#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import inspect import fnmatch import lutinModule as module import lutinHost as host import lutinTools import lutinDebug as debug import lutinHeritage as heritage import lutinDepend as dependency import lutinMultiprocess """ """ class module: """ Module class represent all system needed for a specific module like - type (bin/lib ...) - dependency - flags - files - ... """ def __init__(self, file, moduleName, moduleType): ## Remove all variable to prevent error of multiple deffinition of the module ... self.originFile='' self.originFolder='' # type of the module: self.type='LIBRARY' # Name of the module self.name='' # Dependency list: self.depends=[] # export PATH self.export_path=[] self.local_path=[] self.export_flags_ld=[] self.export_flags_cc=[] self.export_flags_xx=[] self.export_flags_m=[] self.export_flags_mm=[] # list of all flags: self.flags_ld=[] self.flags_cc=[] self.flags_xx=[] self.flags_m=[] self.flags_mm=[] self.flags_s=[] self.flags_ar=[] # sources list: self.src=[] # copy files and folders: self.files=[] self.folders=[] self.isBuild=False ## end of basic INIT ... if moduleType == 'BINARY' \ or moduleType == 'LIBRARY' \ or moduleType == 'PACKAGE' \ or moduleType == 'PREBUILD': self.type=moduleType else : debug.error('for module "%s"' %moduleName) debug.error(' ==> error : "%s" ' %moduleType) raise 'Input value error' self.originFile = file; self.originFolder = lutinTools.GetCurrentPath(self.originFile) self.name=moduleName self.localHeritage = heritage.heritage(self) self.packageProp = { "COMPAGNY_TYPE" : set(""), "COMPAGNY_NAME" : set(""), "COMPAGNY_NAME2" : set(""), "MAINTAINER" : set([]), "ICON" : set(""), "SECTION" : set([]), "PRIORITY" : set(""), "DESCRIPTION" : set(""), "VERSION" : set("0.0.0"), "NAME" : set("no-name"), # name of the application "RIGHT" : [] } ############################################################################### ## Commands for running gcc to compile a m++ file. ############################################################################### def Compile_mm_to_o(self, file, binary, target, depancy): file_src, file_dst, file_depend, file_cmd = target.fileGenerateObject(binary,self.name,self.originFolder,file) # create the command line befor requesting start: cmdLine=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.xx, "-o", file_dst , target.global_include_cc, lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",self.export_path), lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",self.local_path), lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",depancy.path), target.global_flags_cc, target.global_flags_mm, depancy.flags_cc, depancy.flags_mm, self.flags_mm, self.flags_cc, self.export_flags_mm, self.export_flags_cc, "-c -MMD -MP -g", "-x objective-c++", file_src]) # check the dependency for this file : if False==dependency.NeedReBuild(file_dst, file_src, file_depend, file_cmd, cmdLine): return file_dst lutinTools.CreateDirectoryOfFile(file_dst) comment = ["m++", self.name, "<==", file] #process element lutinMultiprocess.RunInPool(cmdLine, comment, file_cmd) return file_dst ############################################################################### ## Commands for running gcc to compile a m file. ############################################################################### def Compile_m_to_o(self, file, binary, target, depancy): file_src, file_dst, file_depend, file_cmd = target.fileGenerateObject(binary,self.name,self.originFolder,file) # create the command line befor requesting start: cmdLine=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.cc, "-o", file_dst , target.global_include_cc, lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",self.export_path), lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",self.local_path), lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",depancy.path), target.global_flags_cc, target.global_flags_m, depancy.flags_cc, depancy.flags_m, self.flags_m, self.flags_cc, self.export_flags_m, self.export_flags_cc, "-c -MMD -MP -g", "-x objective-c", file_src]) # check the dependency for this file : if False==dependency.NeedReBuild(file_dst, file_src, file_depend, file_cmd, cmdLine): return file_dst lutinTools.CreateDirectoryOfFile(file_dst) comment = ["m", self.name, "<==", file] #process element lutinMultiprocess.RunInPool(cmdLine, comment, file_cmd) return file_dst ############################################################################### ## Commands