diff --git a/tools/cli-video/appl/main-tool-client-video.cpp b/tools/cli-video/appl/main-tool-client-video.cpp
index b90bf9c..c8620e1 100644
--- a/tools/cli-video/appl/main-tool-client-video.cpp
+++ b/tools/cli-video/appl/main-tool-client-video.cpp
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ bool pushVideoFile(zeus::service::ProxyVideo& _srv, std::string _path, std::map<
 	// send all meta data:
 	zeus::FutureGroup group;
 	for (auto &itKey : _basicKey) {
+		APPL_WARNING("Set metaData: " << itKey.first << " : " << itKey.second);
 		group.add(media.setMetadata(itKey.first, itKey.second));
@@ -207,31 +208,29 @@ void installVideoPath(zeus::service::ProxyVideo& _srv, std::string _path, std::m
 		APPL_INFO("Add Sub path: '" << itPath << "'");
 		std::string lastPathName = etk::split(itPath, '/').back();
 		if (basicKeyTmp.size() == 0) {
-			APPL_INFO("find '" << lastPathName << "' " << basicKeyTmp.size());
-			if (lastPathName == "films") {
+			APPL_INFO("find A '" << lastPathName << "' " << basicKeyTmp.size());
+			if (lastPathName == "film") {
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "film"));
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("production-methode", "picture"));
-			} else if (lastPathName == "films-annimation") {
+			} else if (lastPathName == "film-annimation") {
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "film"));
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("production-methode", "draw"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "film-short") { // short films
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "film"));
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("production-methode", "short"));
 			} else if (lastPathName == "tv-show") {
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "tv-show"));
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("production-methode", "picture"));
-			} else if (lastPathName == "anim") {
+			} else if (lastPathName == "tv-show-annimation") {
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "tv-show"));
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("production-methode", "draw"));
-			} else if (lastPathName == "courses") { // short films
-				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "courses"));
-				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("production-methode", "picture")); // TODO : Check "draw"
 			} else if (lastPathName == "theater") {
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "theater"));
-				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("production-methode", "picture"));
-			} else if (lastPathName == "one-man-show") {
-				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "one-man show"));
-				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("production-methode", "picture"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "one-man") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("type", "one-man"));
 		} else {
-			APPL_INFO("find '" << lastPathName << "' " << basicKeyTmp.size());
+			APPL_INFO("find B '" << lastPathName << "' " << basicKeyTmp.size());
 			if (lastPathName == "saison_01") {
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "1"));
 			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_02") {
@@ -272,6 +271,24 @@ void installVideoPath(zeus::service::ProxyVideo& _srv, std::string _path, std::m
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "19"));
 			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_20") {
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "20"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_21") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "21"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_22") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "22"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_23") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "23"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_24") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "24"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_25") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "25"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_26") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "26"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_27") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "27"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_28") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "28"));
+			} else if (lastPathName == "saison_29") {
+				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("saison", "29"));
 			} else {
 				basicKeyTmp.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>("series-name", lastPathName));
@@ -462,7 +479,9 @@ int main(int _argc, const char *_argv[]) {
 		APPL_PRINT("== push path: ");
 		// Send a full path:
-		// installVideoPath(remoteServiceVideo, "testVideo");
+		for (auto &it: args) {
+			installVideoPath(remoteServiceVideo, it);
+		}
 		APPL_PRINT("==              DONE                      ==");
diff --git a/tools/player-video/appl/widget/ListViewer.cpp b/tools/player-video/appl/widget/ListViewer.cpp
index 1adbe25..af71b75 100644
--- a/tools/player-video/appl/widget/ListViewer.cpp
+++ b/tools/player-video/appl/widget/ListViewer.cpp
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ void appl::widget::ListViewer::searchElements(std::string _filter) {
 	} else if (_filter == "one-man") {
 		searchElementsInternal("'type' == 'one-man'");
 	} else if (_filter == "courses") {
-		searchElementsInternal("'type' == 'courses'");
+		searchElementsInternal("'type' == 'film' AND 'production-methode' == 'short'");
 	} else {
diff --git a/tools/service-video/appl/main-service-video.cpp b/tools/service-video/appl/main-service-video.cpp
index 1b304d8..de526fd 100644
--- a/tools/service-video/appl/main-service-video.cpp
+++ b/tools/service-video/appl/main-service-video.cpp
@@ -86,6 +86,21 @@ static std::vector<std::string> splitAction(const std::string& _in) {
 	return out;
+static void metadataChange(zeus::MediaImpl* _element, const std::string& _key) {
+	g_needToStore = true;
+	// meta_data have chage ==> we need to upfdate the path of the file where the data is stored ...
