[DOC] write 80% of the documentation
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,12 +119,14 @@ static int32_t nextP2(int32_t _value) {
void appl::MessageElementVideo::setSize(const ivec2& _size) {
if (m_imagerealSize != _size) {
if (m_imageRealSize != _size) {
// Resize the buffer:
m_imagerealSize = _size;
m_image.resize(ivec2(nextP2(_size.x()), nextP2(_size.y())));
m_lineSize = m_image.getSize().x() * 3; // 3 is for RGBA
m_imageRealSize = _size;
m_imagePow2Size = ivec2(nextP2(_size.x()), nextP2(_size.y()));
m_lineSize = m_imagePow2Size.x() * 3;
if (m_image.getSize() != m_imagePow2Size) {
void appl::MessageElementAudio::configure(audio::format _format, uint32_t _sampleRate, int32_t _nbChannel, int32_t _nbSample) {
@ -340,7 +342,8 @@ int appl::MediaDecoder::open_codec_context(int *_streamId, AVFormatContext *_for
// Init the decoders, with or without reference counting
av_dict_set(&opts, "refcounted_frames", "0", 0);
av_dict_set(&opts, "threads", "auto", 0);
//av_dict_set(&opts, "threads", "auto", 0);
av_dict_set(&opts, "threads", "4", 0);
if ((ret = avcodec_open2(dec_ctx, dec, &opts)) < 0) {
APPL_ERROR("Failed to open " << av_get_media_type_string(_type) << " codec");
return ret;
@ -40,11 +40,14 @@ namespace appl {
class MessageElementVideo : public appl::MessageElement {
egami::Image m_image; //!< Image to manage internal data
ivec2 m_imagerealSize; //!< Real size of the image, in OpenGL we need power of 2 border size.
ivec2 m_imageRealSize; //!< Real size of the image, in OpenGL we need power of 2 border size.
ivec2 m_imagePow2Size;
int32_t m_lineSize; //!< Size of a single line (in byte)
void setSize(const ivec2& _newSize);
m_image(ivec2(32,32), egami::colorType::RGB8) {
m_image(ivec2(32,32), egami::colorType::RGB8),
m_imagePow2Size(32,32) {
@ -43,14 +43,18 @@ void appl::widget::VideoDisplay::init() {
// By default we load a graphic resource ...
if (m_resource == nullptr) {
m_resource = ewol::resource::Texture::create();
if (m_resource == nullptr) {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not CREATE Image resource");
m_useElement = 0;
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<ZEUS_VIDEO_PLAYER_MULTIPLE_BUFFER; ++iii) {
if (m_resource[iii] == nullptr) {
m_resource[iii] = ewol::resource::Texture::create();
if (m_resource[iii] == nullptr) {
EWOL_ERROR("Can not CREATE Image resource");
// All time need to configure in RGB, By default it is in RGBA ...
m_resource[iii]->get().configure(ivec2(128,128), egami::colorType::RGB8);
// All time need to configure in RGB, By default it is in RGBA ...
m_resource->get().configure(ivec2(128,128), egami::colorType::RGB8);
// Create the River manager for tha application or part of the application.
m_audioManager = audio::river::Manager::create("zeus-video-player");
@ -173,10 +177,13 @@ void appl::widget::VideoDisplay::onDraw() {
APPL_WARNING("Nothink to draw...");
if (m_resource == nullptr) {
if ( m_resource[iii] == nullptr
|| m_resource2 == nullptr) {
// this is a normale case ... the user can choice to have no image ...
if (m_GLprogram == nullptr) {
APPL_ERROR("No shader ...");
@ -186,8 +193,9 @@ void appl::widget::VideoDisplay::onDraw() {
m_GLprogram->uniformMatrix(m_GLMatrix, tmpMatrix);
// TextureID
if (m_resource != nullptr) {
m_GLprogram->setTexture0(m_GLtexID, m_resource->getRendererId());
if (m_resource[m_useElement] != nullptr) {
m_GLprogram->setTexture0(m_GLtexID, m_resource[m_useElement]->getRendererId());
// position:
m_GLprogram->sendAttributePointer(m_GLPosition, m_VBO, m_vboIdCoord);
@ -302,51 +310,69 @@ void appl::widget::VideoDisplay::periodicEvent(const ewol::event::Time& _event)
bool getSomething = false;
int32_t idSlot = m_decoder->audioGetOlderSlot();
if ( idSlot != -1
&& m_currentTime > m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_time) {
APPL_VERBOSE("Get Slot AUDIO " << m_currentTime << " > " << m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_time);
if (m_audioInterface == nullptr) {
// start audio interface the first time we need it
APPL_ERROR("== Presence of Audio: " << m_decoder->haveAudio() << " ==");
if (m_decoder->haveAudio() == true) {
m_audioInterface = m_audioManager->createOutput(m_decoder->audioGetSampleRate(),
if(m_audioInterface == nullptr) {
APPL_ERROR("Can not create Audio interface");
bool cleaning = true;
while (cleaning == true) {
int32_t idSlot = m_decoder->audioGetOlderSlot();
if ( idSlot != -1
&& m_currentTime > m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_time) {
APPL_VERBOSE("Get Slot AUDIO " << m_currentTime << " > " << m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_time);
if (m_audioInterface == nullptr) {
// start audio interface the first time we need it
APPL_ERROR("== Presence of Audio: " << m_decoder->haveAudio() << " ==");
if (m_decoder->haveAudio() == true) {
m_audioInterface = m_audioManager->createOutput(m_decoder->audioGetSampleRate(),
if(m_audioInterface == nullptr) {
APPL_ERROR("Can not create Audio interface");
if (m_audioInterface != nullptr) {
int32_t nbSample = m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_buffer.size()
/ audio::getFormatBytes(m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_format)
/ m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_map.size();
m_audioInterface->write(&m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_buffer[0], nbSample);
m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_isUsed = false;
getSomething = true;
} else {
cleaning = false;
if (m_audioInterface != nullptr) {
int32_t nbSample = m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_buffer.size()
/ audio::getFormatBytes(m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_format)
