[DEV] base of machro generation

This commit is contained in:
Edouard DUPIN 2016-11-24 21:56:24 +01:00
parent bca8a8f2bd
commit a31212ce48
12 changed files with 637 additions and 172 deletions

View File

@ -15,13 +15,16 @@
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <thread>
#include <etk/stdTools.hpp>
#include <zeus/Service.hpp>
#include <zeus/zeus.hpp>
typedef bool (*SERVICE_IO_init_t)(int _argc, const char *_argv[], std::string _basePath);
typedef bool (*SERVICE_IO_uninit_t)();
typedef bool (*SERVICE_IO_execute_t)(std::string _ip, uint16_t _port);
typedef zeus::Service* (*SERVICE_IO_instanciate_t)();
int main(int _argc, const char *_argv[]) {
etk::init(_argc, _argv);
zeus::init(_argc, _argv);
std::string ip;
uint16_t port = 0;
std::string basePath;
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ int main(int _argc, const char *_argv[]) {
APPL_PRINT("Use base path: " << basePath);
void *handle = nullptr;
std::string srv = etk::FSNodeGetApplicationPath() + "/../lib/libzeus-service-" + service + ".so";
std::string srv = etk::FSNodeGetApplicationPath() + "/../lib/libzeus-service-" + service + "-impl.so";
APPL_PRINT("Try to open service with name: '" << service << "' at position: '" << srv << "'");
handle = dlopen(srv.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
if (!handle) {
@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ int main(int _argc, const char *_argv[]) {
char *error = nullptr;
SERVICE_IO_init_t SERVICE_IO_init = nullptr;
SERVICE_IO_uninit_t SERVICE_IO_uninit = nullptr;
SERVICE_IO_execute_t SERVICE_IO_execute = nullptr;
SERVICE_IO_instanciate_t SERVICE_IO_instanciate = nullptr;
SERVICE_IO_init = (SERVICE_IO_init_t)dlsym(handle, "SERVICE_IO_init");
error = dlerror();
if (error != nullptr) {
@ -77,21 +80,52 @@ int main(int _argc, const char *_argv[]) {
if (error != nullptr) {
APPL_WARNING("Can not function SERVICE_IO_uninit :" << error);
SERVICE_IO_execute = (SERVICE_IO_execute_t)dlsym(handle, "SERVICE_IO_execute");
SERVICE_IO_instanciate = (SERVICE_IO_instanciate_t)dlsym(handle, "SERVICE_IO_instanciate");
error = dlerror();
if (error != nullptr) {
APPL_WARNING("Can not function SERVICE_IO_execute:" << error);
APPL_WARNING("Can not function SERVICE_IO_instanciate:" << error);
if (SERVICE_IO_init != nullptr) {
(*SERVICE_IO_init)(_argc, _argv, basePath);
while (true) {
if (SERVICE_IO_execute == nullptr) {
if (SERVICE_IO_instanciate == nullptr) {
// nothing to do ...
if ((*SERVICE_IO_execute)(ip, port) == true) {
zeus::Service* tmpSrv = (*SERVICE_IO_instanciate)();
if (tmpSrv != nullptr) {
if (ip != "") {
if (port != 0) {
if (tmpSrv->connect() == false) {
return false;
if (tmpSrv->GateWayAlive() == false) {
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS service: " << *tmpSrv->propertyNameService << " [STOP] Can not connect to the GateWay");
delete tmpSrv;
} else {
int32_t iii=0;
while (tmpSrv->GateWayAlive() == true) {
APPL_INFO("service in waiting ... " << iii << "/inf");
APPL_INFO("Disconnect service ...");
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS service: " << *tmpSrv->propertyNameService << " [STOP] GateWay Stop");
delete tmpSrv;
APPL_INFO("wait 5 second ...");

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ def configure(target, my_module):

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def configure(target, my_module):

