Lutin is designed in Python 2.X or 3.X to answers at the multiplatform problems.
On Linux or MacOs, it is really easy to compile with Makefile, cmake, but on Windows it is an other problem.
The first version of Lutin has been designed in Makefile, but we need to wait 20 minutes before the first build on Windows. In Python it is fast as Linux.
Lutin is not based over an other builder, but compile code itself.
When you use lutin, you migth first create a module, This is the basis of the framework. It permit to describe your "module", all it contain, and the deendency.
We can separate a module in some part:
- Binary:
* A binary is an end point element.
* It can be transform in a complete standalone bundle, or in an part installable.
- Library:
* This represent an element that is used by other application