start abstarction of the complexity of agg drawing lib
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $(info $(LOCAL_MODULE) version TAG : $(LOCAL_VERSION_TAG))
# name of the dependency
LOCAL_LIBRARIES := freetype etk
$(LOCAL_PATH)/agg/ \
@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
#include <math.h>
#include "agg_basics.h"
namespace agg
struct rgba8;
namespace draw
void ParseColor(const char* _input, struct agg::rgba8& color);
#include <draw/Debug.h>
namespace agg
// Supported byte orders for RGB and RGBA pixel formats
@ -240,7 +250,13 @@ namespace agg
value_type a;
rgba8() {}
rgba8(unsigned int _input = 0)
r = (uint8_t)((_input&0xFF000000)>>24);
g = (uint8_t)((_input&0x00FF0000)>>16);
b = (uint8_t)((_input&0x0000FF00)>>8);
a = (uint8_t)((_input&0x000000FF));
rgba8(unsigned r_, unsigned g_, unsigned b_, unsigned a_=base_mask) :
@ -416,6 +432,61 @@ namespace agg
return self_type(rgba::from_wavelength(wl, gamma));
// parse a color whith a name or special Format:
AGG_INLINE void Set(const char * _input)
draw::ParseColor(_input, *this);
uint32_t Get(void)
return ((uint32_t)r<<24)+((uint32_t)g<<16)+((uint32_t)b<<8)+((uint32_t)a);
self_type & operator=(const uint32_t _input)
r = (uint8_t)((_input&0xFF000000)>>24);
g = (uint8_t)((_input&0x00FF0000)>>16);
b = (uint8_t)((_input&0x0000FF00)>>8);
a = (uint8_t)((_input&0x000000FF));
return *this;
self_type & operator=(const self_type& _input)
if( this != &_input ) {
r = _input.r;
g = _input.g;
b = _input.b;
a = _input.a;
return *this;
self_type & operator=(const char* _input)
draw::ParseColor(_input, *this);
return *this;
bool operator==(const self_type& _input) const
if( r != _input.r
|| g != _input.g
|| b != _input.b
|| a != _input.a ) {
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const self_type& _input) const
if( r != _input.r
|| g != _input.g
|| b != _input.b
|| a != _input.a ) {
return true;
return false;
friend etk::CCout& operator <<( etk::CCout &os,const self_type& obj);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
* @file draw/Color.h
* @brief Ewol Tool Kit : basic colors
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 23/04/2012
* @par Project
* draw
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#include <etk/Types.h>
#include <etk/tool.h>
#include <draw/Color.h>
#include <draw/Debug.h>
const draw::Color draw::color::none((uint32_t)0x00000000);
const draw::Color draw::color::aliceBlue((uint32_t)0xF0F8FFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::antiqueWhite((uint32_t)0xFAEBD7FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::aqua((uint32_t)0x00FFFFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::aquamarine((uint32_t)0x7FFFD4FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::azure((uint32_t)0xF0FFFFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::beige((uint32_t)0xF5F5DCFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::bisque((uint32_t)0xFFE4C4FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::black((uint32_t)0x000000FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::blanchedAlmond((uint32_t)0xFFEBCDFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::blue((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::blueViolet((uint32_t)0x8A2BE2FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::brown((uint32_t)0xA52A2AFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::burlyWood((uint32_t)0xDEB887FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::cadetBlue((uint32_t)0x5F9EA0FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::chartreuse((uint32_t)0x7FFF00FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::chocolate((uint32_t)0xD2691EFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::coral((uint32_t)0xFF7F50FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::cornflowerBlue((uint32_t)0x6495EDFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::cornsilk((uint32_t)0xFFF8DCFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::crimson((uint32_t)0xDC143CFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::cyan((uint32_t)0x00FFFFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkBlue((uint32_t)0x00008BFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkCyan((uint32_t)0x008B8BFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkGoldenRod((uint32_t)0xB8860BFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkGray((uint32_t)0xA9A9A9FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkGrey((uint32_t)0xA9A9A9FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkGreen((uint32_t)0x006400FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkKhaki((uint32_t)0xBDB76BFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkMagenta((uint32_t)0x8B008BFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkOliveGreen((uint32_