View File

@ -312,6 +312,11 @@ ETK_EXPORT_API bool SERVICE_IO_uninit() {
return true;
ETK_EXPORT_API bool SERVICE_IO_execute(std::string _ip, uint16_t _port) {
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS instanciate service: " << SERVICE_NAME << " [START]");
@ -327,8 +332,9 @@ ETK_EXPORT_API bool SERVICE_IO_execute(std::string _ip, uint16_t _port) {
serviceInterface.setDescription("Picture Private Interface");
serviceInterface.setType("PICTURE", 1);
serviceInterface.addAuthor("Heero Yui", "yui.heero@gmail.com");
serviceInterface.advertise("getAlbums", &appl::PictureService::getAlbums);

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <etk/stdTools.hpp>
#include <zeus/service/User.hpp>
#include <zeus/service/registerUser.hpp>
static std::mutex g_mutex;
static std::string g_basePath;
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ static std::string g_baseDBName = std::string(SERVICE_NAME) + "-database.json";
static ejson::Document g_database;
namespace appl {
class SystemService {
class SystemService : public zeus::service::User {
ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ClientProperty> m_client;
@ -113,8 +115,6 @@ namespace appl {
ETK_EXPORT_API bool SERVICE_IO_init(int _argc, const char *_argv[], std::string _basePath) {
// Already init : etk::init(_argc, _argv);
zeus::init(_argc, _argv);
g_basePath = _basePath;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_mutex);
APPL_WARNING("Load USER: " << g_basePath);
@ -137,69 +137,11 @@ ETK_EXPORT_API bool SERVICE_IO_uninit() {
return true;
ETK_EXPORT_API bool SERVICE_IO_execute(std::string _ip, uint16_t _port) {
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS instanciate service: " << SERVICE_NAME << " [START]");
zeus::ServiceType<appl::SystemService> serviceInterface([](ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ClientProperty> _client){
return ememory::makeShared<appl::SystemService>(_client);
if (_ip != "") {
if (_port != 0) {
serviceInterface.setDescription("user interface management");
serviceInterface.setType("USER", 1);
serviceInterface.addAuthor("Heero Yui", "yui.heero@gmail.com");
zeus::AbstractFunction* func = serviceInterface.advertise("checkTocken", &appl::SystemService::checkTocken);
if (func != nullptr) {
func->setDescription("Check if a user tocken is correct or not");
func->addParam("clientName", "Name of the client");
func->addParam("tocken", "String containing the Tocken");
func = serviceInterface.advertise("checkAuth", &appl::SystemService::checkAuth);
if (func != nullptr) {
func->setDescription("Check the password of the curent user");
func->addParam("password", "client/user password");
func = serviceInterface.advertise("getGroups", &appl::SystemService::getGroups);
if (func != nullptr) {
func->setDescription("Get list of group availlable for a client name");
func->addParam("clientName", "Name of the client");
func = serviceInterface.advertise("filterServices", &appl::SystemService::filterServices);
if (func != nullptr) {
func->setDescription("Filter a list of service with the cuurent profile of the user (restrict area)");
func->addParam("clientName", "Name of the client");
func->addParam("currentList", "Vector of name of the services");
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS service: " << *serviceInterface.propertyNameService << " [service instanciate]");
if (serviceInterface.connect() == false) {
return false;
if (serviceInterface.GateWayAlive() == false) {
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS service: " << *serviceInterface.propertyNameService << " [STOP] Can not connect to the GateWay");
return false;
int32_t iii=0;
while (serviceInterface.GateWayAlive() == true) {
APPL_INFO("service in waiting ... " << iii << "/inf");
APPL_INFO("Disconnect service ...");
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS service: " << *serviceInterface.propertyNameService << " [STOP] GateWay Stop");
return true;
#if 1
[](ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ClientProperty> _client){
return ememory::makeShared<appl::SystemService>(_client);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#srv-brief: user interface management
#srv-version: 0.1.0
#srv-version: 1.0
#srv-author:Heero Yui<yui.heero@gmail.com>
// Idl comment example