for running gcc to compile a C++ file. ############################################################################### def Compile_xx_to_o(self, file, binary, target, depancy): file_src, file_dst, file_depend, file_cmd = target.fileGenerateObject(binary,self.name,self.originFolder,file) # create the command line befor requesting start: cmdLine=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.xx, "-o", file_dst , target.global_include_cc, lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",self.export_path), lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",self.local_path), lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",depancy.path), target.global_flags_cc, target.global_flags_xx, depancy.flags_cc, depancy.flags_xx, self.flags_xx, self.flags_cc, self.export_flags_xx, self.export_flags_cc, " -c -MMD -MP -g ", file_src]) # check the dependency for this file : if False==dependency.NeedReBuild(file_dst, file_src, file_depend, file_cmd, cmdLine): return file_dst lutinTools.CreateDirectoryOfFile(file_dst) comment = ["c++", self.name, "<==", file] #process element lutinMultiprocess.RunInPool(cmdLine, comment, file_cmd) return file_dst ############################################################################### ## Commands for running gcc to compile a C file. ############################################################################### def Compile_cc_to_o(self, file, binary, target, depancy): file_src, file_dst, file_depend, file_cmd = target.fileGenerateObject(binary,self.name,self.originFolder,file) # create the command line befor requesting start: cmdLine=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.cc, "-o", file_dst, target.global_include_cc, lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",self.export_path), lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",self.local_path), lutinTools.AddPrefix("-I",depancy.path), target.global_flags_cc, depancy.flags_cc, self.flags_cc, self.export_flags_cc, " -c -MMD -MP -g ", file_src]) # check the dependency for this file : if False==dependency.NeedReBuild(file_dst, file_src, file_depend, file_cmd, cmdLine): return file_dst lutinTools.CreateDirectoryOfFile(file_dst) comment = ["c", self.name, "<==", file] # process element lutinMultiprocess.RunInPool(cmdLine, comment, file_cmd) return file_dst ############################################################################### ## Commands for running ar. ############################################################################### def Link_to_a(self, file, binary, target, depancy): file_src, file_dst, file_depend, file_cmd = target.GenerateFile(binary, self.name,self.originFolder,file,"lib-static") #$(Q)$(TARGET_AR) $(TARGET_GLOBAL_ARFLAGS) $(PRIVATE_ARFLAGS) $@ $(PRIVATE_ALL_OBJECTS) cmdLine=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.ar, target.global_flags_ar, self.flags_ar, file_dst, file_src])#, #depancy.src]) # check the dependency for this file : if False==dependency.NeedRePackage(file_dst, file_src, True, file_cmd, cmdLine) \ and False==dependency.NeedRePackage(file_dst, depancy.src, False, file_cmd, cmdLine): return file_dst lutinTools.CreateDirectoryOfFile(file_dst) debug.printElement("StaticLib", self.name, "==>", file_dst) # explicitly remove the destination to prevent error ... if os.path.exists(file_dst) and os.path.isfile(file_dst): os.remove(file_dst) lutinMultiprocess.RunCommand(cmdLine) #$(Q)$(TARGET_RANLIB) $@ cmdLineRanLib=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.ranlib, file_dst ]) lutinMultiprocess.RunCommand(cmdLineRanLib) # write cmd line only after to prevent errors ... lutinMultiprocess.StoreCommand(cmdLine, file_cmd) return file_dst ############################################################################### ## Commands for running gcc to link a shared library. ############################################################################### def Link_to_so(self, file, binary, target, depancy, libName=""): if libName=="": libName = self.name file_src, file_dst, file_depend, file_cmd = target.GenerateFile(binary, libName,self.originFolder,file,"lib-shared") #create command Line cmdLine=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.xx, "-o", file_dst, target.global_sysroot, "-shared", file_src, depancy.src, self.flags_ld, depancy.flags_ld, target.global_flags_ld]) # check the dependency for this file : if False==dependency.NeedRePackage(file_dst, file_src, True, file_cmd, cmdLine) \ and