
1063 lines
38 KiB

import lutin.debug as debug
import lutin.tools as tools
import os
import copy
list_of_known_type = [
["void", "void"],
["bool", "bool"],
["string", "std::string"],
["int8", "int8_t"],
["int16", "int16_t"],
["int32", "int32_t"],
["int64", "int64_t"],
["uint8", "uint8_t"],
["uint16", "uint16_t"],
["uint32", "uint32_t"],
["uint64", "uint64_t"],
["float32", "float"],
["float64", "double"],
["vector:bool", "std::vector<bool>"],
["vector:string", "std::vector<std::string>"],
["vector:int8", "std::vector<int8_t>"],
["vector:int16", "std::vector<int16_t>"],
["vector:int32", "std::vector<int32_t>"],
["vector:int64", "std::vector<int64_t>"],
["vector:uint8", "std::vector<uint8_t>"],
["vector:uint16", "std::vector<uint16_t>"],
["vector:uint32", "std::vector<uint32_t>"],
["vector:uint64", "std::vector<uint64_t>"],
["vector:float32", "std::vector<float>"],
["vector:float64", "std::vector<double>"],
["duration", "echrono::Duration"],
["time", "echrono::Time"],
["file", "zeus::File"],
["stream", "zeus::Stream"],
["json", "ejson::Object"],
["raw", "zeus::Raw"],
["ActionNotif", "zeus::ActionNotification"],
def get_list_type():
out = []
for elem in list_of_known_type:
return out
def validate_type(data):
if data in get_list_type():
return True
val = data.split(":")
if val[0] == "obj":
return True
return False
def zeus_object_to_dictionary(name):
out = {}
if type(name) == str:
name = name.split("-")
debug.debug("transform: " + str(name))
# set first capital of the class name
if len(name) != 0:
name[-1] = capital_first(name[-1])
out["namespace"] = ""
for elem in name[:-1]:
out["namespace"] += elem + "::"
out["name_class"] = out["namespace"] + name[-1]
out["name_class_short"] = name[-1]
out["name_class_proxy"] = out["namespace"] + "Proxy" + name[-1]
out["name_class_proxy_short"] = "Proxy" + name[-1]
out["name_class_register"] = out["namespace"] + "register" + name[-1]
out["name_class_register_short"] = "register" + name[-1]
out["name_class_macro"] = ""
for elem in name:
out["name_class_macro"] += elem.upper() + "_"
base_path = ""
for elem in name[:-1]:
base_path += elem + "/"
out["file_name_class_src"] = base_path + name[-1] + ".cpp";
out["file_name_class_header"] = base_path + name[-1] + ".hpp"
out["file_name_class_proxy_src"] = base_path + "Proxy" + name[-1] + ".cpp";
out["file_name_class_proxy_header"] = base_path + "Proxy" + name[-1] + ".hpp"
out["file_name_class_register_src"] = base_path + "register" + name[-1] + ".cpp";
out["file_name_class_register_header"] = base_path + "register" + name[-1] + ".hpp"
debug.debug(" class name : " + out["name_class"])
debug.debug(" class Proxy name : " + out["name_class_proxy"])
debug.debug(" path class name src : " + out["file_name_class_src"])
debug.debug(" path class name header : " + out["file_name_class_header"])
debug.debug(" path class Proxy name src : " + out["file_name_class_proxy_src"])
debug.debug(" path class Proxy name header : " + out["file_name_class_proxy_header"])
debug.debug(" path class Proxy name src : " + out["file_name_class_register_src"])
debug.debug(" path class Proxy name header : " + out["file_name_class_register_header"])
return out
def convert_type_in_cpp(data, proxy=False, argument=False):
for elem in list_of_known_type:
if data == elem[0]:
return elem[1]
val = data.split(":")
if val[0] == "obj":
prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(val[1])
if proxy == True:
if argument == False:
return prop["name_class_proxy"]