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import lutin.debug as debug
import lutin.tools as tools
import os
import copy
def get_type():
#return "BINARY"
def get_sub_type():
return "TOOLS"
def get_desc():
return "ZEUS service user"
def get_licence():
return "APACHE-2"
def get_compagny_type():
return "com"
def get_compagny_name():
return "atria-soft"
def get_maintainer():
return ["Mr DUPIN Edouard <yui.heero@gmail.com>"]
def configure(target, my_module):
my_module.add_flag('c++', "-DSERVICE_NAME=\"\\\"user\\\"\"")
return True

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import lutin.debug as debug
import lutin.tools as tools
import os
import copy
def get_type():
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ def get_sub_type():
def get_desc():
return "ZEUS service user"
def get_licence():
def get_license():
return "APACHE-2"
def get_compagny_type():
@ -67,6 +68,20 @@ def convert_type_in_cpp(data):
return elem[1]
debug.error(" can not find type in IDL : '" + data + "'")
def remove_start_stop_spacer(data):
dataout = copy.deepcopy(data)
while len(dataout) >= 1 \
and ( dataout[0] == " " \
or dataout[0] == "\t"):
dataout = dataout[1:]
while len(dataout) >= 1 \
and ( dataout[-1] == " " \
or dataout[-1] == "\t"):
dataout = dataout[:-1]
return dataout
class FunctionDefinition:
def __init__(self):
self.name = "";
@ -76,11 +91,11 @@ class FunctionDefinition:
self.parameters = []
def set_function_name(self, name):
self.name = name;
self.name = remove_start_stop_spacer(name);
def set_brief(self, desc):
self.name = "";
self.brief = desc;
self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc);
self.return_type = "";
self.return_brief = "";
self.parameters = []
@ -89,44 +104,43 @@ class FunctionDefinition:
for elem in self.parameters:
if elem["name"] == "" \
and elem["brief"] == "":
elem["name"] = name;
elem["brief"] = desc;
elem["name"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(name);
elem["brief"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc);
def set_return_comment(self, desc):
self.return_brief = desc;
self.return_brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc);
def set_return_type(self, type):
self.return_type = type;
self.return_type = remove_start_stop_spacer(type);
def add_parameter_type(self, type):
for elem in self.parameters:
if elem["type"] == "":
elem["type"] = type;
elem["type"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(type);
def display(self):
debug.info(" BRIEF: " + self.brief)
debug.info(" BRIEF-return: " + self.return_brief)
debug.info(" " + self.return_type + " " + self.name + "(")
debug.info(" BRIEF: " + self.brief)
debug.info(" BRIEF-return: " + self.return_brief)
debug.info(" " + self.return_type + " " + self.name + "(")
for elem in self.parameters:
debug.info(" " + elem["type"] + " " + elem["name"] + ", # " + elem["brief"])
debug.info(" )")
debug.info(" " + elem["type"] + " " + elem["name"] + ", # " + elem["brief"])
debug.info(" )")
def generate_cpp(self, space):
out = "";
def generate_doxy(self, space):
# generate doxygen comment:
out += space + "/**\n"
out = space + "/**\n"
if self.brief != "":
out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + "\n"
for elem in self.parameters:
@ -142,7 +156,11 @@ class FunctionDefinition:
if self.return_brief != "":
out += space + " * @return " + self.return_brief + "\n"
out += space + " */\n"
return out
def generate_cpp(self, space):
out = "";
out += self.generate_doxy(space)
out += space + "virtual "
out += convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type) + " " + self.name + "("
param_data = ""
@ -153,17 +171,404 @@ class FunctionDefinition:
out += param_data
out += ") = 0;\n"
return out;
def generate_hpp_proxy(self, space):
out = "";
out += self.generate_doxy(space)
out += space + "virtual zeus::Future<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type) + "> " + self.name + "("
param_data = ""
for elem in self.parameters:
if len(param_data) != 0:
param_data += ", "
param_data += "const " + convert_type_in_cpp(elem["type"]) + "& _" + elem["name"]
out += param_data
out += ");\n"
return out;
def generate_cpp_proxy(self, space, class_name):
out = "";
out += space + "zeus::Future<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type) + "> " + class_name + "::" + self.name + "("
param_data = ""
for elem in self.parameters:
if len(param_data) != 0:
param_data += ", "
param_data += "const " + convert_type_in_cpp(elem["type"]) + "& _" + elem["name"]
out += param_data
out += ") {\n"
space += " "
out += space + 'return m_srv.call("' + self.name + '"'
for elem in self.parameters:
out += ", "
out += "_" + elem["name"]
out += ');\n'
out += "}\n"
space = space[:-1]
return out;
