704 lines
33 KiB
704 lines
33 KiB
import lutin.debug as debug
import lutin.tools as tools
import lutin.debug as debug
import lutin.image as image
import os
import lutin.multiprocess as lutinMultiprocess
def get_type():
return "LIBRARY"
def get_desc():
return "gale is a main library to use widget in the openGl environement and manage all the wraping os"
def get_licence():
return "MPL-2"
def get_compagny_type():
return "com"
def get_compagny_name():
return "atria-soft"
def get_maintainer():
return "authors.txt"
def get_version():
return "version.txt"
def configure(target, my_module):
# add the file to compile:
# context:
if "Web" in target.get_type():
elif "Linux" in target.get_type():
["c++", "-DGALE_BUILD_X11"],
# check if egami is present in the worktree: this is for the icon parsing ...
my_module.add_optionnal_depend('egami', ["c++", "-DGALE_BUILD_EGAMI"])
elif "Windows" in target.get_type():
elif "Android" in target.get_type():
my_module.add_path('android/src/', type='java')
elif "MacOs" in target.get_type():
elif "IOs" in target.get_type():
debug.error("unknow mode...")
if "Linux" in target.get_type() \
or "Windows" in target.get_type() \
or "MacOs" in target.get_type():
# only in debug we add simulation:
if target.get_mode() == "debug":
my_module.add_flag('c++', "-DGALE_BUILD_SIMULATION")
# Key properties:
# OpenGL interface:
# resources:
my_module.add_optionnal_depend('esignal', ["c++", "-DGALE_BUILD_ESIGNAL"])
my_module.add_optionnal_depend('eproperty', ["c++", "-DGALE_BUILD_EPROPERTY"])
my_module.add_flag('c++', [
"-DGALE_VERSION=\"\\\"" + tools.version_to_string(my_module.get_pkg("VERSION")) + "\\\"\""
if "Web" in target.get_type():
elif "Linux" in target.get_type():
# TODO : This is specific at wayland ==> check How we can add it better
elif "Android" in target.get_type():
my_module.add_depend(["SDK", "jvm-basics"])
# add tre creator of the basic java class ...
target.add_action("BINARY", 50, "gale-auto-wrapper", tool_generate_main_java_class)
# TODO : Add the same for BINARY to create a console interface ?
elif "Windows" in target.get_type():
elif "MacOs" in target.get_type():
elif "IOs" in target.get_type():
return True
## Android specific section
def tool_generate_main_java_class(target, module, package_name):
file_list = []
debug.debug("Generate android wrapping for '" + package_name + "' ==> '" + target.convert_name_application(package_name) + "'" )
application_name = target.convert_name_application(package_name)
if target.get_mode() == "debug":
application_name += "debug"
target.path_java_project= target.get_build_path(package_name) \
+ "/src/" \
+ module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_TYPE") \
+ "/" + module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_NAME2") \
+ "/" + application_name + "/"
java_file_wrapper = target.path_java_project + "/" + application_name + ".java"
android_package_name = module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_TYPE")+"."+module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_NAME2")+"." + application_name
debug.print_element("pkg", "absractionFile", "<==", "dynamic file")
# Create path :
debug.debug("create file : '" + java_file_wrapper + "'")
# Create file :
tmpFile = open(java_file_wrapper + "_tmp", 'w')
tmpFile.write( "/**\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @author Edouard DUPIN, Kevin BILLONNEAU\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @copyright 2011, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @license MPL-2 (see license file)\n")
tmpFile.write( " * @note This file is autogenerate ==> see documantation to generate your own\n")
tmpFile.write( " */\n")
tmpFile.write( "package "+ android_package_name + ";\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.util.Log;\n")
if module.get_pkg("ANDROID_APPL_TYPE")=="APPL":
tmpFile.write( "import org.gale.GaleActivity;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import org.gale.GaleWallpaper;\n")
tmpFile.write( "\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__IMPORT") != None:
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__IMPORT"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( line + "\n")
if module.get_pkg("ANDROID_APPL_TYPE")=="APPL":
tmpFile.write( "public class " + application_name + " extends GaleActivity {\n")
tmpFile.write( "public class " + application_name + " extends GaleWallpaper {\n")
tmpFile.write( " public static final String SHARED_PREFS_NAME = \"" + application_name + "settings\";\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__DECLARE") != None:
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__DECLARE"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
tmpFile.write( " static {\n")
tmpFile.write( " try {\n")
tmpFile.write( " System.loadLibrary(\"" + package_name + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " Log.e(\"" + application_name + "\", \"error getting lib(): \" + e);\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " \n")
if module.get_pkg("ANDROID_APPL_TYPE")!="APPL":
tmpFile.write( " public Engine onCreateEngine() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " Engine tmpEngine = super.onCreateEngine();\n")