return "ememory::SharedPtr<" + prop["name_class"] + ">"
if argument == True:
return prop["name_class_proxy"]
return "ememory::SharedPtr<" + prop["name_class"] + ">"
debug.error(" can not find type in IDL : '" + data + "'")
def remove_start_stop_spacer(data):
dataout = copy.deepcopy(data)
while len(dataout) >= 1 \
and ( dataout[0] == " " \
or dataout[0] == "\t"):
dataout = dataout[1:]
while len(dataout) >= 1 \
and ( dataout[-1] == " " \
or dataout[-1] == "\t"):
dataout = dataout[:-1]
return dataout
def capital_first(data):
return data[0].upper() + data[1:]
class AttributeDefinition:
def __init__(self):
self.name = "";
self.brief = "";
self.type = "";
def set_name(self, name):
self.name = remove_start_stop_spacer(name);
def set_brief(self, desc):
self.name = "";
self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc).replace("\"", "\\\"")
self.type = "";
def set_type(self, type):
self.type = remove_start_stop_spacer(type);
def display(self):
debug.info(" BRIEF: " + self.brief)
debug.info(" " + self.type + " " + self.name + ";")
def generate_cpp(self, space):
out = "";
out += space + "eproperty::Value<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + "> " + self.name + "; //!<" + self.brief + "\n"
out += space + "//! Internal interface to call property\n"
out += space + "virtual " + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " _internalWrapperProperty_get" + capital_first(self.name) + "() {\n"
out += space + " return " + self.name + ".get();\n"
out += space + "}\n"
out += space + "//! Internal interface to call property\n"
out += space + "virtual void _internalWrapperProperty_set" + capital_first(self.name) + "(" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " _value) {\n"
out += space + " " + self.name + ".set(_value);\n"
out += space + "}\n"
return out;
def generate_hpp_proxy(self, space):
out = "";
out += space + "zeus::RemoteProperty<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + "> " + self.name + "; //!<" + self.brief + "\n"
return out;
def generate_cpp_proxy(self, space, class_name):
out = "";
return out;
class FunctionDefinition:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.brief = ""
self.return_type = ""
self.return_brief = ""
self.parameters = []
self.is_action = False
def set_action(self):
self.is_action = True
def set_function_name(self, name):
self.name = remove_start_stop_spacer(name);
def set_brief(self, desc):
self.name = "";
self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc).replace("\"", "\\\"")
self.return_type = "";
self.return_brief = "";
self.parameters = []
def add_param_comment(self, name, desc):
for elem in self.parameters:
if elem["name"] == "" \
and elem["brief"] == "":
elem["name"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(name)
elem["brief"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc).replace("\"", "\\\"")
def set_return_comment(self, desc):
self.return_brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc)
def set_return_type(self, type):
self.return_type = remove_start_stop_spacer(type)
def add_parameter_type(self, type):
for elem in self.parameters:
if elem["type"] == "":
elem["type"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(type)
def display(self):
debug.info(" BRIEF: " + self.brief)
debug.info(" BRIEF-return: " + self.return_brief)
debug.info(" " + self.return_type + " " + self.name + "(")
for elem in self.parameters:
debug.info(" " + elem["type"] + " " + elem["name"] + ", # " + elem["brief"])
debug.info(" )")