t)0x556B2FFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkorange((uint32_t)0xFF8C00FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkOrchid((uint32_t)0x9932CCFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkRed((uint32_t)0x8B0000FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkSalmon((uint32_t)0xE9967AFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkSeaGreen((uint32_t)0x8FBC8FFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkSlateBlue((uint32_t)0x483D8BFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkSlateGray((uint32_t)0x2F4F4FFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkSlateGrey((uint32_t)0x2F4F4FFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkTurquoise((uint32_t)0x00CED1FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::darkViolet((uint32_t)0x9400D3FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::deepPink((uint32_t)0xFF1493FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::deepSkyBlue((uint32_t)0x00BFFFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::dimGray((uint32_t)0x696969FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::dimGrey((uint32_t)0x696969FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::dodgerBlue((uint32_t)0x1E90FFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::fireBrick((uint32_t)0xB22222FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::floralWhite((uint32_t)0xFFFAF0FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::forestGreen((uint32_t)0x228B22FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::fuchsia((uint32_t)0xFF00FFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::gainsboro((uint32_t)0xDCDCDCFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::ghostWhite((uint32_t)0xF8F8FFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::gold((uint32_t)0xFFD700FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::goldenRod((uint32_t)0xDAA520FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::gray((uint32_t)0x808080FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::grey((uint32_t)0x808080FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::green((uint32_t)0x008000FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::greenYellow((uint32_t)0xADFF2FFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::honeyDew((uint32_t)0xF0FFF0FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::hotPink((uint32_t)0xFF69B4FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::indianRed ((uint32_t)0xCD5C5CFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::indigo ((uint32_t)0x4B0082FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::ivory((uint32_t)0xFFFFF0FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::khaki((uint32_t)0xF0E68CFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lavender((uint32_t)0xE6E6FAFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lavenderBlush((uint32_t)0xFFF0F5FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lawnGreen((uint32_t)0x7CFC00FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lemonChiffon((uint32_t)0xFFFACDFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightBlue((uint32_t)0xADD8E6FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightCoral((uint32_t)0xF08080FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightCyan((uint32_t)0xE0FFFFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightGoldenRodYellow((uint32_t)0xFAFAD2FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightGray((uint32_t)0xD3D3D3FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightGrey((uint32_t)0xD3D3D3FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightGreen((uint32_t)0x90EE90FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightPink((uint32_t)0xFFB6C1FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightSalmon((uint32_t)0xFFA07AFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightSeaGreen((uint32_t)0x20B2AAFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightSkyBlue((uint32_t)0x87CEFAFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightSlateGray((uint32_t)0x778899FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightSlateGrey((uint32_t)0x778899FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightSteelBlue((uint32_t)0xB0C4DEFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lightYellow((uint32_t)0xFFFFE0FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::lime((uint32_t)0x00FF00FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::limeGreen((uint32_t)0x32CD32FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::linen((uint32_t)0xFAF0E6FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::magenta((uint32_t)0xFF00FFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::maroon((uint32_t)0x800000FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumAquaMarine((uint32_t)0x66CDAAFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumBlue((uint32_t)0x0000CDFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumOrchid((uint32_t)0xBA55D3FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumPurple((uint32_t)0x9370D8FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumSeaGreen((uint32_t)0x3CB371FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumSlateBlue((uint32_t)0x7B68EEFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumSpringGreen((uint32_t)0x00FA9AFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumTurquoise((uint32_t)0x48D1CCFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mediumVioletRed((uint32_t)0xC71585FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::midnightBlue((uint32_t)0x191970FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mintCream((uint32_t)0xF5FFFAFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::mistyRose((uint32_t)0xFFE4E1FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::moccasin((uint32_t)0xFFE4B5FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::navajoWhite((uint32_t)0xFFDEADFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::navy((uint32_t)0x000080FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::oldLace((uint32_t)0xFDF5E6FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::olive((uint32_t)0x808000FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::oliveDrab((uint32_t)0x6B8E23FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::orange((uint32_t)0xFFA500FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::orangeRed((uint32_t)0xFF4500FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::orchid((uint32_t)0xDA70D6FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::paleGoldenRod((uint32_t)0xEEE8AAFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::paleGreen((uint32_t)0x98FB98FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::paleTurquoise((uint32_t)0xAFEEEEFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::paleVioletRed((uint32_t)0xD87093FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::papayaWhip((uint32_t)0xFFEFD5FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::peachPuff((uint32_t)0xFFDAB9FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::peru((uint32_t)0xCD853FFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::pink((uint32_t)0xFFC0CBFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::plum((uint32_t)0xDDA0DDFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::powderBlue((uint32_t)0xB0E0E6FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::purple((uint32_t)0x800080FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::red((uint32_t)0xFF0000FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::rosyBrown((uint32_t)0xBC8F8FFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::royalBlue((uint32_t)0x4169E1FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::saddleBrown((uint32_t)0x8B4513FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::salmon((uint32_t)0xFA8072FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::sandyBrown((uint32_t)0xF4A460FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::seaGreen((uint32_t)0x2E8B57FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::seaShell((uint32_t)0xFFF5EEFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::sienna((uint32_t)0xA0522DFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::silver((uint32_t)0xC0C0C0FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::skyBlue((uint32_t)0x87CEEBFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::slateBlue((uint32_t)0x6A5ACDFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::slateGray((uint32_t)0x708090FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::slateGrey((uint32_t)0x708090FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::snow((uint32_t)0xFFFAFAFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::springGreen((uint32_t)0x00FF7FFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::steelBlue((uint32_t)0x4682B4FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::tan((uint32_t)0xD2B48CFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::teal((uint32_t)0x008080FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::thistle((uint32_t)0xD8BFD8FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::tomato((uint32_t)0xFF6347FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::turquoise((uint32_t)0x40E0D0FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::violet((uint32_t)0xEE82EEFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::wheat((uint32_t)0xF5DEB3FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::white((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF);
const draw::Color draw::color::whiteSmoke((uint32_t)0xF5F5F5FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::yellow((uint32_t)0xFFFF00FF);
