/** @file * @author Edouard DUPIN * @copyright 2010, Edouard DUPIN, all right reserved * @license GPL v3 (see license file) */ //! [gale_sample_all] #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_VERTICES (0) #define GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_COLOR (1) class MainApplication : public gale::Application { private: ememory::SharedPtr m_GLprogram; int32_t m_GLPosition; int32_t m_GLMatrix; int32_t m_GLColor; float m_angle; ememory::SharedPtr m_verticesVBO; public: void onCreate(gale::Context& _context) override { setSize(vec2(800, 600)); m_angle = 0.0f; m_GLprogram = gale::resource::Program::create("DATA:basic.prog"); if (m_GLprogram != nullptr) { m_GLPosition = m_GLprogram->getAttribute("EW_coord3d"); m_GLColor = m_GLprogram->getAttribute("EW_color"); m_GLMatrix = m_GLprogram->getUniform("EW_MatrixTransformation"); } // this is the properties of the buffer requested : "r"/"w" + "-" + buffer type "f"=flaot "i"=integer m_verticesVBO = gale::resource::VirtualBufferObject::create(5); if (m_verticesVBO == nullptr) { TEST_ERROR("can not instanciate VBO ..."); return; } // TO facilitate some debugs we add a name of the VBO: m_verticesVBO->setName("[VBO] of basic SAMPLE"); m_verticesVBO->pushOnBuffer(GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_VERTICES, vec3(-0.5,-0.5,0)); m_verticesVBO->pushOnBuffer(GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_VERTICES, vec3(0,0.5,0)); m_verticesVBO->pushOnBuffer(GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_VERTICES, vec3(0.5,-0.5,0)); m_verticesVBO->pushOnBuffer(GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_COLOR, etk::Color(etk::color::red)); m_verticesVBO->pushOnBuffer(GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_COLOR, etk::Color(etk::color::green)); m_verticesVBO->pushOnBuffer(GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_COLOR, etk::Color(etk::color::blue)); // update all the VBO elements ... m_verticesVBO->flush(); TEST_INFO("==> Init APPL (END)"); } void onDraw(gale::Context& _context) override { m_angle += 0.01; ivec2 size = getSize(); // set the basic openGL view port: (position drawed in the windows) gale::openGL::setViewPort(ivec2(0,0),size); // Clear all the stacked matrix ... gale::openGL::setBasicMatrix(mat4()); // clear background etk::Color bgColor = etk::color::yellow; bgColor.setA(0.75); gale::openGL::clearColor(bgColor); // real clear request: gale::openGL::clear(gale::openGL::clearFlag_colorBuffer); // create a local matrix environnement. gale::openGL::push(); mat4 tmpProjection = etk::matOrtho(-1, 1, -1, 1, -2, 2); // set internal matrix system: gale::openGL::setMatrix(tmpProjection); #if 0 vec3 vertices[3]={ vec3(-0.5,-0.5,0), vec3(0,0.5,0), vec3(0.5,-0.5,0) }; etk::Color color[3] = { etk::color::red, etk::color::green, etk::color::blue }; #endif if (m_GLprogram == nullptr) { TEST_INFO("No shader ..."); return; } //EWOL_DEBUG(" display " << m_coord.size() << " elements" ); m_GLprogram->use(); // set Matrix : translation/positionMatrix mat4 projMatrix = gale::openGL::getMatrix() * etk::matRotate(vec3(0,0,1),m_angle); mat4 camMatrix = gale::openGL::getCameraMatrix(); mat4 tmpMatrix = projMatrix * camMatrix; m_GLprogram->uniformMatrix(m_GLMatrix, tmpMatrix); #if 1 // position: m_GLprogram->sendAttributePointer(m_GLPosition, m_verticesVBO, GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_VERTICES); // color: m_GLprogram->sendAttributePointer(m_GLColor, m_verticesVBO, GALE_SAMPLE_VBO_COLOR); #else // position: m_GLprogram->sendAttribute(m_GLPosition, 3/*x,y,z,unused*/, vertices, 4*sizeof(float)); // color: m_GLprogram->sendAttribute(m_GLColor, 4/*r,g,b,a*/, color, 4*sizeof(float)); #endif // Request the draw od the elements: gale::openGL::drawArrays(gale::openGL::renderMode::triangle, 0, 3 /*number of points*/); m_GLprogram->unUse(); // Restore context of matrix gale::openGL::pop(); } void onPointer(enum gale::key::type _type, int32_t _pointerID, const vec2& _pos, gale::key::status _state) override { /* TEST_INFO("input event: type=" << _type); TEST_INFO(" id=" << _pointerID); TEST_INFO(" pos=" << _pos); TEST_INFO(" state=" << _state); */ } void onKeyboard(const gale::key::Special& _special, enum gale::key::keyboard _type, char32_t _value, gale::key::status _state) override { TEST_INFO("Keyboard event: special=" << _special); TEST_INFO(" type=" << _type); TEST_INFO(" value=" << uint32_t(_value)); TEST_INFO(" state=" << _state); } }; //! [gale_declare_main] /** * @brief Main of the program (This can be set in every case, but it is not used in Andoid...). * @param std IO * @return std IO */ int main(int _argc, const char *_argv[]) { return gale::run(new MainApplication(), _argc, _argv); } //! [gale_declare_main] //! [gale_sample_all]