/ m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_map.size();
m_audioInterface->write(&m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_buffer[0], nbSample);
m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_isUsed = false;
getSomething = true;
idSlot = m_decoder->videoGetOlderSlot();
// check the slot is valid and check display time of the element:
if ( idSlot != -1
&& m_currentTime > m_decoder->m_videoPool[idSlot].m_time) {
APPL_VERBOSE("Get Slot VIDEO " << m_currentTime << " > " << m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_time);
m_imageSize = m_resource->get().getSize();
ivec2 tmpSize = m_decoder->m_videoPool[idSlot].m_imagerealSize;
m_decoder->m_videoPool[idSlot].m_imagerealSize = m_videoSize;
m_videoSize = tmpSize;
m_decoder->m_videoPool[idSlot].m_isUsed = false;
cleaning = true;
int32_t nbDumpFrame = 0;
while (cleaning == true) {
int32_t idSlot = m_decoder->videoGetOlderSlot();
// check the slot is valid and check display time of the element:
if ( idSlot != -1
&& m_currentTime > m_decoder->m_videoPool[idSlot].m_time) {
APPL_VERBOSE("Get Slot VIDEO " << m_currentTime << " > " << m_decoder->m_audioPool[idSlot].m_time);
m_useElement = 0;
m_imageSize = m_resource[m_useElement]->get().getSize();
ivec2 tmpSize = m_decoder->m_videoPool[idSlot].m_imageRealSize;
m_decoder->m_videoPool[idSlot].m_imageRealSize = m_videoSize;
m_videoSize = tmpSize;
m_decoder->m_videoPool[idSlot].m_isUsed = false;
getSomething = true;
} else {
cleaning = false;
if (nbDumpFrame != 0) {
getSomething = true;
// Display FPS ...
m_LastResetCounter += _event.getDeltaCallDuration();
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
#include <appl/MediaDecoder.hpp>
#include <appl/widget/ListViewer.hpp>
namespace appl {
namespace widget {
class VideoDisplay : public ewol::Widget {
@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ namespace appl {
int32_t m_GLtexture; //!< openGL id on the element (Texture position)
int32_t m_GLtexID; //!< openGL id on the element (texture ID)
ememory::SharedPtr<ewol::resource::Texture> m_resource; //!< texture resources
int32_t m_useElement;
ememory::SharedPtr<ewol::resource::Texture> m_resource[ZEUS_VIDEO_PLAYER_MULTIPLE_BUFFER]; //!< texture resources
static const int32_t m_vboIdCoord;
static const int32_t m_vboIdCoordTex;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#elem-brief: picture interface management
#elem-version: 1.0
#elem-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com
import zeus-File
@ -29,25 +29,30 @@ namespace zeus {
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer> m_interfaceWeb; //!< Interface on the Websocket interface
std::vector<ememory::WeakPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase>> m_listConnectedService; //!< Connect only one time on each service, not needed more.
* @brief answer a protocol error on the websocket ==> this stop the communication
* @param[in] _transactionId The tansation ID that have an error
* @param[in] _errorHelp Help developper/user to understand where the problem come from.
void answerProtocolError(uint32_t _transactionId, const std::string& _errorHelp);
* @brief Get the client web interface
* @return A shared pointer on the client server
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer> getWebInterface() {
return m_interfaceWeb;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Contructor of a client
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Destructor of a client
virtual ~Client();
* @brief Connetc to a remote extern server
* @brief Connect to a remote extern server
* @param[in] _address Address of the user: "ABCD.efgh~atria-soft.com:1993"
* @param[in] _timeOut duration that we are waiting the server answer
@ -91,9 +96,10 @@ namespace zeus {
* @return Pointer on an interface of remote service
zeus::ObjectRemote getService(const std::string& _serviceName);
using factoryService = std::function<void(uint32_t, ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint32_t _destination)>; // call this function anser to the callter the requested Object
std::map<std::string,factoryService> m_listServicesAvaillable; //!< list of all factory availlable
using factoryService = std::function<void(uint32_t, ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint32_t _destination)>; //!< call this function anser to the caller the requested Object
std::map<std::string,factoryService> m_listServicesAvaillable; //!< list of all factory availlable (to create new services)
* @brief Provide a service with a specific name
* @param[in] _serviceName Name of the service
@ -101,6 +107,11 @@ namespace zeus {
* @return true if the service is acepted or false if not
bool serviceAdd(const std::string& _serviceName, factoryService _factory);
* @brief Revmove a service from the list of availlable services
* @param[in] _serviceName Name of the service to remove
* @return true The service has been removed, false otherwise.
bool serviceRemove(const std::string& _serviceName);
@ -142,15 +153,14 @@ namespace zeus {
void onPropertyChangePort();
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Send a ping to prevent the protocol time-out (no transmission)
* @note let the system use this function.
void pingIsAlive();
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Check if the server/connection is alive
* @return true The connection is alive
* @return false The connection is dead
bool isAlive();
@ -162,9 +172,25 @@ namespace zeus {
void cleanDeadObject();
// TODO: Remove this from here ... ==> create a proxy to gateway (service manager)
* @brief Get the number of services.