const draw::Color draw::color::yellowGreen((uint32_t)0x9ACD32FF);
typedef struct {
const char * colorName;
draw::Color color;
} colorList_ts;
static const colorList_ts listOfColor[] = {
{ "none", draw::color::none},
{ "AliceBlue", draw::color::aliceBlue},
{ "AntiqueWhite", draw::color::antiqueWhite},
{ "Aqua", draw::color::aqua},
{ "Aquamarine", draw::color::aquamarine},
{ "Azure", draw::color::azure},
{ "Beige", draw::color::beige},
{ "Bisque", draw::color::bisque},
{ "Black", draw::color::black},
{ "BlanchedAlmond", draw::color::blanchedAlmond},
{ "Blue", draw::color::blue},
{ "BlueViolet", draw::color::blueViolet},
{ "Brown", draw::color::brown},
{ "BurlyWood", draw::color::burlyWood},
{ "CadetBlue", draw::color::cadetBlue},
{ "Chartreuse", draw::color::chartreuse},
{ "Chocolate", draw::color::chocolate},
{ "Coral", draw::color::coral},
{ "CornflowerBlue", draw::color::cornflowerBlue},
{ "Cornsilk", draw::color::cornsilk},
{ "Crimson", draw::color::crimson},
{ "Cyan", draw::color::cyan},
{ "DarkBlue", draw::color::darkBlue},
{ "DarkCyan", draw::color::darkCyan},
{ "DarkGoldenRod", draw::color::darkGoldenRod},
{ "DarkGray", draw::color::darkGray},
{ "DarkGrey", draw::color::darkGrey},
{ "DarkGreen", draw::color::darkGreen},
{ "DarkKhaki", draw::color::darkKhaki},
{ "DarkMagenta", draw::color::darkMagenta},
{ "DarkOliveGreen", draw::color::darkOliveGreen},
{ "Darkorange", draw::color::darkorange},
{ "DarkOrchid", draw::color::darkOrchid},
{ "DarkRed", draw::color::darkRed},
{ "DarkSalmon", draw::color::darkSalmon},
{ "DarkSeaGreen", draw::color::darkSeaGreen},
{ "DarkSlateBlue", draw::color::darkSlateBlue},
{ "DarkSlateGray", draw::color::darkSlateGray},
{ "DarkSlateGrey", draw::color::darkSlateGrey},
{ "DarkTurquoise", draw::color::darkTurquoise},
{ "DarkViolet", draw::color::darkViolet},
{ "DeepPink", draw::color::deepPink},
{ "DeepSkyBlue", draw::color::deepSkyBlue},
{ "DimGray", draw::color::dimGray},
{ "DimGrey", draw::color::dimGrey},
{ "DodgerBlue", draw::color::dodgerBlue},
{ "FireBrick", draw::color::fireBrick},
{ "FloralWhite", draw::color::floralWhite},
{ "ForestGreen", draw::color::forestGreen},
{ "Fuchsia", draw::color::fuchsia},
{ "Gainsboro", draw::color::gainsboro},
{ "GhostWhite", draw::color::ghostWhite},
{ "Gold", draw::color::gold},
{ "GoldenRod", draw::color::goldenRod},
{ "Gray", draw::color::gray},
{ "Grey", draw::color::grey},
{ "Green", draw::color::green},
{ "GreenYellow", draw::color::greenYellow},
{ "HoneyDew", draw::color::honeyDew},
{ "HotPink", draw::color::hotPink},
{ "IndianRed", draw::color::indianRed},
{ "Indigo", draw::color::indigo},
{ "Ivory", draw::color::ivory},
{ "Khaki", draw::color::khaki},
{ "Lavender", draw::color::lavender},
{ "LavenderBlush", draw::color::lavenderBlush},
{ "LawnGreen", draw::color::lawnGreen},
{ "LemonChiffon", draw::color::lemonChiffon},
{ "LightBlue", draw::color::lightBlue},
{ "LightCoral", draw::color::lightCoral},
{ "LightCyan", draw::color::lightCyan},
{ "LightGoldenRodYellow", draw::color::lightGoldenRodYellow},
{ "LightGray", draw::color::lightGray},
{ "LightGrey", draw::color::lightGrey},
{ "LightGreen", draw::color::lightGreen},
{ "LightPink", draw::color::lightPink},
{ "LightSalmon", draw::color::lightSalmon},
{ "LightSeaGreen", draw::color::lightSeaGreen},
{ "LightSkyBlue", draw::color::lightSkyBlue},
{ "LightSlateGray", draw::color::lightSlateGray},
{ "LightSlateGrey", draw::color::lightSlateGrey},
{ "LightSteelBlue", draw::color::lightSteelBlue},
{ "LightYellow", draw::color::lightYellow},
{ "Lime", draw::color::lime},
{ "LimeGreen", draw::color::limeGreen},
{ "Linen", draw::color::linen},
{ "Magenta", draw::color::magenta},
{ "Maroon", draw::color::maroon},
{ "MediumAquaMarine", draw::color::mediumAquaMarine},
{ "MediumBlue", draw::color::mediumBlue},
{ "MediumOrchid", draw::color::mediumOrchid},
{ "MediumPurple", draw::color::mediumPurple},
{ "MediumSeaGreen", draw::color::mediumSeaGreen},
{ "MediumSlateBlue", draw::color::mediumSlateBlue},
{ "MediumSpringGreen", draw::color::mediumSpringGreen},
{ "MediumTurquoise", draw::color::mediumTurquoise},
{ "MediumVioletRed", draw::color::mediumVioletRed},
{ "MidnightBlue", draw::color::midnightBlue},
{ "MintCream", draw::color::mintCream},
{ "MistyRose", draw::color::mistyRose},
{ "Moccasin", draw::color::moccasin},
{ "NavajoWhite", draw::color::navajoWhite},
{ "Navy", draw::color::navy},
{ "OldLace", draw::color::oldLace},
{ "Olive", draw::color::olive},
{ "OliveDrab", draw::color::oliveDrab},
{ "Orange", draw::color::orange},
{ "OrangeRed", draw::color::orangeRed},
{ "Orchid", draw::color::orchid},
{ "PaleGoldenRod", draw::color::paleGoldenRod},
{ "PaleGreen", draw::color::paleGreen},
{ "PaleTurquoise", draw::color::paleTurquoise},