def generate_doxy(self, space):
# generate doxygen comment:
out = space + "/**\n"
if self.brief != "":
out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + "\n"
for elem in self.parameters:
if elem["name"] == "" \
and elem["brief"] == "":
out += space + " * @param[in] "
if elem["name"] != "":
out += elem["name"] + " "
if elem["brief"] != "":
out += elem["brief"] + " "
if self.is_action == True:
out += space + " * @note: This is an action ==> it can notify of the progression of the call\n"
if self.return_brief != "":
out += space + " * @return " + self.return_brief + "\n"
out += space + " */\n"
return out
def generate_cpp(self, space, class_name="", virtual=True, action=False):
out = "";
out += self.generate_doxy(space)
out += space
if self.return_type != "":
if virtual == True:
out += "virtual "
out += convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type, False, False) + " "
out += "static ememory::SharedPtr<" + class_name + "> "
out += self.name + "("
param_data = ""
id_parameter = 0
if self.is_action == True:
param_data += "zeus::ActionNotification& _notifs"
id_parameter += 1
for elem in self.parameters:
id_parameter += 1
if len(param_data) != 0:
param_data += ", "
param_data += convert_type_in_cpp(elem["type"], False, True) + " _"
if elem["name"] == "":
param_data += "no_name_param_" + str(id_parameter)
param_data += elem["name"]
out += param_data
out += ")"
if self.return_type != "" \
and virtual == True:
out += " = 0"
out += ";\n"
return out;
def generate_hpp_proxy(self, space):
out = "";
out += self.generate_doxy(space)
out += space + "virtual zeus::Future<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type, True, False) + "> " + self.name + "("
param_data = ""
id_parameter = 0
for elem in self.parameters:
id_parameter += 1
if len(param_data) != 0:
param_data += ", "
param_data += "const " + convert_type_in_cpp(elem["type"], True, True) + "& _"
if elem["name"] == "":
param_data += "no_name_param_" + str(id_parameter)
param_data += elem["name"]
out += param_data
out += ");\n"
return out;
def generate_cpp_proxy(self, space, class_name):
out = "";
out += space + "zeus::Future<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type, True, False) + "> " + class_name + "::" + self.name + "("
param_data = ""
id_parameter = 0
for elem in self.parameters:
id_parameter += 1
if len(param_data) != 0:
param_data += ", "
param_data += "const " + convert_type_in_cpp(elem["type"], True, True) + "& _"
if elem["name"] == "":
param_data += "no_name_param_" + str(id_parameter)
param_data += elem["name"]
out += param_data
out += ") {\n"
space += " "
if self.is_action == True:
out += space + 'return m_obj.callAction("' + self.name + '"'
out += space + 'return m_obj.call("' + self.name + '"'
id_parameter = 0
for elem in self.parameters:
id_parameter += 1
out += ", "
out += "_"
if elem["name"] == "":
out += "no_name_param_" + str(id_parameter)
out += elem["name"]
out += ');\n'
out += "}\n"
space = space[:-1]
return out;
class ServiceDefinition:
def __init__(self):
self.name = [""];
self.name_prop = {}
self.brief = "";
self.version = "";
self.api = "";
self.authors = []
self.attributes = []
self.functions = []
self.factories = []
self.tools = []
self.imports = []
self.licence_header = "/** @file\n"
self.licence_header += " * @note Generated file !!! Do not modify !!!\n"
self.licence_header += " * @license MPL-2\n"
self.licence_header += " * @copyright none\n"
self.licence_header += " */\n"
def set_name(self, value):