False==dependency.NeedRePackage(file_dst, depancy.src, False, file_cmd, cmdLine): return tmpList[1] lutinTools.CreateDirectoryOfFile(file_dst) debug.printElement("SharedLib", libName, "==>", file_dst) lutinMultiprocess.RunCommand(cmdLine) if "release"==target.buildMode: debug.printElement("SharedLib(strip)", libName, "", "") cmdLineStrip=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.strip, file_dst]) lutinMultiprocess.RunCommand(cmdLineStrip) # write cmd line only after to prevent errors ... lutinMultiprocess.StoreCommand(cmdLine, file_cmd) #debug.printElement("SharedLib", self.name, "==>", tmpList[1]) ############################################################################### ## Commands for running gcc to link an executable. ############################################################################### def Link_to_bin(self, file, binary, target, depancy): file_src, file_dst, file_depend, file_cmd = target.GenerateFile(binary, self.name,self.originFolder,file,"bin") #create comdLine : cmdLine=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.xx, "-o", file_dst, target.global_sysroot, file_src, depancy.src, self.flags_ld, depancy.flags_ld, target.global_flags_ld]) # check the dependency for this file : if False==dependency.NeedRePackage(file_dst, file_src, True, file_cmd, cmdLine) \ and False==dependency.NeedRePackage(file_dst, depancy.src, False, file_cmd, cmdLine): return file_dst lutinTools.CreateDirectoryOfFile(file_dst) debug.printElement("Executable", self.name, "==>", file_dst) lutinMultiprocess.RunCommand(cmdLine) if "release"==target.buildMode: debug.printElement("Executable(strip)", self.name, "", "") cmdLineStrip=lutinTools.ListToStr([ target.strip, file_dst]) lutinMultiprocess.RunCommand(cmdLineStrip) # write cmd line only after to prevent errors ... lutinMultiprocess.StoreCommand(cmdLine, file_cmd) ############################################################################### ## Commands for copying files ############################################################################### def files_to_staging(self, binaryName, target): for element in self.files: debug.verbose("Might copy file : " + element[0] + " ==> " + element[1]) target.AddFileStaging(self.originFolder+"/"+element[0], element[1]) ############################################################################### ## Commands for copying files ############################################################################### def folders_to_staging(self, binaryName, target): for element in self.folders: debug.verbose("Might copy folder : " + element[0] + "==>" + element[1]) lutinTools.CopyAnythingTarget(target, self.originFolder+"/"+element[0],element[1]) # call here to build the module def Build(self, target, packageName): # ckeck if not previously build if target.IsModuleBuild(self.name)==True: return self.localHeritage if packageName==None \ and ( self.type=="BINARY" \ or self.type=="PACKAGE" ) : # this is the endpoint binary ... packageName = self.name else : # TODO : Set it better ... None # build dependency befor listSubFileNeededToBuild = [] subHeritage = heritage.heritage(None) for dep in self.depends: inherit = target.Build(dep, packageName) # add at the heritage list : subHeritage.AddSub(inherit) # build local sources for file in self.src: #debug.info(" " + self.name + " <== " + file); fileExt = file.split(".")[-1] if fileExt == "c" \ or fileExt == "C": resFile = self.Compile_cc_to_o(file, packageName, target, subHeritage) listSubFileNeededToBuild.append(resFile) elif fileExt == "cpp" \ or fileExt == "CPP" \ or fileExt == "cxx" \ or fileExt == "CXX" \ or fileExt == "xx" \ or fileExt == "XX": resFile = self.Compile_xx_to_o(file, packageName, target, subHeritage) listSubFileNeededToBuild.append(resFile) elif fileExt == "mm" \ or fileExt == "MM": resFile = self.Compile_mm_to_o(file, packageName, target, subHeritage) listSubFileNeededToBuild.append(resFile) else: debug.verbose(" TODO : gcc " + self.originFolder + "/" + file) # when multiprocess availlable, we need to synchronize here ... lutinMultiprocess.PoolSynchrosize() # generate end point: if self.type=='PREBUILD': # nothing to add ==> just dependence None elif self.type=='LIBRARY': resFile = self.Link_to_a(listSubFileNeededToBuild, packageName, target, subHeritage) self.localHeritage.AddSources(resFile) elif self.type=='BINARY': resFile = self.Link_to_bin(listSubFileNeededToBuild, packageName, target, subHeritage) # generate tree for this special binary