tmpFile.write( " initApkPath(\"" + module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_TYPE")+"\", \""+module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_NAME2")+"\", \"" + application_name + "\", \"" + package_name + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " return tmpEngine;\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__CONSTRUCTOR") != None:
tmpFile.write( " public " + application_name + "() {\n")
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__CONSTRUCTOR"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if module.get_pkg("ANDROID_APPL_TYPE")!="APPL":
tmpFile.write( " public void onCreate() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onCreate();\n")
tmpFile.write( " initApkPath(\"" + module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_TYPE")+"\", \""+module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_NAME2")+"\", \"" + application_name + "\", \"" + package_name + "\");\n")
tmpFile.write( " public void onCreate(android.os.Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n")
tmpFile.write( " initApkPath(\"" + module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_TYPE")+"\", \""+module.get_pkg("COMPAGNY_NAME2")+"\", \"" + application_name + "\", \"" + package_name + "\");\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_CREATE") != None:
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_CREATE"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_START") != None:
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onStart() {\n")
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_START"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onStart();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_RESTART") != None:
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onRestart() {\n")
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_RESTART"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onRestart();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_RESUME") != None:
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onResume() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onResume();\n")
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_RESUME"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_PAUSE") != None:
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onPause() {\n")
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_PAUSE"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onPause();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_STOP") != None:
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onStop() {\n")
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_STOP"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onStop();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
if module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_DESTROY") != None:
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onDestroy() {\n")
for elem in module.get_pkg("GENERATE_SECTION__ON_DESTROY"):
for line in elem:
tmpFile.write( " " + line + "\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onDestroy();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( "}\n")
tools.move_if_needed(java_file_wrapper + "_tmp", java_file_wrapper);
# add java file to build:
## todo:
debug.warning("icon : " + module.get_pkg("ICON"))
tools.create_directory_of_file(target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/res/drawable/icon.png");
if module.get_pkg("ICON") != None \
and module.get_pkg("ICON") != "":
image.resize(module.get_pkg("ICON"), target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/res/drawable/icon.png", 256, 256)
# if must be copied befor as user data ... todo : check
debug.warning("copy a generic Atria-soft icon ...")
# to be sure that we have all time a resource ...
os.path.join(target.get_staging_path(package_name), "res", "drawable", "icon.png"),
256, 256)
if module.get_pkg("ANDROID_MANIFEST") == "":
# force manifest file:
module.set_pkg("ANDROID_MANIFEST", os.path.join(target.get_build_path(package_name), "AndroidManifest.xml"));
debug.debug(" create file: '" + module.get_pkg("ANDROID_MANIFEST") + "'")
if module.get_pkg("VERSION_CODE") == None:
module.set_pkg("VERSION_CODE", "1")
debug.print_element("pkg", "AndroidManifest.xml", "<==", "package configurations")
tmpFile = open(module.get_pkg("ANDROID_MANIFEST"), 'w')
tmpFile.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')
tmpFile.write( '<!-- Manifest is autoGenerated with Gale ... do not patch it-->\n')
tmpFile.write( '<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' package="' + android_package_name + '" \n')
if module.get_pkg("VERSION_CODE") == '':
debug.warning("Missing application 'VERSION_CODE' ==> set it at '0' (this can creata an NON update on android play store)")
module.set_pkg("VERSION_CODE", "0")