* @return Future on the services count.
zeus::Future<int32_t> getServiceCount();
* @brief Get the whole list of services availlable
* @return Future on the list of service (names)
zeus::Future<std::vector<std::string>> getServiceList();
// TODO : This is an active waiting ==> this is bad ... ==> use future, it will be better
* @brief Wait for a service wake up (and be availlable)
* @param[in] _serviceName Name of the service to wait.
* @param[in] _delta Duration to wait the service
* @return true The service is availlable
* @return false The service is not availlable.
bool waitForService(const std::string& _serviceName, echrono::Duration _delta = echrono::seconds(1));
@ -17,45 +17,33 @@ zeus::Object::Object(const ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint16_t
zeus::Object::~Object() {
void zeus::Object::receive(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _value) {
if (_value == nullptr) {
uint32_t tmpID = _value->getTransactionId();
uint32_t source = _value->getSource();
zeus::FutureBase futData(tmpID, _value, source);
if (futData.isFinished() == true) {
} else {
void zeus::Object::callBinary(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _obj) {
if (_obj == nullptr) {
if (_value->getPartFinish() == false) {
ZEUS_ERROR("call a receive function with a not finished message ...");
if (_obj->getType() == zeus::message::type::event) {
if (_value->getType() == zeus::message::type::event) {
ZEUS_ERROR("Unknow event: '...'");
if (_obj->getType() == zeus::message::type::answer) {
if (_value->getType() == zeus::message::type::answer) {
ZEUS_ERROR("Local Answer: '...'");
if (_obj->getType() == zeus::message::type::call) {
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::message::Call> callObj = ememory::staticPointerCast<zeus::message::Call>(_obj);
if (_value->getType() == zeus::message::type::data) {
ZEUS_ERROR("Local DATA: '...'");
if (_value->getType() == zeus::message::type::call) {
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::message::Call> callObj = ememory::staticPointerCast<zeus::message::Call>(_value);
uint32_t source = callObj->getSource();
uint32_t sourceId = callObj->getSourceId();
std::string callFunction = callObj->getCall();
if (isFunctionAuthorized(sourceId, callFunction) == true) {
callBinary2(callFunction, callObj);
callBinary(callFunction, callObj);
} else {
m_interfaceWeb->answerError(callObj->getTransactionId(), getFullId(), source, "NOT-AUTHORIZED-FUNCTION", "");
@ -63,5 +51,3 @@ void zeus::Object::callBinary(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _obj) {
@ -20,49 +20,46 @@
namespace zeus {
class Client;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief An object is an element callable from the remote.
class Object : public zeus::RemoteProcessCall {
std::mutex m_mutex;
std::vector<zeus::FutureBase> m_callMultiData;
uint16_t getObjectId() { return m_objectId; }
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Get the current object local unique ID
* @return The unique Object id
uint16_t getObjectId() {
return m_objectId;
* @brief Contruct a new callable object
* @param[in] _iface Network interface
* @param[in] _objectId Unique Id of the object
Object(const ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint16_t _objectId);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief generic destructor
virtual ~Object();
virtual ~Object() = default;
* @brief Receive message to parse and execute
* @param[in] _value Message to process
void receive(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _value);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Specific call depending of the type of the object.
* @param[in] _call Name of the function that is called.
* @param[in] _value Message to process.
void callBinary(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _obj);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
virtual void callBinary2(const std::string& _call, ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::message::Call> _obj) = 0;
virtual void callBinary(const std::string& _call, ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::message::Call> _value) = 0;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Advertise a new function in the service/object ==> it is force the start with "obj.".
* @param[in] _name Name of the function
* @param[in] _func pointer on the function that might be used to call it.
* @return an handle on an abstract function that can be called.
// Add Local fuction (depend on this class)
template<class ZEUS_RETURN_VALUE,
@ -70,7 +67,7 @@ namespace zeus {
zeus::AbstractFunction* advertise(std::string _name,
_name = "srv." + _name;
_name = "obj." + _name;
for (auto &it : m_listFunction) {
if (it == nullptr) {
@ -91,18 +88,15 @@ namespace zeus {
return tmp;
* @brief The object is all time different, and we need to called it corectly and keep it alive while the remote user need it.
* The this class permit to have a a pointer on the temporary object.
template<class ZEUS_TYPE_OBJECT>
class ObjectType : public zeus::Object {
ememory::SharedPtr<ZEUS_TYPE_OBJECT> m_interface; // direct handle on the data;
ememory::SharedPtr<ZEUS_TYPE_OBJECT> m_interface; //!< handle on the object that might be called.