def parse_service_idl(path):
debug.info("Parsing .zeus.idl [start] " + str(path))
name_file = os.path.basename(path)
class ServiceDefinition:
def __init__(self):
self.name = [""];
self.brief = "";
self.version = "";
self.api = "";
self.authors = []
self.functions = []
def set_name(self, value):
self.name = value
# TODO : Check range ...
self.name[-1] = self.name[-1].title()
def set_brief(self, value):
self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(value)
def set_version(self, value):
self.version = remove_start_stop_spacer(value)
def set_api(self, value):
self.api = remove_start_stop_spacer(value)
def add_author(self, value):
def add_function(self, value):
def display(self):
debug.info("Display service definition : ")
debug.info(" name: " + str(self.name))
debug.info(" brief: '" + str(self.brief) + "'")
debug.info(" version: '" + str(self.version) + "'")
debug.info(" api: '" + str(self.api) + "'")
debug.info(" authors: '" + str(self.authors) + "'")
debug.info(" functions: ")
for elem in self.functions:
def generate_header(self):
filename = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
filename += elem + "/"
filename += self.name[-1] + ".hpp";
out = ""
# TODO: add global header:
out += "/** @file\n"
out += " * @note Generated file !!! Do not modify !!!\n"
out += " * @license APACHE-2\n"
out += " * @copyright none\n"
out += " */\n"
out += "#pragma once\n"
out += "\n"
out += "#include <etk/types.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <string>\n"
out += "#include <vector>\n"
out += "\n"
space = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + " /**\n"
if self.brief != "":
out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + " \n"
if self.version != "":
out += space + " * version:" + self.version + "\n"
if self.api != "":
out += space + " * api:" + self.api + "\n"
for elem in self.authors:
out += space + " * authors:" + elem + "\n"
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "class " + self.name[-1] + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + "public:\n"
space += " "
out += space + "/**\n"
out += space + " * @brief Generic virtual destructor\n"
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "virtual ~" + self.name[-1] + "() = default;\n"
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_cpp(space)
space = space[:-2]
out += space + "};\n"
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
space = space[:-1]
out += space + "}\n"
return [filename, out]
def generate_register_header(self):
filename = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
filename += elem + "/"
filename += "register" + self.name[-1] + ".hpp";
class_name = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
class_name += "" + elem + "::"
class_name += self.name[-1];
out = ""
out += "/** @file\n"
out += " * @note Generated file !!! Do not modify !!!\n"
out += " * @license APACHE-2\n"
out += " * @copyright none\n"
out += " */\n"
out += "#pragma once\n"
out += "\n"
out += "#include <etk/types.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <zeus/Service.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <" + class_name.replace("::","/") + ".hpp>\n"
out += "#include <string>\n"
out += "#include <vector>\n"
out += "\n"
space = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + "void register" + self.name[-1] + "(zeus::ServiceType<" + class_name + ">& _serviceInterface);\n"
out += space + "template<class ZEUS_TYPE_SERVICE>\n"
out += space + "zeus::Service* create" + self.name[-1] + "(std::function<ememory::SharedPtr<ZEUS_TYPE_SERVICE>(ememory::SharedPtr<ClientProperty>)> _factory) {\n"
out += space + " zeus::ServiceType<zeus::service::User>* tmp = nullptr;\n"
out += space + " tmp = new zeus::ServiceType<zeus::service::User>(_factory);\n"
out += space + " zeus::service::registerUser(*tmp);\n"
out += space + " return tmp;\n"
out += space + "}\n"
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
space = space[:-1]
out += space + "}\n"
out += space + "\n"
out += space + "#define ZEUS_SERVICE_USER_DECLARE_DEFAULT(type) \\\n"
out += space + " ETK_EXPORT_API zeus::Service* SERVICE_IO_instanciate() { \\\n"
out += space + " return zeus::service::create" + self.name[-1] + "<type>([](ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ClientProperty> _client){ \\\n"
out += space + " return ememory::makeShared<type>(_client); \\\n"
out += space + " }); \\\n"
out += space + " }\n"
out += space + "\n"
out += space + "#define ZEUS_SERVICE_USER_DECLARE(type, factory) \\\n"
out += space + " ETK_EXPORT_API zeus::Service* SERVICE_IO_instanciate() { \\\n"
out += space + " return zeus::service::create" + self.name[-1] + "<type>(factory); \\\n"
out += space + " }\n"
return [filename, out]