+	if (_element == nullptr) {
+		return;
+	}
+	_element->forceUpdateDecoratedName();
+	std::string current = _element->getFileName();
+	std::string next = _element->getDecoratedName() + "_" + _element->getSha512();
+	if (next == current) {
+		return;
+	}
+	_element->move(next);
 namespace appl {
 	class VideoService : public zeus::service::Video  {
@@ -156,7 +171,7 @@ namespace appl {
 					if (it == nullptr) {
-					if (it->getFileName() == sha512StringRemote) {
+					if (it->getSha512() == sha512StringRemote) {
 						APPL_INFO("File already registered at ");// << it.m_creationData);
 						// simply send the Id of the file
 						// TODO : Check right of this file ...
@@ -173,10 +188,20 @@ namespace appl {
 					APPL_ERROR("try to store an empty file");
 					throw std::runtime_error("file size == 0");
-				etk::FSNodeMove(tmpFileName, g_basePath + sha512String + "." + zeus::getExtention(futType.get()));
-				ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::MediaImpl> property = ememory::makeShared<zeus::MediaImpl>(id, sha512String + "." + zeus::getExtention(futType.get()));
-				//property->setName(futName.get());
-				m_listFile.push_back(property);
+				if (zeus::getExtention(futType.get()) == "") {
+					etk::FSNodeMove(tmpFileName, g_basePath + sha512String + "." + zeus::getExtention(futType.get()));
+					ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::MediaImpl> property = ememory::makeShared<zeus::MediaImpl>(id, sha512String + "." + zeus::getExtention(futType.get()), g_basePath);
+					property->setMetadata("sha512", sha512String);
+					property->setMetadata("mime-type", futType.get());
+					property->setCallbackMetadataChange(&metadataChange);
+					m_listFile.push_back(property);
+				} else {
+					etk::FSNodeMove(tmpFileName, g_basePath + sha512String);
+					ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::MediaImpl> property = ememory::makeShared<zeus::MediaImpl>(id, sha512String, g_basePath);
+					property->setMetadata("sha512", sha512String);
+					property->setCallbackMetadataChange(&metadataChange);
+					m_listFile.push_back(property);
+				}
 				g_needToStore = true;
 				APPL_DEBUG(" filename : " << sha512String);
 				return id;
@@ -379,6 +404,7 @@ static void load_db() {
 		if (property->getFileName() == "") {
 			APPL_ERROR("Can not access on the file : ... No name ");
 		} else {
+			property->setCallbackMetadataChange(&metadataChange);
diff --git a/tools/service-video/appl/zeus-service-video.srv.zeus.idl b/tools/service-video/appl/zeus-service-video.srv.zeus.idl
index 5f341de..9984f17 100644
--- a/tools/service-video/appl/zeus-service-video.srv.zeus.idl
+++ b/tools/service-video/appl/zeus-service-video.srv.zeus.idl
@@ -48,3 +48,16 @@ vector:uint32 getSQL(string)
 #param:sqlLikeRequest:A string containing the request on the data
 #return:All The possible values of a key
 vector:string getMetadataValuesWhere(string, string)
+#brief:Get a media cover
+#param:mediaId:Id of the media
+#param:maxSize:max size of the image requested (can return a smaller image)
+#return:A simple file that might contain a jpg or png file
+obj:zeus-File getCover(uint32, uint32)
+#brief:Get a media cover
+#param:sqlLikeRequest:sql request mode to filter the cover
+#param:maxSize:max size of the image requested (can return a smaller image)