ObjectType(zeus::Client* _client, uint16_t _objectId, uint16_t _clientId) :
Object(_client, _objectId) {
m_interface = ememory::makeShared<ZEUS_TYPE_OBJECT>(/ *_clientId* /);
ObjectType(const ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint16_t _objectId, const ememory::SharedPtr<ZEUS_TYPE_OBJECT>& _element) :
Object(_iface, _objectId),
m_interface(_element) {
@ -180,12 +174,7 @@ namespace zeus {
return tmp;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
bool isFunctionAuthorized(uint64_t _clientId, const std::string& _funcName) {
bool isFunctionAuthorized(uint64_t _clientId, const std::string& _funcName) override {
auto it = m_interface.find(_clientId);
if (it == m_interface.end()) {
@ -197,11 +186,11 @@ namespace zeus {
return true;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Find and call the functionwith a specific name
* @param[in] _call Function name to call
* @param[in] _value Message to process.
void callBinary2(const std::string& _call, ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::message::Call> _obj) {
void callBinary(const std::string& _call, ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::message::Call> _value) {
for (auto &it2 : m_listFunction) {
if (it2 == nullptr) {
@ -209,22 +198,24 @@ namespace zeus {
if (it2->getName() != _call) {
// TODO: Check if client is athorized ...
// depending on where the function is defined, the call is not the same ...
switch (it2->getType()) {
case zeus::AbstractFunction::type::object: {
ZEUS_TYPE_OBJECT* elem = m_interface.get();
it2->execute(m_interfaceWeb, _obj, (void*)elem);
it2->execute(m_interfaceWeb, _value, (void*)elem);
case zeus::AbstractFunction::type::local: {
it2->execute(m_interfaceWeb, _obj, (void*)((RemoteProcessCall*)this));
it2->execute(m_interfaceWeb, _value, (void*)((RemoteProcessCall*)this));
case zeus::AbstractFunction::type::service: {
it2->execute(m_interfaceWeb, _obj, (void*)this);
it2->execute(m_interfaceWeb, _value, (void*)this);
case zeus::AbstractFunction::type::global: {
it2->execute(m_interfaceWeb, _obj, nullptr);
it2->execute(m_interfaceWeb, _value, nullptr);
case zeus::AbstractFunction::type::unknow:
@ -232,8 +223,11 @@ namespace zeus {
m_interfaceWeb->answerError(_obj->getTransactionId(), _obj->getDestination(), _obj->getSource(), "FUNCTION-UNKNOW", "not find function name: '" + _call + "'");
"not find function name: '" + _call + "'");
@ -6,40 +6,40 @@
#include <zeus/ObjectIntrospect.hpp>
zeus::ObjectIntrospect::ObjectIntrospect(zeus::ObjectRemote& _srv):
m_srv(_srv) {
zeus::ObjectIntrospect::ObjectIntrospect(zeus::ObjectRemote& _obj):
m_obj(_obj) {
zeus::Future<std::string> zeus::ObjectIntrospect::getDescription() {
return m_srv.call("sys.getDescription");
return m_obj.call("obj.getDescription");
zeus::Future<std::string> zeus::ObjectIntrospect::getVersion() {
return m_srv.call("sys.getVersion");
return m_obj.call("obj.getVersion");
zeus::Future<std::string> zeus::ObjectIntrospect::getType() {
return m_srv.call("sys.getType");
return m_obj.call("obj.getType");
zeus::Future<std::vector<std::string>> zeus::ObjectIntrospect::getExtention() {
return m_srv.call("sys.getExtention");
return m_obj.call("obj.getExtention");
zeus::Future<std::vector<std::string>> zeus::ObjectIntrospect::getAuthors() {
return m_srv.call("sys.getAuthors");
return m_obj.call("obj.getAuthors");
zeus::Future<std::vector<std::string>> zeus::ObjectIntrospect::getFunctions() {
return m_srv.call("sys.getFunctions");
return m_obj.call("obj.getFunctions");
zeus::Future<std::string> zeus::ObjectIntrospect::getFunctionPrototype(std::string _functionName) {
return m_srv.call("sys.getFunctionPrototype", _functionName);
return m_obj.call("obj.getFunctionPrototype", _functionName);
zeus::Future<std::string> zeus::ObjectIntrospect::getFunctionDescription(std::string _functionName) {
return m_srv.call("sys.getFunctionDescription", _functionName);
return m_obj.call("obj.getFunctionDescription", _functionName);
@ -8,19 +8,59 @@
#include <zeus/ObjectRemote.hpp>
namespace zeus {
* @brief This object permit to simplify the acces of the introspection propoerty of a remote service.
class ObjectIntrospect {
zeus::ObjectRemote& m_srv; //!< Service instance handle
zeus::ObjectRemote& m_obj; //!< Service instance handle
ObjectIntrospect(zeus::ObjectRemote& _srv);
* @brief Contructor on the object introspection element.
* @param[in] _obj Object to introspect.
ObjectIntrospect(zeus::ObjectRemote& _obj);
* @brief Get the service/ object description
* @return A future of the description
zeus::Future<std::string> getDescription();
* @brief Get the version of the service/Object
* @return A future of the string version
zeus::Future<std::string> getVersion();
* @brief Get the Type of the service/object. ex: VIDEO, PICTURE, FILE
* @return A future of the string type
zeus::Future<std::string> getType();
* @brief Get the list of extention availlable of the object (more specific of the service)
* @return A future on all extention availlable. Format: "typeExtention:xx.yy.zz"
zeus::Future<std::vector<std::string>> getExtention();
* @brief get the list of all authors of the objects
* @return A future on the list of authors. Format: "NAME surname <email@someware.xxx>"
zeus::Future<std::vector<std::string>> getAuthors();
* @brief get all the function names
* @return Future on a list of function names
zeus::Future<std::vector<std::string>> getFunctions();
* @brief Get the fonction prototype (same as IDL)
* @param[in] _functionName Name of the function
* @return a future on the function prototype
zeus::Future<std::string> getFunctionPrototype(std::string _functionName);
* @brief Det a fonction specific description
* @param[in] _functionName Name of the function
* @return a future on the function description
zeus::Future<std::string> getFunctionDescription(std::string _functionName);
@ -54,10 +54,6 @@ zeus::ObjectRemote::ObjectRemote(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> _int
zeus::ObjectRemote::~ObjectRemote() {
bool zeus::ObjectRemote::exist() const {
if (m_interface == nullptr) {
return false;
@ -17,48 +17,48 @@ namespace zeus {
//class Client;
class ObjectRemote;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Basic element of a remote element access.
