ZEUS, or Zeus Ewol micro-service. It is a developement to create c++ microservice compatible with the web generic ineterface.
My objective are:
- create a facebook, tweeter, snapsher heberged on my own server and not dependent on the "big enterprise" that I do not know what they do on my "PERSONAL DATA"
- Have a real sharing on personal picture and video with the circle I want
- Create a separate Front end that can acces on an other service that is own on an other server ==> generic API ==> 1 Front end
- shared My phone and personal data with all my friend and family ==> ne need to update the information, this is automatic...
- ...
I love Free Internat that I can be free on big compagny !!!!
What it does: {#zeus_mainpage_what_it_does}
This is a prototype (need more developpers)
TBD ...
ZEUS is dependent of the STL (compatible with MacOs stl (CXX))
What languages are supported? {#zeus_mainpage_language}
ZEUS is written in C++.
Are there any licensing restrictions? {#zeus_mainpage_license_restriction}
ZEUS is **FREE software** and _all sub-library are FREE and staticly linkable !!!_