+#return:A simple file that might contain a jpg or png file
+obj:zeus-File getGroupCover(string, uint32)
diff --git a/zeus/mineType.cpp b/zeus/mineType.cpp
index 039d522..b10d0a1 100644
--- a/zeus/mineType.cpp
+++ b/zeus/mineType.cpp
@@ -158,8 +158,10 @@ std::string zeus::getMineType(std::string _extention) {
 			return it.second;
-	ZEUS_ERROR(" estention to mine type error : '" << _extention << "' ==> unknow");
-	return "";
+	if (_extention == "") {
+		return "";
+	}
+	return "unknow/" + _extention;
 std::string zeus::getExtention(std::string _mineType) {
@@ -169,6 +171,9 @@ std::string zeus::getExtention(std::string _mineType) {
 			return it.first;
-	ZEUS_ERROR(" mine type to estention error : '" << _mineType << "' ==> unknow");
+	// special internal case to support all type of extention ...
+	if (etk::start_with(_mineType, "unknow/") == true) {
+		return &_mineType[7];
+	}
 	return "";
diff --git a/zeus/zeus-Media.impl.cpp b/zeus/zeus-Media.impl.cpp
index 8aad094..f6ab40d 100644
--- a/zeus/zeus-Media.impl.cpp
+++ b/zeus/zeus-Media.impl.cpp
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ ejson::Object zeus::MediaImpl::getJson() {
 	ejson::Object out;
 	out.add("id", ejson::Number(m_id));
 	out.add("file-name", ejson::String(m_fileName));
-	out.add("name", ejson::String(m_name));
-	out.add("mine-type", ejson::String(m_mineType));
-	out.add("add-date", ejson::Number(m_creationData.count()));
 	if (m_metadata.size() != 0) {
 		ejson::Object listMetadata;
 		out.add("meta", listMetadata);
@@ -37,10 +34,6 @@ zeus::MediaImpl::MediaImpl(const std::string& _basePath, ejson::Object _property
 	m_id = _property["id"].toNumber().getU64();
 	ZEUS_INFO("get ID : " << m_id);
 	m_fileName = _property["file-name"].toString().get();
-	m_name = _property["name"].toString().get();
-	m_mineType = _property["mine-type"].toString().get();
-	m_creationData = echrono::Time(_property["add-date"].toNumber().getU64()*1000);
 	ejson::Object tmpObj = _property["meta"].toObject();
 	if (tmpObj.exist() == true) {
 		for (auto itValue = tmpObj.begin();
@@ -55,8 +48,9 @@ uint64_t zeus::MediaImpl::getUniqueId() {
 	return m_id;
-zeus::MediaImpl::MediaImpl(uint64_t _id, const std::string& _fileNameReal):
+zeus::MediaImpl::MediaImpl(uint64_t _id, const std::string& _fileNameReal, const std::string& _basePath):
+  m_basePath(_basePath),
   m_fileName(_fileNameReal) {
 	std::string extention;
 	if (    m_fileName.rfind('.') != std::string::npos
@@ -64,8 +58,10 @@ zeus::MediaImpl::MediaImpl(uint64_t _id, const std::string& _fileNameReal):
 		extention = etk::tolower(std::string(m_fileName.begin()+m_fileName.rfind('.')+1, m_fileName.end()));
 		m_fileName = std::string(m_fileName.begin(), m_fileName.begin()+m_fileName.rfind('.'));
-	m_mineType = zeus::getMineType(extention);
-	m_creationData = echrono::Time::now();
+	if (extention != "") {
+		setMetadata("mime-type", zeus::getMineType(extention));
+		//m_creationData = echrono::Time::now();
+	}
 zeus::MediaImpl::~MediaImpl() {
@@ -73,11 +69,56 @@ zeus::MediaImpl::~MediaImpl() {
 std::string zeus::MediaImpl::getMineType() {
-	return m_mineType;
+	return getMetadata("mime-type");
+std::string zeus::MediaImpl::getSha512() {
+	try {
+		return getMetadata("sha512");
+	} catch (std::invalid_argument _eee) {
+		// Nothing to do ...