def generate_register_code(self):
filename = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
filename += elem + "/"
filename += "register" + self.name[-1] + ".cpp";
class_name = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
class_name += "" + elem + "::"
class_name += self.name[-1];
out = ""
out += "/** @file\n"
out += " * @note Generated file !!! Do not modify !!!\n"
out += " * @license APACHE-2\n"
out += " * @copyright none\n"
out += " */\n"
out += "\n"
out += "#include <" + filename.replace(".cpp", ".hpp") + ">\n"
out += "#include <zeus/debug.hpp>\n"
out += "\n"
space = ""
function_name = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
function_name += "" + elem + "::"
function_name += "register" + self.name[-1];
class_name = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
class_name += "" + elem + "::"
class_name += self.name[-1];
out += space + "void " + function_name + "(zeus::ServiceType<" + class_name + ">& _serviceInterface) {\n"
space += " "
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("===========================================================");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("== Instanciate service: ' + self.name[-1] + '");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("===========================================================");\n';
zeus::ServiceType<appl::SystemService> _serviceInterface([](ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ClientProperty> _client){
return ememory::makeShared<appl::SystemService>(_client);
if (_ip != "") {
if (_port != 0) {
out += space + '_serviceInterface.propertyNameService.set("' + self.name[-1].lower() + '");\n'
if self.brief != "":
out += space + '_serviceInterface.setDescription("' + self.brief + '");\n';
if self.version != "":
out += space + '_serviceInterface.setVersion("' + self.version + '");\n';
if self.api != "":
out += space + '_serviceInterface.setType("' + self.api + '");\n';
for elem in self.authors:
out += space + '_serviceInterface.addAuthor("' + elem.split("<")[0] + '", "' + elem.split("<")[1].replace(">","") + '");\n';
if len(self.functions) != 0:
out += space + "zeus::AbstractFunction* func = nullptr;\n"
for elem in self.functions:
out += space + 'func = _serviceInterface.advertise("' + elem.name + '", &' + class_name + '::' + elem.name + ');\n'
out += space + 'if (func != nullptr) {\n'
space += " "
if elem.brief != "":
out += space + 'func->setDescription("' + elem.name + '");\n'
for elem_p in elem.parameters:
if elem_p["name"] == "" \
and elem_p["brief"] == "":
out += space + 'func->addParam("'
if elem_p["name"] != "":
out += elem_p["name"]
out += '", "'
if elem_p["brief"] != "":
out += elem_p["brief"]
out += '");\n'
if elem.return_brief != "":
out += space + 'func->setReturn("' + elem.return_brief + '");\n'
space = space[:-1]
out += space + '}\n'
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("===========================================================");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("== Instanciate service: ' + self.name[-1] + ' [DONE]");\n';
out += space + 'ZEUS_INFO("===========================================================");\n';
if (_serviceInterface.connect() == false) {
return false;
if (_serviceInterface.GateWayAlive() == false) {
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS service: " << *_serviceInterface.propertyNameService << " [STOP] Can not connect to the GateWay");
return false;
int32_t iii=0;
while (_serviceInterface.GateWayAlive() == true) {
APPL_INFO("service in waiting ... " << iii << "/inf");
APPL_INFO("Disconnect service ...");
APPL_INFO("== ZEUS service: " << *_serviceInterface.propertyNameService << " [STOP] GateWay Stop");
return true;
out += "}\n"
out += "\n"
return [filename, out]
def generate_proxy_header(self):
filename = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
filename += elem + "/"
filename += "Proxy" + self.name[-1] + ".hpp";
out = ""
out += "/** @file\n"
out += " * @note Generated file !!! Do not modify !!!\n"
out += " * @license APACHE-2\n"
out += " * @copyright none\n"
out += " */\n"
out += "#pragma once\n"
out += "\n"
out += "#include <zeus/ServiceRemote.hpp>\n"
out += "#include <string>\n"
out += "#include <vector>\n"
out += "\n"
space = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + " /**\n"
if self.brief != "":
out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + " \n"
if self.version != "":
out += space + " * version:" + self.version + "\n"
if self.api != "":
out += space + " * api:" + self.api + "\n"
for elem in self.authors:
out += space + " * authors:" + elem + "\n"
out += space + " */\n"
#out += space + "class Proxy" + self.name[-1] + " : public " + self.name[-1] + " {\n"