self.name = value
# TODO : Check range ...
self.prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(self.name)
def set_brief(self, value):
self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(value).replace("\"", "\\\"")
def set_version(self, value):
self.version = remove_start_stop_spacer(value)
def set_api(self, value):
self.api = remove_start_stop_spacer(value)
def add_author(self, value):
self.authors.append(remove_start_stop_spacer(value).replace("\"", "\\\""))
def add_factory(self, value):
# TODO : Check if function already exist
def add_tool(self, value):
# TODO : Check if function already exist
def add_function(self, value):
# TODO : Check if function already exist
def add_attribute(self, value):
# TODO : Check if attribute already exist
def add_import(self, value):
def display(self):
debug.info("Display service definition : ")
debug.info(" name: " + str(self.name))
debug.info(" brief: '" + str(self.brief) + "'")
debug.info(" version: '" + str(self.version) + "'")
debug.info(" api: '" + str(self.api) + "'")
debug.info(" authors: '" + str(self.authors) + "'")
debug.info(" functions: ")
for elem in self.functions:
## CLASS.hpp
def generate_header(self):
out = ""
# TODO: add global header:
out += self.licence_header
out += "#pragma once\n"
out += "\n"
out += "#include <etk/types.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <eproperty/Value.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/Raw.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <string>\n"
out += "#include <vector>\n"
out += "#include <ememory/memory.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/ActionNotification.hpp>\n"
for elem in self.imports:
prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(elem)
out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n"
out += "\n"
space = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + "class " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + ";\n"
out += space + " /**\n"
if self.brief != "":
out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + " \n"
if self.version != "":
out += space + " * version:" + self.version + "\n"
if self.api != "":
out += space + " * api:" + self.api + "\n"
for elem in self.authors:
out += space + " * authors:" + elem + "\n"
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "class " + self.prop["name_class_short"] + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + "public:\n"
space += " "
if len(self.factories) == 0:
out += space + "/**\n"
out += space + " * @brief generic factory, pay attention when set arguments...\n"
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "template<typename ... ZEUS_OBJECT_CREATE>\n"
out += space + "static ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + "> create(ZEUS_OBJECT_CREATE ...);\n"
for elem in self.factories:
out += elem.generate_cpp(space, self.prop["name_class"])
out += space + "/**\n"
out += space + " * @brief Generic virtual destructor\n"
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "virtual ~" + self.prop["name_class_short"] + "() = default;\n"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += elem.generate_cpp(space)
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_cpp(space)
space = space[:-2]
out += space + "};\n"
# now we simply add tools provided:
for elem in self.tools:
out += elem.generate_cpp(space, virtual=False)
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
space = space[:-1]
out += space + "}\n"
return [self.prop["file_name_class_header"], out]
## CLASS.cpp
def generate_source(self):
out = ""
out += self.licence_header
out += "\n"
out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_register_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <etk/types.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/debug.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/message/Message.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/message/Data.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/message/ParamType.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/message/Parameter.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/Future.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <etk/stdTools.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/AbstractFunction.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <climits>\n"
out += "#include <etk/os/FSNode.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/WebServer.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/Object.hpp>\n"
out += "\n"
# now gebnerate the get and set parameter object ...
out += "namespace zeus {\n"
out += " namespace message {\n"
out += " template<> const zeus::message::ParamType& createType<ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">>() {\n"
out += " static zeus::message::ParamType type(\"obj:" + self.prop["name_class"] + "\", zeus::message::paramTypeObject, false, false);\n"
out += " return type;\n"
out += " }\n"
out += " \n"
out += " template<> const zeus::message::ParamType& createType<" + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + ">() {\n"
out += " static zeus::message::ParamType type(\"obj:" + self.prop["name_class"] + "\", zeus::message::paramTypeObject, false, false);\n"
out += " return type;\n"
out += " }\n"
out += " \n"
out += " template<>\n"
out += " void Parameter::addParameter<ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">>(uint16_t _paramId, const ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">& _value) {\n"
out += " std::vector<uint8_t> data;\n"
out += " addType(data, createType<" + class_name + ">());\n"
out += " addTypeObject(data, \"obj:" + self.prop["name_class"] + "\");\n"
out += " int32_t currentOffset = data.size();\n"
out += " int32_t startOffset = data.size();\n"
out += " data.resize(data.size()+4);\n"
out += " uint32_t fullId = 0;\n"