+	}
+	std::string sha512;
+	auto it = m_metadata.find("mime-type");
+	if (it != m_metadata.end()) {
+		sha512 = algue::stringConvert(algue::sha512::encodeFromFile(m_basePath + m_fileName + "." + zeus::getExtention(it->second)));
+	} else {
+		sha512 = algue::stringConvert(algue::sha512::encodeFromFile(m_basePath + m_fileName));
+	}
+	setMetadata("sha512", sha512);
+	return sha512;
+void zeus::MediaImpl::forceUpdateDecoratedName() {
+	// force the new calculation ..
+	std::string value = getDecoratedNameFrom(m_metadata);
+	setMetadata("decorated-name", value);
+std::string zeus::MediaImpl::getDecoratedName() {
+	try {
+		std::string out = getMetadata("decorated-name");
+		if (out != "") {
+			return out;
+		}
+	} catch (std::invalid_argument _eee) {
+		// Nothing to do ...
+	}
+	// Store the metadat to not calculated it all the time ...
+	std::string value = getDecoratedNameFrom(m_metadata);
+	setMetadata("decorated-name", value);
+	return value;
 ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::File> zeus::MediaImpl::getFile() {
-	return zeus::File::create(m_basePath + m_fileName + "." + zeus::getExtention(m_mineType), "", m_mineType);
+	auto it = m_metadata.find("mime-type");
+	if (it != m_metadata.end()) {
+		return zeus::File::create(m_basePath + m_fileName + "." + zeus::getExtention(it->second), "", it->second);
+	}
+	// no mimetype specify ... ==> theoric impossible case ...
+	return zeus::File::create(m_basePath + m_fileName, "", "");
 std::vector<std::string> zeus::MediaImpl::getMetadataKeys() {
@@ -100,15 +141,216 @@ void zeus::MediaImpl::setMetadata(std::string _key, std::string _value) {
 	ZEUS_INFO("metadataSetKey: '" << _key << "' value='" << _value << "'");
 	auto it = m_metadata.find(_key);
 	if (it != m_metadata.end()) {
-		it->second = _value;
+		if (_value == "") {
+			m_metadata.erase(it);
+		} else if (it->second == _value) {
+			return;
+		} else {
+			it->second = _value;
+		}
 	} else {
 		m_metadata.insert(std::make_pair(_key, _value));
+	// hook to remove some case that does not call the callback ==> can change many times ...
+	if (    _key == "sha512"
+	     || _key == "mime-type"
+	     || _key == "decorated-name") {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (m_callback != nullptr) {
+		m_callback(this, _key);
+	}
 bool zeus::MediaImpl::erase() {
-	return etk::FSNodeRemove(m_basePath + m_fileName + "." + zeus::getExtention(m_mineType));
+	auto it = m_metadata.find("mime-type");
+	if (it != m_metadata.end()) {
+		return etk::FSNodeRemove(m_basePath + m_fileName + "." + zeus::getExtention(it->second));
+	}
+	return etk::FSNodeRemove(m_basePath + m_fileName);
+bool zeus::MediaImpl::move(const std::string& _newOffsetFile) {
+	ZEUS_INFO("move file : '" << m_basePath + m_fileName << "' ==> " << m_basePath + _newOffsetFile << "'");
+	if (_newOffsetFile == m_fileName) {
+		// nothing to do ...