{ "PaleVioletRed", draw::color::paleVioletRed},
{ "PapayaWhip", draw::color::papayaWhip},
{ "PeachPuff", draw::color::peachPuff},
{ "Peru", draw::color::peru},
{ "Pink", draw::color::pink},
{ "Plum", draw::color::plum},
{ "PowderBlue", draw::color::powderBlue},
{ "Purple", draw::color::purple},
{ "Red", draw::color::red},
{ "RosyBrown", draw::color::rosyBrown},
{ "RoyalBlue", draw::color::royalBlue},
{ "SaddleBrown", draw::color::saddleBrown},
{ "Salmon", draw::color::salmon},
{ "SandyBrown", draw::color::sandyBrown},
{ "SeaGreen", draw::color::seaGreen},
{ "SeaShell", draw::color::seaShell},
{ "Sienna", draw::color::sienna},
{ "Silver", draw::color::silver},
{ "SkyBlue", draw::color::skyBlue},
{ "SlateBlue", draw::color::slateBlue},
{ "SlateGray", draw::color::slateGray},
{ "SlateGrey", draw::color::slateGrey},
{ "Snow", draw::color::snow},
{ "SpringGreen", draw::color::springGreen},
{ "SteelBlue", draw::color::steelBlue},
{ "Tan", draw::color::tan},
{ "Teal", draw::color::teal},
{ "Thistle", draw::color::thistle},
{ "Tomato", draw::color::tomato},
{ "Turquoise", draw::color::turquoise},
{ "Violet", draw::color::violet},
{ "Wheat", draw::color::wheat},
{ "White", draw::color::white},
{ "WhiteSmoke", draw::color::whiteSmoke},
{ "Yellow", draw::color::yellow},
{ "YellowGreen", draw::color::yellowGreen}
static const int32_t listOfColorSize = sizeof(listOfColor) / sizeof(colorList_ts);
static bool strnCmpNoCase(const char * input1, const char * input2, int32_t maxLen)
int32_t iii=0;
while ('\0' != *input1 && '\0' != *input2 && iii < maxLen) {
char in1 = *input1;
char in2 = *input2;
if (in1 != in2) {
if (in1 <= 'Z' && in1 >= 'A') {
in1 = in1 - 'A' + 'a';
if (in2 <= 'Z' && in2 >= 'A') {
in2 = in2 - 'A' + 'a';
if (in1 != in2) {
return false;
return true;
void draw::ParseColor(const char* _input, struct agg::rgba8& color)
color = draw::color::white;
if (NULL == _input) {
DRAW_ERROR("try to parse Color with NULL pointer");
const char* inputData = _input;
uint32_t _red, _green, _blue, _alpha;
float fred, fgreen, fblue, falpha;
size_t len = strlen(_input);
if( len >=1
&& inputData[0] == '#') {
if(len == 4) {
int32_t red=0, green=0, blue=0;
if (sscanf(inputData + 1, "%1x%1x%1x", &red, &green, &blue) == 3) {
color.r = (red | red << 4);
color.g = (green | green << 4);
color.b = (blue | blue << 4);
} else {
TK_ERROR(" pb in parsing the color : \"" << inputData << "\"");
} else if (len==5) {
int32_t red=0, green=0, blue=0, alpha=0;
if (sscanf(inputData + 1, "%1x%1x%1x%1x", &red, &green, &blue, &alpha) == 4) {
color.r = (red | red << 4);
color.g = (green | green << 4);
color.b = (blue | blue << 4);
color.a = (alpha | alpha << 4);
} else {
TK_ERROR(" pb in parsing the color : \"" << inputData << "\"");
} else if (len == 7) {
int32_t red=0, green=0, blue=0;
if (sscanf(inputData + 1, "%2x%2x%2x", &red, &green, &blue) == 3) {
color.r = red;
color.g = green;
color.b = blue;
} else {
TK_ERROR(" pb in parsing the color : \"" << inputData << "\"");
} else if (len == 9) {
int32_t red=0, green=0, blue=0, alpha=0;
if (sscanf(inputData + 1, "%2x%2x%2x%2x", &red, &green, &blue, &alpha) == 4) {
color.r = red;
color.g = green;
color.b = blue;
color.a = alpha;
} else {
TK_ERROR(" pb in parsing the color : \"" << inputData << "\"");
} else {
TK_ERROR(" pb in parsing the color : \"" << inputData << "\" ==> unknown methode ...");
} else if( 4 <= len
&& inputData[0] == 'r'
&& inputData[1] == 'g'
&& inputData[2] == 'b'
&& inputData[3] == '(' ) {
int32_t _red=0, _green=0, _blue=0, _alpha=0;
float fred=0, fgreen=0, fblue=0, falpha=0;
if (sscanf(inputData + 4, "%u,%u,%u,%u", &_red, &_green, &_blue, &_alpha) == 4) {
color.r = etk_min(0xFF, _red);
color.g = etk_min(0xFF, _green);
color.b = etk_min(0xFF, _blue);
color.a = etk_min(0xFF, _alpha);
} else if (sscanf(inputData + 4, "%u,%u,%u", &_red, &_green, &_blue) == 3) {
color.r = etk_min(0xFF, _red);
color.g = etk_min(0xFF, _green);
color.b = etk_min(0xFF, _blue);
} else if (sscanf(inputData + 4, "%f%%,%f%%,%f%%,%f%%", &fred, &fgreen, &fblue, &falpha) == 4) {
fred = etk_avg(0.0, fred, 1.0);
fgreen = etk_avg(0.0, fgreen, 1.0);
fblue = etk_avg(0.0, fblue, 1.0);
falpha = etk_avg(0.0, falpha, 1.0);
color.r = (uint8_t)(fred * 255.);
color.g = (uint8_t)(fgreen * 255.);
color.b = (uint8_t)(fblue * 255.);
color.a = (uint8_t)(falpha * 255.);
} else if (sscanf(inputData + 4, "%f%%,%f%%,%f%%", &fred, &fgreen, &fblue) == 3) {
fred = etk_avg(0.0, fred, 1.0);
fgreen= etk_avg(0.0, fgreen, 1.0);
fblue = etk_avg(0.0, fblue, 1.0);
color.r = (uint8_t)(fred * 255.);
color.g = (uint8_t)(fgreen * 255.);
color.b = (uint8_t)(fblue * 255.);
} else {
TK_ERROR(" pb in parsing the color : \"" << inputData << "\" ==> unknown methode ...");
} else {
bool findIt = false;
// direct named color ...
