the next parameters if len(sys.argv) > iii+1: optionParam = sys.argv[iii+1] NotparseNextElement=True else : # missing arguments debug.warning("parsing argument error : '" + prop.get_option_big() + "' Missing : subParameters cmdLine='" + argument + "'") prop.display() exit(-1) if prop.check_availlable(optionParam)==False: debug.warning("argument error : '" + prop.get_option_big() + "' SubParameters not availlable ... cmdLine='" + argument + "' option='" + optionParam + "'") prop.display() exit(-1) listArgument.append(ArgElement(prop.get_option_big(),optionParam)) argumentFound = True else: if len(optionParam)!=0: debug.warning("parsing argument error : '" + prop.get_option_big() + "' need no subParameters : '" + optionParam + "' cmdLine='" + argument + "'") prop.display() listArgument.append(ArgElement(prop.get_option_big())) argumentFound = True break; if argumentFound==False: #unknow element ... ==> just add in the list ... debug.verbose("unknow argument : " + argument) listArgument.append(ArgElement("", argument)) #for argument in listArgument: # argument.display() #exit(0) return listArgument; def display(self): print "usage:" listOfPropertiesArg = ""; for element in self.m_listProperties : listOfPropertiesArg += element.get_porperties() print " " + sys.argv[0] + listOfPropertiesArg + " ..." for element in self.m_listProperties : element.display()