# convert the object in a real System Object ....
out += " if (m_iface != nullptr) {\n"
out += " uint16_t id = m_iface->getAddress();\n"
out += " uint16_t idObj = m_iface->getNewObjectId();\n"
out += " ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectType<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">> obj = ememory::makeShared<zeus::ObjectType<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">>(m_iface, idObj, _value);\n"
out += " " + self.prop["name_class_register"] + "(*obj);\n"
out += " obj->addRemote(getDestination());\n"
out += " m_iface->addWebObj(obj);\n"
out += " ZEUS_DEBUG(\"Create object ID : \" << idObj);\n"
out += " fullId = (uint32_t(id)<<16)+idObj;\n"
out += " }\n"
# return Object ID and interface adress
out += " memcpy(&data[currentOffset], &fullId, 4);\n"
out += " m_parameter.push_back(std::make_pair(startOffset,data));\n"
out += " }\n"
out += " \n"
out += " template<>\n"
out += " " + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + " Parameter::getParameter<" + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + ">(int32_t _id) const {\n"
out += " ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> out;\n"
out += " out = zeus::message::Parameter::getParameter<ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase>>(_id);\n"
out += " return zeus::ObjectRemote(out);\n"
out += " }\n"
out += " }\n"
out += " \n"
out += " template<> " + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + " zeus::Future<" + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + ">::get() {\n"
out += " ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> out;\n"
out += " if ( m_promise == nullptr\n"
out += " || m_promise->getRaw() == nullptr) {\n"
out += " return zeus::ObjectRemote(out);\n"
out += " }\n"
out += " if (m_promise->getRaw()->getType() != zeus::message::type::answer) {\n"
out += " ZEUS_WARNING(\"No Return value ...\");\n"
out += " return zeus::ObjectRemote(out);\n"
out += " }\n"
out += " out = static_cast<zeus::message::Answer*>(m_promise->getRaw().get())->getAnswer<ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase>>();\n"
out += " \n"
out += " return zeus::ObjectRemote(out);\n"
out += " }\n"
out += " \n"
out += "}\n"
return [self.prop["file_name_class_src"], out]
## registerClass.hpp
def generate_register_header(self):
out = self.licence_header
out += "#pragma once\n"
out += "\n"
out += "#include <etk/types.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/Object.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/Client.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <string>\n"
out += "#include <vector>\n"
out += "\n"
space = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + "\n"
out += space + "void " + self.prop["name_class_register_short"] + "(zeus::ObjectType<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">& _interface);\n"
out += space + "\n"
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
space = space[:-1]
out += space + "}\n"
out += space + "\n"
out += space + "#define " + self.prop["name_class_macro"] + "DECLARE(type) \\\n"
out += space + " ETK_EXPORT_API void SERVICE_IO_instanciate(uint32_t _transactionId, ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint32_t _destination) { \\\n"
out += space + " ememory::SharedPtr<type> tmp; \\\n"
out += space + " tmp = ememory::makeShared<type>(_destination>>16); \\\n"
out += space + " ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + "> tmp2 = tmp; \\\n"
out += space + " _iface->answerValue(_transactionId, uint32_t(_iface->getAddress())<<16, _destination, tmp2); \\\n"
out += space + " }\n"
out += space + "\n"
return [self.prop["file_name_class_register_header"], out]
## registerClass.cpp
def generate_register_code(self):
out = self.licence_header
for elem in self.imports:
prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(elem)
out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_register_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <zeus/debug.hpp>\n"
out += "\n"
space = ""
out += space + "void " + self.prop["name_class_register"] + "(zeus::ObjectType<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">& _interface) {\n"
space += " "
out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("===========================================================");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("== Instanciate service: ' + self.prop["name_class"] + '");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("===========================================================");\n';
#out += space + '_serviceInterface.propertyNameService.set("' + self.name[-1].lower() + '");\n'
if self.brief != "":
out += space + '_interface.setDescription("' + self.brief + '");\n';
if self.version != "":
out += space + '_interface.setVersion("' + self.version + '");\n';
if self.api != "":