target.CleanModuleTree() self.BuildTree(target, self.name) target.copyToStaging(self.name) elif self.type=="PACKAGE": if target.name=="Android": # special case for android wrapper : resFile = self.Link_to_so(listSubFileNeededToBuild, packageName, target, subHeritage, "libewol") else: resFile = self.Link_to_bin(listSubFileNeededToBuild, packageName, target, subHeritage) target.CleanModuleTree() # generate tree for this special binary self.BuildTree(target, self.name) target.copyToStaging(self.name) if target.endGeneratePackage==True: # generate the package with his properties ... target.MakePackage(self.name, self.packageProp) else: debug.error("Dit not know the element type ... (impossible case) type=" + self.type) self.localHeritage.AddSub(subHeritage) # return local dependency ... return self.localHeritage # call here to build the module def BuildTree(self, target, packageName): # ckeck if not previously build if target.IsModuleBuildTree(self.name)==True: return debug.verbose("build tree of " + self.name) # add all the elements (first added only one keep ==> permit to everload sublib element) self.files_to_staging(packageName, target) self.folders_to_staging(packageName, target) #build tree of all submodules for dep in self.depends: inherit = target.BuildTree(dep, packageName) # call here to Clean the module def Clean(self, target): if self.type=='PREBUILD': # nothing to add ==> just dependence None elif self.type=='LIBRARY': # remove folder of the lib ... for this targer folderBuild = target.GetBuildFolder(self.name) debug.info("remove folder : '" + folderBuild + "'") lutinTools.RemoveFolderAndSubFolder(folderBuild) elif self.type=='BINARY' \ or self.type=='PACKAGE': # remove folder of the lib ... for this targer folderBuild = target.GetBuildFolder(self.name) debug.info("remove folder : '" + folderBuild + "'") lutinTools.RemoveFolderAndSubFolder(folderBuild) folderStaging = target.GetStagingFolder(self.name) debug.info("remove folder : '" + folderStaging + "'") lutinTools.RemoveFolderAndSubFolder(folderStaging) else: debug.error("Dit not know the element type ... (impossible case) type=" + self.type) def AppendAndCheck(self, listout, newElement, order): for element in listout: if element==newElement: return listout.append(newElement) if True==order: listout.sort() def AppendToInternalList(self, listout, list, order=False): if type(list) == type(str()): self.AppendAndCheck(listout, list, order) else: # mulyiple imput in the list ... for elem in list: self.AppendAndCheck(listout, elem, order) def AddModuleDepend(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.depends, list, True) def AddExportPath(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.export_path, list) def AddPath(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.local_path, list) def AddExportflag_LD(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.export_flags_ld, list) def AddExportFlag_CC(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.export_flags_cc, list) def AddExportFlag_XX(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.export_flags_xx, list) def AddExportFlag_M(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.export_flags_m, list) def AddExportFlag_MM(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.export_flags_mm, list) # add the link flag at the module def CompileFlags_LD(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.flags_ld, list) def CompileFlags_CC(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.flags_cc, list) def CompileFlags_XX(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.flags_xx, list) def CompileFlags_M(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.flags_m, list) def CompileFlags_MM(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.flags_mm, list) def CompileFlags_S(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.flags_s, list) def AddSrcFile(self, list): self.AppendToInternalList(self.src, list, True) def CopyFile(self, src, dst): self.files.append([src,dst]) def CopyFolder(self, src, dst): self.folders.append([src,dst]) def PrintList(self, description, list): if len(list) > 0: print ' %s' %description for elem in list: print ' %s' %elem def Display(self, target): print '-----------------------------------------------' print ' package : "%s"' %self.name print '-----------------------------------------------' print ' type:"%s"' %self.type print ' file:"%s"' %self.originFile print ' folder:"%s"' %self.originFolder