
241 lines
8.3 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## @author Edouard DUPIN
## @copyright 2012, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
## @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
import platform
import sys
import os
import copy
# Local import
from . import debug
from . import tools
from . import env
from lxml import etree
def load_config():
config_property = tools.file_read_data(env.get_maestro_path_config())
element_config = config_property.split("\n")
if len(element_config) != 3:
debug.error("error in configuration property")
if element_config[0][:5] != "repo=":
debug.error("error in configuration property (2)")
if element_config[1][:7] != "branch=":
debug.error("error in configuration property (3)")
if element_config[2][:5] != "file=":
debug.error("error in configuration property (4)")
configuration = {
}"configuration property: " + str(configuration))
return configuration
class RepoConfig():
def __init__(self): = ""
self.path = ""
self.remotes = [] # list of all remotes, with the upstream elements (needed for third party integrations)
self.select_remote = ""
self.branch = ""
class Manifest():
def __init__(self, manifest_xml):
self.manifest_xml = manifest_xml
self.projects = []
self.default = None
self.default_base = {
self.remotes = []
self.includes = []
# load the manifest
# check error in manifest (double path ...)
def _load(self):
tree = etree.parse(self.manifest_xml)
debug.debug("manifest : '" + self.manifest_xml + "'")
root = tree.getroot()
if root.tag != "manifest":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") in '" + str(file) + "' have not main xml node='manifest'")
for child in root:
if type(child) == etree._Comment:
debug.verbose("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") comment='" + str(child.text) + "'");
if child.tag == "remote":
name = "origin"
fetch = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "fetch":
fetch = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name,fetch]")
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "' fetch='" + fetch + "'");
if child.tag == "include":
name = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name]")
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "'");
# check if the file exist ...
new_name_xml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.manifest_xml),name)
if os.path.exists(new_name_xml) == False:
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") The file does not exist : '" + new_name_xml + "'")
if child.tag == "default":
remote = "origin"
revision = "master"
sync = False
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "remote":
remote = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "revision":
revision = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "sync-s":
sync = child.attrib[attr]
if sync.lower() == "true" \
or sync == "1" \
or sync.lower() == "yes":
sync = True
elif sync.lower() == "false" \
or sync == "0" \
or sync.lower() == "no":
sync = False
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attbute : '" + attr + "', value:'" + sync + "' availlable:[true,1,yes,false,0,no]")
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[remote,revision,sync-s]")
if self.default != None:
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest : Node '" + child.tag + "' already set")
self.default = {
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : remote='" + remote + "' revision='" + revision + "' sync=" + str(sync));
if child.tag == "project":
name = ""
path = ""
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr == "name":
name = child.attrib[attr]
elif attr == "path":
path = child.attrib[attr]
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: Unknow '" + child.tag + "' attibute : '" + attr + "', availlable:[name,revision,sync-s]")
if name == "":
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing the manifest: '" + child.tag + "' missing attribute: 'name' ==> specify the git to clone ...")
debug.debug("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") find '" + child.tag + "' : name='" + name + "' path='" + path + "'");
continue"(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") '" + str(child.tag) + "' values=" + str(child.attrib));
debug.error("(l:" + str(child.sourceline) + ") Parsing error Unknow NODE : '" + str(child.tag) + "' availlable:[remote,include,default,project]")
# now we parse all sub repo:
for elem in self.includes:
elem["manifest"] = Manifest(elem["path"])
# inside data child.text
def _create_path_with_elem(self, element):
path = element["path"]
if path == "":
path = element["name"]
if len(path) >= 4 \
and path[-4:] == ".git":
path = path[:-4]
return path
def _check_double_path(self, list_path = [], space=""):
debug.debug(space + "check path : '" + self.manifest_xml + "'")
for elem in self.projects:
path = self._create_path_with_elem(elem)
debug.debug(space + " check path:'" + str(path) + "'")
if path in list_path:
debug.error("Check Manifest error : double use of the path '" + str(path) + "'")
for elem in self.includes:
elem["manifest"]._check_double_path(list_path, space + " ")
def get_all_configs(self, default=None, upper_remotes=[]):
out = []
if default == None:
if self.default != None:
tmp_default = copy.deepcopy(self.default)
tmp_default = copy.deepcopy(self.default_base)
# add all local project
for elem in self.projects:
conf = RepoConfig() = elem["name"]
conf.path = self._create_path_with_elem(elem)
# add default remote for the project (search in herited element)
for remote in self.remotes:
if remote["name"] == default["remote"]:
if len(conf.remotes) == 0:
for remote in upper_remotes:
if remote["name"] == default["remote"]:
if len(conf.remotes) == 0:
debug.error(" No remote detected: " + str(len(conf.remotes)) + " for " + + " with default remote name : " + default["remote"] + " self remote: " + str(self.remotes))
# select default remote:
conf.select_remote = None
debug.debug(" remotes count: " + str(len(conf.remotes)))
for remote in conf.remotes:
debug.debug(" Ckeck remote : " + remote["name"] + " == " + default["remote"])
if remote["name"] == default["remote"]:
conf.select_remote = remote
if conf.select_remote == None:
debug.error("missing remote for project: " + str(
conf.branch = default["revision"]
# create a temporary variable to transmit the remote to includes
upper_remotes_forward = copy.deepcopy(upper_remotes)
for remote in self.remotes:
# add all include project
for elem in self.includes:
list_project = elem["manifest"].get_all_configs(tmp_default, upper_remotes_forward)
for elem_proj in list_project:
return out