tmpFile.write( ' android:versionCode="' + str(module.get_pkg("VERSION_CODE")) + '" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:versionName="'+tools.version_to_string(module.get_pkg("VERSION"))+'"> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true" />\n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="' + str(target.board_id) + '" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:targetSdkVersion="' + str(target.board_id) + '" /> \n')
if module.get_pkg("ANDROID_APPL_TYPE")=="APPL":
tmpFile.write( ' <application android:label="' + application_name + '" \n')
if module.get_pkg("ICON") != None:
tmpFile.write( ' android:icon="@drawable/icon" \n')
if target.get_mode() == "debug":
tmpFile.write( ' android:debuggable="true" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' >\n')
if module.get_pkg("ADMOD_ID") != None:
tmpFile.write( ' <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version"/>\n')
tmpFile.write( ' <activity android:name=".' + application_name + '" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:label="' + module.get_pkg('NAME'))
if target.get_mode() == "debug":
tmpFile.write( '"\n')
if module.get_pkg("ICON") != None:
tmpFile.write( ' android:icon="@drawable/icon" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:hardwareAccelerated="true" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize"> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <intent-filter> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' </intent-filter> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' </activity> \n')
if module.get_pkg("ADMOD_ID") != None:
tmpFile.write( ' <activity android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.AdActivity"\n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/>\n')
tmpFile.write( ' </application>\n')
tmpFile.write( ' <application android:label="' + application_name + '" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:permission="android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER" \n')
if module.get_pkg("ICON") != None:
tmpFile.write( ' android:icon="@drawable/icon"\n')
tmpFile.write( ' >\n')
tmpFile.write( ' <service android:name=".' + application_name + '" \n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:label="' + module.get_pkg('NAME'))
if target.get_mode() == "debug":
tmpFile.write( '"\n')
if module.get_pkg("ICON") != None:
tmpFile.write( ' android:icon="@drawable/icon"\n')
tmpFile.write( ' >\n')
tmpFile.write( ' <intent-filter>\n')
tmpFile.write( ' <action android:name="android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService" />\n')
tmpFile.write( ' </intent-filter>\n')
tmpFile.write( ' <meta-data android:name="android.service.wallpaper"\n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:resource="@xml/' + application_name + '_resource" />\n')
tmpFile.write( ' </service>\n')
if len(module.get_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES"))!=0:
tmpFile.write( ' <activity android:label="Setting"\n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:name=".' + application_name + 'Settings"\n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Light.WallpaperSettings"\n')
tmpFile.write( ' android:exported="true"\n')
if module.get_pkg("ICON") != None:
tmpFile.write( ' android:icon="@drawable/icon"\n')
tmpFile.write( ' >\n')
tmpFile.write( ' </activity>\n')
tmpFile.write( ' </application>\n')
# write package autorisations :
if "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> \n')
if "CAMERA" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> \n')
if "INTERNET" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> \n')
if "ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> \n')
if "MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" /> \n')
if "READ_CALENDAR" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR" /> \n')
if "READ_CONTACTS" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" /> \n')
if "READ_FRAME_BUFFER" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER" /> \n')
if "READ_PROFILE" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PROFILE" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PROFILE" /> \n')
if "RECORD_AUDIO" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" /> \n')
if "SET_ORIENTATION" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION" /> \n')
if "VIBRATE" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" /> \n')
if "ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> \n')
if "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" in module.get_pkg("RIGHT"):
tmpFile.write( ' <permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( ' <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> \n')
tmpFile.write( '</manifest>\n\n')
# end generating android manifest
if module.get_pkg("ANDROID_APPL_TYPE") != "APPL":
#create the Wallpaper sub files : (main element for the application
debug.print_element("pkg", application_name + "_resource.xml", "<==", "package configurations")
resource_file_name = os.path.join(target.get_staging_path(package_name), "res", "xml", application_name + "_resource.xml")
tmpFile = open(resource_file_name, 'w')
tmpFile.write( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n")
tmpFile.write( "<wallpaper xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n")
