/** @file * @author Edouard DUPIN * @copyright 2016, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * @license APACHE v2.0 (see license file) */ #include #include #include jus::TcpString::TcpString() : m_thread(nullptr), propertyIp(this, "ip", "", "ip to open or connect server", &jus::TcpString::onPropertyChangeIp), propertyPort(this, "port", 1983, "Connection port of the server", &jus::TcpString::onPropertyChangePort), propertyServer(this, "server", false, "is a server or not", &jus::TcpString::onPropertyChangeServer), signalIsConnected(), signalData() { m_connection.setHostNane(*propertyIp); m_connection.setPort(*propertyPort); m_connection.setServer(*propertyServer); m_threadRunning = false; } jus::TcpString::~TcpString() { disconnect(); } void jus::TcpString::threadCallback() { ethread::setName("TcpString-input"); // Connect ... if (m_connection.link() == false) { JUS_ERROR("can not connect to the socket..."); signalIsConnected.emit(false); return; } signalIsConnected.emit(true); // get datas: while (m_threadRunning == true) { // READ section data: std::string data = std::move(read()); JUS_WARNING("Receive data: '" << data << "'"); if (data.size() != 0) { signalData.emit(data); } } // disconnect ... if (m_connection.unlink() == false) { JUS_ERROR("can not disconnect to the socket..."); } signalIsConnected.emit(false); JUS_DEBUG("End of thread"); } void jus::TcpString::connect(){ JUS_DEBUG("connect [START]"); m_threadRunning = true; m_thread = new std::thread([&](void *){ this->threadCallback();}, nullptr); if (m_thread == nullptr) { m_threadRunning = false; JUS_ERROR("creating callback thread!"); return; } //ethread::setPriority(*m_receiveThread, -6); JUS_DEBUG("connect [STOP]"); } void jus::TcpString::disconnect(){ JUS_DEBUG("disconnect [START]"); if (m_thread != nullptr) { m_threadRunning = false; m_connection.unlink(); m_thread->join(); delete m_thread; m_thread = nullptr; } JUS_DEBUG("disconnect [STOP]"); } int32_t jus::TcpString::write(const std::string& _data) { if (_data.size() == 0) { return 0; } uint32_t size = _data.size(); m_connection.write(&size, 4); return m_connection.write(_data.c_str(), _data.size()); } std::string jus::TcpString::read() { // TODO : Do it better with a correct way to check data size ... std::string out; uint32_t size = 0; int32_t len = m_connection.read(&size, 4); if (len != 4) { JUS_ERROR("Protocol error occured ..."); } else { out.resize(size); len = m_connection.read(&out[0], size); if (len == 0) { JUS_WARNING("Read No data"); } else if (len != size) { // TODO do it again ... JUS_ERROR("Protocol error occured .2."); } } return out; } void jus::TcpString::onPropertyChangeIp() { m_connection.setHostNane(*propertyIp); } void jus::TcpString::onPropertyChangePort() { m_connection.setPort(*propertyPort); } void jus::TcpString::onPropertyChangeServer() { m_connection.setServer(*propertyServer); }