self.PrintList('depends',self.depends) self.PrintList('flags_ld',self.flags_ld) self.PrintList('flags_cc',self.flags_cc) self.PrintList('flags_xx',self.flags_xx) self.PrintList('flags_m',self.flags_m) self.PrintList('flags_mm',self.flags_mm) self.PrintList('flags_s',self.flags_s) self.PrintList('src',self.src) self.PrintList('files',self.files) self.PrintList('folders',self.folders) self.PrintList('export_path',self.export_path) self.PrintList('export_flags_ld',self.export_flags_ld) self.PrintList('export_flags_cc',self.export_flags_cc) self.PrintList('export_flags_xx',self.export_flags_xx) self.PrintList('export_flags_m',self.export_flags_m) self.PrintList('export_flags_mm',self.export_flags_mm) self.PrintList('local_path',self.local_path) def pkgSet(self, variable, value): if "COMPAGNY_TYPE" == variable: # com : Commercial # net : Network?? # org : Organisation # gov : Governement # mil : Military # edu : Education # pri : Private # museum : ... if "com" != value \ and "net" != value \ and "org" != value \ and "gov" != value \ and "mil" != value \ and "edu" != value \ and "pri" != value \ and "museum" != value: debug.error("can not set the value for this Input : '" + variable + "' : '" + value + "'") else: self.packageProp[variable] = value elif "COMPAGNY_NAME" == variable: self.packageProp[variable] = value val2 = value.lower() val2 = val2.replace(' ', '') val2 = val2.replace('-', '') val2 = val2.replace('_', '') self.packageProp["COMPAGNY_NAME2"] = val2 elif "ICON" == variable: self.packageProp[variable] = value elif "MAINTAINER" == variable: self.packageProp[variable] = value elif "SECTION" == variable: # project section : (must be separate by coma # refer to : http://packages.debian.org/sid/ # admin cli-mono comm database debian-installer # debug doc editors electronics devel embedded # fonts games gnome gnu-r gnustep graphics # hamradio haskell httpd interpreters java # kde kernel libdevel libs lisp localization # mail math misc net news ocaml oldlibs otherosfs # perl php python ruby science shells sound tex # text utils vcs video virtual web x11 xfce zope ... self.packageProp[variable] = value elif "PRIORITY" == variable: #list = ["required","important","standard","optional","extra"] #if isinstance(value, list): if "required" != value \ and "important" != value \ and "standard" != value \ and "optional" != value \ and "extra" != value: debug.error("can not set the value for this Input : '" + variable + "' : '" + value + "'") else: self.packageProp[variable] = value elif "DESCRIPTION" == variable: self.packageProp[variable] = value elif "VERSION" == variable: self.packageProp[variable] = value elif "NAME" == variable: self.packageProp[variable] = value else: debug.error("not know pak element : '" + variable + "'") def pkgAddRight(self, value): self.packageProp["RIGHT"].append(value) moduleList=[] __startModuleName="lutin_" def ImportPath(path): global moduleList matches = [] debug.debug('Start find sub File : "%s"' %path) for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): tmpList = fnmatch.filter(filenames, __startModuleName + "*.py") # Import the module : for filename in tmpList: debug.debug(' Find a file : "%s"' %os.path.join(root, filename)) #matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(root, filename)) ) moduleName = filename.replace('.py', '') moduleName = moduleName.replace(__startModuleName, '') debug.debug("integrate module: '" + moduleName + "' from '" + os.path.join(root, filename) + "'") moduleList.append([moduleName,os.path.join(root, filename)]) def LoadModule(target, name): global moduleList for mod in moduleList: if mod[0]==name: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(mod[1])) theModule = __import__(__startModuleName + name) #try: tmpElement = theModule.Create(target) if (tmpElement == None) : debug.debug("Request load module '" + name + "' not define for this platform") else: target.AddModule(tmpElement) #except: # debug.error(" no function 'Create' in the module : " + mod[0] + " from:'" + mod[1] + "'") def ListAllModule(): global moduleList tmpListName = [] for mod in moduleList: tmpListName.append(mod[0]) return tmpListName def ListAllModuleWithDesc(): global moduleList tmpList = [] for mod in moduleList: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(mod[1])) theModule = __import__("lutin_" + mod[0]) try: tmpdesc = theModule.GetDesc() AddModule(tmpElement) tmpList.append([mod[0], tmpdesc]) except: tmpList.append([mod[0], "no description"]) return tmpList