class ObjectRemoteBase : public zeus::WebObj {
friend class ObjectRemote;
std::string m_type;
uint32_t m_remoteAddress;
bool m_isLinked;
std::string m_type; //!< name of the remote object
uint32_t m_remoteAddress; //!< remote adress of the object
bool m_isLinked; //!< link status of the object
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Contructor of the remote object
zeus::WebObj(nullptr, 0, 0) {
ZEUS_INFO("[XX/YY] Create");
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Contuctor of the remote object accessor
* @param[in] _iface Web interface of the Object
* @param[in] _localId Current Web interface Id
* @param[in] _localObjectId Current object Id (local)
* @param[in] _address Remote object Address
* @param[in] _type Type of the remote object
ObjectRemoteBase(const ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint16_t _localId, uint16_t _localObjectId, uint32_t _address, const std::string& _type);
ObjectRemoteBase(const ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface,
uint16_t _localId,
uint16_t _localObjectId,
uint32_t _address,
const std::string& _type);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Generic destructor
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief permit to check if the remote hs been corectly created
* @return true The object exist
* @return false The object is NOT accessible
bool exist() const;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Get the name of the object (use in client service check name)
* @TODO: Remove this API
const std::string& getName() const;
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ namespace zeus {
m_isLinked = false;
m_remoteAddress = 0;
* @breif Display property of the service
void display();
@ -85,24 +88,17 @@ namespace zeus {
class ObjectRemote {
mutable ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> m_interface;
mutable ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> m_interface; //!< Remote interface access (use sharedPtr to prevent multiple link with a simgle service is a single client)
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Contructor of a remote Object
* @param[in] _interface Interface of the object
ObjectRemote(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> _interface = nullptr);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief permit to check if the remote hs been corectly created
* @return true The object exist
* @return false The object is NOT accessible
bool exist() const;
@ -128,9 +124,10 @@ namespace zeus {
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Specific case for action call. This permit to check if user does not wait on event on something that is not an action.
* @param[in] _functionName Name of the function
* @param[in] _args All argument function needed by the remote to process the function
* @return A generic future with all datas
template<class... _ARGS>
zeus::FutureBase callAction(const std::string& _functionName, _ARGS&&... _args) const {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
namespace zeus {
class FutureBase;
* @brief Data interface of the future (the future can be copied, but the data need to stay...
* @brief Data interface of the future (the future can be copied, but the data need to stay...)
class Promise : public ememory::EnableSharedFromThis<zeus::Promise> {
@ -14,14 +14,35 @@ namespace zeus {
class Proxy {
zeus::ObjectRemote m_obj; //!< Service instance handle
zeus::ObjectRemote m_obj; //!< Object instance handle
zeus::ObjectIntrospect sys;
zeus::ObjectIntrospect sys; //!< publish introspection function call
const Proxy& operator= (const zeus::ObjectRemote& _srv);
* @brief a simple proxy constructor
* @brief Contructor of a proxy
* @param[in] _obj an the object remote handle
Proxy(const zeus::ObjectRemote& _obj);
* @brief Set operator
* @param[in] _obj an other service remote
* @return A reference on this proxy.
const Proxy& operator= (const zeus::ObjectRemote& _obj);
* @brief set destructor VIRTUAL
virtual ~Proxy() = default;
Proxy(const zeus::ObjectRemote& _srv);
* @brief Permit to check if the remote hss been corectly created
* @return true The object exist
* @return false The object is NOT accessible
bool exist() const;
@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ zeus::Raw::Raw(uint32_t _size, const uint8_t* _data) :
zeus::Raw::~Raw() {
uint32_t zeus::Raw::size() const {
return m_size;
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ namespace zeus {
class Raw {
uint32_t m_size;
const uint8_t* m_dataExternal;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_dataInternal;
uint32_t m_size; //!< Size of the DATA
const uint8_t* m_dataExternal; //!< The raw buffer is contituated with ecternal static data
std::vector<uint8_t> m_dataInternal; //!< the data is allocated in local.