out += space + "class Proxy" + self.name[-1] + " {\n"
space += " "
out += space + "protected:\n"
out += space + " zeus::ServiceRemote m_srv; //!< Service instance handle\n"
out += space + "public:\n"
space += " "
out += space + "/**\n"
out += space + " * @brief Generic virtual destructor\n"
out += space + " */\n"
out += space + "virtual ~" + self.name[-1] + "() = default;\n"
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_hpp_proxy(space)
space = space[:-2]
out += space + "};\n"
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
space = space[:-1]
out += space + "}\n"
return [filename, out]
def generate_proxy_code(self):
filename = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
filename += elem + "/"
filename += "Proxy" + self.name[-1] + ".cpp";
out = ""
class_name = ""
for elem in self.name[:-1]:
class_name += "" + elem + "::"
class_name += "Proxy" + self.name[-1];
out += "/** @file\n"
out += " * @note Generated file !!! Do not modify !!!\n"
out += " * @license APACHE-2\n"
out += " * @copyright none\n"
out += " */\n"
out += "\n"
out += "#include <" + filename.replace(".cpp",".hpp") + ">\n"
out += "\n"
for elem in self.functions:
out += elem.generate_cpp_proxy("", class_name)
return [filename, out]
def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data):
debug.debug("Parsing .zeus.idl [start] " + str(data))
name_file = os.path.basename(data)
if len(name_file) < 9 \
and name_file[-9:] != ".zeus.idl":
debug.error("IDL must have an extention ended with '.zeus.idl' and not with '" + name_file[-9:] + "'")
# TODO : Get from filename the namespace and the service name
service_base = name_file[:-9].split("-")
data = tools.file_read_data(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path))
service_def = ServiceDefinition()
data = tools.file_read_data(os.path.join(module.get_origin_path(), data))
if len(data) == 0:
debug.error("Can not parse zeus.idl ==> no data in the file, or no file.")
@ -173,18 +578,17 @@ def parse_service_idl(path):
id_line = 0
multi_comment = False
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
list_all_function = []
for line in data.split("\n"):
id_line += 1;
if len(line) == 0:
# empty line
debug.info("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> empty line")
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> empty line")
if multi_comment == False:
if len(line) >= 2 \
and line[:2] == "/*":
# Comment multi-line
debug.info("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment multi-line [START]")
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment multi-line [START]")
if len(line) > 2:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> /* must be alone in the line (no text after)")
multi_comment = True
@ -196,7 +600,7 @@ def parse_service_idl(path):
if len(line) >= 2 \
and line[:2] == "*/":
# Comment multi-line
debug.info("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment multi-line [STOP]")
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment multi-line [STOP]")
multi_comment = False
if len(line) > 2:
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> find '/*' must be alone in the line (no text after)")
@ -205,12 +609,12 @@ def parse_service_idl(path):
if len(line) >= 2 \
and line[:2] == "//":
# Comment line
debug.info("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment line")
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment line")
if len(line) >= 1 \
and line[0] == "#":
# Documentation line
debug.info("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> documentation line")
debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> documentation line")
#get keyword:
list_elems = line.split(":")
if len(list_elems) < 1:
@ -218,34 +622,34 @@ def parse_service_idl(path):
doc_keyword = list_elems[0] + ":"
doc_data = line[len(doc_keyword):]
if doc_keyword == "#brief:":
debug.info(" BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'")
debug.extreme_verbose(" BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'")
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
elif doc_keyword == "#param:":
debug.info(" PARAMETER: '" + doc_data + "'")
debug.extreme_verbose(" PARAMETER: '" + doc_data + "'")
# TODO : Do it better ...
current_def.add_param_comment(doc_data.split(":")[0], doc_data.split(":")[1])
elif doc_keyword == "#return:":
debug.info(" RETURN: '" + doc_data + "'")
debug.extreme_verbose(" RETURN: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-brief:":
debug.info(" SRV-BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'")
# TODO: ...
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-version:":
debug.info(" SRV-VERSION: '" + doc_data + "'")
# TODO: ...
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-type-api:":