out += space + '_interface.setType("' + self.api + '");\n';
for elem in self.authors:
out += space + '_interface.addAuthor("' + elem.split("<")[0] + '", "' + elem.split("<")[1].replace(">","") + '");\n';
if len(self.functions) != 0 \
or len(self.attributes) != 0:
out += space + "zeus::AbstractFunction* func = nullptr;\n"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += space + 'func = _interface.advertise("' + elem.name + '.set", &' + self.prop["name_class"] + '::_internalWrapperProperty_set' + capital_first(elem.name) + ');\n'
out += space + 'if (func != nullptr) {\n'
if elem.brief != "":
out += space + ' func->setDescription("Set parameter ' + elem.brief + '");\n'
out += space + '}\n'
out += space + 'func = _interface.advertise("' + elem.name + '.get", &' + self.prop["name_class"] + '::_internalWrapperProperty_get' + capital_first(elem.name) + ');\n'
out += space + 'if (func != nullptr) {\n'
if elem.brief != "":
out += space + ' func->setDescription("Get parameter ' + elem.brief + '");\n'
out += space + '}\n'
for elem in self.functions:
out += space + 'func = _interface.advertise("' + elem.name + '", &' + self.prop["name_class"] + '::' + elem.name + ');\n'
out += space + 'if (func != nullptr) {\n'
space += " "
if elem.brief != "":
out += space + 'func->setDescription("' + elem.brief + '");\n'
for elem_p in elem.parameters:
if elem_p["name"] == "" \
and elem_p["brief"] == "":
out += space + 'func->addParam("'
if elem_p["name"] != "":
out += elem_p["name"]
out += '", "'
if elem_p["brief"] != "":
out += elem_p["brief"]
out += '");\n'
if elem.return_brief != "":
out += space + 'func->setReturn("' + elem.return_brief + '");\n'
space = space[:-1]
out += space + '}\n'
out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("===========================================================");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("== Instanciate service: ' + self.prop["name_class"] + ' [DONE]");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("===========================================================");\n';
out += "}\n"
out += "\n"
return [self.prop["file_name_class_register_src"], out]
## ProxyClass.hpp
def generate_proxy_header(self):
out = ""
out += self.licence_header
out += "#pragma once\n"
out += "\n"
out += "#include <zeus/ObjectRemote.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/Proxy.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/RemoteProperty.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <string>\n"
out += "#include <vector>\n"
for elem in self.imports:
prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(elem)
#out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n"
out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n"
out += "\n"
space = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + " /**\n"
if self.brief != "":
out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + " \n"
if self.version != "":
out += space + " * version:" + self.version + "\n"
if self.api != "":
out += space + " * api:" + self.api + "\n"
for elem in self.authors:
out += space + " * authors:" + elem + "\n"
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "class " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + " :public zeus::Proxy {\n"
space += " "
out += space + "public:\n"
out += space + " const " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "& operator= (const zeus::ObjectRemote& _srv) {\n"
out += space + " m_obj = _srv;\n"
out += space + " return *this;\n"
out += space + " }\n"
out += space + " const " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "& operator= (const " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "& _obj) {\n"
out += space + " m_obj = _obj.m_obj;\n"
out += space + " return *this;\n"
out += space + " }\n"
out += space + " ~" + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "() = default;\n"
out += space + " " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "()"
if len(self.attributes) != 0:
out += ": \n"
first = True
for elem in self.attributes:
if first == False:
out += ",\n"
out += space + " " + elem.name + "(m_obj, \"" + elem.name + "\")"
first = False
out += " {}\n"
out += space + " " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "(const zeus::ObjectRemote& _srv) :\n"
out += space + " zeus::Proxy(_srv)"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += ",\n"
out += space + " " + elem.name + "(m_obj, \"" + elem.name + "\")"
first = False
out += " {\n"
out += space + " \n"
out += space + " }\n"
out += space + " bool exist() const {\n"
out += space + " return m_obj.exist();\n"
out += space + " }\n"
out += space + "public:\n"
space += " "
out += space + "/**\n"
out += space + " * @brief Generic virtual destructor\n"
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "virtual ~" + self.name[-1] + "() = default;\n"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += elem.generate_hpp_proxy(space)