+		return true;
+	}
+	auto it = m_metadata.find("mime-type");
+	if (it != m_metadata.end()) {
+		bool ret = etk::FSNodeMove(m_basePath + m_fileName + "." + zeus::getExtention(it->second), m_basePath + _newOffsetFile + "." + zeus::getExtention(it->second));
+		if (ret == true) {
+			m_fileName = _newOffsetFile;
+		}
+		return ret;
+	}
+	bool ret = etk::FSNodeMove(m_basePath + m_fileName, m_basePath + _newOffsetFile);
+	if (ret == true) {
+		m_fileName = _newOffsetFile;
+	}
+	return ret;
+std::string zeus::MediaImpl::getMetadataFrom(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& _metadata, std::string _key) {
+	auto it = _metadata.find(_key);
+	if (it != _metadata.end()) {
+		return it->second;
+	}
+	return "";
+std::string zeus::MediaImpl::getDecoratedNameFrom(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& _metadata) {
+	std::string basePath;
+	std::string type = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "type");
+	std::string title = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "title");
+	/*
+	ZEUS_INFO("---- : " << type << "  " << title << "   ");
+	for (auto &it: _metadata) {
+		ZEUS_INFO("         " << it.first << "  " << it.second);
+	}
+	*/
+	std::string out;
+	if (type == "film") {
+		std::string productionMethode = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "production-methode");
+		std::string serie = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "series-name");
+		std::string episode = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "episode");
+		if (productionMethode == "picture") {
+			// real film with real human
+			basePath += "film/";
+		} else if (productionMethode == "draw") {
+			// annimation films
+			basePath += "film-annimation/";
+		} else if (productionMethode == "short") {
+			// annimation films
+			basePath += "film-short/";
+		} else {
+			basePath += "film-other/";
+		}
+		if (serie != "") {
+			out += serie + "-";
+		}
+		if (episode != "") {
+			out += "e" + episode + "-";
+		}
+	} else if (type == "tv-show") {
+		std::string productionMethode = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "production-methode");
+		std::string serie = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "series-name");
+		std::string saison = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "saison");
+		std::string episode = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "episode");
+		if (productionMethode == "picture") {
+			// real film with real human
+			basePath += "tv-show/";
+		} else if (productionMethode == "draw") {
+			// annimation films
+			basePath += "tv-show-annimation/";
+		} else {
+			basePath += "tv-show-other/";
+		}
+		if (serie != "") {
+			basePath += serie + "/";
+			out += serie + "-";
+		}
+		if (saison != "") {
+			basePath += "saison_" + saison + "/";
+			if (saison.size() < 2) {
+				out += "s0" + saison + "-";
+			} else {
+				out += "s" + saison + "-";
+			}
+		}
+		if (episode != "") {
+			if (episode.size() < 2) {
+				out += "e0" + episode + "-";
+			} else {
+				out += "e" + episode + "-";
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (type == "theater") {
+		std::string serie = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "series-name");
+		std::string episode = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "episode");
+		basePath += type + "/";
+		if (serie != "") {
+			basePath += serie + "/";
+			out += serie + "-";
+		}
+		if (episode != "") {
+			if (episode.size() < 2) {
+				out += "e0" + episode + "-";
+			} else {
+				out += "e" + episode + "-";
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (type == "one-man") {
+		std::string author = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "author");
+		std::string episode = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "episode");
+		basePath += type + "/";
+		if (author != "") {
+			basePath += author + "/";
+			out += author + "-";
+		}
+		if (episode != "") {
+			if (episode.size() < 2) {
+				out += "e0" + episode + "-";
+			} else {
+				out += "e" + episode + "-";
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (    type == "sound-track"
+	            || type == "album") {
+		// soundtrack: Original sound track from films
+		// album: general audio track
+		std::string author = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "author");