debug.info(" SRV-TYPE-API: '" + doc_data + "'")
# TODO: ...
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-VERSION: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-type:":
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-TYPE: '" + doc_data + "'")
elif doc_keyword == "#srv-author:":
debug.info(" SRV-AUTHOR: '" + doc_data + "'")
# TODO: ...
debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-AUTHOR: '" + doc_data + "'")
debug.warning("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> Unknow: keyword: '" + doc_keyword + "'")
debug.error(" support only: '#brief:' '#param:' '#return:' '#srv-brief:' '#srv-version:' '#srv-type-api:' '#srv-author:'")
debug.error(" support only: '#brief:' '#param:' '#return:' '#srv-brief:' '#srv-version:' '#srv-type:' '#srv-author:'")
debug.info("Need to parse the fucntion line:")
debug.info(" '" + line + "'")
debug.extreme_verbose("Need to parse the fucntion line:")
debug.extreme_verbose(" '" + line + "'")
if True:
if line[-1] != ")":
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse function the line dos not ended by a ')'")
@ -267,65 +671,72 @@ def parse_service_idl(path):
for elem in argument_list:
if elem not in get_list_type():
debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " fucntion argument type unknow : '" + elem + "' not in " + str(get_list_type()))
debug.info(" Parse of function done :")
debug.info(" return:" + return_value)
debug.info(" name:" + function_name)
debug.info(" arguments:" + str(argument_list))
debug.extreme_verbose(" Parse of function done :")
debug.extreme_verbose(" return:" + return_value)
debug.extreme_verbose(" name:" + function_name)
debug.extreme_verbose(" arguments:" + str(argument_list))
for elem in argument_list:
current_def = FunctionDefinition()
if multi_comment == True:
debug.error("reach end of file and missing end of multi-line comment */")
debug.warning("Parsing Done")
for elem in list_all_function:
debug.warning("Display Done")
cpp_header = ""
# TODO: add global header:
cpp_header += "/** @file\n"
cpp_header += " * @note Generated file !!! Do not modify !!!\n"
cpp_header += " */\n"
cpp_header += "#pragma once"
cpp_header += "\n"
space = ""
for elem in service_base[:-1]:
cpp_header += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n"
space += " "
debug.verbose("Parsing idl Done (no error ...)")
cpp_header += space + "class " + service_base[-1] + " {\n"
space += " "
cpp_header += space + "public:\n"
space += " "
for elem in list_all_function:
cpp_header += elem.generate_cpp(space)
service_header = service_def.generate_header()
register_header = service_def.generate_register_header()
register_code = service_def.generate_register_code()
proxy_header = service_def.generate_proxy_header()
proxy_code = service_def.generate_proxy_code()
space = space[:-2]
cpp_header += space + "};\n"
debug.verbose("----------------- " + service_header[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + service_header[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + register_header[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + register_header[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + register_code[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + register_code[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + proxy_header[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + proxy_header[1])
debug.verbose("----------------- " + proxy_code[0] + " -----------------")
debug.verbose("\n" + proxy_code[1])
for elem in service_base[:-1]:
space = space[:-1]
cpp_header += space + "}\n"
debug.warning("Generate C++ Done")
tmp_path = os.path.join(target.get_build_path_temporary_generate(module.get_name()), "idl_src")
module.add_generated_header_file(service_header[1], service_header[0], install_element=True)
module.add_generated_header_file(register_header[1], register_header[0], install_element=True)
debug.error("Parsing .zeus.idl [DONE]")
path_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, register_code[0])
tools.file_write_data(path_file, register_code[1], only_if_new=True)
module.add_generated_header_file(proxy_header[1], proxy_header[0], install_element=True)
path_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, proxy_code[0])
tools.file_write_data(path_file, proxy_code[1], only_if_new=True)
debug.info("build in : " + tmp_path);
debug.warning("Parsing .zeus.idl [DONE]")
def configure(target, my_module):
my_module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data='appl/zeus-service-user.zeus.idl')
#parse_service_idl(my_module, 'appl/zeus-service-user.zeus.idl')
my_module.add_flag('c++', "-DSERVICE_NAME=\"\\\"" + my_module.get_name()[13:] + "\\\"\"")