if len(module.get_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES"))!=0:
tmpFile.write( " android:settingsActivity=\"" + android_package_name + "." + application_name + "Settings\"\n")
if module.get_pkg("ICON") != None:
tmpFile.write( " android:thumbnail=\"@drawable/icon\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " />\n")
# create wallpaper setting if needed (class and config file)
if len(module.get_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES"))!=0:
tools.create_directory_of_file(target.path_java_project + application_name + "Settings.java")
debug.print_element("pkg", target.path_java_project + application_name + "Settings.java", "<==", "package configurations")
tmpFile = open(target.path_java_project + application_name + "Settings.java", 'w');
tmpFile.write( "package " + android_package_name + ";\n")
tmpFile.write( "\n")
tmpFile.write( "import " + android_package_name + ".R;\n")
tmpFile.write( "\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.content.SharedPreferences;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.os.Bundle;\n")
tmpFile.write( "import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;\n")
tmpFile.write( "\n")
tmpFile.write( "public class " + application_name + "Settings extends PreferenceActivity implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener\n")
tmpFile.write( "{\n")
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onCreate(icicle);\n")
tmpFile.write( " getPreferenceManager().setSharedPreferencesName("+ application_name + ".SHARED_PREFS_NAME);\n")
tmpFile.write( " addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml."+ application_name + "_settings);\n")
tmpFile.write( " getPreferenceManager().getSharedPreferences().registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this);\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onResume() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onResume();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " @Override protected void onDestroy() {\n")
tmpFile.write( " getPreferenceManager().getSharedPreferences().unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this);\n")
tmpFile.write( " super.onDestroy();\n")
tmpFile.write( " }\n")
tmpFile.write( " public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences,String key) { }\n")
tmpFile.write( "}\n")
debug.print_element("pkg", target.get_build_path(package_name) + "/res/xml/" + application_name + "_settings.xml", "<==", "package configurations")
tools.create_directory_of_file(target.get_build_path(package_name) + "/res/xml/" + application_name + "_settings.xml")
tmpFile = open(target.get_build_path(package_name) + "/res/xml/" + application_name + "_settings.xml", 'w');
tmpFile.write( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n")
tmpFile.write( "<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:title=\"Settings\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:key=\"" + application_name + "_settings\">\n")
WALL_haveArray = False
for WALL_type, WALL_key, WALL_title, WALL_summary, WALL_other in module.get_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES"):
debug.info("find : '" + WALL_type + "'");
if WALL_type == "list":
debug.info(" create : LIST");
tmpFile.write( " <ListPreference android:key=\"" + application_name + "_" + WALL_key + "\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:title=\"" + WALL_title + "\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:summary=\"" + WALL_summary + "\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:entries=\"@array/" + application_name + "_" + WALL_key + "_names\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:entryValues=\"@array/" + application_name + "_" + WALL_key + "_prefix\"/>\n")
elif WALL_type == "bool":
debug.info(" create : CHECKBOX");
tmpFile.write( " <CheckBoxPreference android:key=\"" + application_name + "_" + WALL_key + "\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:title=\"" + WALL_title + "\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:summary=\"" + WALL_summary + "\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:summaryOn=\"" + WALL_other[0] + "\"\n")
tmpFile.write( " android:summaryOff=\"" + WALL_other[1] + "\"/>\n")
tmpFile.write( "</PreferenceScreen>\n")
if WALL_haveArray==True:
for WALL_type, WALL_key, WALL_title, WALL_summary, WALL_other in module.get_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES"):
if WALL_type == "list":
debug.print_element("pkg", target.get_build_path(package_name) + "/res/values/" + WALL_key + ".xml", "<==", "package configurations")
tools.create_directory_of_file(target.get_build_path(package_name) + "/res/values/" + WALL_key + ".xml")
tmpFile = open(target.get_build_path(package_name) + "/res/values/" + WALL_key + ".xml", 'w');
tmpFile.write( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n")
tmpFile.write( "<resources xmlns:xliff=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2\">\n")
tmpFile.write( " <string-array name=\"" + application_name + "_" + WALL_key + "_names\">\n")
for WALL_subKey, WALL_display in WALL_other:
tmpFile.write( " <item>" + WALL_display + "</item>\n")