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<listOfColorSize; iii++) {
if (strnCmpNoCase(listOfColor[iii].colorName, inputData, strlen(listOfColor[iii].colorName)) == true) {
findIt = true;
color = listOfColor[iii].color;
// stop searching
// not find color ...
if (findIt == false) {
TK_ERROR(" pb in parsing the color : \"" << inputData << "\" not find ...");
TK_VERBOSE("Parse color : \"" << inputData << "\" ==> " << color);
etk::CCout& agg::operator <<(etk::CCout &os, const struct agg::rgba8& obj)
char tmpData[256];
snprintf(tmpData, 256, "#%02X%02X%02X%02X", obj.r, obj.g, obj.b, obj.a);
os << tmpData;
return os;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
* @file draw/Color.h
* @brief Ewol Tool Kit : basic colors
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 23/04/2012
* @par Project
* draw
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#ifndef __ETK_COLOR_H__
#define __ETK_COLOR_H__
#include <agg/agg_color_rgba.h>
namespace agg {
etk::CCout& operator <<(etk::CCout &os, const struct agg::rgba8& obj);
namespace draw {
typedef struct agg::rgba8 Color;
void ParseColor(const char* _input, struct agg::rgba8& color);
namespace color {
extern const Color none;
extern const Color aliceBlue;
extern const Color antiqueWhite;
extern const Color aqua;
extern const Color aquamarine;
extern const Color azure;
extern const Color beige;
extern const Color bisque;
extern const Color black;
extern const Color blanchedAlmond;
extern const Color blue;
extern const Color blueViolet;
extern const Color brown;
extern const Color burlyWood;
extern const Color cadetBlue;
extern const Color chartreuse;
extern const Color chocolate;
extern const Color coral;
extern const Color cornflowerBlue;
extern const Color cornsilk;
extern const Color crimson;
extern const Color cyan;
extern const Color darkBlue;
extern const Color darkCyan;
extern const Color darkGoldenRod;
extern const Color darkGray;
extern const Color darkGrey;
extern const Color darkGreen;
extern const Color darkKhaki;
extern const Color darkMagenta;
extern const Color darkOliveGreen;
extern const Color darkorange;
extern const Color darkOrchid;
extern const Color darkRed;
extern const Color darkSalmon;
extern const Color darkSeaGreen;
extern const Color darkSlateBlue;
extern const Color darkSlateGray;
extern const Color darkSlateGrey;
extern const Color darkTurquoise;
extern const Color darkViolet;
extern const Color deepPink;
extern const Color deepSkyBlue;
extern const Color dimGray;
extern const Color dimGrey;
extern const Color dodgerBlue;
extern const Color fireBrick;
extern const Color floralWhite;
extern const Color forestGreen;
extern const Color fuchsia;
extern const Color gainsboro;
extern const Color ghostWhite;
extern const Color gold;
extern const Color goldenRod;
extern const Color gray;
extern const Color grey;
extern const Color green;
extern const Color greenYellow;
extern const Color honeyDew;
extern const Color hotPink;
extern const Color indianRed;
extern const Color indigo;
extern const Color ivory;
extern const Color khaki;
extern const Color lavender;
extern const Color lavenderBlush;
extern const Color lawnGreen;
extern const Color lemonChiffon;
extern const Color lightBlue;
extern const Color lightCoral;
extern const Color lightCyan;
extern const Color lightGoldenRodYellow;
extern const Color lightGray;
extern const Color lightGrey;
extern const Color lightGreen;
extern const Color lightPink;
extern const Color lightSalmon;
extern const Color lightSeaGreen;
extern const Color lightSkyBlue;
extern const Color lightSlateGray;
extern const Color lightSlateGrey;
extern const Color lightSteelBlue;
extern const Color lightYellow;
extern const Color lime;
extern const Color limeGreen;
extern const Color linen;
extern const Color magenta;
extern const Color maroon;
extern const Color mediumAquaMarine;
extern const Color mediumBlue;
extern const Color mediumOrchid;
extern const Color mediumPurple;
extern const Color mediumSeaGreen;
extern const Color mediumSlateBlue;
extern const Color mediumSpringGreen;
extern const Color mediumTurquoise;
extern const Color mediumVioletRed;
extern const Color midnightBlue;
extern const Color mintCream;
extern const Color mistyRose;
extern const Color moccasin;
extern const Color navajoWhite;
extern const Color navy;
extern const Color oldLace;
extern const Color olive;
extern const Color oliveDrab;
extern const Color orange;
extern const Color orangeRed;
extern const Color orchid;
extern const Color paleGoldenRod;
extern const Color paleGreen;
extern const Color paleTurquoise;
extern const Color paleVioletRed;
extern const Color papayaWhip;
extern const Color peachPuff;
extern const Color peru;
extern const Color pink;
extern const Color plum;
extern const Color powderBlue;
extern const Color purple;