View File

@ -326,9 +326,10 @@ ETK_EXPORT_API bool SERVICE_IO_execute(std::string _ip, uint16_t _port) {
serviceInterface.setDescription("Picture Private Interface");
serviceInterface.setType("PICTURE", 1);
serviceInterface.setDescription("Video Private Interface");
serviceInterface.addAuthor("Heero Yui", "yui.heero@gmail.com");
serviceInterface.advertise("getAlbums", &appl::VideoService::getAlbums);

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include <zeus/FutureBase.hpp>
// TODO : When do a cast of the type on the future ==> do a wait ...
namespace zeus {
* @brief future template to cast type in a specific type

View File

@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ std::string zeus::RemoteProcessCall::getVersion() {
return m_version;
void zeus::RemoteProcessCall::setVersionImplementation(const std::string& _desc) {
m_versionImplement = _desc;
std::string zeus::RemoteProcessCall::getVersionImplementation() {
return m_versionImplement;
void zeus::RemoteProcessCall::addAuthor(const std::string& _name, const std::string& _email) {
m_authors.push_back(std::make_pair(_name, _email));
@ -102,8 +110,8 @@ std::string zeus::RemoteProcessCall::getType() {
return m_type;
void zeus::RemoteProcessCall::setType(const std::string& _type, uint16_t _version) {
m_type = _type + "/" + etk::to_string(_version);
void zeus::RemoteProcessCall::setType(const std::string& _type) {
m_type = _type;

View File

@ -48,6 +48,19 @@ namespace zeus {
* @return String containing the version (form: 1.0[.x[.y]][-dev]
std::string getVersion();
std::string m_versionImplement; //!< Version implementation of the service
* @brief Set the Version implementation of the service
* @param[in] _vers String containing the version (form: 1.0[.x[.y]][-dev]
void setVersionImplementation(const std::string& _vers);
* @brief Get the Version implementation of the service
* @return String containing the version (form: 1.0[.x[.y]][-dev]
std::string getVersionImplementation();
std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>> m_authors;//! List of autors of the module (name, email)
@ -81,7 +94,7 @@ namespace zeus {
* @param[in]
* @return
void setType(const std::string& _type, uint16_t _version);
void setType(const std::string& _type);
* @brief