* @brief generic constructor
@ -23,18 +23,29 @@ namespace zeus {
* @brief generic constructor
* @param[in] _size Data size that might be allocated by default
Raw(uint32_t _size);
* @brief generic constructor (ecternal data)
* @param[in] _size Data size of the external data
* @param[in] _data Pointer of the externaldata
Raw(uint32_t _size, const uint8_t* _data);
* @breif Get size of the data
* @return the size of the data >=0
uint32_t size() const;
* @brief Get a pointer on the data
* @return a pointer on the data (or nullptr)
const uint8_t* data() const;
* @brief Get a writable pointer on the data
* @return a pointer on the data (or nullptr)
uint8_t* writeData();
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ namespace zeus {
* @brief Basic constructor
* @param[in] _iface web interface to interact network
* @param[in] _id Id of the service interface
* @param[in] _objectId Local object interface
RemoteProcessCall(const ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint16_t _id, uint16_t _objectId);
@ -85,46 +88,61 @@ namespace zeus {
std::string m_type; //!< Generic type of the service
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Get type of this object
* @return Type of this object in string
std::string getType();
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Set the type of this object
* @param[in] _type New type of this object
void setType(const std::string& _type);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Get list of fucntion aaillable in this object
* @return List of function name
std::vector<std::string> getFunctions();
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Get the AbstractFunction of a function with a specific name
* @param[in] _funcName Name of the function
* @return Pointer on the function
AbstractFunction* getFunction(std::string _funcName);
* @brief Get the signature of a function with a specific name
* @param[in] _funcName Name of the function
* @return IDL function signature
std::vector<std::string> getFunctionSignature(std::string _funcName);
* @brief Get the signature of a function with a specific name
* @param[in] _funcName Name of the function
* @return IDL function prototype
std::string getFunctionPrototype(std::string _funcName);
* @brief Get the descriptyion of a function with a specific name
* @param[in] _funcName Name of the function
* @return Description of this function
std::string getFunctionDescription(std::string _funcName);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Check if the function is accessible for a specific user
* @param[in] _clientId User unique ID
* @param[in] _funcName Function name that the user is calling
* @return true The function is authorized
* @return false The function is NOT authorized
virtual bool isFunctionAuthorized(uint64_t _clientSessionID, const std::string& _funcName);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Advertise a new function in the service/object.
* @param[in] _name Name of the function
* @param[in] _func pointer on the function that might be used to call it.
* @return an handle on an abstract function that can be called.
// Add global fuction (no link with this class)
template<class ZEUS_RETURN_VALUE,
@ -151,9 +169,10 @@ namespace zeus {
return tmp;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Advertise a new function in the service/object.
* @param[in] _name Name of the function
* @param[in] _func pointer on the function that might be used to call it.
* @return an handle on an abstract function that can be called.
// Add Local fuction (depend on this class)
template<class ZEUS_RETURN_VALUE,
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ namespace zeus {
template<typename ZEUS_TYPE_PROPERTY>
class RemoteProperty {
zeus::ObjectRemote& m_remoteObject;
std::string m_name;
zeus::ObjectRemote& m_remoteObject; //!< Remote ofject interface
std::string m_name; //!< Name of the property to call.
* @brief generic constructor
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
/** @file
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @copyright 2016, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* @license MPL v2.0 (see license file)
#pragma once
#include <zeus/WebServer.hpp>
#include <zeus/AbstractFunctionTypeDirect.hpp>
#include <zeus/AbstractFunctionTypeClass.hpp>
#include <zeus/debug.hpp>
#include <zeus/WebObj.hpp>
namespace zeus {
* @brief Remote inteface of a property:
template<typename ZEUS_TYPE_SIGNAL>
class RemoteSignal : public esignal::Signal<ZEUS_TYPE_SIGNAL> {
zeus::ObjectRemote& m_remoteObject; //!< Remote ofject interface
zeus::Future<ZEUS_TYPE_SIGNAL> m_handleSignal;
* @brief generic constructor
RemoteProperty(zeus::ObjectRemote& _remoteObject, const std::string& _name) :
esignal::Signal<ZEUS_TYPE_SIGNAL>(&zeus::RemoteSignal<ZEUS_TYPE_SIGNAL>::countConnection, _name),
m_name(_name) {
* @brief local function that is called every time someone connect on the local signal or disconnect
* @param[in] _numberConnected Nomber of connected users.
void countConnection(size_t _numberConnected) {
if (_numberConnected == 1) {
m_handleSignal = m_remoteObject.call(getName() + ".connect");
} else if (_numberConnected == 0) {
// stop the connection on the signalling
* @brief When remote process emit a signal, it will arrive here, and be retansmit in generic esignal methode
* @param[in] _value Data receive from remote user.
void onSignal(ZEUS_TYPE_SIGNAL _value) {
@ -5,31 +5,88 @@
#pragma once
//#include <zeus/WebServer.hpp>
#include <etk/types.hpp>
#include <ememory/memory.hpp>
#include <zeus/message/Message.hpp>
namespace zeus {
class WebServer;
* @brief generic handle for remote object
class WebObj : public ememory::EnableSharedFromThis<zeus::WebObj> {
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer> m_interfaceWeb;
uint16_t m_id;
uint16_t m_objectId;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_listRemoteConnected;
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer> m_interfaceWeb; //!< web interface
uint16_t m_id; //!< Id Of the local interface
uint16_t m_objectId; //!< Local Object Id
std::vector<uint32_t> m_listRemoteConnected; //!< Number of service connected
* @brief Contructor
* @param[in] _iface Network interface to interact
* @param[in] _id Local user ID
* @param[in] _objectId This object unique ID
WebObj(const ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint16_t _id, uint16_t _objectId);
* @brief Descructor
virtual ~WebObj();
* @brief Get the local client ID
* @return Local client ID
uint16_t getInterfaceId();
* @brief Get the local Object ID
* @return Unique local object ID
uint16_t getObjectId();
* @brief Get the full ID of the object (IFaceId<<16+ObjectId)
* @return the Full object ID
uint32_t getFullId();
* @brief Something send a message to the Object
* @param[in] _value Value to process
virtual void receive(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _value);
* @brief Display object properties
virtual void display();
* @brief Add a remote Object link on this one
* @param[in] _id Id of the remote object
void addRemote(uint32_t _id);
* @brief Remove a remote object link on this one
* @param[in] _id Id of the remote object
* @return true The owner has been fined and remove
* @return false other bad case ...
bool removeOwnership(uint32_t _id);
* @brief A client interface has been removed ==> need to call this function for every object.