tmpFile.write( " </string-array>\n")
tmpFile.write( " <string-array name=\"" + application_name + "_" + WALL_key + "_prefix\">\n")
for WALL_subKey, WALL_display in WALL_other:
tmpFile.write( " <item>" + WALL_subKey + "</item>\n")
tmpFile.write( " </string-array>\n")
tmpFile.write( "</resources>\n")
#add properties on wallpaper :
# my_module.add_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES", ["list", key, title, summary, [["key","value display"],["key2","value display 2"]])
# my_module.add_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES", ["list", "testpattern", "Select test pattern", "Choose which test pattern to display", [["key","value display"],["key2","value display 2"]]])
# my_module.add_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES", ["bool", key, title, summary, ["enable string", "disable String"])
# my_module.add_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES", ["bool", "movement", "Motion", "Apply movement to test pattern", ["Moving test pattern", "Still test pattern"]
#copy needed resources :
for res_source, res_dest in module.get_pkg("ANDROID_RESOURCES"):
if res_source == "":
tools.copy_file(res_source , target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/res/" + res_dest + "/" + os.path.basename(res_source), force=True)
# Doc :
# http://asantoso.wordpress.com/2009/09/15/how-to-build-android-application-package-apk-from-the-command-line-using-the-sdk-tools-continuously-integrated-using-cruisecontrol/
debug.print_element("pkg", "R.java", "<==", "Resources files")
tools.create_directory_of_file(target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/src/noFile")
androidToolPath = target.path_sdk + "/build-tools/"
# find android tool version
dirnames = tools.get_list_sub_path(androidToolPath)
if len(dirnames) != 1:
debug.error("an error occured when getting the tools for android")
androidToolPath += dirnames[0] + "/"
adModResoucepath = ""
if module.get_pkg("ADMOD_ID") != None:
adModResoucepath = " -S " + target.path_sdk + "/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/res/ "
cmdLine = androidToolPath + "aapt p -f " \
+ "-M " + target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/AndroidManifest.xml " \
+ "-F " + target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/resources.res " \
+ "-I " + target.path_sdk + "/platforms/android-" + str(target.board_id) + "/android.jar "\
+ "-S " + target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/res/ " \
+ adModResoucepath \
+ "-J " + target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/src/ "
#aapt package -f -M ${manifest.file} -F ${packaged.resource.file} -I ${path.to.android-jar.library}
# -S ${android-resource-directory} [-m -J ${path.to.output.the.R.java}]
tools.create_directory_of_file(target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/build/classes/noFile")
debug.print_element("pkg", "*.class", "<==", "*.java")
# more information with : -Xlint
# + java_file_wrapper + " "\ # this generate ex: out/Android/debug/staging/tethys/src/com/edouarddupin/tethys/edn.java
#generate android java files:
for element in module.get_pkg("ANDROID_JAVA_FILES"):
if element=="DEFAULT":
filesString += target.path_gale + "/android/src/org/gale/GaleAudioTask.java "
filesString += target.path_gale + "/android/src/org/gale/GaleCallback.java "
filesString += target.path_gale + "/android/src/org/gale/GaleConstants.java "
filesString += target.path_gale + "/android/src/org/gale/Gale.java "
filesString += target.path_gale + "/android/src/org/gale/GaleRendererGL.java "
filesString += target.path_gale + "/android/src/org/gale/GaleSurfaceViewGL.java "
filesString += target.path_gale + "/android/src/org/gale/GaleActivity.java "
filesString += target.path_gale + "/android/src/org/gale/GaleWallpaper.java "
filesString += element + " "
if in module.get_pkg("ADMOD_ID") != None:
filesString += target.path_sdk + "/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/src/android/UnusedStub.java "
if len(module.get_pkg("ANDROID_WALLPAPER_PROPERTIES"))!=0:
filesString += target.path_java_project + application_name + "Settings.java "
adModJarFile = ""
if module.get_pkg("ADMOD_ID") != None:
adModJarFile = ":" + target.path_sdk + "/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs/google-play-services.jar"
cmdLine = "javac " \
+ "-d " + target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/build/classes " \
+ "-classpath " + target.path_sdk + "/platforms/android-" + str(target.board_id) + "/android.jar" \
+ adModJarFile + " " \
+ filesString \
+ java_file_wrapper + " " \
+ target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/src/R.java "
debug.print_element("pkg", ".dex", "<==", "*.class")
cmdLine = androidToolPath + "dx " \
+ "--dex --no-strict " \
+ "--output=" + target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/build/" + application_name + ".dex " \
+ target.get_staging_path(package_name) + "/build/classes/ "
if module.get_pkg("ADMOD_ID") != None:
cmdLine += target.path_sdk + "/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs/google-play-services.jar "
return {"files":file_list}