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_hpp_proxy(space)
space = space[:-2]
out += space + "};\n"
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
space = space[:-1]
out += space + "}\n"
return [self.prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"], out]
## ProxyClass.cpp
def generate_proxy_code(self):
out = ""
out += self.licence_header
out += "\n"
out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n"
out += "\n"
for elem in self.attributes:
out += elem.generate_cpp_proxy("", self.prop["name_class_proxy"])
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_cpp_proxy("", self.prop["name_class_proxy"])
return [self.prop["file_name_class_proxy_src"], out]
def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_option):
data_path = data_option["path"]
debug.debug("Parsing .zeus.idl [start] " + str(data_path))
name_file = os.path.basename(data_path)
if len(name_file) < 9 \
and name_file[-9:] != ".zeus.idl":
debug.error("IDL must have an extention ended with '.zeus.idl' and not with '" + name_file[-9:] + "'")
elem_name = ""
type_of_object = "unknow"
if len(name_file) >= 13 \
and name_file[-13:] == ".srv.zeus.idl":
elem_name = name_file[:-13]
type_of_object = "srv"
elif len(name_file) >= 16 \
and name_file[-16:] == ".struct.zeus.idl":
elem_name = name_file[:-16]
type_of_object = "struct"
elif len(name_file) >= 13 \
and name_file[-13:] == ".obj.zeus.idl":
elem_name = name_file[:-13]
type_of_object = "obj"
debug.error("IDL must have an extention ended with '(struct|obj|srv).zeus.idl' and not with '" + name_file + "'")
service_def = ServiceDefinition()
data = tools.file_read_data(os.path.join(module.get_origin_path(), data_path))
if len(data) == 0:
debug.error("Can not parse zeus.idl ==> no data in the file, or no file : " + os.path.join(module.get_origin_path(), data_path))
# standardise windows/Mac file in Linux file.
data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n")
data = data.replace("\r", "\n")
id_line = 0
multi_comment = False
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
current_attr = AttributeDefinition()
for line in data.split("\n"):
id_line += 1;
if len(line) == 0:
# empty line
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> empty line")
if multi_comment == False:
if len(line) >= 2 \
and line[:2] == "/*":
# Comment multi-line
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment multi-line [START]")
if len(line) > 2:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> /* must be alone in the line (no text after)")
multi_comment = True
if len(line) >= 2 \
and line[:2] == "*/":
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> find '*/' Without a start multiline-comment '/*'")
if len(line) >= 2 \
and line[:2] == "*/":
# Comment multi-line
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment multi-line [STOP]")
multi_comment = False
if len(line) > 2:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> find '/*' must be alone in the line (no text after)")
if len(line) >= 2 \
and line[:2] == "//":
# Comment line
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment line")
if len(line) >= 1 \
and line[0] == "#":
# Documentation line
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> documentation line")
#get keyword:
list_elems = line.split(":")
if len(list_elems) < 1:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> Missing Keyword ... ");
doc_keyword = list_elems[0] + ":"
doc_data = line[len(doc_keyword):]
if doc_keyword == "#brief:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'")
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
elif doc_keyword == "#param:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" PARAMETER: '" + doc_data + "'")
# TODO : Do it better ...
current_def.add_param_comment(doc_data.split(":")[0], doc_data.split(":")[1])
elif doc_keyword == "#return:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" RETURN: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#elem-brief:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#elem-version:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-VERSION: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#elem-type:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-TYPE: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#elem-author:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-AUTHOR: '" + doc_data + "'")
debug.warning("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> Unknow: keyword: '" + doc_keyword + "'")
debug.error(" support only: '#brief:' '#param:' '#return:' '#elem-brief:' '#elem-version:' '#elem-type:' '#elem-author:'")
debug.extreme_verbose("Need to parse the function/attribute line:")
debug.extreme_verbose(" '" + line + "'")
if line[:7] == "import ":
debug.debug("find import : " + line)