* @param[in] _id Id of the interface that is down
void rmRemoteInterface(uint16_t _id);
* @brief Check if someone request a link on this object
* @return true Someone is connected
* @return false standalone object
bool haveRemoteConnected() const;
* @brief Transfer the onership from an object address to an other object address
* @param[in] _sourceAddress Object address to change
* @param[in] _destinataireAddress New Object address to set
* @return true Onership has change
* @return false An error occured
* @note Why we need the onership transfer? when you request a new service, this is the client GW that id doing it, then the remote addreess is not the good one, then we update the address to imply the good one
bool transferOwnership(uint32_t _sourceAddress, uint32_t _destinataireAddress);
@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ void zeus::WebServer::connect(bool _async){
ZEUS_ERROR("creating async sender thread!");
while ( _async == false
&& m_threadAsyncRunning == true
&& m_connection.isAlive() != true) {
@ -630,16 +629,14 @@ void zeus::WebServer::threadAsyncCallback() {
zeus::FutureBase zeus::WebServer::callBinary(uint64_t _transactionId,
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _obj,
const uint32_t& _destination) {
zeus::FutureBase zeus::WebServer::callBinary(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _obj) {
if (isActive() == false) {
ZEUS_ERROR("Send [STOP] ==> not connected (no TCP)");
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::message::Answer> obj = zeus::message::Answer::create(sharedFromThis());
obj->addError("NOT-CONNECTED", "Client interface not connected (no TCP)");
return zeus::FutureBase(_transactionId, obj);
return zeus::FutureBase(_obj->getTransactionId(), obj);
zeus::FutureBase tmpFuture(_transactionId);
zeus::FutureBase tmpFuture(_obj->getTransactionId());
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_pendingCallMutex);
m_pendingCall.push_back(std::make_pair(uint64_t(0), tmpFuture));
@ -119,35 +119,63 @@ namespace zeus {
uint16_t m_localAddress; //!< Local client address.
uint16_t m_localIdObjectIncrement; //!< attribute an unique ID for an object.
* @brief Get the unique ID of the client
* @return the client Mai address
uint16_t getAddress() const {
return m_localAddress;
* @brief Set the new wlient address
* @param[in] _address Address of the client
void setAddress(uint16_t _address) {
m_localAddress = _address;
* @brief Get a new unique object ID
* @return a new single object ID
uint16_t getNewObjectId() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
return m_localIdObjectIncrement++;
std::vector<ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebObj>> m_listObject; //!< List of all local object that is reference in the system.
std::vector<ememory::WeakPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase>> m_listRemoteObject; //!< List of all object that we have a reference in the local interface.
* @brief Add a local WebObject to maage all his callback
* @param[in] _obj Object to add
void addWebObj(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebObj> _obj);
* @brief Add a REMOTE WebObject to maage all his callback
* @param[in] _obj Object to add
void addWebObjRemote(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> _obj);
* @brief Clear all Object that have no more remote user.
void cleanDeadObject();
* @brief Set the list of interface that has been removed ...
void interfaceRemoved(std::vector<uint16_t> _list);
uint32_t m_interfaceId;
uint16_t m_transmissionId;
uint32_t m_interfaceId; //!< local client interface ID
uint16_t m_transmissionId; //!< Unique Id of a transmission (it is != 0)
* @brief Get a new transmission ID
* @return Unique ID of the transmision
uint16_t getId();
std::mutex m_pendingCallMutex;
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, zeus::FutureBase>> m_pendingCall;
std::mutex m_pendingCallMutex; //!< local call of a pendinc call venctor update
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, zeus::FutureBase>> m_pendingCall; //!< List of pending call interface
using Observer = std::function<void(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message>)>; //!< Define an Observer: function pointer
Observer m_observerElement;
Observer m_observerElement; //!< Observer on a new message arriving
* @brief Connect an function member on the signal with the shared_ptr object.
* @param[in] _class shared_ptr Object on whe we need to call ==> the object is get in keeped in weak_ptr.
@ -162,7 +190,7 @@ namespace zeus {
using ObserverRequestUri = std::function<bool(const std::string&)>; //!< Define an Observer on the specific URI requested callback: function pointer (return true if the connection is accepted or not)
ObserverRequestUri m_observerRequestUri;
ObserverRequestUri m_observerRequestUri; //!< Observer on a requesting URI connection
* @brief Connect on the URI requested.