+		std::string album = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "album");
+		std::string episode = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "episode");
+		basePath += type + "/";
+		if (author != "") {
+			basePath += author + "/";
+			out += author + "-";
+		}
+		if (album != "") {
+			basePath += album + "/";
+			out += album + "-";
+		}
+		if (episode != "") {
+			if (episode.size() < 2) {
+				out += "e0" + episode + "-";
+			} else {
+				out += "e" + episode + "-";
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (type == "file") {
+		// generic file that is provided to the generic cloud system ==> simple sharing of files
+		std::string path = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "path");
+		basePath += type + "/";
+		if (path != "") {
+			basePath += path + "/";
+		}
+	} else {
+		std::string author = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "author");
+		std::string group = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "group");
+		std::string episode = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "episode");
+		std::string serie = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "series-name");
+		basePath += "unknow/";
+		if (author != "") {
+			out += author + "-";
+		}
+		if (group != "") {
+			out += group + "-";
+		}
+		if (serie != "") {
+			out += serie + "-";
+		}
+		if (episode != "") {
+			out += "e" + episode + "-";
+		}
+	}
+	out += title;
+	std::string mimeType = getMetadataFrom(_metadata, "mime-type");
+	if (mimeType != "") {
+		return basePath + out + "." + zeus::getExtention(mimeType);
+	}
+	return basePath + out;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zeus/zeus-Media.impl.hpp b/zeus/zeus-Media.impl.hpp
index 6639344..23a4826 100644
--- a/zeus/zeus-Media.impl.hpp
+++ b/zeus/zeus-Media.impl.hpp
@@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ namespace zeus {
 			uint64_t m_id; //!< use local reference ID to have faster access on the file ...
 			std::string m_basePath; //!< basic global path
-			std::string m_fileName; // Sha 512
-			std::string m_name;
-			std::string m_mineType;
-			echrono::Time m_creationData;
+			std::string m_fileName; //!< Name of the file
 			std::map<std::string, std::string> m_metadata; //!< all extra property
+			std::function<void(zeus::MediaImpl*, const std::string& )> m_callback;
+		public:
+			void setCallbackMetadataChange(std::function<void(zeus::MediaImpl*, const std::string& )> _callback) {
+				m_callback = _callback;
+			}
 			 * @brief Generic json constructor
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ namespace zeus {
 			 * @brief Generic file constructor
-			MediaImpl(uint64_t _id, const std::string& _fileNameReal);
+			MediaImpl(uint64_t _id, const std::string& _fileNameReal, const std::string& _basePath="");
 			 * @brief Generic destructor
@@ -39,6 +41,8 @@ namespace zeus {
 			std::vector<std::string> getMetadataKeys() override;
 			std::string getMetadata(std::string _key) override;
 			void setMetadata(std::string _key, std::string _value) override;
+			std::string getSha512() override;
+			std::string getDecoratedName() override;
 			 * @brief Export json property
 			 * @return A json Object with data 
@@ -48,9 +52,15 @@ namespace zeus {
 				return m_fileName;
 			bool erase();
+			bool move(const std::string& _newOffsetFile);
 			const std::map<std::string, std::string>& getMetadataDirect() {
 				return m_metadata;
+			void forceUpdateDecoratedName();
+		public:
+			// local tools:
+			static std::string getMetadataFrom(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& _metadata, std::string _key);
+			static std::string getDecoratedNameFrom(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& _metadata);
diff --git a/zeus/zeus-Media.obj.zeus.idl b/zeus/zeus-Media.obj.zeus.idl
index 18d8a4b..ec860f1 100644
--- a/zeus/zeus-Media.obj.zeus.idl
+++ b/zeus/zeus-Media.obj.zeus.idl
@@ -57,3 +57,11 @@ json getMetadataJson()
 #param:description: a json description of the metadata
 void setMetadataJson(json)
+#brief:Get sha 512 of the file
+#return:get the sha512 of the stored file
+string getSha512()
+#brief:Get decorated name of the file
+#return:decorated name: Name of the file decorated like StarWars-e04-A new Hope(1978).mkv
+string getDecoratedName()