# TODO : Add check ...
service_def.add_import(line.split(" ")[1])
elif line[-1] == ")":
# Find a function ==> parse it
#debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse function the line dos not ended by a ')'")
#get first part (befor '('):
# get type of the function (factory, tool, action, function(default))
type_function = "function"
if line[0] == "[":
if line[:13] == "[tool-remote]":
type_function = "tool-remote"
line = line[13:]
if line[:9] == "[factory]":
type_function = "factory"
line = line[9:]
if line[:10] == "[function]":
type_function = "function"
line = line[10:]
if line[:8] == "[action]":
type_function = "action"
line = line[8:]
# remove wihte space
while len(line)>0 \
and line[0] == " ":
line = line[1:]
if type_function == "factory":
line = " " + line
# parse the fuction
list_elems = line.split("(")
if len(list_elems) <= 1:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function parsing error missing the '(' element")
fist_part = list_elems[0].replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ")
argument_list = list_elems[1].replace(" ", "").replace(" ", "").replace(" ", "")[:-1]
if len(argument_list) != 0:
argument_list = argument_list.split(",")
argument_list = []
# separate the
list_elems = fist_part.split(" ")
if len(list_elems) <= 1:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function return and name is not parsable")
return_value = list_elems[0]
function_name = list_elems[1]
# check types:
debug.extreme_verbose(" Parse of function done :")
if type_function == "tool":
debug.extreme_verbose(" return:" + return_value)
if validate_type(return_value) == False:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function return type unknow : '" + return_value + "' not in " + str(get_list_type()))
elif type_function == "factory":
if function_name != "create":
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " factory function name must be 'create' not '" + function_name + "'")
debug.extreme_verbose(" return: --- ")
elif validate_type(return_value) == False:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function return type unknow : '" + return_value + "' not in " + str(get_list_type()))
debug.extreme_verbose(" return:" + return_value)
for elem in argument_list:
if validate_type(elem) == False:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function argument type unknow : '" + elem + "' not in " + str(get_list_type()))
debug.extreme_verbose(" name:" + function_name)
debug.extreme_verbose(" arguments:" + str(argument_list))
for elem in argument_list:
if type_function == "function":
elif type_function == "action":
elif type_function == "factory":
elif type_function == "tool-remote":
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Unknow type : " + str(type_function))
# remove optionnal "property " at the start
if line[:9] == "property ":
line = line[9:]
# attribute parsing ==> parameters
# if must be a simple element separate with a space
if len(line.split("(")) != 1:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse function the line does not ended by a ')'")
elem = line.split(" ")
if len(elem) != 2:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse attribute must be constituated with the type and the name")
if validate_type(elem[0]) == False:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Attribute type unknow : '" + elem[0] + "' not in " + str(get_list_type()))
# reset it ...
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
current_attr = AttributeDefinition()
if multi_comment == True:
debug.error("reach end of file and missing end of multi-line comment */")
debug.verbose("Parsing idl Done (no error ...)")
service_header = service_def.generate_header()
service_source = service_def.generate_source()
register_header = service_def.generate_register_header()
register_code = service_def.generate_register_code()
proxy_header = service_def.generate_proxy_header()
proxy_code = service_def.generate_proxy_code()
debug.verbose("----------------- " + service_header[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + service_header[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + service_source[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + service_source[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + register_header[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + register_header[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + register_code[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + register_code[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + proxy_header[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + proxy_header[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + proxy_code[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + proxy_code[1])
tmp_path = os.path.join(target.get_build_path_temporary_generate(module.get_name()), "idl_src")
module.add_generated_header_file(service_header[1], service_header[0], install_element=True)
module.add_generated_src_file(service_source[1], service_source[0])
module.add_generated_header_file(register_header[1], register_header[0], install_element=True)
module.add_generated_src_file(register_code[1], register_code[0])
module.add_generated_header_file(proxy_header[1], proxy_header[0], install_element=True)
module.add_generated_src_file(proxy_code[1], proxy_code[0])
# if service, we need to intall a simple empty file to register the service as availlable ...
if type_of_object == "srv":
module.add_generated_data_file("", "zeus/" + elem_name + ".srv", install_element=True)
debug.debug("Parsing .zeus.idl [DONE]")
def parse_object_idl(module, idl_path):
module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data={"path":idl_path, "type":"object"})
def parse_struct_idl(module, idl_path):
module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data={"path":idl_path, "type":"struct"})