@ -175,147 +203,141 @@ namespace zeus {
return (*_class.*_func)(_value);
* @brief Set the Observer on URI requesting
* @param[in] _func Observer function
void connectUri(WebServer::ObserverRequestUri _func) {
m_observerRequestUri = _func;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Webserver contructor
WebServer(); // TODO : Set it in a factory to force the use of sharedPtr
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Webserver contructor
* @param[in] _connection TCP connection interface
* @param[in] _isServer Set it true if the local interface in a server
WebServer(enet::Tcp _connection, bool _isServer);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Destructor
virtual ~WebServer();
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @brief Set the low level network interface
* @param[in] _connection TCP connection interface
* @param[in] _isServer Set it true if the local interface in a server
* @param[in] _userName Name on the user connected
* @return
void setInterface(enet::Tcp _connection, bool _isServer, const std::string& _userName="");
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Connect on the remote interface
* @param[in] _async if true, the cunnection does not wait all the connection process is done to return
void connect(bool _async = false);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Disconnect from the remote
* @param[in] _inThreadStop The call is done in the thread processing the input message
void disconnect(bool _inThreadStop = false);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Check if the link is alive
* @return true The connection is alive
* @return false THe connection is dead
bool isActive() const;
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief set the interface name
* @param[in] _name Ne name of the interface
void setInterfaceName(const std::string& _name);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Write a message preformated
* @param[in] _data Message to write
* @return Number of byte written
int32_t writeBinary(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _data);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Send a ping to the remote connection
void ping();
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Called by the underprotocol for a new URI connection
* @param[in] _uri URI connection (GET)
* @param[in] _protocols Protocol requested in the URI (ZEUS:1.0/ZEUS:0.8)
* @return true the connection is accepted
* @return false the connection is rejected
bool onReceiveUri(const std::string& _uri, const std::vector<std::string>& _protocols);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief The Zeus protocol is based on a webSocket, then the connection can send full fragment (it call newMessage when data is parsed
* @param[in] _frame A frame that has been just received
* @param[in] _isBinary the frame is binary if true, it is a string id false
void onReceiveData(std::vector<uint8_t>& _frame, bool _isBinary);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Receive a message to parse
* @param[in] _buffer Message to interprete
void newMessage(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _buffer);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Get the last time a transmission has been done on the websocket (RECEIVE)
* @return Steady Time of the last transmission
const echrono::Steady& getLastTimeReceive() {
return m_connection.getLastTimeReceive();
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Get the last time a transmission has been done on the websocket (EMIT)
* @return Steady Time of the last transmission
const echrono::Steady& getLastTimeSend() {
return m_connection.getLastTimeSend();
using ActionAsync = std::function<bool(WebServer* _interface)>;
std::mutex m_threadAsyncMutex;
std::thread* m_threadAsync;
bool m_threadAsyncRunning;
std::vector<ActionAsync> m_threadAsyncList;
std::vector<ActionAsync> m_threadAsyncList2;
using ActionAsync = std::function<bool(WebServer* _interface)>; //!< type of the action for sending big data on the websocket
std::mutex m_threadAsyncMutex; //!< Mutex fot the thread to send async data
std::thread* m_threadAsync; //!< sending async data thread. TODO: Set it in a thread pool ...
bool m_threadAsyncRunning; //!< Threa is running
std::vector<ActionAsync> m_threadAsyncList; //!< List of action to send (current)
std::vector<ActionAsync> m_threadAsyncList2; //!< list of action to send whenwurrent is sending in progress
// TODO: Abord async sender ...
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Thread callback to send data
void threadAsyncCallback();
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Add an async data to send
* @param[in] _elem Action lambda to send data
void addAsync(ActionAsync _elem);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Add a message in the list of data that might be sended
* @param[in] _obj Message to send
* @return Future that will get the return values
zeus::FutureBase callBinary(uint64_t _transactionId,
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _obj,
const uint32_t& _service=0);
zeus::FutureBase callBinary(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Message> _obj);
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Create a call with specific parameteurs
* @param[in] _source Source Id of the sending value
* @param[in] _destination Destinatio of the progression
* @param[in] _functionName Function name to call
* @param[in] _args... Argument to add on the current message
* @return Future that will get the return values
template<class... _ARGS>
zeus::FutureBase call(const uint32_t& _source, const uint32_t& _destination, const std::string& _functionName, _ARGS&&... _args) {
uint16_t id = getId();
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::message::Call> callElem = zeus::createCall(sharedFromThis(), id, _source, _destination, _functionName, std::forward<_ARGS>(_args)...);
return callBinary(id, callElem);
return callBinary(callElem);
public: // Events ...
@ -336,9 +358,9 @@ namespace zeus {
public: // answers ...
* @brief
* @param[in]
* @return
* @brief Create an ansers with PROTOCLL error and an help
* @param[in] _transactionId Current trasaction ID
* @param[in] _errorHelp Help for the user to understand the error and correct it
void answerProtocolError(uint32_t _transactionId, const std::string& _errorHelp);
@ -371,9 +393,27 @@ namespace zeus {
void answerError(uint32_t _clientTransactionId, uint32_t _source, uint32_t _destination, const std::string& _errorValue, const std::string& _errorComment="");
// for debug only:
* @brief Display list of all objects
* @note For debug only
void listObjects();
* @brief Transfer the remote object onership from an adress to an other
* @param[in] _objectAddress Local interface object address (uID)
* @param[in] _sourceAddress Remote object to change the address
* @param[in] _destinataireAddress New adress that replace the _sourceAddress
* @return true The onership has been changed
* @return false An error apears
bool transferRemoteObjectOwnership(uint16_t _objectAddress, uint32_t _sourceAddress, uint32_t _destinataireAddress);
* @brief Remove a local object dependence on a remote object ==> permit to the server to remove it
* @param[in] _objectAddress Local interface object address (uID)
* @param[in] _sourceAddress Remote object that the adress must be removed
* @return true The onership has been removed
* @return false An error apears
bool removeObjectOwnership(uint16_t _objectAddress, uint32_t _sourceAddress);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user