extern const Color red;
extern const Color rosyBrown;
extern const Color royalBlue;
extern const Color saddleBrown;
extern const Color salmon;
extern const Color sandyBrown;
extern const Color seaGreen;
extern const Color seaShell;
extern const Color sienna;
extern const Color silver;
extern const Color skyBlue;
extern const Color slateBlue;
extern const Color slateGray;
extern const Color slateGrey;
extern const Color snow;
extern const Color springGreen;
extern const Color steelBlue;
extern const Color tan;
extern const Color teal;
extern const Color thistle;
extern const Color tomato;
extern const Color turquoise;
extern const Color violet;
extern const Color wheat;
extern const Color white;
extern const Color whiteSmoke;
extern const Color yellow;
extern const Color yellowGreen;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* @file draw/Debug.h
* @brief draw : log wrapper (header)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 21/08/2012
* @par Project
* Ewol
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#include <draw/Debug.h>
const char * drawLibName = "draw ";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* @file draw/Debug.h
* @brief draw : log wrapper (Sources)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 21/08/2012
* @par Project
* Ewol
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#ifndef __DRAW_DEBUG_H__
#define __DRAW_DEBUG_H__
#include <etk/Types.h>
#include <etk/Debug.h>
extern const char * drawLibName;
#define DRAW_CRITICAL(data) ETK_CRITICAL(drawLibName, data)
#define DRAW_WARNING(data) ETK_WARNING(drawLibName, data)
#define DRAW_ERROR(data) ETK_ERROR(drawLibName, data)
#define DRAW_INFO(data) ETK_INFO(drawLibName, data)
#define DRAW_DEBUG(data) ETK_DEBUG(drawLibName, data)
#define DRAW_VERBOSE(data) ETK_VERBOSE(drawLibName, data)
#define DRAW_ASSERT(cond, data) ETK_ASSERT(drawLibName, cond, data)
#define DRAW_CHECK_INOUT(cond) ETK_CHECK_INOUT(drawLibName, cond)
#define DRAW_TODO(cond) ETK_TODO(drawLibName, cond)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
* @file draw/Image.cpp
* @brief draw Imaging system (Sources)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 21/08/2012
* @par Project
* draw
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#include <draw/Image.h>
draw::Image::Image(void) :
m_size.x = 32;
m_size.y = 32;
draw::Image::Image(Vector2D<int32_t> size) :
m_size = size;
void draw::Image::Init(void)
// basic element :
draw::Color tmpBg(0,0,0,0);
// preallocate data with a basic bg elements :
m_data.ReSize(m_size.x*m_size.y, tmpBg);
if (m_size.x*m_size.y > m_data.Size()) {
DRAW_ERROR("Allocation of data buffer in error");
// Allocate the AGG renderer system :
m_renderingBuffer = new agg::rendering_buffer((uint8_t*)&m_data[0], m_size.x, m_size.y, m_size.x*sizeof(draw::Color));
if (NULL == m_renderingBuffer) {
DRAW_ERROR("Allocation of the m_renderingBuffer for SVG drawing error");
m_pixFrame = new agg::pixfmt_rgba32(*m_renderingBuffer);
if (NULL == m_pixFrame) {
DRAW_ERROR("Allocation of the m_pixFrame for Image system error");
m_renderingBuffer = NULL;
m_renderBase = new rendererBase_t(*m_pixFrame);
if (NULL == m_renderBase) {
DRAW_ERROR("Allocation of the m_renderBase for Image system error");
m_pixFrame = NULL;
m_renderingBuffer = NULL;
m_renderArea = new rendererSolid_t(*m_renderBase);
if (NULL == m_renderArea) {
DRAW_ERROR("Allocation of the m_renderArea for Image system error");
m_renderArea = NULL;
m_pixFrame = NULL;
m_renderingBuffer = NULL;
if (NULL != m_renderArea) {
m_renderArea = NULL;
if (NULL != m_renderBase) {
m_renderBase = NULL;
if (NULL != m_pixFrame) {
m_pixFrame = NULL;
if (NULL != m_renderingBuffer) {
m_renderingBuffer = NULL;
void draw::Image::Begin(void)
void draw::Image::End(void)
void draw::Image::MoveTo(Vector2D<float> pos)
void draw::Image::MoveToAbs(Vector2D<float> pos)
void draw::Image::LineTo(Vector2D<float> pos)
void draw::Image::LineToAbs(Vector2D<float> pos)
// link the curent line with his start
void draw::Image::Join(void)
// generate the display
void draw::Image::Draw(void)
void draw::Image::Line(Vector2D<float> posStart, Vector2D<float> posEnd)
void draw::Image::Rectangle(Vector2D<float> pos, Vector2D<float> size)
Vector2D<float> tmp = pos;
tmp.x += size.x;
tmp.y += size.y;
tmp.x -= size.x;
void draw::Image::Circle(Vector2D<float> pos, float radius, float angleStart, float angleStop)
void draw::Image::Disc(Vector2D<float> pos, float radius, float angleStart, float angleStop)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
* @file draw/Image.h
* @brief draw Imaging system (header)
* @author Edouard DUPIN
* @date 21/08/2012
* @par Project
* draw
* @par Copyright
* Copyright 2011 Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* Licence summary :
* You can modify and redistribute the sources code and binaries.
* You can send me the bug-fix
* Term of the licence in in the file licence.txt.
#ifndef __EWOL_IMAGE_H__
#define __EWOL_IMAGE_H__
#include <etk/Types.h>
#include <etk/Vector.h>
#include <draw/Debug.h>
#include <draw/Color.h>
#include <agg/agg_pixfmt_rgba.h>
#include <agg/agg_color_rgba.h>
#include <agg/agg_basics.h>
#include <agg/agg_rendering_buffer.h>
#include <agg/agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h>
#include <agg/agg_scanline_p.h>
#include <agg/agg_renderer_scanline.h>
#include <agg/agg_path_storage.h>
#include <agg/agg_conv_transform.h>
#include <agg/agg_bounding_rect.h>
#include <agg/agg_color_rgba.h>
#include <agg/agg_pixfmt_rgba.h>
namespace draw
// basic definition type for the renderer
typedef agg::renderer_base<agg::pixfmt_rgba32> rendererBase_t;
typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid<rendererBase_t> rendererSolid_t;
class Image {
Vector2D<int32_t> m_size;
etk::Vector<draw::Color> m_data;
agg::rendering_buffer * m_renderingBuffer;
agg::pixfmt_rgba32 * m_pixFrame;
rendererBase_t * m_renderBase;
rendererSolid_t * m_renderArea;
agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> m_rasterizer; //!< AGG renderer system
agg::scanline_p8 m_scanLine; //!<
// curent color for the system ...
agg::rgba8 m_fillColor;
agg::rgba8 m_strokeColor;
float m_strokeSize;
// constructor :
Image(Vector2D<int32_t> size);
// destructor
// initialiser
void Init(void);
// EWOL internal API for Texture system :
void* GetTextureDataPointer(void) { return &m_data[0]; };
// -----------------------------------------------
// -- basic tools :
// -----------------------------------------------
public :
//void Resize(Vector2D<int32_t> size);
//void Resize(Vector2D<int32_t> startPos, Vector2D<int32_t> size);
Vector2D<int32_t> GetSize(void) const
return m_size;
int32_t GetWidth(void) const
return m_size.x;
int32_t GetHeight(void) const
return m_size.y;
//void Move(Vector2D<int32_t> pos);
//void Rotate(float angle); // radian
//void Zoom(float coefficient);
void Clear(void)
for (int32_t iii=0; iii<m_size.x*m_size.y; iii++) {
m_data[iii] = m_fillColor;
//void Mirror(bool horizontally=true) const ;
//Image & operator= (const Image &image)
draw::Color Get(Vector2D<int32_t> pos)
draw::Color outColor(0x00000000);
if( pos.x>0 && pos.x<m_size.x
&& pos.y>0 && pos.y<m_size.y) {
outColor = m_data[pos.x+pos.y*m_size.x];
return outColor;
void Set(Vector2D<int32_t> pos, draw::Color newColor)
if( pos.x>0 && pos.x<m_size.x
&& pos.y>0 && pos.y<m_size.y) {
m_data[pos.x+pos.y*m_size.x] = newColor;
//Image GetSubImage(Vector2D<int32_t> startPos, Vector2D<int32_t> size) const;
//void SetData(uint8_t *data, Vector2D<int32_t> size);
// -----------------------------------------------
// -- Drawing tools :
// -----------------------------------------------
public :
void Begin(void);
void End(void);
void SetFillColor(draw::Color newColor) {
m_fillColor = newColor;
void SetStrokeColor(draw::Color newColor) {
m_strokeColor = newColor;
void SetStrokeSize(float thickness) {
m_strokeSize = thickness;
void MoveTo(Vector2D<float> pos);
void MoveToAbs(Vector2D<float> pos);
void LineTo(Vector2D<float> pos);
void LineToAbs(Vector2D<float> pos);
void Join(void);
void Draw(void);
void Line(Vector2D<float> posStart, Vector2D<float> posEnd);
void Rectangle(Vector2D<float> pos, Vector2D<float> size);
void Circle(Vector2D<float> pos, float radius, float angleStart=0, float angleStop=2*M_PI);
void Disc(Vector2D<float> pos, float radius, float angleStart=0, float angleStop=2*M_PI);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user